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I went today for a visit with my new nutritionist and I love her. She is very friendly and truly listened to me. She gave me some great recipe ideas and once we have tried one or two and like them, I will post them here so we can all share.   I was concerned that I wasn't doing what I should be doing, but she said I am doing great! I am excited that I don't have to do the protein shakes anymore. I truly don't like them. I have been eating enough proteins and I am still losing.   I told her I was concerned that if and when I get a fill, I won't be able to get in enough food in. She said I would probably end up cutting back on the veggies or fruit, but that as long as I continue eating my protein first, I won't need the shakes or protein bars.   I know a lot of you here at this site still eat bread or carbs, but I don't, My doctor does not want me, or his other patients, to eat them because according to him, if you don't eat carbs, your body fuels on your fat. If you eat carbs, the body fuels on the carbs and leaves the fat. So even though I love the bread and pasta, I am doing without. In a year when he says I can have them in small portions, I'll see if I want them then.   I weighed in at her office and then again tonight at the gym. I am down to 224.6. I feel so good. I wish everyone reading my blog feels as good as I do.:scared2:   Have a great weekend everyone.




Great Support

Thank you all for your responses to my blogs. I truly get inspired by all of you.   I made a promise to myself 3 years ago when I decided to look into weight loss surgery that if I was fortunate to have it, I would do ANYTHING I had to do to keep on track. I know too many people who have had gastric bypass or lapband surgery and didn't keep up their end of the bargain by keeping on track and doing what they needed to do, so they gained all their weight back. They thought I'll have the surgery and the rest will take care of itself. Well, that isn't the case. You have to take care of the rest.   Tomorrow I have a 9:00am appointment with a new dietician. My last one was a very nice young lady, but she didn't "get me" and was not giving me the information I needed. She would ask if I liked something like Greek yogurt or cottage cheese and I said no. So when she wrote out a suggested diet plan, she put both cottage cheese and Greek yogurt on it. That got me a little bit upset, so I told my doctor I wanted to switch and they gave me an appointment with a new person.   I am curiousn to know if I am doing the right thing eating the way I do. Yes, I am consistently losing weight and the scale is going in the right direction, but I want to make sure my intake is right. Could I lose more faster? I don't know, but I feel great, so I hope I am doing what I am suppose to do. As you all know, I don't want to do protein shakes - but I will if I have to.   I can't believe I am in my 9th week since surgery. The time has gone by so quickly. My first fill is scheduled for 9/1, so we will see how it goes.   Well, I hope you all have a great evening.




Stressed Out?

I have a horrible job. Yes, there I said it. I am a customer service manager for a national costume and uniform company. It is so stressful. There should not be this much stress working for a costume company. I don't work for the White House, the Pentagon, or Homeland Security. People place orders for merchandise, we make their items and ship them out.   So, you would think it was an easy job. Well, not so much. People are rude and obnoxious. I have been yelled at and cursed at. As bad as our customer's are, the owners are worse!   I have 10 people working under me and I always tell them if they get a waco on the phone, screaming and cursing at them to tell them hold for their supervisor and transfer me the call. That is why I get paid the big bucks (not really big...)   I especially love the people who order late and when they can't get their items when they want them, all hell breaks loose.   Why am I telling you all of my woes? Why am I moaning and groaning? Well, it would be great if someone offered me a new job. Anyone need a great employee, in South Florida? The Hollywood/North Miami/Ft. Lauderdale area. If so, make me an offer. :wub:   The real reason is because the old me would have come home and stuffed my face with pizza or pasta, Enteman's pound cake, POTATO CHIPS (my favorite), and bread.   The new me has been maintaining my new lifestyle. I don't use food as a crutch any longer. I completely understand that over eating all of the wrong foods will not make me feel better, but will make me sick and disappointed in myself. I am working too hard and long to get on this journey. So I guess I have learned something after all :thumbup:.   Have a great night everyone.   Don't forget, all job offers will be considered!




Perhaps it is time

Thanks for all of your comments to my blogs. I try to respond to as many other people's blogs as I can because when I get home from work, the first thing I want to do is read your comments. So I figure, other people want to read comments to the blogs they write.   Anyway, as you know, my surgery was on 6/21/10. I have not had a fill yet because everytime I was scheduled (3) I went to have the fill, but after my discussion with the doctor or nurse practioner, we postponed the fill. They kept saying I wasn't ready yet.   Today for lunch I had 9 large shrimp, 6 cherries and an entire banana. This was the largest meal I have had since the surgery. Tonight's dinner was 4 oz of steak, a little broccolli and some romaine lettuce with grated cheese and dressing, on the side of course. I am full now, but I can't believe how much I had for lunch.   My first actual fill is scheduled for 9/1 and I think by then I will be ready. We'll see how it goes. If I am not losing, eating more or hungry between meals, I will not walk, but I'll run to get the fill.   I am so afraid of not losing or even worse, heaven forbid, gaining some back. I've worked to hard to get where I am now, so I refuse to go backwards!   Have a great evening everyone. I'm going to watch some TV, relax and get to bed early.




Weekend Challenges

My husband and I just returned from a weekend in Orlando with our good friends. We were invited to come and visit, so we rented a Charger (our van has over 200,000 miles) and took off. The drive was very nice - 3.5 hours.   The challenge I had was the food I was going to eat. My girlfriend layed out a terrific spread of cold-cuts and different breads and fruits for lunch. I had brought some string cheese with me. I remembered someone on this site had said she ate cold-cuts wrapped around the string cheese, so I had 2 sticks - one with a slice of boiled ham around it and one with a slice of roast beef wrapped around it and a couple of cherries. That was enough for me. Everyone else had thick sandwiches and potato chips. Boy, do I love the chips but did not have crumb one!   At dinner, 6 of us went to a great restaurant called Manny's Chop House. They have an unlimited salad that they mix at your table. One of the couples ordered a hamburger with the works, including fries and his wife ordered some kind of fried fish. The other couple ordered the rib/chicken combo and his wife ordered the full rack of ribs. My husband ordered steak and steamed veggies. Now, when we go out to dinner I usually order steak because it doesn't have any kind of sauce on it and I can make 3 meals out of a 12oz steak. But I wanted something special so I ordered a 6 oz lobster tail and corn on the cob. A 6oz lobster tail is all shell, but it was more than enough for me. I love lobster, so it was terrific.   So I am sitting at the table looking at all of the fried foods and sauces they were eating. Oh, did I mention the fresh baked yeast rolls with whipped butter? And I am thinking that the old me would have had an appetizer, full rack of ribs or the fried shrimp platter with french fries and many yeast rolls. But I had none of it. I was so proud of myself.   Then we went out for breakfast this morning. I had some scrambled eggs and 2 strips of bacon. I know the bacon was not my best choice, but I really wanted it, so I had it. My girlfriend, gotta love her, had biscuits and gravy. I LOVE BISCUITS! So when they hit the table, my mouth was watering. I considered, but only for a second, reaching over and stealing one of those beautifully golden brown bundles of happiness and joy, but I held myself in control and did not have to run from the restaurant with her biscuit in my mouth.:biggrin: So the cravings have not gone away, but my will power is very strong.   I can't wait to get to the gym on Tues and work out. I missed going Friday night and today because of our trip, but I was so good and feel that I can do this.




Protein Question

I do not do protein shakes. I absolutely hate them. I really tried at the begining when I first got banded because I was not allowed to have anything mushy. I know when I get my first fill, perhaps 9/1, my doctor will tell me to go back to liquids and that would include the protein shakes before hitting the pureed stage, but I still hate them.   I am 8 weeks post-surgery and get all of my protein from regular food. How about you? What is everyone else doing? Please let me know - protein shakes or not? Strictly protein from your meats, cheese and eggs?   I am curious to see what comments I get. And I hope I get a lot.




Love this band!

I was back at the gym tonight and after the cardio and weight training session, I weighed in and I am now, drum roll please, 227.4. I have lost 26 lbs since my surgery.   Now 25 lbs has always been my limit. Once I hit that number in the past, my plateau was of a permenant nature. After about 3 weeks of not losing an ounce, I would give up and go back to my old ways, which not only helped me gain back every pound, but gave me a bonus - I always added a few extra lbs. How special! :thumbup:   Well, Monday started my 8th week. I lost 14lbs before the surgery and 26lbs since. I am so proud of myself.   My first fill was supposed to be tomorrow, but I postponed it until Sept. 2nd. This is the 3rd time I had an appointment for a fill. I kept the first 2 and was told I did not need the fill yet. And since nothing has changed in my eating habits; I 'm still not hungry between meals and I am losing weight, I just called and rescheduled it.   I really feel so much better and people are telling me all the time how much better and healthier I look.   I hope everyone has a great evening and you are all loving the band as much as I am.:wink2:




Losing and Happy

I had a great work-out at the gym today. I love my Sunday workouts. It is the day I actually log in my weight loss. It just completes the weekend for me.   I did a half hour on the treadmill. I was walking 3.1 mph at a 6.5 incline for a mile and then upped the incline to 7 for 1/2 mile more. Boy did I sweat, but it felt great. I wasn't even as winded as I usually get. I guess my body is getting used to the torture.   Then I proceeded to my weight training workout. I enjoy the weights, all except the shoulder press. I have a problem with bursitis in both of my shoulders, especially the right one. So, my trainer told me to stop using that machine and use a 5lb weight in each hand. He said to let the weight hang and raise up my shoulders to my ears and same amount of time I would use the shoulder machine. I really disliked that one. So, I modified the exercise by stretching my arm over my head and back down to my side 13 times, 3 reps. That was better. The other hurt my neck????   Anyway, when I was all done I weighed myself. I am pleased to annouce that I am down to 228.0! I am so excited. I lost just over 2 lbs since last Sunday. Good-bye 230! I am never going to look back. Now I am looking ahead to 219.   I am scheduled for my first fill on Thurs, but I still don't think I need it. I will keep the appointment and see what the doctor's assistant tells me.   Well, I'm off to finish an ankle bracelet I am making for myself. Most of the jewelry I make are gifts for other people, but I think with all of my hard work, I deserve a gift.   Have a great day everyone.




Goals are made to be broken

I am out of the 230s, by only 2/10 of a lb, but out neverless. I almost fainted when the scale settled on 229.8 tonight. I will weigh in again on Fri night, but I don't write the "poundage" in my book until Sunday. I will be so excited to write 22...something, anything, but I don't want to write 23... something.   Once I am firmly in the 220, my next goal will be 219. I believe a 10lb goal is manageable and will keep me sane. If I have to look at the "big-picture", I will get flustered and I don't want to do that to myself.   I will be seeing a really good friend of mine in early September and I can't wait until she sees the new me. I wasn't supposed to see her until November, where there would be a much larger difference, but this will be good too. Then when I see her in November, she'll get the see more of a change.   My journey has been going along very well, so far. Still no fill and no hunger between meals. My doctor has scheduled me for a fill next Thurs. I am curious as to whether or not I will need it, but only time will tell.   This past Monday started my 7th week since my surgery and I have lost 24lbs so far.   Have a great evening everyone.





Howdy, all and Happy Monday.   My dinner with my son and his family went really well last night. We turned them on to our healthy "chicken parmesian" dish and they loved it.:thumbup: We even sent leftovers home with them. Their 3 year old even had a small piece, which is amazing because the child doesn't eat many things. You have to try the chicken - it is yummy. Check out my past blog for the recipe. It is fast and easy.   They were so surprised to see how different I look. After only 6 weeks, the change is certainly noticeable. I actually started wearing my smaller sized shirts this weekend and yes, ladies and gentlemen, I bought a belt to hold up my pants. I got the belt at Kmart. It is really cool because it is narrow with a grommeted hole every few inches, so as I get smaller I just have to pull the belt tighter and not have to make any hole in it. And, it is reversable with some kind of leopard design on the underside.   Those of you who read my blogs know my husband, and biggest supporter, escorts me to the gym and works out while I am working out. He needs to lose weight too, but without insurance we couldn't afford for both of us to have the LB, and since it was my dream... Anyway, we enjoy different machines, so we are not together, but we are in the gym at the same time.   Tonight I srpung the fact on him that I wanted to add another night to our/my regiment. We go 3 times a week now. He isn't overly excited about it because he really doesn't like going, but he doesn't have to be. He can pass on going with me, he can sit in the car with his portable DVD player and watch a movie or I'll just take the car and go alone. I really feel I need to and want to go more often. I am so hooked on it - on the way I feel and the way I am starting to look. I feel energized after a good workout. When I leave the gym, red faced and hair wet from sweat, I feel as if I am really working towards my goal and that is so important to me. I believe he will work out too, but I don't want to pressure him. This is my journey and I am doing this for me. No one else, but me.   Take it from me,. I am going to win this battle against the weight. I am going to lose this ugly, disgusting fat that has been suffocating me for too many years to count.   Come along with me and feel as good as I am feeling righ now - we can and will do it. Together we can lose the weight - an ounce or a pound at a time. We will all do it:thumbup:.




Not Yet

I did not make my goal this week of getting out of the 230s, but for the total week I lost 2lbs. I had a great accomplishment with a 2lb loss, but I did not the goal. Next week will be the charm.   I know I am doing everything I am supposed to do - my portion size has not changed, my exercise regiment has been getting more intense as I go along, drinking my fluids and feeling great. My only true concern is that before LP, every diet I was on allowed me to lose 25 lbs and that was it. No matter what I did, I couldn't get below that number, so I am now at 23 and hoping to fly past the 25lb mark. My husband was asking if I thought I needed a fill since I have not had one yet, surgery was 6/21, but I am not hungry between meals and I have not increased my intake.   Tonight we are having our son and his family (girlfriend and her 3 year old) over for dinner. We are making our modified chicken parmesian and steamed broccoli. We are also making little bow-ties for them. My surgeon doesn't want me to eat pasta, bread or potatoes for at least a year, so my husband won't eat the pasta either.   My husband is the chef in our house. His modified chicken parmesian is seasoned and baked boneless chicken thighs. Once cooked, about 40 minutes at 400, he adds low-fat mozzarella cheese and homemade meat sauce and bakes until the cheese is melted and bubbling. Absolutely delicious without all of the carbs and calories from the breading and frying. I hope they enjoy it as much as we do.   Well, keep your fingers crossed for me. I am so anxious to get into the 220s. That last 2/10 of a lb is haunting me. I will do it, I will achieve my goal. Next week I will report that I am in the 220s!   Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.




Almost, but not quite

After work tonight we (the hubs and I) went to the gym for our Friday night sweat. On Sun and Wed we do 1/2 cardio and a 1/2 weight training. But on Friday nights we do at least an hour staight cardio.   To digress for just a minute, I somehow hurt my back a short time ago and I really don't know what I did, but it has been bothering me. We bought a new mattress and I love it, but I find I am sleeping more on my back, which may be the cause of the back pain. Who knows? On Tues I had a massage at the gym, which felt great while I was getting it, but soon afterwards the pain returned.   So, anyway, we pull up in front of the gym and I mention my back and my husband who has been having a hip problem. He says to me, "Why are we going to work out when we are both hurting" and I said "Because it is Friday and this is what we do on Friday." So he asked me if I had a broken leg would I still work out and I said if I had to drag it behind me the answer would be YES!   Boy has my complete outlook on everything changed since the lap-band. I have totally adopted and adapted to a new lifestyle and I know I am better for it. My eating style has changed, my fluid intake has changed. In my blog from 8/4, I said I was 230.8 and I couldn't wait to be in the 220s. I weighed myself tonight after the workout and I am now 230.2. I know that by sometime next week, if not sooner, I will reach my first goal and I'll be in the 220s. I am taking 10lbs at a time so I don't get myself crazy, which my husband says is not a far trip. Small steps eventually take you where you want to go and I am on the road to my goal.   One of the ladies who works in my company was walking behind me today and she caught up with me and commented that I have lost a lot of weight. She said it was very noticable from behind. I was so excited to hear that - it made me very happy.   Lap-band is a great tool. It gave me the confidence I needed to get off my butt and get to the gym, eat the way I should and start feeling proud of myself and my accomplishments. I hope you all feel as wonderful as I do!




My loss is another persons gain.

I was getting ready for work this morning and picked out a pair of capri pants and a cute top with rhinestones on it. Well, the capri's were so big, I would not have been able to walk around without losing them. So, I go back into my closet to find a belt. Well, I haven't owned a belt in over 20 years, so I kept searching for something to hold up my pants.   I tried on my husband's belt, but it was much too large. I didn't have any safety pins or rope, so I kept looking until I found a belt that I thought might work. It was the belt of my flannel robe! After wrapping it around my waist and knotting it a couple of times, I decided to ditch the capris. My husband was laughing so hard I thought he would pee himself.   So I put on a pair of regular jeans, which are also large enough for me to take off without opening them, but I put them on anyway and put on the top. The top was huge! It was falling off my shoulders, so I took it off and grabbed another top. The same thing happened, not twice, but 6 times!   The receptionist at my job is a large woman, so I brought the bag of clothes to her and she was thrilled to have some new tops and a pair of capris. :smile:   This weekend I will be going through and cleaning out my closet. I bought some new tops about a week ago, which are still a little too snug around my stomach, but I am hoping in about a week they will fit. I do need to purchase some new pants, though. I think I would be arrested if I walked around allowing my pants to hit the floor. lol.:tt2:   What a great feeling! People keep saying I look great and that they can see a big difference, but until I tried to do something simple like get dressed for work today, I didn't really notice a big difference. Love my lap-band.   Have a great night everyone.




Almost there...

I can't believe it but I am almost out of the 230s.:cool:   Tonight when I finished my workout at the gym, I weighed myself and was astonished that the scale said 230.8. So, I got off and after it registered back to zero, I stepped on again. OMG, I will be in the 220s sometime very soon. Possibly when I weigh in on Friday night or Sunday, which is the day I keep recorded.   Monday was the start of my 7th week since my surgery and I am down 22.6lbs - an average of 3.2lbs a week. And still, no fill! This lap-band is an amazing tool, but I am working by butt off to continue with this forward momentum. Don't let anyone tell you this is easy, because it isn't. But I see it is making me so much happier and feeling so much better, that it is worth it all.   I remember, not too long ago, that I would get into bed around 10 or 11PM and by 1:30am I was sitting in my living room on my recliner, wide awake, just looking around. I didn't turn on the TV so I wouldn't wake up the hubs. Sure I would fall back to sleep, but the sleep apnea would keep waking me up. Now I go to bed and outside of a quick trip to the bathroom, I get back into bed and wake up when the alarm goes off. How remarkable is that? My husband says I still snore, but softer, and we are both hoping that will end at some point (lol).   So, I will continue on my trek. With all other diets, and I have been on almost ever stinking one, I would lose 25lbs and that would be it. I can't wait to hit the 26lb loss and then the 30lb loss. I know it is going to happen this time. I am so excited to see where this journey leads me and I hope you all come along for the ride and share your journey with me.




New Photo

Please check out my album and see the change in my "green top" photo from 5/20/10 to the new photo taken today, 8/1/10. I think the difference is pretty amazing. :closedeyes:   Went to the gym today and I have lost another 1.8 lbs. I don't think I could be happier with my progress to this point. Everyone tells me slow and steady and that is what I am trying for.   I can't wait until I am in the 220s.   Enjoy the rest of your weekend.




Say Cheese

This Sunday is not only my brother-in-law's birthday, have a happy Dennis, but I am going to take another sent of pictures in the green top I started my journey in. For those of you interested, you will find my photos in my album. I am anxious to see a side-by-side.   I think the only way we can actually view ourselves as we really look is through the eye of a camera. I know they say the camera puts 10lbs on you, but I think that's only a TV camera.   I've always run from the camera when friends want to "remember the time". Or try to find a way to hide part of my body, but I am looking forward to the day that I am the one saying, "Does anyone have a camera to capture this memory?"   I was telling my husband on the way back from the gym tonight that I really believe my stomach is getting a bit flatter. Then I realized it is only 5 or 6 weeks since my surgery and realized I have a heck of a long time to go to reach my goal weight. I know I will eventually get there, but I am only taking 10lbs at a time.   As my friend and fellow bandster I'm a Luckydog said, she has lost 110lbs in a year and it went a lot faster than she thought it would. She is now on maintenance and doing great. How wonderful is that?   Have a wonderful weekend everyone and check out my pics next week.




Update update update update update

All last night I kept going over in my head - I'm not hungry between meals, I'm losing weight, I am able to eat and drink comfortably within the portion size my doctor and nutritionist set for me. So why am I having a fill?   I get to the doctor's office this afternoon. I get weighed and I lost another 2 oz since last night. Now I say 2 oz, but that is only if the gym scale and the doctor's scale register the same numbers. I'll know tomorrow night when I get to the gym if I actually lost anymore.   So, I sit in the exam room for almost a half an hour waiting for the doctor's assistant to come in. When she does, after the usualy small talk she asks me: Are you hungry between meals? Are you losing weight? Are you staying with the portion size? It was like a Filini movie. I answered all of her questions and she said I was not ready for the fill. I was still in the green zone.   She made me another appointment for Aug 19th, but said I should call at any time my answers to the questions change and they will fit me right in. She said it could be in a day, 5 days or 2 weeks, so we will see.   Instead of drinking my dinner, we went out to dinner and I had a 1/2 a cheese burger, no bun of course and brought the other half home for lunch tomorrow.   I am having my first post-op meeting with a new nutritionist on Aug 6th to see if there are things I should or shouldn't be eating. I hope I am doing what I should be doing. I think I am, but I am far from an expert. Remember, I had to have the lap-band!   I am happy with my progress. I hope everyone who reads this blog is as happy with theirs.




First fill

Well folks, tomorrow is the day I have my first fill. I am excited, nervous and anxious.   I'm not worried about the needle, well maybe a little. I am worried about how I will eat afterwards. I've lost 21 lbs since my surgery on 6/21, I am not hungry between meals, I stick to the 3-4oz of protein each meal, and I've been eating brocolli and some salads as well. I don't have any problems swallowing anything, including a hand full of pills at a time and I feel really good. What if I have the fill and then I start having problems eating or drinking? I want to continue to lose this awful weight that has been holding me down for so many years, and I think perhaps the fill will help me do it more quickly, but I fear the unknown. I just hope I am as comfortable after the fill as I am now.   Yesterday I was cleaning out a drawer in my dresser and found 2 pairs of capri pants and a pair of black jeans that I bought 6 years ago when I went on my 50th birthday trip to New England with my 2 best girlfriends. I haven't been able to wear them since, but held on to them hoping one day... I was not only able to get into them, but they are now too big on me. I've already taken in the waistband on one pair of capris and will work on the other 2 pairs over the weekend. Boy, that felt so good. Let's remember that 6 years ago I was at 268lbs. I am now at 232.4.   I'll report back after a day or two to let you know how I am doing with the fill. Wish me luck - I hope it is everything everyone says it is.




It's Official

Today is 1 month and 4 days since my Lap-Band surgery and I have officially lost exactly 20 lbs. I am so happy and excited.   I was at K-Mart yesterday and they had a huge sale on short sleeve, light-weight summer tops. Living in Florida, I wear these all year round. So I purchased some 2X tops - I hate passing up a good sale lol. I got home and tried them on but they were a little snug. Oh well, I'll just have to wait another 1-2 weeks before they fit comfortably, but that's not bad when you consider I have been wearing 3X and 4X up to this point.   I am looking forward to my first fill on Thurs. I think I am now ready for it. I find I am able to eat a little bit more than I have been in the last couple of weeks, but still keeping within the guidelines the doctor and nutritionist have set up for me. I get my protein down first and I am drinking as much as I possibly can during the day. Sometimes I can actually hear myself slosh as I am walking, but I guess I am not alone in that.   I am so curious as to what the restriction is going to feel like. I think I am a littel nervous about possibly having something get stuck or throwing up - 2 things I would like to avoid for the rest of my life if I have anything to say about it. But I will be brave and have the fill. I was nervous about the needle, but after reading other people blog about it, I am not nervous about it anymore.   I am happy to be on this journey with so many wonderful people. As the process continues, my enthusiam goes up. My excitement keeps growning leaps and bounds and I am so happy. I wish this great feeling on all of my bandster friends.




Gym good!

I was so tired yesterday. Don't ask me why, but I was. I guess it has a lot to do with the fact that I am in training hell at work. I have 3 new people in my department that I am training. Very stressful.   Anyway, it was gym night, which means 1/2 hour cardio and 1/2 weights. All I wanted to do was climb into bed after work and take a nap, but I knew if I didn't go straight to the gym, I'd never go. So, I went. I felt so good that I did. I went completely through my workout and I was so elated and energized. I always weigh myself before I leave the gym and from Sunday afternoon to Wed night I lost 2 ounces. As long as that scale is on the descend, I am happy.   I promised myself that I would do whatever was necessary to lose this weight once I had the lap-band done, and I am going to do it.   To all of you thinking about having the surgery, find a great doctor and have it done. You will be so happy that you did.   For those of you who have had the surgery, I know what you are going through and if I can do it, anyone can.   Be strong and most of all, be happy.





I was at my first post-surgery support group last night. There were a lot of people there. I must say I was a little suprised by the turn out. My husband came with me, and was the only husband, the only supportive family member, the only man in the meeting. I was so happy he came with me, although he felt a little out of place. But the meeting was very informative and everyone seemed very nice, although some of them were a little nuts. Read on and you'll see what I mean.   Some of us were "newbies" under 6 months, but there was also a woman 4 years out. Many of the women around a year, and 1 woman who is not scheduled until next month to have her surgery.   I learned that I was probably not really ready for my first fill. I am still content between meals and not overeating. Still losing weight and feeling great. I postponed my first fill until next Thurs.   There was actually a woman there who found out her band had twisted so she needs to have it replaced. She was so angry about it that she started eating anything and everything just to see what would make her sick. Throwing up and feeling horrible, she did this for over a week. Crazy? You bet. She is having the band replaced next month.   Others were talking about how they have found ways to cheat. What? R U kidding me? How do you think you became the size of a house????   One woman said she had taken "time off for herself" and gained back over 30lbs.   Maybe it is because I paid for the surgery myself, or maybe it is because I am just so excited and jubliant about how I am feeling, but the thought of cheating or eating something I know will make me sick is not going to happen. I go out to eat with my husband a couple times a week. I always try to make the best choice for me, and have been successful. I have waited 3 long years for this surgery; my health and happiness is more important to me than a bowl of spaghetti or a slice of cake.





My trip to the gym last night was so much fun. I started off doing my usual cardio workout - I walked a mile in 19 minutes, 3.1 mph at the random mode, meaining the floor of the treadmill goes up and down randomly. It starts at 0 and goes all the way up to 1.5. Then I experimented and put the incline up to 5. That was hard, but I enjoyed it.   After about 30 minutes, I met with my trainer and got my first lesson in weight lifting. I did 5 different machines, 3 sets of 12. I was so excited that I was able to do everything he asked me to do and today I am actually able to lift my arms! I know that by adding new machines and keeping the workout new and exciting, I will not lose the "eye of the tiger".   I have lost about 19 lbs so far and am due to get my first fill on Thurs. I am just not sure I need one yet. As long as I drink my water, I really don't get hungry between meals.I am afraid if I get a fill, I will be too restricted. The doctor said I could postpone another week or two if I needed to, but I'm not sure yet. I'll decide by Tues.   Meeting friends today for an early dinner. they are visiting from Orlando, I'm in North Miami. They have to drive home, which is about 4 hours away hence the early dinner. I am always worried about eating out because you never know how the food is prepared, even though I always ask.   Have a great weekend everyone. :thumbup:




Why not sooner?

Have I mentioned to anyone that I am one happy puppy? I don't think I have been this motivated and excited in years! I am seeing some changes, and it has only been 1 month tomorrow. My starting weight right before the lap-band was 254lbs. As of today, I am 235.8. I was as heavy as 268, but lost some weight before the sugery, as everyone does.   It is funny to say, but I never felt that "fat" until I saw pictures of myself. Then, I wanted to run and hide. Keep in mind, I am only 5'3" tall. Most of my height is in my legs, and most of my weight is in my upper body so I was up there.   Today was my second day lifting weights at the gym. I did a half hour of cardio and then the 5 machines that are part of my rotation. It feels so good to be participating in life again. I am giving myself permission to sit on the couch and watch TV as long as I keep up my exercise program. On days I am not in the gym, I do lift 3lb dumb bells and use a tension band. So far eating has not been a problem for me. I may postpone my fill from Thursday to next week sometime. I don't think I need it yet. I'll decide by Tues.   I posted some photos to my "album" showing the start of my journey through today and I will continue to add pics monthly. Now instead of running from the camera, I am looking forward to a monthly record of my progress.   I am so proud of myself and anyone who is on this journey too. It is a lot of work, sweaty - hard work, but it will be worth it in the end. This is a new lifestyle for us and I for one am so up to the challenge.   I can't wait to see where I am a year from now. Once I have lost all of the weight I have to lose, I am going to have my breast reconstruction (mastectomy Jan 5th of this year), and tummy tuck. GO ME - GO US! Have a great Sunday and keep on trucking. We are all in this together.:rolleyes2:




Is this me?

As promised, I have attached a new avatar photo my husband took today. I am so shocked at how different I look already.   We had a late lunch with friends today and they were very complimentary about my weight loss. Everyone says I look like I am losing, but I couldn't really see it until we compared some photos today. Yahoo! I will have a new photo taken every month to track my journey.   I am so excited and happy about the small changes I am already experiencing. The top I am wearing in this photo is a 2X - I have been wearing 3X and 4X tops for the longest time. I can't wait to report that I am in an AL and able to shop in a regular store. As much as I always liked The Avenue and Lane Bryant, I don't ever want to have to shop there again.   I want to wear some cute clothes for a change. I am so tired of old lady over-size garments. Aren't you? Why can't someone make some cute things for larger women? Just because we are larger, doesn't mean we don't want to wear the same clothing normal-sized women wear. I am not talking about mini-skirts, short-shorts or crop tops. But everyday tops and jeans would be nice.:rolleyes2:   Hope you like my new photo. Have a great weekend.



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