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I am better today but it did not feel like the pain went away until after 4pm EST I am finally going to eat something in just a few. i was drinking Protein shakes and hot tea just to get through.

I did take the pills on an empty stomach because I have not eaten anything since lunch yesterday so when I took the pills last night. I had nothing in my pouch. Oh well lesson learn. I do not want to go through that again.


Back to the calorie question you said you ate 800-1200 during your weight loss phase isn't 800 calorie too small. I go see my doctor on the 28th so I will ask him. Maybe I will take that calorie test where you breathe in a tube. That helped be to know what my body burns before I had my surgery.

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Sharon - Yep laundry is so much fun - I am going to need to do a load tonite..

Snacks - I save mine for nites - it's usually popcorn - sf pudding - even a bite or 2 of chicken - I always have a rostiser (sp) chicken in my fridge - If I am starving I will have a bite or 2 of chicken - and I did have some Protein Snacks I got from bariatic choice - they look like cheero's but they are like cheese puffs sour cream & chive - 130 cal and 12 or 15 grms of pt.. I need to order some more I liked them - I had some taco ones from them too - they were ok- also you get 24 chips (bite size tostedos) for like 140 cal - I will have those on the weekend with some salsa... Bariatric Choice also has these great Cookies - Peanut Butter & choc - 150 cal 12 or 15 grms pt and they are big and filling - I have both and I ususally eat them before a work out..

Hows your daughter doing - How are you adjusting to being the grandma :0)


I ate 800 cal one day then next day 1000 then next day 900 then maybe 1100 one day then 1200 on day - I varied my calories

800 isn't that low - Here's all the food that you can eat

100 to 150 for bf (Egg Beater omellet 60 cal with a little ham 50 cal and a piece of cheese 45)

150 to 200 for lunch (3 oz of tuna 80 cal - 25 for mayo - 2 wasa cracker 60 - lettuce free)

250 to 300 for dinner (4 oz fish 150 - 1/2 c rice 120 - Veggies 50)

100 to 150 for snacks (Popcorn & Pudding)

Plus I exercised 4-5 days a week during my weight lost phase..

I am a volume eater still - I want the most food I can get for the least amount of calories - I rather have a salad that has 300 calories than 2 Cookies or I rather have 3 bags of snack pack popcorn (well I don't know if I could eat 3 - but know I can eat 2)

As you lose weight - it takes less carlories to maintain that weight

at 250 it takes 3500 a day to keep that weight - well now my calories are between 1500 - 1900 now to maintain 138-143

and I go to the gym 3-4 days a week - if I didn't go to the gym hell I could only eat 1000 cal a day to maintain my weight..

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Sharon - Yep laundry is so much fun - I am going to need to do a load tonite..

Snacks - I save mine for nites - it's usually popcorn - sf pudding - even a bite or 2 of chicken - I always have a rostiser (sp) chicken in my fridge - If I am starving I will have a bite or 2 of chicken - and I did have some Protein Snacks I got from bariatic choice - they look like cheero's but they are like cheese puffs sour cream & chive - 130 cal and 12 or 15 grms of pt.. I need to order some more I liked them - I had some taco ones from them too - they were ok- also you get 24 chips (bite size tostedos) for like 140 cal - I will have those on the weekend with some salsa... Bariatric Choice also has these great Cookies - Peanut Butter & choc - 150 cal 12 or 15 grms pt and they are big and filling - I have both and I ususally eat them before a work out..

Hows your daughter doing - How are you adjusting to being the grandma :0)


I ate 800 cal one day then next day 1000 then next day 900 then maybe 1100 one day then 1200 on day - I varied my calories

800 isn't that low - Here's all the food that you can eat

100 to 150 for bf (Egg Beater omellet 60 cal with a little ham 50 cal and a piece of cheese 45)

150 to 200 for lunch (3 oz of tuna 80 cal - 25 for mayo - 2 wasa cracker 60 - lettuce free)

250 to 300 for dinner (4 oz fish 150 - 1/2 c rice 120 - Veggies 50)

100 to 150 for snacks (Popcorn & Pudding)

Plus I exercised 4-5 days a week during my weight lost phase..

I am a volume eater still - I want the most food I can get for the least amount of calories - I rather have a salad that has 300 calories than 2 Cookies or I rather have 3 bags of snack pack popcorn (well I don't know if I could eat 3 - but know I can eat 2)

As you lose weight - it takes less carlories to maintain that weight

at 250 it takes 3500 a day to keep that weight - well now my calories are between 1500 - 1900 now to maintain 138-143

and I go to the gym 3-4 days a week - if I didn't go to the gym hell I could only eat 1000 cal a day to maintain my weight..


When you spell it out that way It does make more sense. I like to eat to it is just sometimes I feel tight so I drink a hot beverage in the AM. Most of the time coffee . My day is something like this

8am - on the way to work so I drink an 8-16 oz coffee

10:30am - I have a 15 min break so I eat either a Protein Bar or drink a Protein shake or snack on yogurt or dry Kashi friends Cereal or a high Fiber low cal Cereal.< /p>

1pm - I have either 3 oz tuna or a small kid size chili or Soup

3:45pm - Another 15min break so I might have a snack or not depending if I am hungry.

Between 7-8p - i am finally home from work and have made dinner for the family usually a Protein and vegs or some kind of 1 pot wonder (to quote you)

Snack about 10pm - popcorn or a snack bar like Fiber 1 or yogurt either sweet snack or salty I try to stay 100 cals or less sometimes with the fiber 1 bars it is 140cal

Bed is usually between 11-12 then up again at 7:15 to start my dad

I know fiber and protein can keep you full that is why I try to get alot of fiber in but the catch is the Water if I do not drink enough it can be bad like yesterday. When you eat alot of fiber you are supposed to drink alot of water.Water I am trying to get my 64 ozs in but since I am all day taking calls I hardly get a chance to take a sip.

I used to walk on my breaks but then got lazy I would like to start back but when it is break it is usually running for the bathroom and then back to the grind.

With journaling the last week I range between 1000 - 1300 calories a day depending. This weekend kind of went hell in a hand basket and foot loose and fancy free so I was way over mostly because I did not right it down.

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Evening gals, hope all are having a good evening.. I had a long day, but am relaxing now... Had to take our pickup into have some work done this morning so had to be to Bismarck by 9:00... Had to be with my mother, too, so she drove her car (Yeah!!!!!!) and followed me.. We left mine and took hers to do the rest of the day.. Had a nice Breakfast with my aunt and then on to appts... The guy called from shop with a quote.. $305 + tax.... but.................... they did a free inspection and it needs to have brake work, power steering flush, and differential work for another $390.........so what did I want them to do...............TALK TO MY HUSBAND!!!!!! Thank goodness for cell phones.. I called DH and he called them and put them in their place about trying to bamboozal a woman!!!! Made it home in time to get Mimi when DD went to work... Whew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Mimi came down with the sniffles and a runny nose yesterday and was cranky last evening.. Figured she was so run down from not eating for a week.......... Called the sitter this morning early to see if she would still take her and she said yes... Well, this afternoon when she came she was in a great mood... Just a little sniffles yet, but not bad... She played and was a delight, but must not have had a nap like usual becasue she got cranky and finally went to sleep at 7:45... I'm going to have to sleep fast tonight as she will be up early I'm afraid............

Sharon, you hang in there.... DD will be fine... and so will Eli.....

1 Day, glad you are better... I took Tylenol caplets today and at first thought one went down wrong, but it must have slid through because that feeling went away fast..

It's been quiet on here today...... I'm hoping everyone is out enjoying life.... I'm feeling better this evening than I have felt in a long time.. Nurse called today to say that Tri-Care denied my MRI so doctor was writing a letter to try to convince them... We'll see...

I'm off to rest............... Bless you all, you are in my prayers... TTYL...............Julie

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Janet, my sisters (two of them) and I are going to San Diego. The sisters are quilters and there is a quilt show going on this weekend. I don't quilt, but I do like looking at them. Since I'll be in San Diego already, I'm going to slip down to Tijuana for another fill. This is the first time the three of us have ever tried to do anything together. It should be an interesting weekend. Interesting calorie break down.

Sharon, ah so much fun with laundry...gee, I'm doing a load now too. Keeping my fingers crossed for you, your daughter and Eli.

Wow, it's sort of quite on the thread today. I bet you all catch up over the weekend when I'm gone and it will take days to catch up! LOL.

I'm the proud momma of 3 baby tortoises. I separated the parents early this year, but it looks like not early enough. I saw them tonight when I got home from work. Mom torttise (Delila) lays the eggs in her burrow and I can't see in there, so it's a surprise. I have a separate screened in enclosure for them because the road runners will eat them. Oh boy, more critters to care for.

Hope everyone has a great night!!


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Janet, my sisters (two of them) and I are going to San Diego. The sisters are quilters and there is a quilt show going on this weekend. I don't quilt, but I do like looking at them. Since I'll be in San Diego already, I'm going to slip down to Tijuana for another fill. This is the first time the three of us have ever tried to do anything together. It should be an interesting weekend. Interesting calorie break down.

Sharon, ah so much fun with laundry...gee, I'm doing a load now too. Keeping my fingers crossed for you, your daughter and Eli.

Wow, it's sort of quite on the thread today. I bet you all catch up over the weekend when I'm gone and it will take days to catch up! LOL.

I'm the proud momma of 3 baby tortoises. I separated the parents early this year, but it looks like not early enough. I saw them tonight when I got home from work. Mom torttise (Delila) lays the eggs in her burrow and I can't see in there, so it's a surprise. I have a separate screened in enclosure for them because the road runners will eat them. Oh boy, more critters to care for.

Hope everyone has a great night!!


How cute baby tortoises. That must been fun to take care of all the critters.

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When you spell it out that way It does make more sense. I like to eat to it is just sometimes I feel tight so I drink a hot beverage in the AM. Most of the time coffee . My day is something like this

8am - on the way to work so I drink an 8-16 oz coffee

10:30am - I have a 15 min break so I eat either a Protein Bar or drink a Protein shake or snack on yogurt or dry Kashi friends Cereal or a high Fiber low cal cereal.

1pm - I have either 3 oz tuna or a small kid size chili or Soup

3:45pm - Another 15min break so I might have a snack or not depending if I am hungry.

Between 7-8p - i am finally home from work and have made dinner for the family usually a Protein and vegs or some kind of 1 pot wonder (to quote you)

Snack about 10pm - popcorn or a snack bar like fiber 1 or yogurt either sweet snack or salty I try to stay 100 cals or less sometimes with the fiber 1 bars it is 140cal

Bed is usually between 11-12 then up again at 7:15 to start my dad

I know fiber and Protein can keep you full that is why I try to get alot of fiber in but the catch is the Water if I do not drink enough it can be bad like yesterday. When you eat alot of fiber you are supposed to drink alot of water.Water I am trying to get my 64 ozs in but since I am all day taking calls I hardly get a chance to take a sip.

I used to walk on my breaks but then got lazy I would like to start back but when it is break it is usually running for the bathroom and then back to the grind.

With journaling the last week I range between 1000 - 1300 calories a day depending. This weekend kind of went hell in a hand basket and foot loose and fancy free so I was way over mostly because I did not right it down.

Melissa - the weekends are my hardest time - I tire and get out of the house - if I don't I have to be very very careful - boredom is a BIG BIG food trigger for me..

I am lucky I would say my band is the same 24/7 - stress and exercise will make me tight - but other than that - I am not that tight - and sometimes I think I could use a tweak like maybe .1 but again I think I need to make better food choices - I may have a mexican lunch once a week - and I really can't eat that much but it's high in calories..

I'm not always good on my Water and rarely get 64 oz in - I am close - Those fiber one bars are very good - 140 to 150 cal - and I don't find them all that filling - but I will have them for bf sometimes - like you I eat at work

EXCERCISE GF - I think that is what you need and to be a little more careful with your weekends..

Evening gals, hope all are having a good evening.. I had a long day, but am relaxing now... Had to take our pickup into have some work done this morning so had to be to Bismarck by 9:00... Had to be with my mother, too, so she drove her car (Yeah!!!!!!) and followed me.. We left mine and took hers to do the rest of the day.. Had a nice Breakfast with my aunt and then on to appts... The guy called from shop with a quote.. $305 + tax.... but.................... they did a free inspection and it needs to have brake work, power steering flush, and differential work for another $390.........so what did I want them to do...............TALK TO MY HUSBAND!!!!!! Thank goodness for cell phones.. I called DH and he called them and put them in their place about trying to bamboozal a woman!!!! Made it home in time to get Mimi when DD went to work... Whew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Mimi came down with the sniffles and a runny nose yesterday and was cranky last evening.. Figured she was so run down from not eating for a week.......... Called the sitter this morning early to see if she would still take her and she said yes... Well, this afternoon when she came she was in a great mood... Just a little sniffles yet, but not bad... She played and was a delight, but must not have had a nap like usual becasue she got cranky and finally went to sleep at 7:45... I'm going to have to sleep fast tonight as she will be up early I'm afraid............

Sharon, you hang in there.... DD will be fine... and so will Eli.....

1 Day, glad you are better... I took Tylenol caplets today and at first thought one went down wrong, but it must have slid through because that feeling went away fast..

It's been quiet on here today...... I'm hoping everyone is out enjoying life.... I'm feeling better this evening than I have felt in a long time.. Nurse called today to say that Tri-Care denied my MRI so doctor was writing a letter to try to convince them... We'll see...

I'm off to rest............... Bless you all, you are in my prayers... TTYL...............Julie

Julie - Yep I think DH's main purpose in life is to take out the trash - and deal with car problems and put gas in the car too - Those are about the only thing I miss about my DH

Janet, my sisters (two of them) and I are going to San Diego. The sisters are quilters and there is a quilt show going on this weekend. I don't quilt, but I do like looking at them. Since I'll be in San Diego already, I'm going to slip down to Tijuana for another fill. This is the first time the three of us have ever tried to do anything together. It should be an interesting weekend. Interesting calorie break down.

Sharon, ah so much fun with laundry...gee, I'm doing a load now too. Keeping my fingers crossed for you, your daughter and Eli.

Wow, it's sort of quite on the thread today. I bet you all catch up over the weekend when I'm gone and it will take days to catch up! LOL.

I'm the proud momma of 3 baby tortoises. I separated the parents early this year, but it looks like not early enough. I saw them tonight when I got home from work. Mom torttise (Delila) lays the eggs in her burrow and I can't see in there, so it's a surprise. I have a separate screened in enclosure for them because the road runners will eat them. Oh boy, more critters to care for.

Hope everyone has a great night!!


Eva - A few of my #7's quilt - it's beautiful but I don't have the patience for it - I don't think - too much measuring and being exact !!!

Have fun w/you sister - I talked to mine today -- it was so so.. I need to go fix dinner - so won't get into the details - but it was a bad one - but still didn't solve the problems but again I don't think they will ever be solved...

Ok gang I gotta go put my fish in the oven - I'm hungry it's 7:30...


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So, my husband is looking for part time work to supplement his Social Security. Probably Best Buy again. Its crazy that a 62 year old highly competent man can't get full time work--mostly because employers don't want to pay health care for an older worker.

I'm so full of arthritis. Even with the weight loss the extra excercise keeps me in constant pain--especially at night when it wakes me up. Mostly its my hip waking me up. I think the steps at work are whats killing the hip. Walking doesn't seem to irritate it much, but add the stairs and its too much.

I've adjusted my classroom to accommodate my arthritis. I sit mostly while teaching. I have a flat overhead I use with some materials (it lies only a half inch higher than the table) so I can use it sitting without having to raise my arm to write on it. My assistant does most of the paperwork which relieves me of enormous stress on my neck.

But the school is not handicapped accessible and I do climb stairs a lot. I frequently need to speak to a teacher who might be two stories up or go fetch a class that's running late or that the teacher forgot to send.

I wish I could work out like Janet so when I hit goal I won't have to stay at 1000-1200 calories to maintain but I don't think that's going to happen.

Just ate some Cheetos, not a lot, but that tells you what kind of mood I'm in. Haven't had those in months. Not since before surgery.

My job may not exist next year and the thought of finding another teaching job where I can adjust things to accommodate both my arthritis and my ADHD is quite overwhelming. It took me a number of years to get everything running so smoothly.

I've lost jobs before but I wasn't 57.

Oh well, the Lord will have to provide if I can't.

Kind of a downer, eh?

Sorry about that. Once in a while the "what ifs" start to overwhelm me.

Life is never easy. But my band is working and I'm working it and the weight is dropping. Praise God.

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Good evening girls.

I just finished laundry too. Ick. I hate doing laundry. Especially now since we are living on the 3rd floor of our apartment building. All the way down to the basement with the heavy clothes and then back up. It helped tonight that Andrew was home. He carried the laundry up. My calves hurt so bad from all of the exercise I got in yesterday. It's a good kind of hurt though, you know the one :) Also, I was such a dummy today...... I printed my paper at our local library and then headed down to school. On purpose I parked in the parking structure all the way across campus from where my class is so I could get my exercise in walking to and from class. Once I parked and walked about 3/4 of a mile to class I realized that I left my paper in my car!!! I turned around, walked back to the car, got my paper and then returned to class. Good thing I got to school early today or else I would have been in big trouble. Dummy me.

Oct~ What kind of Tortises? I love all things turtle. I collect turtle trinkets and stuff and have a three toed box turtle. I may have told you about him before, his name is Mr. Marley Marbles. I will attach a picture of him. I love the little guy and he has such a cool personality.

If~ Sorry about your crappy day. Tomorrow will be better.

Ok, thats about all for tonight. I have to pack my duffle bag and back pack for tomorrow. I'm going to have to take a shower at school after my aerobics and weight training because I have another class two hours after. Ick. I don't like taking showers in locker rooms or whatever, but it sure does beat going to class all stinky and sweaty. I don't really know where I'm going to find all of the room to put all of this stuff, but I will have to get creative.

Ok, good night all.

Love, Meredith

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Janet, my sisters (two of them) and I are going to San Diego. The sisters are quilters and there is a quilt show going on this weekend. I don't quilt, but I do like looking at them. Since I'll be in San Diego already, I'm going to slip down to Tijuana for another fill. This is the first time the three of us have ever tried to do anything together. It should be an interesting weekend. Interesting calorie break down.

Sharon, ah so much fun with laundry...gee, I'm doing a load now too. Keeping my fingers crossed for you, your daughter and Eli.

Wow, it's sort of quite on the thread today. I bet you all catch up over the weekend when I'm gone and it will take days to catch up! LOL.

I'm the proud momma of 3 baby tortoises. I separated the parents early this year, but it looks like not early enough. I saw them tonight when I got home from work. Mom torttise (Delila) lays the eggs in her burrow and I can't see in there, so it's a surprise. I have a separate screened in enclosure for them because the road runners will eat them. Oh boy, more critters to care for.

Hope everyone has a great night!!


Eva did you have your surgery in Mexico? Just curious.

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Morning............My little Mimi loves turtles... She says "toitley" and it's so cute............. But I've looked and looked and the only one I can find is a ceramic lawn ornament and she broke the base off of it already.. But she carries it like a doll and feeds it from one of her toy bottles.... I keep watching for a stuffed one, but so far no luck...... OH, and she likes bugs, too..... Toy ones........... she has 3 here now... A big plastic lady bug and 2 of those squiggley things from the dollar store that are made out of the slimmy feeling rubber.. She likes to sleep with those!!! My litte GIRL!!!!!!!

If, it must be your turn to have a down time... Sorry you are worried for your job... that can't be any fun at all.... My DH is retired, too..... He was asked by a big farmer here to work for the summer and he gets way more hours than he really wants right now.. And the job was supposed to be over the end of Sept, but now it looks like it could go on all winter with grain hauling and such... Not what we both wanted out of retirement... However, the money is nice.. Hope your DH can find something that makes him content....

Well, I better go get dressed.... Have a walking date in a little while... I had a bad food day yesterday and have decided to do my version of the 5 day pouch test starting today.. I cannot stand those Protein Drinks so I have to modify things some, but I think it will help just the same... Have a good day everyone... TTYL....Julie

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IYSOY-I'm so sorry about the work worries! For my DH it's worries about budget restraints and layoffs. I hope everything works out for you and your DH. Hugs

Meredith-whew! Your schedule is amazing. Cute tortise. We used to have a gopher tortise years ago, named Hoover, used to come to be scratched under the chin.

Indio-woohoo on your weekend! Sounds like it was fun even if you did have to 'pay' for the experience :) I too vary my calorie counts daily, I think it helps.

Eva-awww babies! Have fun at the quilting show!

Mrs B-wow busy day's for you! Sorry about the truck issues. Hope Mimi is feeling much better today. Sounds like a fun reunion for you guys, you did great.

Peas-good for you on the trainer. Sorry about the PB at dinner

Laura-so easy for the hand to reach for old comfort. Good for you to throw em out. Also never hurts to find out some things just aren't as good as they once were.

Bradley18-are you journeling your food and keeping up with your Water? Your so close to goal your probably at the 'earn it by inches' phase.

1day at a time-wow sorry about the pill episode! sure hope your feeling better today.

Off to the gym for me, have a great day all.

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So, my husband is looking for part time work to supplement his Social Security. Probably Best Buy again. Its crazy that a 62 year old highly competent man can't get full time work--mostly because employers don't want to pay health care for an older worker.

I'm so full of arthritis. Even with the weight loss the extra excercise keeps me in constant pain--especially at night when it wakes me up. Mostly its my hip waking me up. I think the steps at work are whats killing the hip. Walking doesn't seem to irritate it much, but add the stairs and its too much.

I've adjusted my classroom to accommodate my arthritis. I sit mostly while teaching. I have a flat overhead I use with some materials (it lies only a half inch higher than the table) so I can use it sitting without having to raise my arm to write on it. My assistant does most of the paperwork which relieves me of enormous stress on my neck.

But the school is not handicapped accessible and I do climb stairs a lot. I frequently need to speak to a teacher who might be two stories up or go fetch a class that's running late or that the teacher forgot to send.

I wish I could work out like Janet so when I hit goal I won't have to stay at 1000-1200 calories to maintain but I don't think that's going to happen.

Just ate some Cheetos, not a lot, but that tells you what kind of mood I'm in. Haven't had those in months. Not since before surgery.

My job may not exist next year and the thought of finding another teaching job where I can adjust things to accommodate both my arthritis and my ADHD is quite overwhelming. It took me a number of years to get everything running so smoothly.

I've lost jobs before but I wasn't 57.

Oh well, the Lord will have to provide if I can't.

Kind of a downer, eh?

Sorry about that. Once in a while the "what ifs" start to overwhelm me.

Life is never easy. But my band is working and I'm working it and the weight is dropping. Praise God.

Cheri - Hugs GF - OMW this is the 1st time I have seen you be down - you usually are so up !!!

But we all understand - we all have this things (what if's) and just life that brings us down - I think we look at our age and think - isn't it suppose to be easier by now.. Like you said - it's never easy no matter what age we are..

Like you said you had some cheetos but nothing like before and that in it's self is great - hell I know we all freak when we turn to food - but heck the skinny pple turn to food to when they are upset - the diff is they don't do it every day - we no longer to it every day either - so a once in a while (long while :sad:) food pity party is ok :)

Hugs on the arthritist - I am lucky that I don't have any major physical issues - I hyper extend my knee leg every now and then - have some minor lower back issues - but nothing that stops me from exercising..

Hugs - Hope today is better...

Good evening girls.

I just finished laundry too. Ick. I hate doing laundry. Especially now since we are living on the 3rd floor of our apartment building. All the way down to the basement with the heavy clothes and then back up. It helped tonight that Andrew was home. He carried the laundry up. My calves hurt so bad from all of the exercise I got in yesterday. It's a good kind of hurt though, you know the one :unsure: Also, I was such a dummy today...... I printed my paper at our local library and then headed down to school. On purpose I parked in the parking structure all the way across campus from where my class is so I could get my exercise in walking to and from class. Once I parked and walked about 3/4 of a mile to class I realized that I left my paper in my car!!! I turned around, walked back to the car, got my paper and then returned to class. Good thing I got to school early today or else I would have been in big trouble. Dummy me.

Oct~ What kind of Tortises? I love all things turtle. I collect turtle trinkets and stuff and have a three toed box turtle. I may have told you about him before, his name is Mr. Marley Marbles. I will attach a picture of him. I love the little guy and he has such a cool personality.

If~ Sorry about your crappy day. Tomorrow will be better.

Ok, thats about all for tonight. I have to pack my duffle bag and back pack for tomorrow. I'm going to have to take a shower at school after my aerobics and weight training because I have another class two hours after. Ick. I don't like taking showers in locker rooms or whatever, but it sure does beat going to class all stinky and sweaty. I don't really know where I'm going to find all of the room to put all of this stuff, but I will have to get creative.

Ok, good night all.

Love, Meredith

Meredith - you go girl with your exercise !!!! Ya I don't think I would like locker room showers much either - but sometimes we gotta do it...

Morning............My little Mimi loves turtles... She says "toitley" and it's so cute............. But I've looked and looked and the only one I can find is a ceramic lawn ornament and she broke the base off of it already.. But she carries it like a doll and feeds it from one of her toy bottles.... I keep watching for a stuffed one, but so far no luck...... OH, and she likes bugs, too..... Toy ones........... she has 3 here now... A big plastic lady bug and 2 of those squiggley things from the dollar store that are made out of the slimmy feeling rubber.. She likes to sleep with those!!! My litte GIRL!!!!!!!

If, it must be your turn to have a down time... Sorry you are worried for your job... that can't be any fun at all.... My DH is retired, too..... He was asked by a big farmer here to work for the summer and he gets way more hours than he really wants right now.. And the job was supposed to be over the end of Sept, but now it looks like it could go on all winter with grain hauling and such... Not what we both wanted out of retirement... However, the money is nice.. Hope your DH can find something that makes him content....

Well, I better go get dressed.... Have a walking date in a little while... I had a bad food day yesterday and have decided to do my version of the 5 day pouch test starting today.. I cannot stand those Protein drinks so I have to modify things some, but I think it will help just the same... Have a good day everyone... TTYL....Julie

Julie WTG to recomitt to your band - yep alot of pple find that the 5 day pouch test gets them back on track - I think that getting off the carbs helps too - after 3 days of high Protein we don't crave the sugar/carbs like we do when we are eating them..

IYSOY-I'm so sorry about the work worries! For my DH it's worries about budget restraints and layoffs. I hope everything works out for you and your DH. Hugs

Meredith-whew! Your schedule is amazing. Cute tortise. We used to have a gopher tortise years ago, named Hoover, used to come to be scratched under the chin.

Indio-woohoo on your weekend! Sounds like it was fun even if you did have to 'pay' for the experience :unsure: I too vary my calorie counts daily, I think it helps.

Eva-awww babies! Have fun at the quilting show!

Mrs B-wow busy day's for you! Sorry about the truck issues. Hope Mimi is feeling much better today. Sounds like a fun reunion for you guys, you did great.

Peas-good for you on the trainer. Sorry about the PB at dinner

Laura-so easy for the hand to reach for old comfort. Good for you to throw em out. Also never hurts to find out some things just aren't as good as they once were.

Bradley18-are you journeling your food and keeping up with your Water? Your so close to goal your probably at the 'earn it by inches' phase.

1day at a time-wow sorry about the pill episode! sure hope your feeling better today.

Off to the gym for me, have a great day all.

Gitrdone - Ya I had fun and it was worth it - and I don't think I made too big of an A$$ out of myself :0)

I wish I could exercise in the morning - if I were retired I would go to the gym at least 5 days a week - around 7-8 a.m - I have the energy then and am least likely to talk myself out of it in the mornings..

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Sitting here eating watermelon and salt - thinking of Apples - aren't you back from the lake ..

Linda we haven't heard from you in a while

Great & Charlene ????

Joann - Korea - can't get to LBT???

Well back to work :0)

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