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I'm registered

I got "that call" today from the hospital to make sure I remembered my surgery was on Monday and to get pre-registered. HOW COULD I FORGET? I AM SO EXCITED!!! I actually don't know why they pre-register you because when you get to the hospital, they register you all over again.   Today is day 4 of liquids and I swear I can actually hear sloshing when I walk. My pants are fitting much looser; I know have baggy but pants. I tried the cream of mushroom last night and it wasn't bad. I still prefer the cream of chicken and the chicken broth, but I have to mix it up a little. I can't wait until this phase is over - in about 3 weeks. OMG, OMG, OMG. I will make it work, I can do this. Heck, I survived breast cancer, I can certainly overcome my growing dislike or should I say hatred for soup, right?   According to the scale at the gym I have lost about 3 lbs this week. I spoke to a friend today who had gastric bypass surgery on 7/7 this past year and she has lost 105 lbs so far. I am hoping that in a year from now I am off all of my medication, thinner and feeling better. I am really looking forward to a good night's sleep. Hopefully the sleep apnea will subside once some of the weight comes off. I can't sleep with that awful machine.   Well, got to get ready to watch So You Think You Could Dance! Have a great night all.




I love this place

Thanks to those of you who are so giving and willing to share. I am so excited about my surgery and am looking forward to a new, healthier life. I love hearing about how everyone is enjoying their experience and I have learned so much. Thanks for helping me grow and I'll keep checking in to see how you are all doing. We are all working towards the same goal and I am thrilled to have friends here to share with.




I chose Lap-Band - Yea for me!!!!!

I am so happy I chose the Lap-Band and not gastric bypass.   I originally thought the gastric bypass was the answer. I went to the meetings but was very nervous when I heard not reversable, hair loss, dumping syndrome, 6 weeks no work, only 1 year to lose your weight and $25,000. My insurance company was going to approve it, right? Wrong. The day before I met with the surgeon, I got a call from his office to say my insurance company had an exception to my coverage and wouldn't pay anthing for weight loss surgery.   So I went home and cried. I thought I would have to live my life miserably fat and on every medication you would imagine a fat old broad would have to be on. The sleepless nights caused by my sleep apnea, the diabetes, the high blood pressure, the high tri-glicerides and high cholesterol, knee and back pain, and on and on. I was heartbroken. But I decided to start saving and hoped that one day...   I started hearing about Lap-Band and actually knew someone who had it. She was so happy and excited and started looking and feeling really good. So, I went to some meetings to see what I could learn about it. I met my surgeon and decided this was the surgery for me.   I started saving every penny I could. Then, in May of last year my mom passed away leaving me a small inheritance. So I was scheduled for December 21st for lap-band.   Well, as you all know I had been diagnosed with breast cancer in October and had my mastectomy in January. Which of course meant I had to postpone my lap-band. I rescheduled it for my birthday. The greatest gift I could possibly give myself on my re-birthday.   Yes, I was sore the day of surgery, but got around pretty well on day 2. By Wed I was up and moving without very much discomfort and the rest is history. I never looked back.   Well a young woman who worked for me scheduled her gastric bypass for the week following my surgery. She spent 4 days in the hospital, in pain all of the time. Then after getting home, she ended up back in the hospital because she was dehydrated. When I spoke with her today, she was still having trouble drinking water!   Lap-Band - life saving tool. A couple of days of discomfort and a lifetime of good health, normal weight, and happiness.   I am so glad I made this choice.




I can't wait

I was originally scheduled for my lapband this past December 21, 2010, but then I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had to undergo a mastectomy on January 5th. I am so fortunate the cancer was found so early and that I don't need chemo or radiation.   My lapband has been rescheduled for my birthday, June 21st, which I am calling my re-birthday. :tongue_smilie:   I am a little nervous but so excited. Anyone have any suggestions?




I can't believe it!

Hi, all.   I have to say I am doing really well since my surgery. I have had no problems getting my proteins or food down and keeping it down, although I have not had the 70-80 grams or protein they want me to have, but the doctor's office said that was normal in the beginning. I have been drinking my water. The pain is barely noticable anymore, even when turning over in bed.   Today was my first day back to the gym since 6/18, with my surgery on 6/21. I thought I might last on the treadmill about a 1/4 mile, but did 1.35 miles and then was on the Sci-fit for 15 minutes. I felt really great. But the best part is that when I got on the scale I learned I had lost 7lbs 4 oz since my last visit. How amazing is that? I am totally in shock, really. My husband said I looked as if I had lost a lot, but I can't really see it. But now I believe him.   I am returning to work tomorrow, wish I could win the lottery and never go back, but living in the real world...I sit at a desk most of the day so there will be no strain other than the fact that I am a Customer Service Manager and get stressed enough!   Friday I start on the pureed and mushy - OMG I will get to hold a real fork and chew something other than a teeny-tiny piece of chicken from the cream of chicken soup.   Enjoy your Sunday to all and I'll check back again soon. Thanks for all of your support and encouragement. This is the greatest place!!!!




I can do this

I proved to myself tonight that I am motivated with or without anyone joining me. What the heck am I talking about? Well, my husband who always joins me at the gym is away this weeked at a...horror convention in Indiana. Yes, I said a horror convention. People say men are boys, and I am here to tell you it is true.   So after work, I went directly to the gym as we do every Friday night and I worked my butt off.   Remember, while we have eachother, at the end of the day we have to depend on our eating, our exercise program, our fill schedule and our self-motivation.   I hope you all have a great weekend. :smile2:




I am ready

I saw the nutritionist today and she has me on track. I start my full liquids on Monday and next Sun, the 20th I do the clear liquids. My big Re-Birthday is on Monday, June 21st and I am so excited. That doesn't mean I am not nervious or scared of the future, but I am happy it is finally arriving. I think giving up pasta and french fries is going to be difficult for a while, But, I am taking control of myself and I want to be illness free more than I want pasta and french fries.   The hubs, my strongest supporter, has lost 13.2lbs. He is not having the lap-band, we are self-pay. I am the fortunate one getting it. He believes he can lose the weight on his own, and he is proving he can. I so wish him the best. He has been with me from day one. He attends every doctor's appointment, every nutritionist appointment and every supoprt group. If down the road he needs the surgery, we'll figure out a way to get it for him. But, in the meantime, he is joining me on my journey. He is the best co-pilot anyone could have.   Good luck to anyone having the surgery next week. Please wish me well on June 21st. Have a great weekend. :bored:





No more soup! I just couldn't take one more spoonful. As much as I trust my doctor and want to follow his instructions, I just had to take the situation into my own hands and last night my husband pureed tuna fish w/lite mayo and I ate about 3 or 4 oz. I felt so good afterwards - didn't run to the bathroom for a change. So, this morning I scrambled 2 eggs and cooked them in Smart Balance and kept that down. Didn't feel hungry until lunch time today. At which time I had chicken salad. I feel so good - not overly stuffed, but not sick to my stomach from the soup.   As of today, I have lost 10.2lbs. I am so excited. I am working out at the gym and loving that.   My visit to the surgeon is on Tues. I am looking forward to seeing him and hearing what he has to say.   To all of my friends here, keep up the good work and let's all get thinner together.




Happy Thanksgiving

Hubby and I will be traveling tomorrow for CT to visit our family and friends for the holidays.   I have many things to be thankful for this year, as I am sure most of you do, as well. I got my lap-band this year, which has helped me in so many ways. I am no longer a diabetic due to diet and exercise. I have dropped 64lbs, meaning I have 4 lbs left to be in the Onederland. I am still cancer free!!!! My new clothes are starting to get big on me, so I know I am doing things the right way. My husband, family and frieds are all doing well.   I am happy and I am looking good. I have somewhere around 50lbs to go, and I know I will get there.   To everyone of you reading this, have a very happy healthy holiday. May we all get through the holidays with the help of our lap-bands and not have a weight gain.   I will be checking in whle on vacation.




Happy New Year

I am entering the New Year in the Onederland - 68.5 lbs down and feeling great. The greatest thing I ever did for myself.   I went to the doctor on Wed to get my 2nd fill, and was told I only needed 1/4cc, giving me a total of approximately 5cc in my 14cc band.   I wish you all a happy and healthy New Year. May you loose all of the weight you want to lose, not be hungry between meals, stop craving carbs, come into a lot of money for your new wardrobe and be comfortable enough to wear a bathing suit this summer!




Gym good!

I was so tired yesterday. Don't ask me why, but I was. I guess it has a lot to do with the fact that I am in training hell at work. I have 3 new people in my department that I am training. Very stressful.   Anyway, it was gym night, which means 1/2 hour cardio and 1/2 weights. All I wanted to do was climb into bed after work and take a nap, but I knew if I didn't go straight to the gym, I'd never go. So, I went. I felt so good that I did. I went completely through my workout and I was so elated and energized. I always weigh myself before I leave the gym and from Sunday afternoon to Wed night I lost 2 ounces. As long as that scale is on the descend, I am happy.   I promised myself that I would do whatever was necessary to lose this weight once I had the lap-band done, and I am going to do it.   To all of you thinking about having the surgery, find a great doctor and have it done. You will be so happy that you did.   For those of you who have had the surgery, I know what you are going through and if I can do it, anyone can.   Be strong and most of all, be happy.




Green Shirt Picture

Hi, Everyone:   Today is November 1st and I just took my monthly green shirt photo. I can't believe the changes in how I look and feel. It has been just a little over 4 months and I am down 46 lbs, plus the 14lbs I lost prior to the actual surgery. That is 60lbs folks. I believe someone told me today that 60lbs is about the weight of a 2 year old child.   This surgery has saved my life in more ways than one. Besides feeling amazing, I am so much happier. I can do things now that I haven't been able to do in years like tie my own shoes, cross my legs and walk up a flight of stairs. I am sleeping so much better and I can actually see my feet!   For anyone who is thinking about having this surgery, don't walk - run to the nearest surgeon and get it done.   I will have my pictures posted by the end of the week so look for them.   All I can say is I hope each and everyone of you who read this blog are feeling as good as I am.




Great Visit

I couldn't have been happier to hear my doctor's excitement as she read my blood test results. My A1C came way down, which is so great. She cut my cholesterol medication in half and said when I go back in 3 months she will probably be able to take me completely off it, as well as my diabetic medication. She is going to test my blood again in 3 months, including my thyroid, to see if I can stop that med, as well. The blood pressure medication will probably be the last one to be removed, but she said it will not be necessary any longer if I keep losing and exercising.   I have my first fill scheduled for next week, but I am not sure right now if I will need it yet. My surgeon said if I don't feel that it is necessary, wait one more week. Sometimes I think I do need it, but I think I will wait until Monday to make my decision.   I am not over eating or eating anything that I have been told not to eat. I've been losing about 5lbs a week. Last night I had 1/2 a hamburger, no bun, with mozzarella cheese and some broccoli and was very content. When served, I immediately cut the burger and veggie in half and put it in a to-go box. Today's lunch was last night's leftover. Eating this way is certainly less expensive.   I am truly happier than I have been in years. I know I have written this statement before, but it is true, and I want everyone to know it. I will lose the weight this time, I will get off my medications, I will hit the gym and build muscle instead of fat, I will ward off getting cancer again.   I AM WOMAN, HEAR ME ROAR! (Thanks Helen)




Great Support

Thank you all for your responses to my blogs. I truly get inspired by all of you.   I made a promise to myself 3 years ago when I decided to look into weight loss surgery that if I was fortunate to have it, I would do ANYTHING I had to do to keep on track. I know too many people who have had gastric bypass or lapband surgery and didn't keep up their end of the bargain by keeping on track and doing what they needed to do, so they gained all their weight back. They thought I'll have the surgery and the rest will take care of itself. Well, that isn't the case. You have to take care of the rest.   Tomorrow I have a 9:00am appointment with a new dietician. My last one was a very nice young lady, but she didn't "get me" and was not giving me the information I needed. She would ask if I liked something like Greek yogurt or cottage cheese and I said no. So when she wrote out a suggested diet plan, she put both cottage cheese and Greek yogurt on it. That got me a little bit upset, so I told my doctor I wanted to switch and they gave me an appointment with a new person.   I am curiousn to know if I am doing the right thing eating the way I do. Yes, I am consistently losing weight and the scale is going in the right direction, but I want to make sure my intake is right. Could I lose more faster? I don't know, but I feel great, so I hope I am doing what I am suppose to do. As you all know, I don't want to do protein shakes - but I will if I have to.   I can't believe I am in my 9th week since surgery. The time has gone by so quickly. My first fill is scheduled for 9/1, so we will see how it goes.   Well, I hope you all have a great evening.




Great Recipe

I had the most wonderful dinner tonight, so I thought I would pass along the recipe. This comes directly from my nutritionist. If you like crab, shrimp or scallops, this one is for you.   This recipe makes 2 servings - I can't wait until tomorrow night to have the remaining half.   1/2lb crab - I substituted shrimp 1/2lb scallops 2T Smart Balance spread 1/2c 1% milk 3T Parmesian Cheese 1/2c Park skim mozzarella cheese, shredded   Saute seafood in the Smart Balance over medium high heat until mostly cooked. Add milk and salt/pepper to taste. (I added some garlic powder and parsley flakes.) Lower heat to medium. Add most of the mozzarella and stil until thickens. Pour mixture into a casserole dish and add teh rest of the mozzarella. Broil until brown and bubbling.   This would be great over pasta, but of course we can't have pasta. This portion was more than enough for a meal and so tasty.   Enjoy!:rolleyes2:




Great Day!

Today was a terrific day. :cool2:   I called in sick, so I didn't go to work today. That in itself made my day wonderful. I got to spend it with my husband and did some "me" things - I went shopping.   People have been telling me it is time to get some smaller clothes, so I purchased some 2X tops a few weeks ago, that are too big on me now. I tried both Lane Bryant and The Avenue for pants with no success.:bored: I was between sizes and nothing fit right. I was kind of dissapointed, but did not allow it to make me get upset. I knew that in a week or two, I would fit into something.   Well, today I purchased 2 pairs of pants at JC Penney - a pair of jeans and a dress pair of pants. Both were a size 18.:laugh: I haven't been in a size 18 in many, many years. I was so excited. They are a trouser fit because the regular fit jeans or skinny jeans are still too tight in my thighs. Also, I bought a few size AXL tops. Wow, what a great feeling to not only get into things, but they actually fit. I don't look like a sausage.   Then this afternoon I went for my first fill. I can't believe how well that went. There was absolutely NO PAIN involved. Yes, you feel the needle but no more painful than getting a blood test and I would say actually less uncomfortable than that. I got 1cc and was told to come back in a month, but if I needed more to go in whenever I needed to. I asked why only 1cc and I was told that since I have been doing so well since my surgery and not really feeling hunger or over eating, although I can eat more than I was eating a couple of weeks ago, she wanted to start small. I drank some water after the fill, no problems, and I went on my merry way. Everyone in the office was very complimentary on how I am looking, so that made me feel really good too.   And to make things even better, my husband, who is a writer, was asked to write a column in a magazine he has been reading and collecting since he was a young man. He is also on cloud 9 today.   I hope you are all having a great day, too.:thumbup:




Goals are made to be broken

I am out of the 230s, by only 2/10 of a lb, but out neverless. I almost fainted when the scale settled on 229.8 tonight. I will weigh in again on Fri night, but I don't write the "poundage" in my book until Sunday. I will be so excited to write 22...something, anything, but I don't want to write 23... something.   Once I am firmly in the 220, my next goal will be 219. I believe a 10lb goal is manageable and will keep me sane. If I have to look at the "big-picture", I will get flustered and I don't want to do that to myself.   I will be seeing a really good friend of mine in early September and I can't wait until she sees the new me. I wasn't supposed to see her until November, where there would be a much larger difference, but this will be good too. Then when I see her in November, she'll get the see more of a change.   My journey has been going along very well, so far. Still no fill and no hunger between meals. My doctor has scheduled me for a fill next Thurs. I am curious as to whether or not I will need it, but only time will tell.   This past Monday started my 7th week since my surgery and I have lost 24lbs so far.   Have a great evening everyone.




First Fill Here I Come!

First the really good news. My mammogram and ultrasound last week were perfect! I saw my oncologist on Friday and she said all was well. She was very excited about my weight loss - 25lbs since my last visit. On Saturday my husband and I both had a colonoscopy. All clear at "that end" as well.   If you have ever had a colonoscopy you know the drill. Eat breakfast before 10:00 am the day before your test. The rest of the day is only clear liquids and you will either take the pills, which we did, or you drink some awful drink and spend the night in the bathroom.   So I got home from work on Friday at 3:45 to start the intake of 32 pills, which started at 4:00. You take 4 pills and then every 15 minutes until 20 pills have been swallowed. Then at 7:00 you take 4 pills every 15 minutes until you complete taking the final 12 pills. And of course, no breakfast.   On Sat morning, we got picked up by a car service and taken to the facility for the test and then we got driven home. All in all it was a good experience.   So, I didn't eat anything for an entire day and when I stepped on the scale today at the gym I expected I lost a pound or more. Last week I lost 8/10s of a pound and lost the exact same amount - 8/10s of a lb. -today. Wow, I was kind of surprised, but as I always say a loss is a loss no matter how small.   I think it convninced me that it is time for my first fill, which is scheduled for Thurs. I will speak with my doctor, or his assistant, to get their opinion. But I believe that after 2 weeks of such a small loss either means I need the fill or I am at a plateau. In either case, I need to depend on the lap band for help this time. I was losing 3-4 lbs at a time. 2 weeks ago I lost 5lbs and then 8/10 for the last 2 weeks.   I am still in love with the gym. Even more so now that I have added 3 additional weight training machines. So, I am working out hard, although I didn't go on Friday because of the colonoscopy medication, but went right back today.   I hope you are all doing well and enjoying your weekend. Back to the grind tomorrow!




First fill

Well folks, tomorrow is the day I have my first fill. I am excited, nervous and anxious.   I'm not worried about the needle, well maybe a little. I am worried about how I will eat afterwards. I've lost 21 lbs since my surgery on 6/21, I am not hungry between meals, I stick to the 3-4oz of protein each meal, and I've been eating brocolli and some salads as well. I don't have any problems swallowing anything, including a hand full of pills at a time and I feel really good. What if I have the fill and then I start having problems eating or drinking? I want to continue to lose this awful weight that has been holding me down for so many years, and I think perhaps the fill will help me do it more quickly, but I fear the unknown. I just hope I am as comfortable after the fill as I am now.   Yesterday I was cleaning out a drawer in my dresser and found 2 pairs of capri pants and a pair of black jeans that I bought 6 years ago when I went on my 50th birthday trip to New England with my 2 best girlfriends. I haven't been able to wear them since, but held on to them hoping one day... I was not only able to get into them, but they are now too big on me. I've already taken in the waistband on one pair of capris and will work on the other 2 pairs over the weekend. Boy, that felt so good. Let's remember that 6 years ago I was at 268lbs. I am now at 232.4.   I'll report back after a day or two to let you know how I am doing with the fill. Wish me luck - I hope it is everything everyone says it is.




Fast & Furious

As my surgery date nears, things are starting to come quickly. I have my dietician appointment set up for this coming Friday AM. Then I have a support group on the Friday PM. I have a class on Monday the 17th and my surgeon will see me on the 25th. I am really getting excited now. I've been going to the gym for 3 weeks now and I am so amazing that I didn't think I could walk or peddle or push or pull, but I am doing it all and I am so proud of myself. For all of us taking this journey I wish us all well. It is not going to be an easy trip, but I want to take the ride. :smile:





When I started my journey October of last year, I was planning on having my lap band surgery in December. I had met with my surgeon, Dr. Bass. and all was good to go, or so I thought.   Unfortunately, a little thing like breast cancer and a mastectomy took center stage and I had to postpone the surgery until my birthday on June 21st of this year.   At that time I was 5'3" tall and weighed 268lbs. I had diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, my thyroid was not working properly, sleep apnea and overall just felt like crap all of the time. I couldn't walk 10 feet without stopping to gain my breath back. I was not able to sleep and because of the diabetes, my vision would blur after each meal.   Knowing I was having the mastectomy and then I would have the LB, I started to eat a little bit less of the really bad foods and lost a couple of lbs. Then the liquid diet and after the lap-band, well you all know.   I was at my primary care doctor today. From last year at this time to today, I have lost a total of 62lbs. I found out that I am no longer a diabetic and was told to stop my diabetic medication. I was not insulin dependent, but I did have to take pills twice a day. I had Type 2 diabetes for the last 6 years and now I do not. I have been able to control it with diet and exercise.   I also do not have sleep apnea any longer. My blood pressure is perfect. In fact by my next visit, my doctor said she may take away that medication as well. My cholesterol was also better, so in 3 months I am hoping to drop that pill too!   I have heard the phrase "you can't teach an old dog new tricks". Well, I am here to tell you that the phrase is no longer valid where I am concerned. I have learned to #1 take care of myself first. #2 Use the band as a tool #3 Eating correctly and exercise will save my life or at least make my life better.   I know I am looking better, but I am healthier and that is the most important thing I could be.   I wish you all the greatest success with your lap-band becuase I am here to tell you that it may be a slow and steady jog to the finish line, but I know we will all get there. We took years putting on the pudge, we need to love ourselves enough to allow the time to take it off.   Today I am 206 lbs, cancer free, diabetic free, sleep apnea free, my cholesterol and high blood presssure are under control. I feel amazing and am getting stronger everyday. I am still only 5'3", but I feel 10' tall.   Have a great night.





Hubby and I were at the gym tonight. I am up to 1.28 miles on the treadmill and 1/2 hour on 2 other machines. I feel exhausted, excited and just so happy I started this process. While I know the exercise will help in the long run, without the lap-band I know the weight will not come off. The diabetes, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, knee and back pain, etc., etc. will continue. But with the lap-band, eating the correct way and the exercise - I have a winning combination. Has anyone got any good Protein smoothie recipes?




Doing Well

So, I started myself on pureed food this past Wed night. Today is Sat and I am doing really well. I feel content - unlike with the soup thing my stomach is not always grumbling and I am not always hungry. I am sticking to 4 oz tuna or chicken salad, jello, string cheese, scrambled eggs, ice pops. I see my doctor on Tues and I'll see what he says. My only concern is that I am not sure if I am getting enough protein. The doctor's office told me not to worry at the beginning and I just had surgery 2 weeks ago this coming Monday. I am averaging about 45 grams, but I do feel really good. I guess I could add a protein shake or Isopure, but I haven't NEEDED to add anything. That may change once on regular food and after I have healed more.   Anyone have any suggestions as to what you did at this point in your journey?   I am at the gym 3 days a week, although next week I want to go to 4 days. I am happier than I have been in years.   Have a wonderful 4th to all of you bandsters out there.




Doctor's Visit

Well, I was at the doctor today for my medical clearance. Everything looked pretty good except my blood pressure, which was 140/100, is too high although I have been on medication. Now I have to up my blood pressure medication over the next 2 weeks or my surgeon may not operate. And my sugar was still high, although I am on diabetic medication twice a day. I thought I was doing well, but I guess not as well as I hoped. I cannot wait until the surgery is done and I will, hopefully, not have to take medication anymore.   Has anyone out there been able to get off their meds after surgery?




Day 4 - Fun? You bet.

Today is day 4 and I am doing so much better than I have ever believed possible. It must be that I am a Brooklyn chick and very tough stuff! I am so happy. I have not needed any pain medication since surgery day, I am able to get down and keep down my protein shake for breakfast (1/2 cup) with a cup of decaf coffee. Lunch is a cup of cream soup and 1/2 bottle of Isopur. Dinner is the 2nd cup of cream soup and if hungry, the 2nd 1/2 bottle of Isopur and an ice pop. I am not up to my 70-80 grams of protein, but my surgeon's office said that will come soon.   By the way, I tried the Greek Yogurt and can't eat it. So, until 1 week from Friday, I will continue with this full liquid diet. When the cream of whatever soup calls for milk, I use water keeping the calories and fat as low as possible. Tonight I tried Cream of Shrimp soup. It was really good - I didn't even know they made that.   So, I am healing really well and was resting very nicely until we got the call last night that my father-in-law, who lives 45 minutes from us was rushed to the hospital yesterday with some kind of bowel or intestinal blockage. They are running cat scans and other tests to determine what is going on. So we packed up the car and ran to the hospital. We will know more tomorrow. And then tonight we got a call from my brother-in-law who lives in CT to tell us he was rushed to the hospital with a blockage in his heart. Yes folks, the laughs just keep coming.   So as happy and thrilled as I am for myself, I am devastated about them. We will find out more about the in-laws tomorrow, but in the meantime, please keep good thoughts for them.



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