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:thumbup:My journey with the band - On my way to the 2nd part of my life!

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Menu today   Bfast coffee with 1TBSP coconut milk, 10 drops fo capella flavor drops (vanilla custard) 1/2 grapefruit with stevia and cinnamon, 1 Wheat melba toast   Lunch chicken baked and stuffed with spinach and sugar free/fat free marinara sauce over it. Yum.   Snack 1 apple sliced and peeled with 1/2 lemon squeezed over it   Dinner Chili made with extra lean beef, 1 melba toast and extra onions over the top, 1 sliced tomatoe with salt & pepper   Exercise - still too sore from working in my garden over the weekend. whew, can barely sit on the toilet without screaming out in pain. I'm getting to old for this, lol.




23 mo band anniversary

Consultation with Doc 11/24/06 - 248.9 Surgery Date 1/18/07 - 226 1 mo post op (Feb 18)- 206.8 2 mo post op (March 18) - 198 3 mo post op (April 18th)- 193 4 mo post op (May 18th)- 184.2 5 mo post op (June 18th(- 178 6 mo post op (July 18th)– 174 7 mo post op (Aug 18th)- 178 - went on vacation and ate big (7 day cruise) 8 mo post op (Sept 18th)- 174 9 mo post op (Oct 18th)- 170 10 mo post op (Nov 18th) - 167 11 mo post op (Dec 18th) - 170 - haven’t even been trying 12 mo post op (Jan 18th 2008)- 174 - again, not trying. But finally refocused - exactly where I was at 6 mos post op – so basically no weight loss in the past 6 mos 13 mo post op (Feb 18th) - 183 - Ouch! started taking steroids and made my weight go up, along with not eating right and no exercise! 14 mo post op (March 18th)- 185 - grrrrr 15 mo post op (April 18th)- 180 - weight is finally going down, but inches are actually coming off faster since I've been exercising a lot. 16 mo post op (May 18th)- 178 17 mo post op (June 18th)- 175 18 mo post op (July 18th)- 179- still not focussed:sad: 19 mo post op -(Aug 18th) - 178 - focussed again - This time I am committed to getting to goal and will not stray! I do not ever want to see the 180's again! 20 mo post op (Sept. 18) - 171 - :rolleyes2: 21 mo post op (Oct 18) - 168 22 mo post op (Nov 18) - 169 - I am focussed and doing good, but need to get back to exercising. I want to hit 160 by year end. 23 mo post op (Dec 18) - 166 - only 6 more pounds to get to my goal by year end. I don't think it will happen, but I will continue to try.





Scale was up today, not sure why, but more than likely its because my body is fighting me getting lower....well, I will win this fight!   I also need to drink all my water today, did pretty good yesterday on my water, but not good enough!   Today's menu:   Bfast coffee with 1 TBSP cream and capella drops melba toast strawberries mixed in magic bullet with a little stevia, made a jam out of it and spread on my melba toast   Lunch chicken breast stuffed with spinach   Snack apple   dinner bison asparagus   Exercise treadmill




Fill #11 may be too tight

I just went for fill #11, He took out my previous stuff, and I only had 2.4cc's instead of 3.9, so not sure why I had so much less?   He filled me up to 4.0 cc's, this is where I usually have problems, so I'm trying to stick it out, but I think I am too tight. I PB'd on some liquid and some soft peaches.   I am so tired of trying to get this restriction, I think I will ride it out for the rest of the day and barely sip on liquids and see how that goes.




Notes to myself

Rules of the Road What you need to know about living with the band By Robin McCoy When you begin the decision-making process to have Weight Loss Surgery (WLS), and specifically LapBand® Surgery, it is vital that you fully understand the changes you must make in your lifestyle. WLS is not a magic pill. Weight loss is something that you must work at to be successful. There are several rules and circumstances that someone who has undergone LapBand® Surgery, a “Bandster,” must follow and understand to see success and have a high quality banded life. Drinking Before and After Meals Not drinking during meals is, by far, one of the most important things to learn and is vital to your weight loss success. It is also one of the most challenging. Stop drinking all liquids at least 30 minutes before your meal. This allows all that is in your pouch to drain through to the lower stomach. Therefore your pouch is empty when you eat allowing the food to fill you up properly. Forgo all beverages during your meals. Drinking during a meal flushes the food through your band and the band is unable to function properly. Most people will have 2, 3 or even 4 glasses of liquid with meals. Servers in restaurants, trained to keep customers happy, will keep beverage glasses full throughout the meal. This is unhealthy for bandsters and sabotages their success. State firmly and clearly that you do not want a beverage. From personal experience, I know the often bewildered looks that follow the statement: “nothing to drink for me,” but diligence is the key. Like most changes required after the LapBand® procedure, not drinking with meals gets much easier with time. Having now lost over 100 pounds, I no longer have difficulty asking my server not to bring me a beverage! Do not drink for an hour after a meal. The main reason is the same as drinking during your meal. Liquids wash the food through the band defeating its purpose. Another reason not to drink after a meal is if your pouch is full the beverage might not have anywhere to go…except backwards resulting in a spit-up. Suffice it to say that food and liquids making a return visit is not satisfying. By starting this practice immediately, at the next meal, you will be well on your way to a successful banding experience. Smaller Bites. More Chewing. Slower Eating. Begin to recognize and understand what a Bandster Bite is. At your next meal look at your bite size. Look at the amount of food on your fork and remember it. Now, cut that bite in half. This is the Bandster bite size after surgery. Now, cut that bite in half. This is the size of a Bandster bite after the first fill or adjustment. After each fill the bite size will get smaller until the bandster is eating toddler-sized bites. The reason for this is so the bite can be chewed completely to a liquid before swallowing. The next point is chewing. It is very important that food is completely chewed. Before swallowing ensure the food is a liquid. As the weight loss progresses the opening from the pouch to the lower stomach will be getting smaller. Therefore the food needs to be chewed more thoroughly. If a piece of food is too big to go through the stoma, or opening, it will get "stuck". This can be very painful. Slower eating becomes inevitable. Eating too fast encourages bigger bites. The bigger bite means the food isn’t chewed properly and it can get stuck. As a Bandster with over 18 months in, I still find myself falling into this trap. I get excited, chatting with friends and just forget to pay attention. A Bandster’s Eating Order Lap-Band patients have a specific order in which to eat their food. It is important that there is enough protein in the diet to keep the bodies moving properly. Therefore, the protein should be eaten first. WLS patients need 40-60 grams of protein every day. This can come in a variety of ways. Protein shakes, cheese, fish, beef, chicken, soy. The challenge comes when only certain foods can be tolerated. Also, it is important that the protein is a “hard” protein (chicken, beef, and fish) if possible. It shouldn’t all come from protein shakes and cheese. The vegetables should be eaten second, and carbohydrates/starches last (if there is room). Proteins last longer in the pouch and take longer to process through the band allowing you to feel full sooner and maintain satiety longer. Hard proteins are the most difficult for a Bandster to consume. The hard proteins need to be more moist, more tender and chewed more completely than any other type of food. Generally speaking, proteins are the foods that get “stuck” most often and cause spit ups. This happens because the bite isn’t small enough and/or, because the protein hasn’t been chewed sufficiently before swallowing. For the record, beef is generally the most difficult food for Bandsters to eat. Beef is one of the most difficult foods for humans to digest. It can take several days for a piece of steak to actually work its way through the digestive track. And that’s on an un-banded person! So, if you eat a piece of steak and it isn’t chewed it up completely, it can sit in the pouch for an extended amount of time. Further, the stomach acids that help an un-banded person process beef are not present in the pouch and therefore are not there to help the body break the beef down. Remember each and every person is different so you will have to test your own waters. Some Bandsters have no trouble with beef whatsoever; others won’t go near it. From personal experience I know that each Bandster will figure out what he or she can or cannot tolerate through trial and error. Trust me when I say that tolerances change; one day ground beef is fine and the next you realize it isn’t any longer. You must be willing and able to adapt to sudden changes in your body’s ability to process certain foods. The Constant Quest for Restriction; Not enough vs. too much Restriction. No one can really describe it but everyone wants it. You have restriction when your band is adjusted to the point where you can eat 3-5 bites of well-chewed food and you are full. When this happens you have what is called good restriction. You are too loose, or open, if you don’t feel full after just a few bites. You are able to eat more on a consistent basis than before. Maybe your weight loss has slowed or stopped. This is when it is time for a fill, or adjustment, in your band. You are too tight when you can eat very little solid food or worse—none at all. If you are so tight that only liquids go through your band or you are spitting up too often this is too tight. If you can’t keep liquids down this is a medical issue and you must get some removed. You run the risk of becoming dehydrated. Being too tight is not a good thing! Not only are you not getting the nutrition your body needs to function properly but it can also bring on a slippage in your band. If this happens you will require minor surgery to repair it. Now that you know a little about what restriction is, let’s get a little deeper. There are three points to learn: 1. The first thing to understand is that every banded person feels restriction differently. So to compare yourself to others is difficult. 2. Also the amount of fluid in the band and the stomach’s reaction, or restriction, to it is a varied as the Bandsters reading this now. Everyone’s stomach is a different size and reacts to the band differently. It is fine to compare fluid levels but don’t get too caught up in “I have this and they have that”. 3. Finally, your level of restriction can change day to day. It can change meal to meal in some cases. You are now asking, “How in the heck do I deal with that?” My answer is trial and error and learning about your band. Let us go back to the beginning. Immediately after surgery you will feel restriction. The surgeon usually doesn’t put any fluid in your band during the surgery. The restriction you feel is the swelling of your stomach and it’s adjustment to the band that has suddenly been wrapped around it. You won’t get your first fill until 4-6 weeks after surgery. You will be on clear liquids and they will fill you up quickly for the first few days. Then they will stop filling you up you will begin to feel hungry. About this time you will be allowed to eat mushy foods like mashed potatoes, creamy soups, etc. You will find that you eat just a few bites and you are full. This is great! Who knew a ¼ can of soup would be enough? This is going to be a piece of cake. It isn’t going to last. Shortly this won’t satisfy and you will be moving on to solid food. That feeling of restriction comes back. A slice of turkey and you are stuffed! This doesn’t last either. At about 4 weeks, sometimes earlier, you will start to feel hunger again. You feel like you are eating everything. Your weight loss has slowed or stopped. You start to freak out. “Where is my restriction?!” you cry. This is a difficult time but one that every Bandster gets through. Just be patient and let yourself finish the healing process. Watch what you eat and know that you are not eating anywhere near what you were pre-band. The unfilled band supplies a certain amount of restriction and you won’t hurt your progress. Your first fill will bring you back to the restriction point right after surgery. You will eat a few bites and feel full. You will start losing weight pretty quickly. You want to make sure you are eating your protein first, vegetables second and any starches last. This will ensure satiety. This fill will usually last several weeks. Then it starts to loosen up. Your second fill is the one that usually kicks a Bandster in the butt. This is where they learn what not chewing thoroughly and taking bites that are too large can do. And so it goes. Some Bandsters need one fill others need more. I had 4 over the course of the first year. I heard of one woman that lost 80 pounds on her first fill. This is why I stress not comparing yourself to your banded friends. It brings on frustration and we have spent enough time in our lives comparing ourselves to others. Now is the time to stop. One of the largest environmental factors that make our band feel tighter is stress. I never truly understood what Bandsters were talking about when they said stress was tightening their band. That is until I started the process of buying a house. The stress of the pending inspection and what they might find had my band so tight I was barely eating. My band was so tight I cancelled my fill appointment. Let me say right now that I learned from this experience and you need to make sure you are getting the right vitamins in to ensure your health. I wasn’t in any danger but I was very tired and was bruising like crazy! Well, the inspection went well. I got my house and my band opened back up. Food started going through more smoothly and I started eating better. Other environmental factors can be tiredness, excitement, sadness, or just the fact that it is morning. Many Bandsters find they can’t eat until after 11 AM every day. I don’t know if this satisfies your curiosity of what restriction is or what you are to do with it. I do hope you understand that everyone is different and it is a learning process. You will learn what it feels like for you to have good restriction and when your band is talking to you. Being “stuck” and “spitting up” As WLS patients we have a few fun words we use. Some are nice and some are not. You will hear “PB” which means “Productive Burp”. I prefer the simple term “spit up”. What does “stuck” mean? Stuck means that what you have eaten won’t go through the opening between your pouch and lower stomach. This is called your “stoma”. The bite is too big to go through (meaning you didn’t chew it enough), it isn’t something that moves smoothly through the band (lettuce), or you just ate too darn much. When a bite of food goes through your esophagus and hits your pouch it has one of two places to go…through the band or back. If all is well it will go through with no problem either now or later. If it can’t make it to the pouch or through the stoma it will result in a spit up. Understand that this is something that will happen to you and to every bandster out there. Call it a side-effect or whatever you like but it will happen. The questions are what causes a spit-up, what it feels like, what to do when it happens, and how to avoid them. Remember, things can change day-to-day, heck even meal to meal. This is the nature of the beast. Frustrating? Yes. Small price to pay? I think so. What causes a spit up is easy. The bite it too big, you took one or two too many bites, you didn’t chew properly, or it is simply a food that you can’t tolerate right now. It is up to you to determine which of the above it true. Trust me… you will learn to determine this. What does if feel like? You will know. The best way I can find to describe the feeling is when you drink a big gulp of water and it goes down with air. You get this pain in your chest that makes you feel like something is going to bust out. That is what it feels like when something is stuck. It can be minor or it can hurt like a son-of-a-gun. Some bandsters say their bodies tell them when they are finished eating and need to stop. Some Bandsters start to salivate which is their body’s way of washing the food through. Some, me included, get a heavy sigh or exhale; this tells us we are full. Don’t worry; you too will learn to read what your body is telling you…even if you don’t now. What should you do when it happens? Stop eating is the first thing. It doesn’t matter if it is your first bite or your fifth. A spit up is your body’s way of telling you that you are full. This is your band in full-alert. It is telling you that you are done and to put the fork down. Many times you can stop eating and just wait it out. Until you are used to it you might get the “deer in the headlight” look. Soon you will just adjust. If it doesn’t go away then you need to deal with it. Dealing with it means excusing yourself and heading to the bathroom. A spit up is just that. I compare it to a baby spit up. It should never be what you classify as vomiting. This is hazardous for a Bandster and should be avoided as it can cause slippage. There is a very large difference in spit ups and vomiting. How to avoid them? Well, that comes with experience and a willingness to acknowledge when your “food police” tells you to stop. Very quickly you should learn when your band tells you to stop. I found that after my 2nd fill my band was at attention and told me when I was full. This is when I experienced my first spit ups and found foods that I could no longer tolerate. One of the most difficult things to get your mind around is just how little you will be eating. Your band tells you that you are full but your brain engages and says, “You haven’t eaten nearly enough!” So you take that extra bite or two. Then there it is…the feeling in your chest…your eyes get big…and saliva fills your mouth. The biggest point I want to get across to you is that, while normal, spitting up is not necessarily a good thing. You don’t want to be doing it every day and certainly not every meal. If this is happening you need to take a good look at what you are eating, how big your bites are, how much you are eating and to what level you are chewing. Be aware at the beginning and it will become more of a habit soon enough. Surgery Is Not a Magic Pill Surgery is not the magic pill we have all been waiting for. You will not wake up thin. You must be willing to meet the band half way. You will lose weight at a different pace than your friends. You must change your behavior for this to work. It is a tool—and nothing more. An electric mixer is easier than mixing by hand but you still have to follow the recipe for the cake to taste good. Right now you should be asking yourself one question—“Am I ready to go the distance?” It can be a joyful journey with the highest of highs. Moments that are so thrilling and uplifting that you don’t think you will ever come down. It is also a frightening journey as we venture into unfamiliar territory of who we are and where we are going. You are not going down this path alone. There are many Bandsters ahead of you on this path that are ready to help you along the way and take you with them to the next level. So I ask, “Are you ready to go the distance?”




Anniversary Weigh In - Not that great

Highest weight - November - 2007 248 Banded 1/18/07 1 mo post op (Feb 18)- 206.8 2 mo post op (March 18) - 198 3 mo post op (April 18th)- 193 4 mo post op (May 18th)- 184.2 5 mo post op (June 18th(- 178 6 mo post op (July 18th)– 174 7 mo post op (Aug 18th)- 178 - went on vacation and ate big (7 day cruise) 8 mo post op (Sept 18th)- 174 9 mo post op (Oct 18th)- 170 10 mo post op (Nov 18th) - 167 11 mo post op (Dec 18th) - 170 - haven’t even been trying 12 mo post op (Jan 18th 2008)- 174 - again, not trying. But finally refocused - exactly where I was at 6 mos post op – so basically no weight loss in the past 6 mos 13 mo post op (Feb 18th) - 183 - Ouch! started taking steroids and made my weight go up, along with not eating right and no exercise! 14 mo post op (March 18th)- 185 - grrrrr 15 mo post op (April 18th)- 180 - weight is finally going down, but inches are actually coming off faster since I've been exercising a lot. 16 mo post op (May 18th)- 178 17 mo post op (June 18th)- 175 18 mo post op (July 18th)- 179- still not focussed:sad: 19 mo post op -(Aug 18th) - 178 - focussed again - This time I am committed to getting to goal and will not stray! I do not ever want to see the 180's again!  





Wow, its been a month since I posted? I should be ashamed of myself.   Whats new, well, shoulder is still not healed, and really struggling these days to even get any exercise in. Well, to be honest, I haven't exercised in awhile, and I finally made it back to the gym last night. I am not lifting weight since I have an injury but I am doing cardio.   Eating has been on and off. We went on vacation July 4th week and that started me down the bad path. It took 3 weeks for me to quit eating bad and get back on track.   I am finally back on track and trying to get back to exercising.   I guess I just a break from everything, eating right, exercising and blogging. I'm refocussed again and will start blogging again. It holds me accountable.   Bfast - protein shake Lunch - FF tuna salad with 4 crackers Snack - grapes (red seedless) Dinner - roasted chicken and fresh tomatoes snack - Skinny Cow ice cream bar   Exercise - 30 min on elliptical machine.   wt - this morning 162.9 grrrrrrr





Well, things are rolling along, I'm doing great, then what happens? Well, I start to sab0tage myself. I go on an eating binge that last approximately 5 days. Man, old habits are hard to break!   I will say, since the band, my binges are less frequent, however, the band has not stopped my binge eating. I am not able to binge on as much food pre band, but let me tell you, I can still hold my share of eating. Not that I eat a whole lot, I guess what I do now when I binge eat is eat the wrong stuff. I ate about 2 pieces of Tres Leches cake - yum.   I guess I should be happy that all I was able to eat was 2 pieces. Pre band - I would have eaten at least 1/2 the cake. Now, thats not all I ate during my bings, everytime I would eat - I turned to sugar, instead of my good protein. It was a vicious cycle. I don't know what is wrong with me sometimes.   But, because of eating the WRONG stuff, the scale has not moved. Also, when I binge eat, I figure, why exercise, so I don't even exercise.   Enough of my talk, enough of being down about it, so I got rid of the cake, and headed to the gym last night and I just got back from the gym today. So, I'm over my binge eating for awhile. And over whatever made me snap and go crazy.   My question to myself is WHY? Why do I do it? I'm doing so great then all of a sudden somthing snaps inside of me and I go completely CRAZY with food. Why? For the life of me I cannot figure it out.   They say people eat because of emotions, but I can't figure out what emotions are causing me to eat. I have a wonderful marriage of 20 years, two beautiful children and my life is for the most part is perfect. Or at least, its perfect for me.   My dad was going thru an ordeal, he almost died in November, however, he had two surgeries and pulled thru wonderfully. The binge eating didn't even start until a few weeks AFTER his ordeal. I held myself together and made good food choices when he was going thru his ordeal, so not sure why all of a sudden, when things are good, I go crazy.   So, this is something that I must work on. I must be good to myself and quit trying to destroy all the work that I've done to get to my weight.   Well, my goal was to weigh 160 by end of the year. In order to do that, I need to lose 2.5 lbs every week until the end of the year. Can I do it? Darn right I will!   So I am making a promise to myself that I WILL be good to me. I WILL NOT binge eat. I WILL go to the gym, and I WILL do everything in my power to reach my goal. I deserve it and I'm worth it.   Now, how is that for self talk. :thumbup:   wt - 167.9   exercise - 10:00 am 20 min eliptical HIIT 3:00 pm upper body work out 9:00 pm - 30 min on eliptical   Goal for the weekend - 1. stay off the scale 2. eat clean 3. Go to the gym - EVERYDAY!




22 month anniversary

Consultation with Doc 11/24/06 - 248.9 Surgery Date 1/18/07 - 226 1 mo post op (Feb 18)- 206.8 2 mo post op (March 18) - 198 3 mo post op (April 18th)- 193 4 mo post op (May 18th)- 184.2 5 mo post op (June 18th(- 178 6 mo post op (July 18th)– 174 7 mo post op (Aug 18th)- 178 - went on vacation and ate big (7 day cruise) 8 mo post op (Sept 18th)- 174 9 mo post op (Oct 18th)- 170 10 mo post op (Nov 18th) - 167 11 mo post op (Dec 18th) - 170 - haven’t even been trying 12 mo post op (Jan 18th 2008)- 174 - again, not trying. But finally refocused - exactly where I was at 6 mos post op – so basically no weight loss in the past 6 mos 13 mo post op (Feb 18th) - 183 - Ouch! started taking steroids and made my weight go up, along with not eating right and no exercise! 14 mo post op (March 18th)- 185 - grrrrr 15 mo post op (April 18th)- 180 - weight is finally going down, but inches are actually coming off faster since I've been exercising a lot. 16 mo post op (May 18th)- 178 17 mo post op (June 18th)- 175 18 mo post op (July 18th)- 179- still not focussed:sad: 19 mo post op -(Aug 18th) - 178 - focussed again - This time I am committed to getting to goal and will not stray! I do not ever want to see the 180's again! 20 mo post op (Sept. 18) - 171 - :willy_nilly: 21 mo post op (Oct 18) - 168 22 mo post op (Nov 18) - 169 - I am focussed and doing good, but need to get back to exercising. I want to hit 160 by year end.





Just swinging by to update my journal. I had my hysterectomy on 1/14/09 and I'm hoping it will cure the pain I was having.   Already, the horrible back pain is GONE.   I will post my 2 year band report when I recoup from the hysterectomy. I still hurt to sit, but for the most part I am feeling pretty good.   The Doctor has ordered me to do absolutely nothing for 2 weeks, and I have done nothing so far, but going a little stir crazy. But trying to follow the docs orders :tt1:.   I've been eating pretty good, hardly have an appetite and the band seems to have gotten a little tighter, it actually is perfect restriction right now, and I love it. Hopefully it will stay like this and I can lose some weight. :thumbup:   Well, gotta go, starting to hurt and I don't want that :cursing:




3/30/09 - I'm kicking some butt in the exercise dept.

Thats right, I am doing so great in the exercise department. I worked out so hard for 6 days last week. I mean really hard, where sweat is dripping off me and my shirt looks like someone dumped a bucket of water over me. I am so proud of myself for getting back to the gym and making NO EXCUSES!   I almost blew it off last night, I was so tired and I worked all day with my husband in garage, so I was telling myself, I already had a workout. But as the night grew closer, I started feeling guilty, so I headed to the gym and did a gruelling cardio and lower body workout! My face was beat red, I think some of the people around me thought I was going to pass out. LOL. They were all looking at me like "is she okay". One guy even said to me "your serious about this stuff aren't you". uhhhh, hello, Heck yes I'm serious!   So, I jump on the scale this morning and AGAIN, no loss. I've eaten good all week, really I've eaten good for the past two weeks and I've exercised 6 days a week for the past two weeks, you would think the scale would be a little nicer to me. Heck no, the scale likes to treat me like the red headed step child! :biggrin:   Okay, I can't focus on numbers, I just can't. I feel good, I look good, and my clothes are fitting better. So no matter what the scales say to me, I know its working!   Today's menu   Bfast 1/2 cup bran fiber one cereal - 1 pt 1/2 cup skim milk - 1 pt mixed fruit added in (Strawberries & blueberries) - 1 pt   Snack 1 apple and WW cheese - 2 pts   Lunch 3 0z of chicken breast - 3 pts 1 whole wheat, lc tortilia - 1 pt salsa - 0 pts cilantro - 0 pts   snack 1/2 cup cottage cheese, sliced peaches - 3 pts   Dinner   1 cup lean chili - 6 pts ww cheese - 2 pts   20 pts total   Exercise - 30 min elliptical Upper Body workout at gym - 15 min of cool down time on elliptical   Wt - AM naked on scales at home - 164.6 (yesterday was 163.4) grrrrrr:cursing:   NOTES - tonight is my WW meeting and for the past 3 weeks I have weighed exactly the same - 167.6 with my clothes on ofcourse, so we'll see what tonight brings.




Friday, 6/05/09

Yay, its Friday!!!! I love Fridays! Knowing that I don't work the next day is just a darn good feeling.   I ate terrible last night, didn't eat a lot, but just ate the wrong stuff!   Again, no exercise.........   Menu today   Bfast Fiber One bar Coffee with cream   Lunch 3 oz grilled chicken 1 cup of spinach leaves 1 tbsp ff dressing   Snack WW yogurt   Dinner 4 oz steak hummus taboli - only a bite or two maybe a bite or two of cabbage rolls (we're going to a labanese steak house)   Wt - 160.7 (down .4 from yesterday)





Well, I started a controversial diet on 2/16 and so far it has been going good. I have read lots of negative stuff about it, mainly from doctors. I am always surprised at the comments from readers which are all positive, they had all done the diet and quite please with it, so I decided to try Dr. Simeons HCG Protocal. I did something similar to it back in the 80's but it wasn't quit the same.   I am down to my last 20 lbs to lose and I'm finding it very hard with just the band. So I decided to do the HCG diet which is pretty strict and so far I have not cheated one time. I've followed it to the T and am down about 13 pounds (This is about the weight that I've gained thru the winter so no need to get too excited)   Day 1 - loading days 178.2 Day 2 - 178.5 (another loading day) Day 3 - First day of VLCD 179.8 Day 4 - 176.2 Day 5 - 175.6 Day 6 - 173.4 Day 7 - 172.4 Day 8 - 171.1 Day 9 - 168.9 Day 10 - 168.9 Day 11 - 168.8 Day 12 - 169.0 Day 13 - 168.2 Day 14 - 167.6 Day 15 - 166.9 (total 12.9 pounds)   I have about 25 more days to go. My goal is to lose a total of 25, but its slowing down, so I will be happy with a loss of 20.   Its amazing how little hunger I have. With the band and the HCG, it seems to control the hunger. I'm proud of my will power too. I have stayed on the protocol and have not strayed at all. I've become creative with my snacking too.   Today I made "apple chips". Sliced a green apple up (peeled it first) and sliced it very thin, sprinkled stevia on the slices and cinnamon and baked in oven and made the apple chips. They are great for snacking and I can have a few thru out the day. I get 2 fruits a day. It also helps with my "sweet tooth".   Well, thats whats been going on in my life lately. I will post more in my journal.   PS - I would appreciate no negative comments, I was reluctant to post this however, I am keeping this blog for my future reference and have kept it updated from the very beginning of my research with Lap band, therefore, I decided to detail the HCG in my blog.   Thanks!





9 FREAKEN pounds and I will be at a healthy weight! 9 freaken pounds - and it is taking me FOREVER to lose them. Its the hardest 9 pounds I have ever tried to lose. Did you guys hear me, 9 FREAKEN POUNDS and I will be at a healthy weight. It feels like a dream to even type those words. I never thought I would be this close to being healthy. Oh, I dreamt it, but its really coming true.   I sometimes focus on how long it is taking me, but if I really stop and think about it. Its taken me less time to lose it then it did to put it on. It took me 20 years to get up to 248 lbs, so I shouldn't be so upset at taking 2+ years to reach my goal weight with the band, right?   I was thinking this morning as I glanced at one of my pictures on my desk with my kids, and made me think how far I've come. To know I will never ever ever be 248 lbs again, thats something to be happy about. So, I'm trying to stay positive, and focus on the weight I've lost and not the weight I need to lose.   Speaking of my picture, my new boss was over at my desk the other day and he asked me if that was my sister, I told him it was me. His jaw dropped down to the floor, he tried not to act so shocked, but I could see it in his face. I said "well, I've lost a few pounds since then" His reply "you think?". lol. I love to see peoples reaction when they see the new me. Its the best reward of all.   Plan today:   Exercise - 10:00 am - 6 min on recumbant bike - 15 min on elliptical   3:00 pm - 20 min on elliptical   6:00 - dinner with some old high school buddies, planning our 25 year reunion -   9:30 - Gym - 40 min on elliptical and upper body training   11:30 - BED   Menu   Breakfast - yogurt mixed with granola - 5 pts   Lunch Fish Taco (Wheat tortilia, WW cheese, Talapia, Cilantro, salsa, fresh squeezed lime) = 4 pts   Snack - 1 orange, string cheese - 2 pts   Dinner 1 chicken taco - 5 pts beans - 3 pts   Few chips and salsa (6 chips only = 1.5 pts)   20 pts total   Wt - 7:30 am naked - 164.6 (up .3 from yesterday)




How to get insurance to pay for your PS part 2

Another important thing is to be diligent. Insurance companies often have tactics to discourage you from seeking approval for procedures. Usually, the insurance company would prefer that you pay for reconstructive procedures yourself. So if you are initially denied: appeal, appeal, appeal. By law, the steps detailing how to appeal are listed on any letter that informs you of a denial. Take advantage of the information, and be prepared to submit an appeal in writing as necessary. Although with insurance companies, written documentation is king. But don’t be afraid to also call the insurance company to try to find out what factors led to their decision. (That’s what I did after I was initially denied, once I found out who made the decision, I called more than once and asked if my entire file was sent. After some research, I had the file sent again to the doctor who acted as the clinical director and I was later approved. ) Once documentation is received by the insurance company you'd be surprised how often file documents are separated, lost or mislaid. So if the insurance company or a specific department of the company (like the Pre-Determination department, which often makes the decision for reconstructive surgeries) says they didn’t receive the photos along with your file - then ask your surgeon’s office send them again. If they don’t have copies of letters from your other doctors, be prepared to send those again as well. Make sure you are fully prepared with any documentation they would need to make their decision, and you are better assured of approval. NOTES - I don't really know who to give credit for, but I found it while googling on someones blog, I couldn't find a name. But It is not mine - although this person was very informative and I appreciate her cander.




Scales - Sometimes its fun being a scale whore, sometimes its disgusting!

I really hate the scale sometimes, I really do. Today is one day I want to kick it and stomp on it and throw it against the wall and smash the little head in!   I've done sooooo good, I have great restriction, was on liquids for three days, and when I did start back to eating, I ate good lean protein. So what the heck is the problem with the scale GOING UP? AND NOT GOING DOWN!   Weighed this morning at 165.1. What the *&()^)_(y%$# - I was cursing at that little demon this morning! Oh, makes me so livid mad, tempting to go get a donut from my bosses desk, but I refrained! Plus, not sure if a donut would even go down without some sliming, lol.   Anyhow, just coming to vent this morning. As you can tell, the scale has put me in a fowl mood today!   I was thinking about me being "a scale whore", I just gotta have it everyday, every morning, gotta have my scale fix. Sometimes I love it, I can see the numbers going down, but today it was just a disgusting habit! grrrrrrr:mad::wink::eek:





Eating has been good, exercise on the other hand, not so good.   I don't know what in the world is my problem, just seems I have lost my mojo! I gotta get my mind right, make no more excuses and get my butt moving!   Weighed in at weight watchers and lost another .8 lbs. Thats a total of 9.8 lbs since joing weight watchers. It has taken my 3 months to lose it, but hey, I'm losing right? I know its slow, but I'll take anything right now.   My weight keeps bouncing around from 158 to 162, I wish it would dip down into the 150's and stay. Maybe if I would exercise it would! I really gotta get to the gym!   Menu today:   Bfast 1/4 cantelop (1 pt) 1 ww yogurt (1 pt)   Dark chocolate (organic) - (2 pts)   Lunch talapia, 3 oz (3 pts) Broccoli (steamed) 2/3 cup (1 pt)   Snack few almonds, humus (4 pts)   Dinner 3 oz grilled chicken - (3 pts) green beans - ( zero pts)   WW sugar free ice cream bar (2 pts)   Wt - AM - 161.1




3/24/09 part 2

Well in my previous post, I said I was not going to exercise today, I was taking the day off. I lied. Couldn't stay away from the gym. I only did a quick cardio blast, 30 min on the Elliptical, but hey, at least I did something today, right?   I think I'm becoming a gym addict again, I used to be one, then got hurt and had to have knee surgery and ever since then, I just haven't been into the gym like I used to be.   I'm really noticing a difference in the past week. I'm wearing a Junior size 9 Cruel girl jeans today, and Dang, they look good, and feel good! Even though I'm just a few pounds lighter, the fat is shifting or something because they sure feel and fit better than they did when I bought them!




Fill #22

Fill #21 worked pretty good, but since I've lost weight, I can tell its a little loose so I decided to tweak it just a bit. Doc only added a little bit and it was perfectly tight again, not too tight, but just right!     Fill #1 - 3/6/07 - 2.2cc's   Fill #2 - 4/17/07 - 3.0cc's   Fill #3 - 7/6/07 - 3.5 cc's (I think it was only 2.5cc's because when I went back for fill #4, he could only w/draw 1.8 cc's)   Fill #4 - 7/20/07 - filled me back to 3.0 ccs - He should have filled me more!   Fill #5 - 8/17/07 - 3.4cc's   Fill #6 - 10/08/07 - filled me to 3.8cc's - the best restriction I've ever had,but still could eat big bites of food, so I figured I needed to be tighter.   Fill #7 - 11/21/07 filled to 4.0 cc's. By the evening could not hold anything down, not even my saliva. PBing all night - horrilble experieince   UNFILL #1 - 11/23/07 - unfilled to somewhere between 2.5 to 3.0 cc's - NO RESTRICTIONS AGAIN :rolleyes2:   Fill #8 - 1/18/08 Went in and the doc filled me back up to just right under 4.0, according to Flouro, it was perfect. Well, by next morning, could not hold down saliva again, ended up back in hospital   UNFILL #2 - 1/19/08 - Doctor had to unfill me to 3.0 again because of the swelling from all the PBing for being too tight. Again, NO RESTRICTION - :confused:   Fill #9 - 2/12/08 - 3.5 cc's - was tight for about a week, now feel lose again. grrrr, still have "some" restriction, just not quite enough! Next fill scheduled for 4/7/08 - I hate that it takes sooooooo long to get in to see the fill doc.   FILL #10 - 4/7/08 The doc just added .4cc's, making me at 3.9cc's. I think this might be the one!   FILL #11 - Was scheduled on 6/25/08 - but the doc did not fill me up, I was leaving for a cruise on 6/27 so he didn't want to risk me being too tight, so did not get a fill.   FILL #11 - 8/5/08 Went for a fill, this time the doc took all my fill out and all he could get out was 2.4 cc's. Filled me up to 4.0 cc's, I left, had to go right back because I could not drink, he took out a little over .2 cc's, he said I'm somewhere between 3.5 to 3.7 cc's. - I had great restriction for 2 weeks, but It has now loosened some. I feel I might need a tad more. I'm worried I have a very slow leak.   UNFILL #3 - 8/5/08 - Took a little over .2 cc's out, had pretty good restriction, but still a tad too lose.   FILL #12 - 9/17/08 - Added just 1/10th of a cc - I think I'm somewhere between 3.8 to 3.9 cc in a 4cc band. I am hoping and praying this is the fill that I stop with! I do not have another appointment for another fill, will wait this one out and see.   Fill #13 - 10/06/08 - Doc added about 2/10's of a cc. He took everything out and put it all back in and said I was about 3.7 to 3.8cc's. - which is where he said I was last time.   FILL #14 - 11/10/08 - Doc took everything out and I had about 3.6cc's, which is pretty good. He then filled me up to just under 4.0cc's I believe I'm about 3.9cc's. I ate some canned peaches and set around the office for a bit, made sure none came back up. Seems to be doing good so far. I hope this is my last fill!   FILL #15 - 08/10/09 - Added about 1/10th of a cc. I think I'm right at 4.0 cc. Wt on the morning of my fill was at 165. But was very bloated from steroids I was on for the previous week.   FILL #16 - 8/31/09 - My last fill lasted 2 weeks then I felt wide open. Went in for another fill, this time he did not take any out and just added 2/10th's of a cc. I think I'm just a little more than 4.1 cc's in a 4.0 cc band. I feel great restriction so far. I'm hoping this last. I'm sick of fills. lol. - I could tell my fill was wide open, I was starving all the time, wt at the time of fill was 170! grrrrrrr   FILL #17 - 10/30/09 - completely drained me, checked for a leak - no leak YAY - added 4.6 cc's - I feel like he didn't add anything, feel wide open! Hungry all the time   FILL #18 - 11/09/09 Doc did barium swallow test - I think he thought I was full of it. He saw what I was talking about and agreed I was way too loose. He added 2.5cc's. I feel restriction again, but not a real tight restriction. I have no idea where I'm at these days and I really don't care anymore how much CC's I have, I just want RESTRICTION!!!!!!   Fill #19 - 11/23/09 - I had a some restriction, but not enough, the doc added 3/10ths of a cc. I feel pretty good, not too tight, which means it probably will get looser. I will ride this fill out and see what happens. Very discouraged at this point.   FILL #20 - 12/28/09 - did not take any fluid out, just added 4/10th's of a cc. Still feel lose, but on the fluro it showed I was tight, so we'll see how it goes.........   FILL #21 - 02/01/10 - Doc did not take any fluid out, added 1/2 a mil then I told him it was still too loose, so he added another 1/10th of a cc. Feel really good right now - but as always we will have to wait and see.   FILL #22 - 5/17/10 - Decided to get just a little tweak, my last fill is still pretty good, but wanted to go just a tad tighter. Doc added just a little, probably 1/10 of a mil.





Well, today I did not get out of bed. But I did exercise last night, and I felt like I worked out really hard last night at the gym.   I didn't get into bed until after 11 again, so I knew that getting up at 4:45 was not going to be easy, turns out it was harder than I even thought. I don't even remember turning the alarm off, but I guess I did. :sleep:   I might not be losing a lot of weight according to the scales, but my inches and clothes tell a different story. My workout pants were hanging off me last night, thats when I realized that something is happening to my body, and I like it!   I tried on a size 8 dress yesterday, and it fit! I almost bought it, however, I am trying to hold off for a few months. I am addicted to shopping these days, its not good for my pocket book. Luckily I have zero debt, except my house, so I can afford to shop. However, this is an expensive year for us, my son is graduating and starting college, we have a huge party we are throwing for him, I also need to buy a new car this year. I've had mine for 11 years now and it has 200K miles on it. I need a dependable car for work, so I'm going to have to break down and buy one, so I will have car payments again. yuk.   So, I must stay away from the stores, I'm weak when I see a cute outfit, I tell ya, I'm weak!!!!!   Okay, my plans today -   3:00 - going to the gym at work and doing 20 min on elliptical   8 pm - going to the gym to do lower body workout - then will get on elliptical machine and do an additional 15 min. Its going to be a rough night at the gym tonight! I'm going to work it hard!:biggrin:   Scales this morning showed I was up 2 lbs :w00t: - that is just a normal day in the neighborhood for me. The scales are so cruel to me at times, I used to cry and cry and get so discouraged, now its just a game to me. I like to see what the scales tell me, sometimes I play guessing games before I step on, I'll say "I know your gonna tell me I weigh this - lets see if I'm right", so if I am right, I win. lol. Its a weird head game I play.   Sometimes I just kick the scales and let him know I don't need him today, I like when I do that too, I feel like I win for that day too. Weird? Just my crazy life. I feel like me and the scale have this love hate relationship, sometimes I love him, sometimes I don't.   Today I just didn't care, he told me I was up 2 lbs, I said, who cares you flat bastard! :tt2: YOu might say I'm up, but my pants beg to differ! They are telling me I've lost, so take that!   Well, I better get to work, I have a very very very busy day today, lots of conference calls to be on. grrrrrrr.   Wt (naked in the am) 167.8 -




My HCG update - FINALLY I'm in the 150's!

Today is day 39 on the HCG diet. I'm taking a few days off, also known as a "planned interruption". So today is my last dose of the HCG, then I will follow the diet for 72 hours until the HCG is out of my system. Then I eat "phase 3 style", or avoide my sugars and starches, I will be back on it around 4/2. I just have an event this weekend, and on the 30th. My plan then is to stay on it until 4/21, I will be leaving for Puerto Vallarta, Mexico on 4/22. Once I return, right back on the program. I believe I should be at my goal weight by the end of May or first of June if I still to the program.   I did have a few cheats on this round, but I still managed to drop around 22 pounds in 39 days. Not bad in my opinion. I probably could have dropped 25 if I had not swayed from the program.   Here are my daily results, I'm sure you will be able to tell when I cheated because the scale would go up for a few days.   Day 1 - loading days 179.8 Day 2 - 178.5 (another loading day) Day 3 - First day of VLCD 179.8 Day 4 - 176.2 Day 5 - 175.6 Day 6 - 173.4 Day 7 - 172.4 Day 8 - 171.1 Day 9 - 168.9 Day 10 - 168.9 Day 11 - 168.8 Day 12 - 169.0 Day 13 - 168.2 Day 14 - 167.6 Day 15 - 167.5 Day 16 - 166.9 Day 17 - 165.8 Day 18 - 165.4 Day 19 - 164.8 Day 20 - 166.1 (started cheating) Day 21 - 167.1 Day 22 - 166.8 Day 23 - 165.3 Day 24 - 164.8 Day 25 - 163.7 Day 26 - 163.3 Day 27 - 162.4 Day 28 - 161.2 Day 29 - 162.4 Day 30 - 161.2 Day 31 - 162.3 Day 32 - 162.2 Day 33 - 161 Day 34 - 161 - My body is stalling big time! Day 35 - 161.7 Day 36 - 159.3 FINALLY BROKE THE STALL Day 37 - 158.1 Day 38 - 158.8 Day 39 - 158 - Last dose of HCG Total loss 21.8 pounds!!!!!   Wow, I am in the 150's, I'm doing a Happy dance today! So close to my goal of 140!!!!!   I am going to try and not gain too much while I'm off the program this next week, I want to continue going down!




3/19/09 - "Just Do it!"

I'm tired of all my excuses, ....too tire, my knee hurts, blah blah blah. Its time to JUST DO IT! Just get my butt to the gym and exercise. That is how I lost 70 lbs the first year, EXERCISE!   So - last night, I had me a good dinner, turkey and 1/2 cup of stuffing (not so good - but only ate a little), and some green beans. I waiting for about an hour, and then got ready and headed to the gym. I only did about 35 min on the elliptical,   As I was doing the elliptical I concentrated on how great I feel when I exercise, it really makes me feel and look good. So why do I blow it off? Anyhow, thats when I decided, no more, no more excuses, its time to just do it!   Today, at 10, went down to our gym at work and did 15 min on the elliptical, just to get my matabolism going. I'm going to do it again at 3. Then tonight, going to an abs, abs, abs class at 6:15 to 6:30, doing ZUMBA class at 6:30 to 7:30. Its time to fake it until I make it. No more excuses. I want to reach my goal - by gawd, I am going to reach my goal. Its time to dig down deep and pull that determination out!   Menu today   Bfast 1 cup of fiber one ceral with 1 cup of skim milk 1/2 cup of diced peaches on my ceral   3/4 cup of protein shake - 10:30ish   Lunch tossed salad with turkey chopped up, salsa for dressing   Snack - later in afternoon - 1 apple   Dinner 1 chicken taco filled with mixed greens - no cheese   Exercise   1. 10 am - 15 min on elliptical 2. 3pm - 15 min on elliptical 3. 6:15 pm - abs class 4. 6:30 pm - Zumba class - latin dance aerobics.   5 - Maybe some lower body strength training, not sure if I can do with all the other cardio......we'll see.




Me time......9/6/09

My entire house is empty, hubby and son are on a "guys" trip, hunting and camping. My Daughter went to spend the night with her best friend, so I have the entire house to myself. Even our dog is gone, lol. He went hunting with the guys (he's a pointer)   I LOVE IT! I don't get it often, but when I do get it (on a very rare occasion), I sure do enjoy it. One of my big regrets in life is I never lived on my own. I went from my parents house, to college dorm, to getting married. Oh well, it makes me appreciate my alone time.   I made a wonderful salad for dinner 4 oz turkey breast fillet - baked 1 cup of organic salad greens 3 home grown cherry tomatoes 1/2 michigan apple, peels and sliced 2 baby carrots 1 TBSP of lite honey mustard   Mix all ingrediants and enjoy....it sure was good and satisfying.   Wt this morning - 166.4   Exercise - 30 min on elliptical house cleaning, laundry, etc etc etc. The back of my legs are hurting.





Breakfast -   Lunch -   Dinner -   Suppliments -




Guess what Fitday told me today?

I logged my weight into fitday.com today and guess what, I'm no longer overweight!!!!! I'm in the "healthy range" and my BMI is 24.94, see below: 24.94 A BMI between 18.5 and 25 is considered healthy. The healthy weight range for your height is between 111.2 lbs and 150.2 lbs. Your weight is within this healthy range. I'm doing a happy dance now.......



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
