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My Lap Band Journey

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Stuck like glue update

See my previous post for all the gory details but essentially I was SEVERELY stuck Thursday night. When I woke up Friday morning water still was not going down very easy so eating was not an option and since no one was in my doctor's office here in town I had to wait until Monday unless I wanted to drive to another city, which I didn't. Melissa, the nurse at my doctor's office, told me to sip hot as I can stand it liquids. So I went out and got me some apple cider and heated it up hot as can be and sipped on it. I was still afraid to eat at that point but my throat did feel better. I felt I could actually swallow my own spit again. WOO HOO!! I had put some pot roast in the crock pot that morning to cook and by late afternoon it was smelling fabulous and well my stomach started protesting my fast. I decided to cook some eggs. I took a few bites and at first it felt a little like it might get stuck but it went down. I breathed a sigh of relief and so did my stomach. I started sipping my water and eventually I was drinking fairly normal again. I decided to make some Carne Asado for next week and did a little cooking. Boy did that make me hungry given the little food I have had since my episode. Pot roast was done. Carne Asado was done. I was starving! I pulled out some cooked veggies from the pot roast. I ate them slowly and they were soooo good. Then I see it! A little peice of pot roast on my plate. Do I or don't I? I do'd it! Chew, chew, chew...AND.....NO PROBLEMS! So I got a little more and again no problems. I even ate a little Carne Asado, because I needed to make sure it tasted right and that too was no problem. I am back to normal, well band normal. A little hot hot cider and I was good as new, that and not eating anything for many hours. It gave my esophagus time to recover. I have no idea what caused me to get that stuck but I know I have bought a box of apple cider packets(near the hot chocolate in stores) and am keeping it with me at all times. I don't like tea or coffee and those are just as fine. I do like the hot cider so that is my hot beverage of choice. Just a little tidbit I thought I would share. Something to try if you are stuck in a restaurant, ask for super hot tea or coffee or hot water w/lemon.




Not Sure what to do...

Ok, here is my problem. My boss decided to play musical desks and had several of us move around and I am now sitting right next to her. As her team leader it makes sense. What doesn't make sense is she has two food drawers. IN MY DESK!! Yes she has taken over 2 of my 5 drawers to put her food in because she doesn't have room at her desk. I am left with two skinny drawers and one that my file folders hang in. That is it. I have no room for the things I need to have on hand. I tried to move it but she got ticked off. When I start the all liquied diet I can't have that food in my desk. I have tried bringing it up but she doesn't want to hear it. Any advice?? I don't think it is fair to me when I am going through this but I also don't know how to get her to see it my way. Usually she is open to what I have to say.




What a wild ride...

I had the most horrific sliming episode. It was more embarrassing than anything. I did what I had to do to "survive". Check out my blog for the gruesome details. http://thelapbandexperience.blogspot.com/   I am hanging on steadily with virtually gaining and losing the same few pounds every week for the past few weeks. I am maybe down a pound this week. I truly need to step up my exercise or actually just step up to it period. I do nothing. I have done a little but easily get distracted. I absolutely hate it and I don't have time. I work four 10 hour days so I get home at 8pm. I only have the three day weekends to really catch up on everything I need to do. Somehow I need to find something somewhere that will motivate me to "move it". I am also a person who does not like to work out with others even my own family. I have a Wii and have tried the Wii fit, which by the way, is down right rude if you get off the board to take a rest. The problem is my kids or husband comes in and wants to "watch" and I can't do that so since they refuse to leave I just stop and then don't touch again. Any suggestions? I wanted to try the Wii Zumba but again if the family comes in the room they won't leave so I just quit.




16 days until pre-op diet

I have 16 more days until my one week pre-op diet. I am getting so close and so nervous. I start pre-op diet on the 5th, I have pre-op testing on the 5th and band date is the 12th. I am officially down 10.5 pounds. I have slowed down quite a bit. At least I am not gaining. Of course all scales are different.   I found in the grocery store (Kroger) in the health food section a wide selection of pureed soups in cartons with screw on caps. There were I think about 10 different varieties. They are a little pricey since they are organic but I may have to give it a whirl. I plan on making homemade chicken noodle soup and puree it and then strain it. Nothing is better than homemade. I also thought about doing the same for vegetable.   I have designated a shelf in the fridge for just me. I have one whole cabinet that is just for my stuff so my mongrel family doesn't dip into it. I drank the Special K protein water, pink lemonade and it was pretty good. It has 5g of protein and 5g of fiber. Can't beat that. I am stocking up when they go on sale. They are a little pricey too. I think it was $4.29 for a box of 7 packets. That is 61 cents a bottle of water. Not bad if you think about it. Not any worse then a soft drink but certainly healthier.   I am one step closer to my new life...




The Dreaded Taco Meat

Taco Meat is my enemy!! I love to make tacos at home. I usually put my taco meat on baked scoops. Well I have been craving the heck out of them for weeks so I made it the other night and proceeded to PIG OUT on it. I was miserable but my craving was gone. Or so I thought. There were these leftovers in the fridge...Day 2 of the Taco Meat invasion. And then I was miserable AGAIN! I guess I need to start of a list of NO NOs for food in the house. I'm not sure I can make that again and not try to pig out on it. Of course after the band that would not be a good thing but I don't want to even take the chance. I don't know what it is about this meal but all my other favs that I decided to have in moderation before surgery have been, just that, in moderation. All except for taco meat. Frankly, if I had some I would eat it now and it is 9:30 in the morning. Is it just me? Does everyone have this meal or food that just drives them to inhale the food like it is the air that we breathe?




This was a crappy day!

ok well not totally crappy. I suppose it could be worse. I felt clogged today. I felt like something was trapped in the back of my throat. Like it was sitting there like nothing was going to pass by it. I didn't feel nauseated or anything but suddenly I just knew I needed ot get to the bathroom. I got in there and gagged. Again not nauseated it was just a feeling. I gagged three times and only spit but it dislodged whatever it was because I felt "free". Very weird. I sipped water for the next couple of hours. I am having a lot of sinus drainage that makes me cough day and night. I hope this doesn't cause any problems. All day long I was STARVING, okay not actually starving but you know what I mean. The hunger pains were there all day. I limited myself to 2 oz per meal like yesterday and felt I could have eaten 4 more. The pain was mostly gone today. I actually wore pants that button and I buttoned them so I would say the swelling once again is down. Maybe that is why I am so hungry? Dang if that is the case then I am a fast healer which could be problematic since I don't have the opportunity for a fill until June. I have realized today that even though I had surgery I have a habit of grazing. And if you think about it, if we are to eat every 3-4 hours anyway then that is essentially the same as grazing. I cooked again tonight and while I kept from scarffing the mac n cheese(by the way I AM ADDICTED TO) I was sooo hungry while cooking and it wasn't time for me to eat again. I prepared myself for how hard this would be but I guess I never thought that it would be like this. That's not true. I did I guess I just hoped it would cure some of my habits. Again a reminder this was surgery on my stomach not my brain. I have to be determined to make this my new life. I am really thankful my doctor does not require an extended liquid diet after surgery. Tomorrow I am going back to the foods I ate yesterday since that day was optimal for me.




46 Days and counting--Advice welcome

Ok, if I counted correct I am 46 days out from my day of destiny. I am looking for advice on how to prepare. I am getting together a list of "To Do". So here is what I have so far. 1. Get exercise room ready. I am painting a spare bedroom and turning it into my exercise room because let's face it, this bod is not going out to sweat in public. Treadmill and ellipitcal awaits me. 2. Trying different protein flavors and concoctions to find what I like and stock up. I already replace one meal a day with a protein shake. 3. Make and freeze homemade broth. 4. Stock up on Vitamin Water Zero   Please help me finish my list.




1 week post op

I am down 7.2 lbs since surgery. It isn't a whole lot by comparison to others but isn't that point? I should not compare myself to others. My weightloss is just that, MY WEIGHTLOSS. That doesn't include the 5 lbs I gained from swelling after surgery. I lost that 5 lbs of fluid(that counts right?) and then 7.2 lbs after that. Not too bad considering I am not on a liquid diet. I only had clear fluids 2 days and surgery day was considered day 1. Each day I add more foods as I tolerate them. I am down a total of 25. 5 lbs since March 25th. This is the most weight I have lost in years.   I am amazed at how well I am doing and I don't feel deprived really. I still miss my mac and cheese but I suppose I will one day get over that. I had breakfast casserole this morning. It was very tasty. It's funny how the little things are so much better now. I made it myself and it took a few minutes but tasted so good. I made ham salad that is wonderful and a change for lunch. I am not a tuna fan or any seafood for that matter. I think chicken, ham and egg salads will be my staples. It's best when you can make things yourself because you can control what goes into it but in reality since we are eating such small portions most foods are well within guidelines.   Ok, has anyone else noticed that your tastebuds aren't the same? I LOVE to put lots and lots of pepper on my food. I never use salt. I have realized that now I am super sensitive to pepper in my food. I made egg salad and put a very small amount on my food. I mean very little and it still seemed to overpower the dish. I actually was coughing as if I had poured a cup of pepper on it. Very weird.   I have to say I am so glad I found this site. I feel I have so much support and help on here and hopefully I can pass what I have gotten onto to someone else just joining us. Thanks to everyone I have met along the way and will continue to meet. Each one of you have touched my life in a way that is changing my life. At a time when I wasn't sure if this was the right decision I was reminded how successful I could be. Now that I am banded I know that no matter what I can get the help or encouragement I need right here.





The new title of my blog. Same website new name. Why WTF?? It stands for Where's the Fat??   Please check it out and join to follow my blog. I was banded 14 months ago and have lost 115 lbs. I have good days and bad days. I am sure you can relate. See what can and can't happen 14 months post op.   http://thelapbandexperience.blogspot.com/




1 month post op today AND 1st fill!

Well, I must say I learned a lot today at my post op. I wish it had been sooner so I could be privy to this info but I am glad just the same. I learned several things. 1st--my doc does not have us on a long liquid phase after surgery because he has found more success in his patients if they are re-introduced slowly to foods as soon as possible. Less cheating and damage to the band. Plus since he does not put any fluid in the band the healing time is less. 2nd--I should be eating a "salad plate" size portion at each meal. And here I thought I was eating too much. 3rd--I must eat 1200 cal a day. Eating low low calories can cause weight gain or I would stop losing weight.   As it was explained to me, I should not be struggling with my diet. The only thing I should have to be concerned with is healthy choices. The amount I eat should be dictated by my band. Hence the reason for follow ups and fills, of course we all know that. Got to get to the "green zone otherwise known as the "sweet spot".   Well I weight in and have lost a total of.....33 POUNDS!! 14.7 lbs since surgery. Not a lot but REALLY excited. My doctor is thrilled with it. He said slow is the way to go. As he put it, if you expected to lose a lot weight fast then you should have chosen one of the other surgeries. So true!!   My BP is down. It is normal so that thrills me. I am off the reflux meds now. I haven't had any since surgery.   Ok, so I had my 1st fill. I didn't have anything in the band and now I have 3 cc's. It was interesting. It didn't hurt one bit. We chatted as the nurse practitioner did my fill. It was tight and all day I sipped water and ate mushy foods. The swelling is down now because I am no longer burping when I swallow water.   Then...I get home today and a local hospital (not the one I went to) sends me an invitation to their weightloss surgery seminar. I had never even inquired there. Strange.




Must make time to prepare and Pain is not my friend

I have found that if I don't prepare food and portion it out for the week for lunch I don't do so well. I end up having a long period of time between meals and feel sick. I am in training this week and didn't prepare my meals like I would normally. Don't get me wrong. I bring my food from home, I am just not bringing something satisfying. So then, I am hungry after a few hours and end up stretching that time out until dinner because I didn't bring a good protein snack with me. I do this it seems every other week. Next topic. Pain. My knees, hips, back, legs. For years I have felt twinges, dull aches, sharp stabbing pains. I was always told, LOSE WEIGHT. Well I have started to do that and well, it hurts even worse. Go figure. Turns out I have arthritis in my knee and I have been advised no treadmill or walking long distances. Stationary bike or water exercises until the knee is better then try the elliptical. Not a good prognosis.




I've said it before, I will say it again...I AM A LOSER!!

But not in the bad sense of the words. Being a loser can be a good thing if you are obese. LOL!   My weightloss has definitely slowed down and I am good with that. I have made tremendous headway in 11 months since my surgery. May 12th will be one year and I am currently down 103.5 lbs!! Something I NEVER would have thought was possible. My life is so much better and there is so much more to it now. My health has improved. If I was not to lose any more weight I couldn't be more proud of where I have come since that day nearly a year ago when I stepped into the outpatient center for my life changing LapBand surgery.   I enjoy life. I don't worry about diet or food or calories for once in my life. I eat what I like. I eat what I feel like eating. I only avoid those foods that cause issues but sometimes I try them just to see if they still bother me. Yeah I am a sadist.   My favorite food right now is Qdoba's three cheese nachos with chicken. I get the chips on the side. I put black beans, cheese, sour cream, lettuce and guacamole on it. I use probably 10 chips out of the huge bag they give me. Since I have started eating that most days for lunch my weight loss has upped a little. Here's the skinny on it...well not so skinny...1350 cal., 75g fat, 27g fiber, 55g protein. Yeah it is a lot of everything good and bad but that also includes all the chips which I don't eat. Here's the thing, I eat this for lunch 3-4 times a week. Since doing so, it has kick started my weight loss again. I mean that is a lot of protein in one meal and I am addicted to it!! Like I have said before I don't eat low fat intentionally. I eat what I like and try to choose lower fat options. I don't do fat free anything. I don't like it so I am not going to force myself to eat it. What's the point? I want to enjoy life, not struggle with it.   Hey the point is, whatever works for you, GO FOR IT!! I found my niche. I can't say it would work for anyone else but you have to find what it is that makes it work for you.   Check my blog out for my recipes and thoughts. http://thelapbandexperience.blogspot.com/




Back again...

It has been awhile since I have been on here. My weightloss has slowed considerably. I am now down 115 lbs in 13 months. I have been struggling with getting stuck or really constricted when eating but I am supposing that it is mainly stress related. I am working on that. I don't give up and go back to mushies. I keep trying different foods to find what works. Things that worked before I have issues with now.   The key is to eat slowly which I will admit I don't do. Sometimes I wait too long to eat and then I end up eating too fast and well it gets ugly from there. Other times I eat slow but because my kids are bickering at the table I get stuck and it might be something as simple as green beans.   I am sitting here today re-evaluating what I am eating and how I am eating. I started a new job so I need to work that into the equation. My former boss ( I got a new job 3 weeks ago) and I used to eat lunch together a lot because I sat right next to her and we ate at our desks while chatting or working. The problem is I eat lunch out 4 days a week now. I don't eat bad foods persay just homemade you can control the food such as sodium and fat. Although I don't eat fat free I know that my home-made food is lesser in fat than the restaurants.   I have a few new recipes on my blog: http://thelapbandexperience.blogspot.com/ and updates on what has or has not been going on lately.   Advice, it is perfectly natural to have times where you seriously wonder if the band was the right choice. To this day, I still have those moments when food gets stuck over and over. I get so frustrated (which only adds to the stress factor) and even depressed about it if it happens for several days continuously. I am 13 months post op and still deal with those feelings. It's normal. I truly don't regret it at all. I mean who would REALLY regret losing 115 lbs in 13 months? I would have never done that without the band. I am human though and at times I get so tired of fighting myself because of the band. I make it harder than it needs to be.   So back to re-evaluting...My former boss and I still eat out. Well, we run out and grab food and bring it back to work. I go my way and she goes hers and we eat separately now. Weird, I know. I need to break that cycle. Monday is the only day that I eat my lunch brought from home. I need to start bringing it more often and just tell her no. I feel so bad though because she is struggling now that I am gone to my new job. She uses the drive to get food as her time to vent to me over her struggles. I know she needs to do that otherwise she will crack under the pressure. I have always been her sounding board. We worked together for 10 years. I will need to think on how to handle this delicate situation.   I enjoy shopping now for clothes. I can buy off the rach at most any store. I still buy some larger sizes. I wear an 18 in pants. I wear an XL or XXL in shirts. The normal XXL not the plus size 2X. There is a difference. I have a lot of loose skin around my belly and my upper arms so that is the only reason why. I see plastic surgery in my future but not for a very long time.   Well, check out my blog site. I have lots of more indepth info and recipes. As I have said before, I don't eat fat free. I usually try low fat or if it is high protein then I am not so picky. I have been successful so far so something is working for me.   Best wishes everyone and if anyone needs to chat or talk about things then give me a holler.




Each day is a new beginning

Right now each day is like a new beginning. I learn new things about my new "friend" every day and in turn new things about my new life. I learn what works and what doesn't. Everyone is different so what I may tolerate someone else may not and vice versa. I haven't added anything new the past few days. My "food" choices consists of: yogurt, egg salad, refried beans ( to be used sparingly), applesauce and mashed bananas. Oh and Chocolate cheesecake pudding if I need a sweet fix. Which isn't often. I am not much for sweets. I am more of a savory girl. Not much variety there. One tip to watch out for andyou may not have this problem but refried beans are delicious when thinned with taco sauce but after 2 teaspoons I start to get the full/bloated feeling. It lasts a pretty long time so all in all is a good protein choice and staying power in my pouch. Can be painful if too much is eaten.   I drove for the 1st time today. No problems. I have a van that sits a little high but I was still a little sore getting in and out. I only drove to the bookstore and back home. Which brings me to my find. I purchased the book "Eating Well after Weightloss Surgery". Intersting book/cookbook. It has 140 recipes that on each one indicates how much is a serving for Lapband, Gastric bypass etc. It breaks it down for each surgery type. It also indicates how to prepare your serving depending on how many weeks you have been banded or if not recommended in the first few weeks. I flipped through it first to make sure the recipes are something I would be interested in and found quite of few I liked and more that I could tweak to my liking. Some I thought were not worth the effort until I could eat them regular. Like an omelet. Why would I go through all the effort to make an omelet if I am going to just puree it as suggested for weeks 1-4 for lapband? Ummm....isn't that scrambled eggs? It is worth taking a look at. I haven't found many websites that have lapband friendly recipes. If anyone knows of any please share.




My new Addiction

:tt2:I am addicted to Vitamin Water ZERO. I love this stuff! I had one of these about 2 weeks ago and haven't had a soda since. Grape and Lemonade are great. Berry Berry is okay. I wish my stores had the Essential one. It is like Tang. It is made with Stevia. It seems real sweet at first but then it grows on you. I really love it.




Pre-op will probably have surgery mid April

I had my intake appt Jan 26. I have my PET scan/stress test March 10, EKG and chest xray March 12 and surgeon's consult March 25. They said surgery will be scheduled about 2 weeks later. I am hoping this surgery will be the beginning for me. I have HBP, type 2 diabetes, reflux and high cholesterol.




Beginning Journey...

Today I started going through my information received at intake to work on my diet. I figure I need to start making changes gradually so by the time I am forced to make changes I will be in the right frame of mind to do it. For me at this particular time I am cutting out caffeine and carbonated soft drinks. That is going to be so impossible for me. I LOVE my grape soda. Caffeine not so much of a big deal. I HATE drinking plain water, even the flavored is nasty unless it has sugar in it. That's a habit I need to work on now rather than later.   http://anglovato.blogspot.com/




Stuck like glue

OMG!! Last night was excruciating. I went in for a fill on Monday. I only got .5cc, so no biggie. I am up to 5cc now. Everything was fine. I was a little tight on and off during the day. Each night at dinner my food would get a little stuck. Each day it seemed to get worse. Wednesday night I was eating dinner and it got stuck. Really stuck! I was at work at the time which made this even worse. I walked around hoping gravity would help but no, nothing helped. I started sliming and well it had to come up. I felt better. Last night was the worst ever! I took one bite of a bean burrito and it was more bean than tortilla. It got stuck and it was painful. The sliming started and I expelled it. I call it expelling becuase it's not really throwing up. It comes from my throat not my stomach. Anyway, I was still stuck. Still sliming. Still expelling. Every 10-15 minutes from 8:30 until 2am. Completely stuck until 2am when it eased up. I called my doctor's office today and they said that once you get stuck your esophagus spasms. Drinking hot liquid, as hot as you can stand it, will relax your esophagus. Drinking cold or even room temperature liquids causes your esophagus to spasm. Good to know. I am to drink hot liquids right before eating to relax my esophagus to see if this helps my situation, if not then I have to come in and get some liquid taken out. No one is in my doctor's office that can take out fluid toda. They are in the other office which is too far away(as in another city) so I am trying this little trick until at least Monday. Wish me luck. Still all in all, I don't regret it. This is the 1st real problem I have had. I am sure there will be others but I wouldn't trade this for anything. The band is the best decision I ever made. I am down 53 lbs. The sliming sucks but this too shall pass.




Had a bad food day

I was really on track when I thought that I would get an April band date. Now that it is in May I have fallen off the "band wagon". Today I just wanted to eat. I don't know why after nearly a month of eating well and replacing one meal with a high protein shake, that I didn't want any of that today. I don't want to get back into this habit. I lost a few pounds and now I am afraid I will put it back on. I think mentally I know I have more time before surgery so why start now?? I can feel my motivation slipping away. All evening all keep thinking about is taco meat. Just taco meat. Weird!:thumbup:




Super Bowl Sunday eats and treats, do or don't?

Do, Definitely DO!! Why deprive yourself of certain treats and foods? I mean as long as they don't get stuck. The band is a tool and as I see it, I use my tool I don't work against it and I also don't work against my brain. My brain wants something and by golly I give it what it wants just in moderation. That's where the tool comes in. It helps me to eat less. My brain in return makes better choices or makes my regular recipes a little healthier, if possible.   Today I have chicken breasts roasting in the oven for white chili and buffalo chicken dip. I am looking forward to both. I eat a lot of regular foods and not always low fat foods. The fact that I eat much less than before allows me to have what I want. If I am eating MORE of those not so good for your foods then I know it's time for a fill. So far its working for me. To each his or her own I guess.   What are your favorite Super Bowl Foods or regular meal foods? Recipes? http://thelapbandexperience.blogspot.com/p/recipe-collection.html




One Week until Surgeon's consult

Then we schedule surgery. I am both excited and nervous. I am most scared of gaining weight before the surgery. I have edema so me swelling up 10 lbs in a day is nothing and usually no apparent cause. This is day 4 without a soft drink and no caffeine. I don't really miss it but I notice I am more thirsty now that I am drinking the bottled water that I put a sugar free flavor packet in. I really don't understand why I am more thirsty. I haven't really lost any weight and frankly sometimes it is hard to tell when I swell up.




A couple of concerns...

:scared2:I really need to stop going on You Tube and looking up Lap band. I have come across a lot on complications and I can't help but check them out. I keep telling myself that the majority are patient error not the band itself but I am still very concerned. I am especially concerned because I have to pay for this surgery out of my pocket. I wonder if my insurance will cover any complications, other than actually have to do more surgery on me. I mean like if I get an infection or something like that. I am worried. I can't afford that. Another issue, is more being pissed off than a concern. I have seen postings where they say don't tell anyone. It is personal. Yes that is true that it is personal and it is your choice whether to tell people or not that you got banded but at the very least DON'T LIE about it. I know of someone who never let on that she had the band. She lost a lot of weight fast and when people asked her she said she was working out and dieting. They ooh'd and aah'd over her and bragged about her determination and success. Well then she ends up having plastic surgery for her arms because of all the hanging skin and a tummy tuck. Well it was weird because usually if you are dieting and working out then you would not lose weight so fast that your skin would hang to the point that you needed plastic surgery. Her closest friend spilled the beans last week during one of her usual ramblings that I tune out but this caught my ear and she suddenly was like well ummm she didn't want anyone to know. You LIAR!! After people started noticing her weight loss she started giving updates on her progress but all the while saying it was the workouts she did. We have a gym at work and she attended for a while but not after her plastic surgery. I am not saying who she is or repeating this to anyone else at work. I wasn't the only one there when she spilled the beans either. It is not my place to tell others her story but it just rubs me wrong that she pretended to be something she's not. There are several people at work that have either been banded or had gastric so it's not big news. Sorry just frustrated...




Calling all cooks!!!





Just don't have the time

Wow, I find now that I just don't have the time to be on this site as much as before the surgery. It may be because I now have my own "surgery life" to live and no longer need to research what may or may not happen.   There's nothing exciting going on. Just day to day living. As I have said before I have no restriction so I can eat pretty much EVERYTHING and I am only 2 1/2 weeks post op. Kind of sad really. Occasionally I feel foods get a little stuck and that is probably the only clue I have a band right now.   I am mainly watching what I eat and making a point to stop when I no longer have the hunger feeling. That is the hardest part for me. I am so used to equating no longer hungry with the full/bloated feeling. That is not what I have to listen for. Yesterday I did and ended up eating a 1/2 a burrito from Taco bell. It was delicious and I was satisfied but didn't have the full bloated feeling. I was comfortably not hungry any more. It was a good feeling.   Well, I haven't lost a ton of weight. Not much really but I have noticed a difference in my clothes. Mainly in my hips, thighs and calfs so I will take that for sure. Just keep remembering that you can't measure your success but the scale alone. Other accomplishments are just as important. For instance, I am no longer taking reflux meds. I have been on them for 20 years. Not anymore! My blood sugar is coming down. As I said I notice the clothes fit differently. I got into shirts I haven't worn in over a year. There are other things for sure besides the scale.   For the record my scale is down 9 lbs since surgery on May 12th. It's just the beginning...



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