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40 lbs !!!

I have been seriously working out at the gym with my sister while she is here and it has paid off. I am down 40 pounds and loving every minute of it. This last fill has been a little challenging but I think if I focus on eating small bites and chewing really well it will work to my advantage. I am not as hungry as I used to be. The biggest challange is going to be figuring out what to do with my kids while at the gym....it has a nursery but just last week my nephew got conjuctavitis there....YUCK!! I started this journey at size 22/24 3x 255 pounds and now I am a 215 pounds 16/18 1x or even XL at times!!! If I had more money I would buy myself all new clothes. Until then, I'll have to invade my mothers closet! Thank God she has good taste!:biggrin1:




small dinners

This week I have been eating cereal or yogart for dinner and it seems to be working for me. I got on the scale this morning and it said 221! I really hope to be in the teens by next week. I wish I had a personal light a fire under my a$$ person :flame: who could motivate me to excersise more. But, I am very happy today and feeling good about my weightloss.





So far so good, I'm down another 3 pounds and very happy. Total weightloss is 33 pounds. I just bought a size 16 dress at Macys yesterday and it fit great.....shopping is fun again! I scheduled another appt. in june for a second fill. The first fill did close to nothing. Still, I am thrilled with my marvelous band!




4 pounds down= 30!!!

I couldn't believe it! I got on the scale today yet again thinking it would say 229...again .....which it has for the past 4 weeks, and then low and behold ....225!!!!!!!!!!!!! I yelled and woke up both kids but it was worth it! I feel so re-energized and motivated again. I LOVE LOSING!!!   I bummed about Lakeisha on American Idol.....it should have been Blake.





:angry MY SCALE STILL HASN'T MOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:angry I have really been watching what I eat and I have even been walking with the kids but still, nothing. I do feel a difference in my clothes though. I am very comfy in clothes that used to feel like control top pantyhose.:biggrin1:




first fill and nothing

Yesterday, with much excitement, I got my first fill. I am very disapointed though:( . I don't feel any different. As I was about to leave the doctor said that all I need to eat is a portion of the size of my thumb. I really don't think that is going to happen. I'm not sure if I should call them back and let them know that nothing has changed.....I'll give it a week. Its such a bummer because it is quite a production to get into Boston and coordinate it with someone taking care of my two babies. I really want to make this happen and I really don't want to feel this disapointment. I have read that some people have had to get 4 fills in order to feel any restriction! Oh please let this work for me without waiting months before my special "tool" kicks in.




Change is hard on me

With my cup of coffee in one hand and baby on my knee this morning I logged onto LBT.com with the horror of all the changes that have been done. At first I was frustated but after thinking it over I figured that someone .....someone I don't even know....is doing this to better the sight.....for free. I realized that I am very lucky to have this sight to come to day after day and meet all you wonderful people without even spending a penny on it. I thank you who ever you are who is doing this....I don't mind change but I think next time I'll hope to have had my coffee first to deal with it!




Feeling pretty!

I am happy to say that yesterday as I got ready to go to a bridal shower, I took one article of clothing out of the closet and wore it comfortably. It might sound like no big deal but in my past...it would take me trying on about 7 or 8 different outfits in order to feel OK with what I am wearing. I wore a shirt that I brought on my Honeymoon in 2003! I bought these pantyhose shorts things that work like a girdle....they are called Spanxs....and man are they awsome! If anyone has the lower portion problem.....as I like to say bountiful buns and thighs, these Spanxs shorts are great.




Challenge anyone?

I lost 1 more pound today. It might sound tiny but it is a huge accomplishment to me after the week I have had. I need to start getting in on all those goal date challenges I have seen on this site. If anyone knows of any that are about to start let me know!:nervous




Encouragment Needed!

I am about 7 weeks post surgery and I am feeling a little ....I don't know....down maybe. I am happy that I got the surgery but I really don't feel much different. My weight loss is at a plateau and I am getting hugrier than ever. I haven't had a fill yet so I don't know exactly what that is going to do for me. I really hope it takes the huger away....I am so ready to lose more weight!




new- whey

I just recieved my new whey liquid protein shots and...Yay....I can do this! Each 3 oz. vial contains 42 grams of protein! I got the fruit punch and it is really good! I thought that I would need to add it to water but it is ok to drink by itself. Even though I could drink it down it 2 seconds, I am going to have 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 at night because I read on one of the threads that the body can only absorb 20 somthing grams of protein at a time.   Just a little personal note, Today I polished the wood work on the walls with lemon pledge and decided to do the whole house pretty much and now, my floors are like ice....both my 2 yr old son and I have to pretty much crawl on our hands and knees to get around the house. What did I do? I just thought I was getting a good workout in my arms and now we can't even walk in our own house! OOOOPS!!:faint:




leg crossed!

I got on the scale this morning and to my surprise the scale said 230! I want to be excited but I'm so afraid tomorrow it will go back up to 234. But for now I am pretty proud of myself. I still have not made it to the gym.....I know....bad...bad...bad!:phanvan Tomorrow is my apt. for that stupid sleep study follow up, I will not wear a mask I tell you, even if they say I need it. OK, this happend yesterday.....I went to put my sock on and without thinking of it I crossed my leg. It didn't sit perfectly but I have not been able to leave my leg crossed without any serious effort for about 4 yrs! :clap2:




baby steps

After 2 weeks of being at the same weight I finally lost one more pound. I hope to lose some more this week. I have been recording my food intake on a little dry erase board that I bought my son. Ok, personal issue resolved. I have been not so regular since 2 weeks after the surgery. I have found this Vita rasberry lemonade water with 5 grams of fiber in it and it seems to help....I really think that I the water intake helps too. Yesterday was the first day in about 2yrs that I actually opened up my closet and was excited to find what to wear for the day. Usually I stand there looking at all the clothes that are going to make me feel so uncomfortable and unattractive. I am loving my band even though at this point, I feel like I am doing all the work. I hope once I get my fill it will be a little easier. Once again, thank you all you other bandsters out there for all the support and advice. If I didn't have you all, I would be lost!:hail:




Why can't I get to the gym?

I don't know why, but all week I have mentally convinced myself that everything else is more important than going to the gym. I know the scale won't move if I don't work out. NICOLE>>>>GO TO THE GYM!!!!!




scale hasn't moved

OK, its been over a week and a half and still no weight loss. I would really love to lose 30 pounds by May1st. If I step it up with more excercise maybe I can do it. I really want my Moms jaw to hit the floor when she comes home from florida. :bored




Real Food Finally

Yesterday I went to the Nutritionist and she gave me the go ahead to eat real food with the exception of a few things. YAY!!!! I cant take another cup of soup. Last night I have about a 1/4 cup of grilled chicken ann about a cup of salad with a spooonful of feta cheese. I was in heaven. My poor husband was trying to have a conversation with me and all I could think to myself was......BE Quite and let me enjoy this moment!! Im feeling great! Hardly any pain at all and now all my clothes are getting really loose on me. I am wearing jeans today that I haven't worn in years. I wish I didn't sell all my "smaller" clothes on ebay last year!




another 2 pounds!

I did it! I am now at 235.......I started out at 255. That is 20lbs! :clap2: When I think of it, its the same weight as my 8 month daughter and she gets really heavy. I am so excited, I haven't been this weight since before I had my son in 2004. Not to toot my own horn but TOOOOOOOOOT!!! On another note, I hate hate hate this weather. I am so sick of this New England weather. We were all snowed in yesterday. Anyone from Miami want to trade homes? hee hee:D




A brand new day

I'm feeling better today. Dr. Jones said the pain is probably from the sutures being too tight. The pain should go away within a month. Thats fine with me....I just don't want to have to go through surgery again! I walked 3 miles yesterday with my 2 yr old. It was so beautiful out. Iwish today wasn't raining because I would do it again.   Just a little note: I was right behind a 16 wheeler that tipped over on the highway yesterday in Boston. I am very thankful that nothing happened to me and my family. It was just a little wake up call on how quickly anything can happen if you are not careful. Thank you guardian angles!




1 egg = 14 grm of fat!!!!!!

No wonder why the scale is staying still, I have been having a hard boiled egg every day and I just found out on Caloriecounter.com that the fat grams are 14 for each egg. Guess I won't be doing that again.:omg:




A little pain

I'm still having a little pain when I bend over or turn the wrong way. It is like a ping of pain if that makes any sence. I hope I didn't hurt anything when I coughed the other day....I have also been lifting up my 30 pound son and my 20 pound daughter. I think I will try to take it easy for the day. I made an aptt. with the Dr. tomorrow. My biggest fear is that he has to re-operate. I don't know if I could deal with that again. Wish me luck tomorrow. Hopefully like I read in one of the threads, it will just go away in a couple of days.




Two weeks already!

Two week Bandiversary! The scale hasn't moved since last week and I feel like I have eaten a fraction of what I used to. I really hope to lose a total of 20 pounds before my next apt. I hope that when I get my first fill I won't want to eat as much. It will be nice to eat some real food. Yesterday I coughed really hard and now the port area incision really hurts. I hope I didn't tear any sutures. My goal today is to get some excersise in....maybe a walk at the mall with the kids. I'll have to walk fast past Gloria Jeans and pass on the Malted Mocha coffeee shake that is my usual pre surgery. Boo!




Truckin' along

Last night I had a get together with all my friends over and I made such a beautiful meal and I couldn't have any of it. Stuffed peppers with pinole nuts, tomato basil and buffulo mozerella salad , and tiramisou for desert. To top it off, I couldn't even enjoy a glass of wine to deal without eating. I just spooned in my soft boiled egg and sipped on my special K protien water. I am so proud of myself though because that tiramisou looked nice and soft....soft enough to splurge on without any complications but after they all left I shoved it in the garbage. My husband was not very happy about that but Oh well, he needs to lose a little weight too. The scale has been stuck at 238 for about 5 days now....I want to start going to the gym again tomorrow to see if I can lose some more before my first post-op visit with the DR.




post op 10 days

Its been 10 days since the surgery and I am feeling a hell of a lot better. The only thing that really bothers me is the incisions. My queesiness is gone and I'm starting to get the hang of this 3rd stage diet. I found out that the funky taste in my mouth and dry tongue are from somthing called ketosis. It is when your body is burning stored fat it happens usually on liquid diets. I was told it will go away when I start eating normal again. I am starting to get so excited about losing weight. Every time I put somthing on.....I am so used to it feeling so snug and restrictive, but I am serious when I say.....it is so loose already. I have lost 17 pounds on my scale at home. I have to start thinking about going to one of the support meetings. I wouldn't mind meeting some local people going through the same thing.   It took all my willpower not to taste the Pizza at Chuck E Cheese when I took my son out the other day.




I hate stage 3

I am very unhappy with the list of foods I am allowed to have. I feel either really hungry or really full. There is no happy medium. Physically I feel much better...I think my problem was that I was dehydrated. It gave me a headache and made me very tired. Please God, help me through these next few weeks. It is going to be very hard.



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