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Update: 17 days after surgery. :)

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I'm writing this as I'm sipping a chocolate flavored Premier Protein shake. I want to gulp so bad! Hehehe... :)

This is going to be long, so unless you like to read, turn away now! :P

So, I had my surgery with Dr. Miles at St. Vincent's East on August 4th. I had horrible gas pains (as expected), and for about 2 days I felt as if I had been beaten up in an alley, lol. After that, it was pretty easy as far as the pain goes. He told me that he removed a golf ball sized hiatal hernia, that I had NO IDEA I had. I had no symptoms or pain from it, except for when I ate rice, because it would get stuck halfway down. But I figured that was normal since I was eating the rice and drinking tea at the same time. (This was way before my surgery.) Anyway, they fixed that and removed about 85-90% of my stomach. I really didn't hurt much from my incisions or inside of my body like most people would expect.

The nurses were butts at first, but they became really nice on their 2nd shift. The first nurse got mad at me because I unplugged my blood pressure machine. It kept beeping because the battery was low and my mom was getting annoyed from the beeping. Well, when the nurse came in, she got mad because 4 hours of vitals weren't taken. But dang, I was still heavily medicated from the surgery and I wasn't fully aware of what was going on. I just knew my mom was annoyed and I felt bad that she had to stay there with me, so I wanted to make sure she was comfortable. :/ The next nurse was nice at first, and she was overall a nice person. But the gas pains were becoming horrible and the liquid lortab wasn't taking the edge off at all. It just made me drowsy and I wasn't able to sleep because laying down was EXTREMELY painful. I would try walking like they suggested, but since I was so drowsy, I kept running into things, stumbling, and forgetting where my room was even though I stayed in one hallway. No nurse ever came to make sure I was walking like I should have been. The only time they came to check on me was to get my vitals. But anyway, I finally asked her if I could have Dilaudid. She looked almost shocked because I knew what that was. Well, I've had 3 kidney stones before, and Dilaudid is the ONLY pain killer that takes that much pain away. She hesitated and said, "Well, you need to keep trying the Hydrocodone." So I told her that it wasn't working like it should because I cannot sleep at all. Even sitting down made the gas pain hurt. I guess maybe she thought I was an addict. But trust me, Dilaudid takes away your quality of life because you literally cannot do anything when you're on it. I can't even speak a full sentence when I'm on it. But, she had no right to assume that, if that's what she was thinking. Her excuse was, "Well, you won't be able to have Dilaudid when you go home." (NO DUH LADY! I'M HURTING NOW. By the time I go home, I won't be hurting like this anymore! UGH! <_<) After 4 hours went by of me "trying" the liquid lortab, she came back in to check on me. I told her the pain has not yet gotten better, and I actually almost started crying because of the pain (which is very unlike me because I never cry from physical pain). She knew my family was around, so she finally gave me Dilaudid. The gas pain didn't completely go away, but it definitely took the edge off. The gas pain was at a constant 6 on the pain scale, and a 7 when it twinged. The Dilaudid brought the pain down to a 4-5, so I was able to sit up at a 90 degree angle and get some rest. About 6 hours later, the Dilaudid wore off and the pain came back. Once again, she didn't want to give me more. So I agreed to "try" the liquid lortab again. It did nothing for my pain. So 4 hours after that, she gave me more Dilaudid. That was the last dose I got, and the last dose I asked for. I was fine after the 2nd dose because it helped the gas pain almost go away. I told her this and she kinda seemed sorry for being difficult at first. Nurses just need to listen to their patients a little better. We got along great after that. She even showed me her puppies at home and I hugged her because I thought she was just so sweet once she opened up to me. :D

Once I got home, I slept in my mother's bed for about 6-7 hours. I surrounded myself with a soft shield of pillows, lol. That really helped me get comfortable. When I woke up, I literally felt as if I'd been beaten up. So I got in about 20 oz of liquid, took 1,000 mg of B-12, and went back to bed. The next day, I no longer felt sore all over. I actually had energy! So I got up and walked around the house a lot. I felt pretty good.


My biggest challenges right now are learning to eat slowly, taking small bites of food, not gulping what I drink, getting in enough Protein and liquid (64 fl oz and 80g of protein), and taking the medicine I was given. I'm scared about taking Xarelto because I heard there have been a ton of lawsuits with it causing internal bleeding and even death. But I paid $99 for it (my insurance covered most of the cost) and now I feel obligated to take it instead of the shots. I took it last night, but I figured that a one month amount won't hurt me.

I'm not having a hard time moving around and walking because I can hardly sit still for too long, unless I'm sleeping. And even then, since I have night terrors, I think I'm getting enough exercise while I sleep, lol! :lol:

Ever since I started my liquid diet and began losing weight, my ovaries have been hurting a lot more. I'm even a month late on my period. I'm guessing my body is confused since I'm dropping weight and not eating as much as I was.

Speak of dropping weight, I've lost 22 pounds in 3 weeks. I feel pretty good about that. I also have a pip in my step, lol. My shirts are already getting looser. It's awesome!

Tomorrow is my first day back to work. I'm kind of dreading it because of the woman I work with. She's very overweight (over 300 pounds) and she's been pretty nasty to me about this surgery. She's convinced I'll fail at losing weight. But I know me and I love who I am, so she can get over it, lol. :P

I also got myself a purple FitBit Alta for $130. It was very pricey, but I love it and it's going to help keep me motivated.

Oh! And I also went to a support group with my mom. My mom is very nervous about getting this surgery for herself, so I was hopeful that the support group would help her with that fear. She loved going! It really did help her. I spoke in front of the group of about 100 people. I even inspired a bunch of people with my words. One girl came up to me and said, "I just had to come talk to you. You're so direct when you talk and I love that. I'm so scared and you actually made me feel better." That meant a lot to me for her to say that. I love to help people. So I gave her my number and told her to call me anytime she feels nervous, even if it's 2:00 in the morning, lol! I want everyone to succeed. So if I can be the help someone needs, I'm all for it! I'm going to another support group in September with my aunt, who is over 300 pounds and has congestive heart failure. I am really hoping she likes it, too. I feel like I've been somewhat of a guinea pig in this whole thing for my overweight family members. I don't mind at all because 90% of the time, I'm very brave. :)

When I was at the support group, some lady came up to me and told me she thought I was pregnant, LOL! She said, "You have tiny little arms and legs, so it doesn't look like you're meant to be overweight." Well I have an apple body and I gain weight primarily around my stomach. I was told it's from high cortisol levels and stress. I don't feel stressed, but I guess maybe I am and I've just gotten used to it, lol! I actually feel pretty relaxed and happy. :D

Edited by Hiraeth

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That's a great story! My surgery was 2 weeks ago and same experience except they had me on a dilauted drip the day of surgery and took me off the day after... Boy did the pain kick in in my back and shoulders!

Over all I'm happy too and the only reason that lady at work is like that is because she doesn't wanna look bad while your losing weight and she's not! Best of luck to ya.

Sent from my VS985 4G using the BariatricPal App

Edited by Tami_Lynn

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That's a great story! My surgery was 2 weeks ago and same experience except they had me on a dilauted drip the day of surgery and took me off the day after... Boy did the pain kick in in my back and shoulders!

Over all I'm happy too and the only reason that lady at work is like that is because she doesn't wanna look bad while your losing weight and she's not! Best of luck to ya.

Sent from my VS985 4G using the BariatricPal App

Yes! The pain was bad in my left shoulder! It felt like I was bruised and that someone had hit me as hard as they could with a hammer. o_o

Oh I love you for saying that! I've been told that she is jealous of me and she's mad that she can't have the surgery because she's too scared to. So many people have said this. I guess you're all correct! Haha! :D

Congratulations on your success so far! <3

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Thank you so much for sharing your story! I am still pre-op, and reading people's descriptions of what they went through helps soothe what fears I have. I know every recovery is different, but if I have some idea of what to expect, it helps with the fear of the unknown. I am so glad you are recovering well, and I agree about the co-worker! Misery loves company. I hope things continue to go well for you!

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Thank you so much for sharing your story! I am still pre-op, and reading people's descriptions of what they went through helps soothe what fears I have. I know every recovery is different, but if I have some idea of what to expect, it helps with the fear of the unknown. I am so glad you are recovering well, and I agree about the co-worker! Misery loves company. I hope things continue to go well for you!

Awww! I'm so glad you enjoyed my post! :D When is your surgery? Yes, every recovery is slightly different, but most of the time, people don't struggle much. Mind if I ask what fears you have?

You're right. I think my co-worker wants me to fail so she can boost her pride. But I've tried my best to be nice to her, and I guess there's not much more I can do.

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I will probably not have surgery until next June. My insurance requires 9 months of diet, which will be done in February, but I will need to wait until summer because of my work. I teach 10 classes per week at the YMCA and will need to find subs for all of them. So if I can get the surgery done during a break week, I will minimize the load on the other instructors while I am gone.

I think my biggest fear is that my fibromyalgia will flare because of the surgery and hinder my recovery. I had my gallbladder out in 2010, and I was miserable for about three months afterwards. However, I am much healthier now and have much better control of my symptoms, so I am hoping that I will be ok.

I feel like being nice to your co-worker is probably the best course of action. Just smile and do your best to ignore her. Her bad attitude is her problem, not yours.

Edited by Caribear

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I will probably not have surgery until next June. My insurance requires 9 months of diet, which will be done in February, but I will need to wait until summer because of my work. I teach 10 classes per week at the YMCA and will need to find subs for all of them. So if I can get the surgery done during a break week, I will minimize the load on the other instructors while I am gone.

I think my biggest fear is that my fibromyalgia will flare because of the surgery and hinder my recovery. I had my gallbladder out in 2010, and I was miserable for about three months afterwards. However, I am much healthier now and have much better control of my symptoms, so I am hoping that I will be ok.

I feel like being nice to your co-worker is probably the best course of action. Just smile and do your best to ignore her. Her bad attitude is her problem, not yours.

9 months?! That is bogus! I was approved in 8 days. I'm sorry your insurance is being so difficult. :/ And yeah, 10 classes... Wow! You sound very busy.

Oh yikes! I had my gallbladder removed a few months ago, and I'm not really having bad symptoms. I just remember feeling like I had a Charlie Horse in my abdomen, which made me wonder if my gallbladder was failing. I got a HIDA scan, and sure enough, my gallbladder was only working at 12%. I'm glad you're doing better.

I have heard that weight loss can actually help with your fibromyalgia. I haven't heard about it flaring up after surgery, but everyone is different. I hope your recovery goes well. Keep us updated! :)

You're so right! Her attitude is not my problem. At first, I thought I was doing something wrong. But after many months of dwelling on it, I realized that I'm doing absolutely everything I can to make her like me. And she always finds a way to disagree with what I say and do. I've realized that she's just a miserable person.

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Thank you for sharing your story. I'm 21 days post op and have had a very very similar experience so far. It's nice to feel "normal" while undergoing so many changes. : )

Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App

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Thank you for sharing your story. I'm 21 days post op and have had a very very similar experience so far. It's nice to feel "normal" while undergoing so many changes. : )

Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App

I agree! I even had energy most of the day, even though I woke up at 4:45 a.m. I'm glad you're doing well! :)

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I'm just four days post-op and I didn't do well with the liquid loritab when they took me off the IV drip, so they put me back on dilaudid in tablet form and sent me home with a script for the same. I was lucky and had fabulous nurses in the hospital. I'm just wondering when I will be able to tolerate the pain without meds. My tummy has sharp pains when I move if I let the pain meds wear off.

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I'm just four days post-op and I didn't do well with the liquid loritab when they took me off the IV drip, so they put me back on dilaudid in tablet form and sent me home with a script for the same. I was lucky and had fabulous nurses in the hospital. I'm just wondering when I will be able to tolerate the pain without meds. My tummy has sharp pains when I move if I let the pain meds wear off.

I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this. That's so strange. My tummy didn't hurt much at all. But everyone is different. I barely ever hear about people dealing with sharp pains in their abdomen. Have you told your surgeon about this?

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It should feel like your ab muscles got a work out. It was hard for me to move around In bed so I tried to stay still. M almost 2 weeks post op and pain is gone. It will get easier. Sounds normal. I didn't take pain meds after the hospital cause I thought I shouldn't move in a way that was hurting my insides.

Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App

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It should feel like your ab muscles got a work out. It was hard for me to move around In bed so I tried to stay still. M almost 2 weeks post op and pain is gone. It will get easier. Sounds normal. I didn't take pain meds after the hospital cause I thought I shouldn't move in a way that was hurting my insides.

Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App

Mine are pretty much gone. Sometimes I feel it when I stretch. It does feel like an ab workout, lol.

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