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So I have to say, vacations are not good for weight loss! I did go to the gym 5 times, but I wasn't as strict with the type of food I was eating. I missed the structure of a work week! Although I am two pounds up from my lowest weight (191), I am two pounds down from my doctor weigh in on Tuesday (195). I am right in the middle at 193. I am okay with that. However, I am 100 percent back on course today! My doctor did not give me a fill again. It's the second time in a row. I had lost 8 pounds since my last appointment and he thought that was enough. My weight loss has slowed down so I wanted one. I do not feel as if I'm in the green zone. Sometimes I know I could eat more, but I stop myself. Other times, I feel the resistance from the band. I still throw up sometimes. It's the weirdest thing! I guess I'm still trying to figure things out! I am starting week 8 in the couch to 5k program. Never thought I'd make it this far. I am super proud of myself! I am now down to a size 14...started at a size 18/20. It's just so crazy to think about! I love shopping now. I find cuter things for a lot cheaper now. I love to go dancing now too. I'm actually a really good dancer (I say this in surprise, not to toot my own horn). Guys pay a lot of attention to me now. Now that I've said all that, I have to also say, that attention is not what I'm after. As you can probably tell from my previous blog, I don't like it at all! The guy I've been quasi dating, liked me before I started losing any weight. He doesn't know about the surgery (yet) but I plan on telling him should he ever decide he wants to commit to me. It's amazing how much my life has changed in less than 5 months! Well that's it for my update for right now! :-)




Too Much Attention And Stranger Rudeness

I am a customer service representative at a bank. I see the same people quite frequently. I have to say, that I am getting sick and tired of all the comments/questions/and attention coming my way because of the weight loss! I don't mind responding to these types of things when it's coming from friends, but from people I barely know?? I can't stand it! I have people grilling me on how I lost the weight, asking me what size I'm wearing, how much weight I've lost etc etc. I know this may seem odd to some of you, but I just don't like it. Why can't people just say I'm looking good and leave it at that? But noooo....An elderly woman commented on my weight loss today. I don't even know who she is! And she was like "How did you do it?" Not "how are you doing it?" like she suspected I had surgery or something. I don't tell strangers about the surgery, so I just responded that I was counting calories...which isn't a lie because I am! She then proceeds to give me a look like she didn't believe me and then was like "It makes you look pretty." Ummm excuse me? I know, I know, some of you might be thinking that this is a compliment. I believe that I was pretty before my weight loss. Now I'm just healthier AND pretty! It upset me and pretty much put a downer on the rest of my day. All of this from someone I don't even know! She wasn't even a regular customer! I've also had people tell me I need to buy new clothes...well DUH!! Sorry guys, I just need to vent this out. Does anyone else feel the same way? Some women may be soaking up the extra attention, but not me. It just makes me uncomfortable. Like I said, I don't mind a simple compliment, but I've discovered that people can rarely leave it at that. I'm just frustrated. I feel like a day can't go by where I don't get into a conversation about how I've lost the weight. Okay...I'm done now. Excuse this rant! Haha.




Super Bowl Regret

I can honestly say that yesterday was the worst day food wise since I've gotten the band! I had chips and a slice of pizza. I wanted to cry yesterday. I have been SOOOOO strong! But today is a new day and I'm as focused as ever. I actually lost 1.8 pounds since Saturday but just knowing I gave in to temptation really bothers me. Hitting the gym like a demon today! I go back for my second fill tomorrow. I've lost 11 pounds since my last one, so I think my doctor will be happy with my progress. I'm hoping to be at 200 pounds (preferably 199) by the end of this month. Only 14-15 pounds to go! Ahhh! It's a lot to hope for, but I'm hoping with this fill and me working my butt of at the gym, that it can happen.




Stuck? And An Update!

Okay since Wednesday, I have had two throwing up episodes. The first time was salad. This morning it happened again. I apologize for the TMI but I really want to know if this is the norm. I had about half an omlette, chewed and ate slowly. I started to feel uncomfortable in my chest area and next thing I knew, I was running to the bathroom. The food came up like balls and lots of slime came out too. I'm assuming this is normal. I'm a bit confused because I did what I was supposed to and I really didn't eat that much at all. Obviously, I did something wrong but I'm not sure what. Even though this part of the band is gross, it makes me super excited to know that it's working!! Also, it felt so much better after I got it out. As an update, I was in a wedding last night. It was a lot of fun and I received lots of compliments. I hope to have pictures later. I was too busy to take any myself, but I'm sure others have some. I felt soo pretty and the dress was really flattering! This band has made me feel so much better about myself and I am grateful for that. Oh, and I also caught the bouquet for the first time ever!! And I danced my behind off (good exercise!). Anyways, I hope everyone has a great weekend!!





Well I'm down 45 pounds as of today! Super psyched!! I'm starting to think of something I can do to reward myself once I reach 50 pounds lost. I was thinking a slice of pizza but maybe that's not the best thing to do haha. So I was wondering what you guys did to reward youself once you met a goal? 50 pounds is my first goal, being under 200 is my second, 100 pounds lost is my third, and then goal weight of 145 pounds.There are a few things on my wishlist (i.e. new iPhone and the Nook) so maybe I'll just buy myself something I want. So excited!!





So as I'm sure we all know, the Holidays can be a little rough for those of us with the band...especially for those of us who just STARTED with the band. I just began regular food on Tuesday. I understand the phrase "bandster hell" because although I've been staying below 800 calories, I'm so super conscious of everything I put in my mouth!! I have yet to feel restriction but most of the time (depending on the portion size) I force myself to only eat half the meal. It can be mighty frustrating. I've been doing what I'm told and eating really slowly, chewing well, and I've noticed that I only get half way through my meal by time my friends are done (I've been out to eat twice now). This works because when they are done, I just stop and get the rest boxed up. So now I have leftovers that are also in a good portion size. Last night was my work Christmas dinner and I just kept praying the waitress would hurry up and bring me my box so I could stop looking at the delicious food on my plate. I just knew I could finish eating it, but I was holding myself back. This part stinks because I feel like I'm on a diet. I also had to stop myself from eating the bread and the salad that came with the meal...as well as dessert afterwards!! Although I am proud of myself for holding back, I have not lost anything all week. Nor have I lost any inches (I measure myself once a week). Yes, I do realize this can be normal, but I still feel like I'm torturing myself to get little or no results. I have lost 10 pounds since surgery on November 21st, so I shouldn't be complaining, but I also believe all my good decisions and restraint should show for something!! I'm just trying not to get discouraged. Also, to be honest, I have yet to start exercising. I was told to wait 4 to 6 weeks, yet I see a bunch of people on here exercising sooner than that. I haven't even walked for fear that I would damage something. Well, even though now I realize I probably didn't have to wait this long, I'm going to start walking next week, and then join a gym 2 weeks after that. I'm hoping this helps with the weight loss! I really just want to lose at least 3 more pounds before January 3rd (my next doctors appointment and possibly my first fill). I am glad that I have not GAINED weight since I started back on regular food. That's probably due to my miraculous restraint lol. Anyways, that's my rant for this week. Tune back next week for all new ones! Haha!!




Picture Update

Figured I'd post a couple of pictures...they are not good ones at all. I don't think the side shot is accurate. The shirt I'm wearing flows out so it looks like my belly is making it do that, but it's really not lol. I figured I need to keep pictures posted somewhere so I can visualize my progress. Anyway, these pics are me at 225.




Picture Update

Pictures of my Easter dress (the blue one) and a dress I bought for a wedding next month (the multi colored one). I'm so excited! I fit into an XL from Forever 21!




Passed First Goal!

Well I am now down 51 pounds! Sooo happy! Life is going great and I'm unbelievably happy. I recently started the couch to 5k program on Monday. The first time, I thought I was going to die. However, I did it for the second time yesterday, and it was noticeably better. I am really trying to focus on breathing and it's helping. I also purchased the Fitbit. To be honest (and I know this is not the opinion of most) I probably should have just saved my money. It hasn't been helping me with anything really. I think it's interesting to look at the numbers, but that's all. Oh well! Well, not much of an update, I know, but I don't like to let too much time pass without a post! Hope this finds everyone well. Have a blessed day!




Ok So Far

So even though I have not lost anything in two days, I KNOW I'm doing what I'm supposed to do. I can't feel bad about that. It is possible I'm losing inches (I will check on Saturday and compare) or maybe one of these days, a whole bunch of pounds will drop. But I don't feel guilty. I haven't done anything wrong and I'm following the program as I should. It's actually easier than I thought it would be. I haven't really been hungry between meals so I'm glad about that. Yesterday I had 558 calories and the day before, only 426. Today will probably be in between that. The pureed stage does not suck. I haven't had any problems and haven't thrown up even once. That may change once I progress into regular food again, but I'm hoping it doesn't. I'm actually looking forward to eating less! I make sure to take time in between bites (swallows) and wait to listen to my body. I usually burp or hiccup when I'm done. I really appreciate my body letting me know! At first I was like, what the heck! I don't even feel full! But that's backwards thinking...I don't NEED to feel full, I just need to feel satisfied. And I was! And on so little too! I am sooo excited about this journey! I know my blog from yesterday was a bit over dramatic but I'm not normally like that. This is what my food schedule will be today   8:30: Half a greek yogurt I usually have my SF carnation instant breakfast in between meals, but I ran out of it and milk. Have to go grocery shopping tonight. If I get hungry before lunch or dinner, I'll have a spoon full of ricotta cheese. 1:30: About 5 tablespoons of refried beans mixed with a little bit of fat free sour cream and weight watchers shredded cheese 5:30: Same as I had for lunch 8:00: Maybe some Sugar Free hot chocolate   Hope everyone has a nice day!! Please feel free to add me as a friend on Myfitnesspal. My sn is legnarevocrednu




No Exercise

I don't have much to update on right now. I just wanted to mention that so far I've lost the 40 pounds with no exercise what so ever. I know, it's absolutely horrible! I could make a gazillion excuses, but I won't bother. I'm realistic enough to know that the weight loss WILL slow down so I definitely need to jump on the work out wagon. I am joining the local gym on Friday. It has been an expense issue for me up until now, but I have to do it! I've run out of excuses and it's just time to get a move on. My doc still doesn't want me lifting until after my next appointment. I was a little surprised at that but oh well. I don't mind just doing the treadmill and such. It's better than nothing!




I Beat It!

First, I want to apologize for all my whining last week. It was the first time I hadn't seen the scale move since I started this whole process. Anyways, I am completely ecstatic this morning! After weighing in at 219 Friday morning and feeling down, this morning I weighed in at 215!!! It's soooo awesome! I took the weekend off from the gym and I guess my body just needed to do some catching up. I had hoped to be at 215 today, and it's a miracle that I am lol. I literally jumped up and down and did a little dance in the bathroom. I even checked it twice to make sure I was looking at it right. I'm going back to the gym today, and this week, I'm not going to whine if I don't see the change on the scale because I know that the weight is going to come off as long as I'm persistent! Thanks so much for everyone's encouragement and kind words. I don't know how I would be getting through this process if not for this site and the people on it. On a personal note, my love life is going in a really positive direction. After being single for 27 years (yes, that would be my whole life!) I have finally found someone who appreciates me for who I am, enjoys being around me, and likes me as much as I like him. It's taken us a while to get to this point, and even though we haven't reached the relationship stage yet, I feel as if it's going in that direction. I have lots to smile about today! Adding some updated pics of me at 215 pounds!




Gym=No Weight Loss

Since November 11th, I have been losing about 4 pounds a week on average. A week ago, I joined the gym. I have gone a total of 6 times since then. This is the first week I have not lost ANYTHING since surgery. It really makes me upset. I thought starting to work out would help with my weight loss but it seems to be doing the exact opposite. Are there any medical reasons for this? Am I gaining muscle maybe? Retaining water? As you will see in my previous post, I have been eating more on gym days because I felt like I needed the extra calories because I would be burning calories. But maybe that's not the right thing to do. I have not once gone over my calorie limit either. I'm taking off from the gym tomorrow. I'm hoping when I weigh myself on Monday, I will have beat this little plateu. If I haven't, I'm going to have to do something. Sooo frustrating! I feel like I'm busting my butt at the gym for nothing




Gym Success!

So I started back at the gym Friday night! I am sooo happy! I went Friday night, Saturday and Sunday morning. I have a routine down now. I can't do much (as I just started out) so I do 15 minutes on the treadmill to get warmed up, 15 minutes on the bycycle, 15 minutes on the eliptical, then another 15 minutes on the treadmill. I'm happy to report that between Friday morning and this morning, I have lost 3 pounds!! It's so awesome! I'm going to go 5 times a week for an hour. I hope to eventually get up to 30 minutes on the eliptical as that thing kicks butt (almost literally!). I won't be working on any strength exercises until I get the approval from the doctor. My next appointment is February 7th. I'm definitely going to want another fill (although I've lost 7 pounds since my last one on January 3rd) because even though I'm not over eating and I don't feel hungry between meals, it's only my own restraint that's keeping me from eating everything I want. I have zero restriction right now. But I suppose that's normal. I've only had one fill. Anyways, that's my update for now! Don't forget to add me on myfitnesspal. SN is legnarevocrednu Thanks!!




Guilt :(

You know that miraculous restraint I mentioned in my previous blog?? Well, scratch that! I caved yesterday. In my defense, I was sick. I skipped breakfast (I know, BAD!), then had 4 or 5 tortellenies(sp) from the healthy choice soup and threw the rest away. About two hours later, I took some meds to help with my horrible cold and the headache that came with it. 45 minutes later, I was throwing up muccus (I apologize for the TMI). It was awful! It was the first time I had thrown up since surgery and I am so nervous that it hurt something. I was at my moms and had such a horrible taste in my mouth, that I grabbed the first thing I could find and ate it...which happened to be a chocolate rice krispy treat. That was the first thing I've had sweet since surgery. That wasn't the only thing I had either but I won't bore you with the details of the day's menu and my bad choices. I did still manage to stay under my calories, but they certainly weren't GOOD calories! Then this morning I get to work and the post man brings in a Harry & David treat basket! I feel like crying. I had one chocolate covered cherry (50 calories) and that's all I'm planning on having. I didn't have breakfast yet again (not on purpose, I thought I had something in the fridge, but I didn't). I feel like crying! It's funny because I helped throw a bridal shower on Sunday and there were sooo many yummy treats but I didn't cave then! I didn't even have the baked zitti (which I LOVE!). I had 4 meatballs. 2 for Lunch, 2 for dinner. I actually skipped breakfast that day too. Totally not like me. Also, another bad thing I've been doing, is taking a sip here and there either right before and/or right after eating. It's not a lot. Just sips. I feel like it's really unrealistic to not drink anything at all an hour before and an hour after eating. I'm trying my best and most of the time I succeed, but I just can't help myself. I know I just need to jump right back on the band wagon. I've proved to myself I can do this. I just hate this feeling of guilt!! I hate feeling like I'm on a diet. Oh and another interesting story! I went to pick up a friend from the airport and we stopped at Cheesecake Factory on the way back. The cool thing about that place is that they tell you how many calories is in EVERYTHING and they have a separate menu for people who are trying to eat better. Anyways, I ordered the crab bites (suuuuupppperrr yummy!!! and only 400 calories!) and a peach smoothie (300 calories). My friend that was with me told me I needed to eat more...that I was starving myself. I thought that was hilarious! Actually, that was the most calories I've had since surgery (counting my breakfast and lunch that day). Miraculously, I lost weight over the weekend. 1.2 pounds to be exact. Very odd. I have a feeling my bad behavior from yesterday will catch up to me though. I pray it doesn't, but these things have consequences! I also heard that we are having pizza delivered as a Christmas gift to us on Friday. I love pizza! I just want to cry :*( I'm afraid I'm starting to become obsessive and psychotic about food. I didn't want that. I don't want to be weird about this. I just want to be NORMAL!! Anyways, that's today's rant!!




Goals And Problems

Okay so I literally JUST realized that I am one pound away from losing half of what I need to lose! OMG! That's a crazy thought! In less than 4 months!! I hope to keep going at this rate, but I'll be realistic. I know weight loss tends to slow down as you go along. On top of that, I have 4 more pounds to lose to finally be under 200. That's totally awesome. I love my band so much! I mentioned in the title "problems." Some of this is TMI, so if you don't want to read it, you can click out. However, I wanted to share to see if anyone else has experienced something similar. I often found myself stuck on in the bathroom trying to have a BM. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. This morning, it was for 40 minutes and I was unsuccessful. LOL. Sorry, I have to laugh or I'll realize how disgusting this really is. Anyways, I was late to work by 15 minutes because of my issue. This isn't the first time either. It's just kind of ridiculous. I eat prunes and I've been trying to drink more water. I'm trying to take the natural route before I implement any kind of medicine. Tomorrow is my next fill appointment. My doc usually leaves me the option to choose whether I want a fill or not. As always, I'm not sure! I usually fill out a chart, but honestly, that doesn't really help. It asks me what I eat. I purposely choose not to eat sweets, pastas and bread, so me checking no on that doesn't necessarily mean I don't need a fill. It just means I know how to make better choices. Anyways, last week, I did get stuck a little bit and had to throw up. Also, Saturday, I was not able to finished my broiled crab cake. I've also lost 12 pounds this past month. However, there have been meals where I know I could have finished it if I wanted to. Meaning, no restriction. I still feel restriction every so often, but not enough that I feel completely confident in telling my doctor I don't want a fill. I am leaning more towards getting the fill. The way I see it, if I'm too tight, I'll just go back for a little unfill. I want consistent restriction, not hit or miss. Oh I've also noticed that I haven't been as hungry or been thinking about food as often. I have to remind myself to eat sometimes. Just my rambles! Feel free to chime in with any opinions or advice on anything I mentioned. Thanks!!




First Week After First Fill (and Another Picture Lol)

Okay so this week has taken a lot of adjustment for me. Although I still haven't felt restriction, I definitely am feeling SOMETHING when I'm eating. A tightness in the chest area. I've posted about this on the board, so this may be a bit repetitive to those of you who have read that. Anyways, I've decided to let it go for now. It's not painful, it's just uncomfortable. If I still feel it at my next appointment, I'll let my doctor know. For now, it's bearable and I've lost 3 pounds since Tuesday so I'm good with that! lol. As far as hunger goes...very little. I felt my stomach growl for the first time since Tuesday at 11PM last night while I was laying in bed. It was not pleasant but I just ignored it and went to sleep. Yesterday I had a SF Carnation Instant Breakfast, my refried beans recipe for lunch (about 1/2 cup) and for dinner, about an ounce of halibut which I chopped up real good and it took me about an hour to eat lol. I would think that would have been enough but I guess not!! I also want to give kudos to myfitnesspal! I am in LOVE with that app and I truley believe it's part of the reason I've lost so much weight without restriction. It helps keep me accountable for everything I put in my mouth. Also, seeing my progress is encouraging. If any of you would like to add me on there, my sn is legnarevocrednu. The picture I'm attaching is a body shot of me in my bridesmaids dress (wedding is a week from today). Again, crappy quality, but I think the dress looks well on me! I'm 35 pounds down as of today and couldn't be happier!




First Fill!

So I went to the doctors office yesterday for my first fill. Actually, I wasn't sure if I would get a fill or not as I've lost 19 pounds since my surgery. However, I told him I had yet to feel restriction so he gave me a fill anyway. 4 CC's. He had to feel around for my port for a few seconds, I felt a pinch, and then it was over. Painless. It took me about 20 minutes to drink 4 ounces of water though. I could literally feel the water going down which is a really weird feeling. I was told to follow the post op diet, 1 day per stage as tolerated. Last night I had chicken broth and I sipped it slowly and it went down okay. This morning I'm drinking my carnation instant breakfast and it's taking a while. I can DEFINITELY feel a difference. Not that I'm going to be sick. Just that I can feel everything. It's very odd. I'm hoping it passes because not sure how I'll manage real food at this point. Everyone was real happy with my progress. I am too! The band is a wonderful tool! Just gotta work it!




First Date Went Well!!

I'm pleased to report that the first date went well last night. Although, not sure if I could actually call it a date because he didn't pay. But that's okay. We played three games of bowling (which I severely kicked his butt in all 3!) and then we sat and talked for well over an hour. He hinted that he wanted to hang out again. He also texted me later to tell me what a nice time he had. I'm hoping it's a good sign! I felt very comfortable with him and we had tons to talk about. I haven't seen him in 14 years (since grade school) and he added me on facebook a couple of weeks ago. So, guess I'll see how this plays out! Either way, it was fun!




First Date After Lapband

So, tonight I have my first date after having lapband surgery. To be honest, I haven't had a date in a very long time. I'm excited and a little nervous. I purposely asked that we go bowling instead of out to eat or something because I didn't want the guy to think I'm weird. He can think that later if he wants lol but first impressions matter! I'm sure some of you can relate, but men don't normally pay attention to me. Not quite sure why. I don't think I'm disgusting to look at (even with the extra weight) and I'm not a psycho or a weirdo. I have decent self esteem (I have my issues but everyone does). But for some reason, I just haven't done well in the men department. So tonight is like starting a whole new venture for me. It may not lead to anything with this specific guy, but I still feel as if I'm taking a step in the right direction. I am down 36 pounds as of today. People are constantly remarking on how "skinny" I look. That's obviously not true, but it makes me happy. Anyways, I'm posting a couple more pics of me at 222 pounds! Don't forget to add me on myfitnesspal SN: legnarevocrednu




First Blog!

I have a lot running through my mind right now so figured I'd just blog about it. I had surgery on November 21st and everything went smoothly. As of yesterday, I had lost 21 pounds (including pre op diet). I KNOW I'm not supposed to weigh myself every day, but I can't seem to help myself! So today I weigh myself and I've gained a pound. Yesterday I started on pureed but all I had was a SF Jello Temptations (60 calories), 2 SF Carnation Instant Breakfasts, and SF Applesauce (60 calories). I don't see how I could be gaining weight considering I got less than 300 calories yesterday! I know I'm being completely psychotic about this, but it's stressing me out. Lots of people on here say they didn't lose any weight or they even gaines some once they started eating again. I feel like as long as I'm staying within my calorie limits, I should still be losing! Maybe tomorrow will be different and I would have lost again but now I'm scared to eat what I had planned to today. I'm hoping I'm eating the right way. Here is what I'll be eating today.   8:30: 1/4 of Greek Yogurt 11:00: SF Carnation Instant Breakfast 1:30: Try to finish the yogurt 3:30: SF Carnation Instant Breakfast 5:30: FF refried beans (which I'll probably get less than 5 bites out of) 8:00: SF Hot chocolate   I feel like that's a good eating schedule and I shouldn't be gaining weight with or without the band by eating this way. I really wish I wasn't flipping out about this so soon after my surgery. I know I have to be patient. I'm going to work on that :/   Anyways, I had my surgery follow up appointment yesterday. It went very well. He said everything looked well and I made an appointment for my first fill (well that depends on how much I've lost) for January 3rd. He was extremely happy at the amount of weight I had lost thus far. I guess I should be happy about that. I'm now at 40.1 BMI. That's sooo awesome! Anyways, please excuse my rambles and freaking out. I just had to rant.




Eating On Gym Days

So I need some opinions here. On the days I go to the gym, I eat a lot more. Around 1000 calories or so. I eat almost every 2 hours...it seems and sounds like a lot! I do that because I usually burn at least 400 calories at the gym, leaving me between 600 and 700 calories. Is this the right way to do it? On days I don't go to the gym, I just stick to my 3 meals a day and eat every 4 hours. On those days, I try not to go over 800 calories. I always feel guilty for eating so much on gym days (all healthy things though...with a focus on protein). I figure if I didn't eat more, I'd probably be left with less than 400 calories for the day and that just doesn't seem right. Sooo....what do you think?




Doctor Said No Fill :-/

At my appointment yesterday, my doctor decided I did not need a fill. I had lost 12 pounds in a month. I'm extremely nervous now! I told him that sometimes I felt restriction, but sometimes I don't. It's not consistent. And the reason I've been losing weight is because I watch my portion size, stay away from pasta and bread, and work out like crazy. I just feel like a lot of pressure is on me now. I have to be even more careful. I don't think I'm in the green zone yet. I go back next month, and if needed, he will give me another fill. However, he said if I keep losing at the rate I have been, I will only have to see him once every other month instead of every month. That's kinda cool because it costs me 25 bucks every time. Has anyone else been told they didn't need a fill even though they knew they weren't in the green zone? I probably could have asked for one, but I figured I'd see how it goes. It's only a month!




Bad, Bad Weekend...but Some Good News!

Okay so this weekend, I was a mess. I didn't eat much, but for the first time since surgery, I drank alcohol. Not just one or two, but 5 drinks! I am NOT a drinker! I went out with a friend dancing, and I was hoping the dancing cancelled out the alcohol but who knows. I shouldn't have drank that much. I have no excuse for it other than the guy in my life upsetting me and I just needed to have some fun. I won't make that mistake again. I'll try to find another way to release my frustration! Also, last night, I ate some things at my moms that I shouldn't have. Sooo much guilt! :-( Anyways, besides all that, I lost almost a pound over the weekend bringing me to exactly 50% of weight loss. Meaning, I'm half way there! And in only 4 months! I still only lost less than 2 pounds in one week. That's below my average so I'm a little worried. It's probably due to the over consumption of alcohol. Uuggghh! I'm worried my weight loss is starting to slow down. I've still been working out really hard (4 to 5 times a week) and I'm doing the couch to 5k. I start my 4th week of it today. I really like that program! I'm hoping to lose at least 5 more pounds by the end of this month. Anyways, back on the wagon today! Hoping to lose another pound or two by Thursday!




A Month To Form A Habit

I recently responded to someones post about this and thought it would be a good blog topic. This is something I heard quite a while ago that has stuck with me. Any time I am struggling to change something, I remember this saying. In this instance, it has to do with the gym. I do NOT like the gym. I don't like the crowds, seeing people I know (I work at a local bank, and I know half the people there), feeling like people are looking at me etc, etc. I just don't like it! However, I signed up telling myself that if I could do this for one month, then I'm good. Why only one month? Because I know that if I could be consistent with one month, than I obviously have it within me to make it a habit. And guess what? A month has come and gone, and I'm still going strong! I have left myself with no excuses. If I ever stop going, it will be because I gave up. I AM NOT GIVING UP! I love the results I've seen even in this short span of time. The positives obviously outweigh the negatives. I have lost 54 pounds in less than 4 months. See this as an encouragement to you! If I can do it, anyone can do it!



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