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What am i doing?

I have been allowing myself pretzels every night. My surgery was in January. I have lost 106 pounds. I have to stop eating these pretzels. I never had a stall once in all these months - until 3 weeks ago when I started eating this snack. Now the scale has been stuck. I can't believe I have done this to myself. I stayed away from carbs for 7 months. Why would I do this? I have to stop - right now. Jesus please help me. Please help fight the urge to snack. I don't want this surgery to be all for nothing. I have been feeling so guilty and ashamed. I don't ever want to be fat again. Jesus, please hear my prayer.




33 more

I have 33 more pounds to go to goal!!! 135 ---> COMING TO GET YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!   WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO




What a Moment

Going to a party today where I will see people that I haven't since Christmas. My surgery was in January and I have lost 96 pounds. At Christmas my skirt/pant size was a 24. Tops were 24 to 28 or XXXL.   My sister bought me an adorable skirt and a sexy slamming blouse. Skirt size ---> 6 !!!!!!!!!!! The blouse is a plain MEDIUM. I cried and so did she. I kept looking at the tag on the skirt like it had to be wrong.   What a moment. I feel liberated and I feel like I have finally won the battle. I have no regrets going through with this operation. I am very glad I didn't have the bypass or the band. I feel very healthy.   Happy girl!! Have a good day everybody.




Week 20

I have completed 19 weeks of life after a sleeve gastrectomy. I am soooo happy I had this surgery and so far - I have no regrets.   I have lost 87 pounds in 19 weeks. I truly believe that I could never have lost this amount of weight without the surgery.   Life is better. In many ways. However, my husband and I need to readjust our relationship a bit. I think after a little more time we should   work out our issues. I want my weight to get to 140 pounds. So I have about 38 pounds to go and it feels so attainable.   I know I will reach that goal. And it won't be long. My personal goal is to reach that weight by the end of summer. I have June, July,   and August. So - I will lose 12.5 pounds each month. And this fall I will be living a dream come true. 140 pounds. WOW.   I don't have too much loose skin yet. My arms are seeing the worst of it -and it really is not too bad yet. And---it is way   more awesome than having fat arms.




9 week update

I am 9 weeks post -op and I am really starting to get excited. I am allowed more food than I am eating right now-- but the scale keeps moving down so I am going to stick with what I am doing. At Christmas I weighed 284. Just before my surgery (January 14, 2013) I weighed 264. I wish I had measurements but I never took them. Today I weigh 210. So since surgery I have lost 54 pounds. FEELS AWESOME. Can't wait to see how it feels to lose the next 54.   I have not shopped yet for any new clothes and I think it is time. Everything is really baggy. I was trying to wait for the god forsaken weather to get warmer. I do not really want to buy winter clothes because by next winter I will be even smaller. And for the first time in my adult life- it will be soo fun to buy spring and summer clothes -- I hope.





MISSING SUBWAY TODAY. I used to go to subway 3 times a week. I would kill for an italian BMT on italian herbs and cheese bread. I hope these cravings go away. I don't want to fight this battle my whole life.   Anybody ever have a sub post-op? What month?




Scared to eat

I am stuck in a rut eating very small amounts of food. I am actually afraid to eat because I do not want to stretch the new stomach. I still drink 2 protein shakes a day. I have a little bit of yogurt for lunch. And some days that is it. The scale doesn't move as much and I know it is because I am not revving up my metabolism like I should. Can't wait to get passed this and be able to eat a small plate of food. My surgery was January 14, 2014. Any body else go through this?




sleeve fail?

I have heard many stories on people regaining weight with gastric bypass and the band. I really don't hear to much about people regaining a substantial amount with the sleeve. Is there anybody on here that has had the sleeve and gained back more than 15 pounds???





I am now 5 weeks post-op. I follow the guidelines strictly and have lost a total of 38 pounds. I am looking so forward to this summer and all the traveling and camping. Being obese always hampered my excitement for these trips.   I want to know from all the post-op folks who drink alcohol---- how long after operation did you drink - what did you drink--and how much??? Did you have any trouble with side-effects?   I am hoping for many responses. Thank you.




Sweet Valentines

My first "holiday" post-op. I have realized even more so - how food was a part of all celebrations. My husband and I didn't plan to go out for Valentine's Day because our youngest is sick. So how to make this day special without centering on food. Wow. Pretty hard for me. Every idea that popped into my head started with some special snack. I could make heart shaped cake...no.....or cup cakes with pink fluffy frosting....no. A fancy dinner with sauces and bread...no. Quite frustrating. What could we do to make it feel like a fun day-- but without the focus being food?? And I am not at stage where I can enjoy alcohol yet. Really looking forward to that! :-)   Well I decided to make spaghetti for my husband and our two little boys. And a salad. Nothing special- just an ordinary dinner for the family. I had low fat ; low carb; high protein pureed food.But to the table - I added pink, red, and white candles. And a valentine at each place setting. When dinner was over we decided to go crazy with the boys making Valentines for all the grandparents and aunts and uncles. Sugar-free red jello for dessert- boys loved it.   I got through it. No cheating on the bariatric diet. I focused on the atmosphere of love and the memories of the night. I felt fulfilled and happy. To be honest- I am surprised I feel that good. Of course I miss the annual pig-out at the favorite dining place and the big ole box of chocolates. But this year - what I take from Valentines Day is a beautiful card and gift from my husband. Warm memories making valentines with our boys. And knowing the scale will for sure be one pound lighter in the morning. Nothing "sweeter" than that. Happy Valentine's Day everybody.





Ok - I have to ask. How long before you are getting busy in the bedroom post-op? I am a bit embarrassed to ask - but I really want to know how long people wait after surgery. Or how long they don't wait. And any serious discomfort?




Not Brain surgery

When I went through my pre-op diet I was hungry, irritated, and seriously reconsidering what I was about to do. I decided that if I could not get through what my surgeon wanted me to do before the surgery - exactly- that I was not mentally ready for weight loss surgery. I did it. I never strayed from the guidelines and I lost 12 pounds and felt really good about it the night before my surgery.   I know so many people personally that "try to beat the system". They figure out what they can get away with eating. Then they are stunned when the scale stalls or shows pounds gained. This surgery does not control what is brought to your mouth. For only a short time will it control how much of that food goes to your new stomach. This surgery is a great tool to give me a chance to break the cycles of bad habits. I haven't had fast food (pizza, McDonalds, Subway............) since January 6, 2013. Of course I miss it. But I will never give them a dime of my money again. I feel betrayed actually. All the money I have wasted on that garbage food- and in return I get 100 plus pounds of excess weight to carry.   I am not going to try to see what I can get away with. I am serious about getting healthy. So the only foods I eat will be what the bariatric surgeon says I can. High protein/ low fat and low carbs.   Mentally I have created an atmosphere for success. I go to support groups once a month for weight loss surgery. And I go to overeaters anonymous and I have a behavior therapist to visit 2x month. Matters of weight take place in the mind and this surgery does not take place in your head.




Waiting to be seen

Wow - I am so tired of being invisible to people.SERIOUSLY. I weigh 230 pounds. Too big to be missed. Today a man held the door open for the thin lady walking just in front of me into a convenient store. (They were not together.) Then he lets the door go right as I am about to pass through. He looked me right in the eye. Are you kidding me? I became so irate. It was a definite -want to eat a pizza trigger!!!!!!! (I didn't.) This scenario has happened hundreds of times to me over the past 15 years. How rude. This is just one example of how ignorant people can be. At gatherings - I could be the biggest girl in the room - but nobody can see me. Ironic. It is like if they look at me - they may catch the fat disease. And then - there is the line -you have a beautiful face. Oh my god- how about a simple "You are beautiful".   Sorry everybody - just needed to vent to people that would understand.   I am so happy I had this surgery. I will train my little boys - that every woman deserves to have a door held open for them. And that men and women deserve to be seen - no matter where they are or how big they are.




Almost 4 weeks post-op

I sure am feeling pretty good about things so far. I have lost 35 pounds since my surgery. I follow my surgeon's dietary guidelines to the letter and make sure I get 64 oz of H20. Way harder getting that water in than I thought it would be.   Mental state of mind will be the key. We have all heard that a million times. So far- my biggest struggle is making meals for our 2 little kids and my husband. The smell of any food cooking simply makes me want to eat. Now I have started to ensure that before I do start meal prep- I eat yogurt or oatmeal. That way I am not starving. I have one more week on pureed foods. Week 5 I move up to soft foods.   A huge benefit for the whole family now is nobody gets fast food. I have realized that at least 3 to 4 times per week - I was buying fast food for the family. Whether it was breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Not good. But the changes are in motion. And this "little" family will be so much healthier.




1 week post-op

Well finally I have arrived at a date that I had to fight for. After one and a half years - I had my vertical sleeve surgery and am now 1 week post-op. At first, I took several months gathering my information so I could make my best informed decision. And then had to appeal my insurance company's original decision to deny coverage for me. Went through all the pre-op process and testing - and now I am on my way!!!!   I have 1 more week to go through for the liquid diet phase. I really do not mind it right now. I certainly am missing food. However, this surgery will give me the opportunity to break all my bad habits. In the process, I will be able to truly determine what all my triggers are and change all of my daily habits with food.   Looking forward to lots of blogging as I run through this next year---to my best life ever.



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