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Diet After Surgery

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My plan is to initially have 60 grams of Protein.

But my Drs plan later is Beans and veggies too.

Look at the book " a pound of cure" by Dr Mathew Weiner or look at his YouTube videos. He has many YouTube videos explaining numerous topics

He has great success with that way of eating - a lot of Beans , veggies , raw nuts.

I asked about fruit and the carbs and sugar in it. He said there are studies that people that have bowls of fruit on their counters , eat fruit etc.. Are more lean than those that don't .

I can't tell you how much or how often.

All I know is we probably all had the surgery because we had a hard time losing without it. I don't think we all need the same prescription.

I think if carbs are a trigger food for you then avoid them.

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It sounds like your program is following a new approach to the post op bariatric diet. They are definitely using the theories explored in "Forks Over Knives", "food Choices" and "The China Study." The first two are on Netflix. All three encourage plant based Protein instead of animal Protein. Keep us informed on how it goes for you, good luck.

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The doctor at my clinic wrote a book. The title is Proteinaholic by Garth Davis. He's had his patients following a MOSTLY vegan/vegetarian diet for years, and the look amazing! It is their choice if they want to become a FULL vegetarian/vegan and fully embrace the lifestyle. In the book, since I read some today, he basically stresses that in today's society, Protein has became too much of a major issue. Animal meats have it, there are supplements and powders and it's basically killing people. He had a health scare and it woke him up to this reality. He stresses there is no reason to add Protein to your diet if you eat the right vegetables and fruits at the proper amounts for your body. The food is the fuel. All of us have different doctors, each doctor is different. What works for one person won't for another. My doctor's want me to ONLY worry about losing weight and choosing right foods and exercising as much as possible. As mentioned above, someone stated fruits, veggies, and raw nuts. All things in my diet as well. Forks Over Knives was a book they stressed to me. There are new approaches now that doctors are taking that use more earthly ingredients. And one of his patients is 3 years out and looks absolutely gorgeous! Other patients have raved about the success on his diet program. He gives you the ultimate choice to fully become vegan/vegetarian; if you still want small portions of meat, then it is fine. Carbs are a choice to have occasionally, not an every day basis. So now that I have studied his plan more and looked at lots of vegetarian cookbooks, and seen his patients results, I will definitely give this my all. I'm not even 3 weeks out yet and already had puréed Beans w/ jalapeño peppers. I love my spicy food and I had no trouble with it. Granted this doctor is not my doctor, but he works in the same clinic with his father, who founded the clinic, and my doctor partnered with them at the clinic and recommends the same diet because of the results and how healthy it is. I'm hoping it all goes great and will continue with confidence.

I wish everyone luck with whichever diet you may be on. But please keep in mind not everyone will follow that same plan, as this is a newer approach that has been proven to work as well. We should all follow what our own doctors tell us to do.

Happy Holidays to all!!!

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My doctor's plan is similar. Someone above mention Pound of Cure by Dr Weiner. That's actually my doctor and he advocates a veggie first approach.

He does want you to get 60g of Protein initially after surgery, but never has you count calories. He uses Protein shakes, but wants you off them as soon as possible as he is opposed to processed food. Once you are a ways out from surgery he doesn't even bother having you count Protein. His theory is that if you are eating a "normal" amount of food, and eating the right foods, you will get more than enough protein.

The main difference from your plan is he is anti grain. Not anti carb, he is an advocate of fruit. He is fine with meat, but prefers you have a small (2-4 oz) of meat then loads of veggies. And he likes you to have at least one non-animal protein meal a day.

Personally, I love the program. It takes a little forethought and preparation, but the foods are delicious and it works!!

I lost almost 50 lbs pre-op following his program. I am now 8.5 months post-op, and am down a total of 184 lbs (SW 333, SW 286, CW 149).

Anyway, follow your docs plan. I have gotten used to my plan being very different than most on here (the biggest differences are most people on here eat lots of processed food, lots of dairy, and often have much higher protein targets)

Edited by msujester

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I wish I had access to Dr Davis. As a long term vegan headed into sleeve surgery at the end of the month I feel like I'm getting very little guidance from my dr team about food post surgery. They are ok with me staying vegan but basically are giving me the regular diet plan and telling me to figure out how to veganize it. I hope I can figure it out.

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I wish I had access to Dr Davis. As a long term vegan headed into sleeve surgery at the end of the month I feel like I'm getting very little guidance from my dr team about food post surgery. They are ok with me staying vegan but basically are giving me the regular diet plan and telling me to figure out how to veganize it. I hope I can figure it out.

Right there with you. Was leaning vegan and then pushed onto whey powder.

I went into my post op appointment and they excitedly told me I can have egg drop Soup and skim milk! Well, cool, but no thanks. I'll finish my prescribed whey and figure it out myself then.

The veggie broth in the hospital was to die for though!

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I had the Sleeve surgery on 11/23/16. As of now, I'm still on purée foods. On January 4, I will advance to a regular diet. Now, before I say this, I want to be clear that I am going to follow the doctor's food plan. All three doctors at the office have told me the same thing, so it must be a plan that works.

With all that said, I am curious how many of your doctors' have told y'all not to count Protein or calories or worry about numbers? My doctors all said to focus on Beans, fruits, and veggies....or as they also said, Fiber Fiber FIBER (lol). I'm still allowed to eat meats, as long as long as Beans, fruits, and veggies take up the majority of the meal/day. Also, I can still have rice, Pasta, bread, and tortillas (all whole grain, with the exception of corn tortillas occasionally).

They recommend the program (which has 3 books, 1 being a cookbook) called Forks Over Knives, which is a plant-based meal program. Some of the recipes look awesome, but from what I've skimmed through and seen, it is vegetarian.

I don't have to go by the book totally. But they said absolutely no counting because it is not necessary and they don't want this to feel like a diet because looking at it as a diet can cause failure, so not to stress it.

What plans do you follow? Is anyone's similar to what I will be following?

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I'm not sure if anyone said this yet but my doctor made it clear that the Protein was absolutely necessary to avoid muscle loss when losing weight fast. I don't know the medical terms but when you lose weight at a fast high rate such as us, your body will also reduce muscle which can be counterproductive as it will fatigue you and reduce activity making true healthy weight loss harder to achieve. That's just what my doc said. I have a whole book that walks me through each weeks diet and increase but every week says a required 60grams of protein per day.

Sent from my SM-N910P using the BariatricPal App

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Hummm every plan is different..beans are Protein.. Veggies are natural Vitamins..and fruit is natural sugars....it sounds like he wants you to eat meat but more lean because some meats are fatty n pumped with junk and takes the good out of it...At direction you go to get those muscle building nutrients in is ALL in moderation. My doctor of dietician through this whole process has never encouraged calorie counting or being obsessed with the scale..They have said to read labels (protein ahoulde be at least half the carbs), watch sodium (swelling) and sugar counts...Those tips and others from them n this site has helped me beore conscious of what I prepare n put in my face..Good luck n hour journey..everyday is a learning experience ...I think of it this way..we all didnt get heavy the same way so we all have to find what works for us on our own path.:D sleeved Nov 9th..

Sent from my SM-N920P using the BariatricPal App

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The doctor at my clinic wrote a book. The title is Proteinaholic by Garth Davis. He's had his patients following a MOSTLY vegan/vegetarian diet for years, and the look amazing! It is their choice if they want to become a FULL vegetarian/vegan and fully embrace the lifestyle. In the book, since I read some today, he basically stresses that in today's society, Protein has became too much of a major issue. Animal meats have it, there are supplements and powders and it's basically killing people. He had a health scare and it woke him up to this reality. He stresses there is no reason to add Protein to your diet if you eat the right vegetables and fruits at the proper amounts for your body. The food is the fuel. All of us have different doctors, each doctor is different. What works for one person won't for another. My doctor's want me to ONLY worry about losing weight and choosing right foods and exercising as much as possible. As mentioned above, someone stated fruits, veggies, and raw nuts. All things in my diet as well. Forks Over Knives was a book they stressed to me. There are new approaches now that doctors are taking that use more earthly ingredients. And one of his patients is 3 years out and looks absolutely gorgeous! Other patients have raved about the success on his diet program. He gives you the ultimate choice to fully become vegan/vegetarian; if you still want small portions of meat, then it is fine. Carbs are a choice to have occasionally, not an every day basis. So now that I have studied his plan more and looked at lots of vegetarian cookbooks, and seen his patients results, I will definitely give this my all. I'm not even 3 weeks out yet and already had puréed Beans w/ jalapeño peppers. I love my spicy food and I had no trouble with it. Granted this doctor is not my doctor, but he works in the same clinic with his father, who founded the clinic, and my doctor partnered with them at the clinic and recommends the same diet because of the results and how healthy it is. I'm hoping it all goes great and will continue with confidence.

I wish everyone luck with whichever diet you may be on. But please keep in mind not everyone will follow that same plan, as this is a newer approach that has been proven to work as well. We should all follow what our own doctors tell us to do.

Happy Holidays to all!!!

My NUT only stressed the 60g for the first 2 months while I was healing and losing rapidly. I'm 10 weeks out now and at my 2 month checkup last week, she told me I didn't need to worry and that around 45g was enough. This is a level I can achieve easily through 3 meals of whole foods.

I've been a pescetarian for 25 years (no meat or chicken, but I eat fish). For most of that time, I ate a lot of healthy grains and vegetables. The grains were, by far, the predominant food on my plate. I would eat meals such as a quinoa stir fry, or millet cakes with a side of veggies. I believe that the high grain diet affected my health (clogged arteries) and led me to obesity because of increased cravings.

Researchers still haven't figured out the ideal diet for humans. The advice we've been following for the past 50 years (low fat, healthy grains) has been pretty much debunked. Saturated fat is making a comeback. There is still so much that hasn't been figured out yet. So don't be worried about not being in the mainstream. There is no hard scientific evidence that the mainstream is correct.

Based on what I've researched on recent studies and my own experiences, I plan to eat 3 meals a day with an optional snack. At each meal, I will eat a protein (egg, bean or fish), a vegetable or fruit, a starchy vegetable and I will cook with olive oil, coconut oil, butter or avocado oil. I am going to avoid grains forever and I am going to hold off on the starchy vegetables until I'm a little further down the road.

Best of luck and I am sure you will do fabulously!!!!!!

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My program stresses a minimum Protein level, but no calorie counting until I'm in maintenance. I log my food so I know how many calories I'm getting daily, but I'm not living by that calorie count. I do work to get my Protein, as it's pretty clear that a low protein diet combined with rapid weight loss can result in loss of muscle...I don't want that. I'm eating a pretty balanced diet, low on grains but not grain-free.

I've eaten Beans, veg and some fruit from one month out, again this is all 'plan approved', and I use GENEPRO to bolster my protein intake. I don't think your plan is all that far from what a lot of us are eating, honestly. I kind of laugh at any doctor who thinks he/she has some revolutionary approach to eating...it's all been done, many of us here on this website have done most of it, and different plans work for different people. It sounds like yours is great for you and that's what really matters!

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I wish I had access to Dr Davis. As a long term vegan headed into sleeve surgery at the end of the month I feel like I'm getting very little guidance from my dr team about food post surgery. They are ok with me staying vegan but basically are giving me the regular diet plan and telling me to figure out how to veganize it. I hope I can figure it out.

Right there with you. Was leaning vegan and then pushed onto whey powder.

I went into my post op appointment and they excitedly told me I can have egg drop Soup and skim milk! Well, cool, but no thanks. I'll finish my prescribed whey and figure it out myself then.

The veggie broth in the hospital was to die for though!

Hope my hospital has veggie broth! My nut basically approved any Protein powder I brought in as long as it was at least 20grams of Protein and no added sugars. I've been using Protein shakes in my preop plan for months now, switching back and forth between pea protein and soy protein powders. Also I've found an almond milk, orgrain, that has 10grams of protein per cup which is more than most soy milks. So that's what I've discovered so far. Good luck to both of us!

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To answer your question, no my doctor did not tell me to count calories. They wanted me to get at least 60g of Protein and less than 50g net carbs per day. At first you can eat so little you don't need to worry about calories. Be careful with the carbs though as you can eat a lot more than you think as they are "slider foods"

As you get further a long calories will matter, I stay between 800 and 1000 calories per day and maintain the Protein and carb goals. Also as you get further a long it will matter what you eat not how much you eat too.

On your vegetarian diet I would eat the foods that give you protein first, then veggies and then carbs. Same principle just different foods.

P.S. most diet trackers will let you change your "measurements" to track what you want. The one I use let me change my settings to track my protein, carbs and calories so I don't go over. All though you do not need to track your numbers, knowing what you ate helps you later on if you have a stall.

Edited by Samara1974

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I'm not surprised at a doc advocating lots of Beans and veggies and fruit. I AM surprised that there's not more emphasis on the Protein content of the foods, because Protein is key to recovery and weight loss. That being said, it sounds like he's emphasizing high protein plants (beans), just not talking about the protein content.

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        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

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