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Staying focused during a stall or slow losing period

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We all have them, and yes they can be infuriating. Currently I have been on an extended slow losing run for 6 weeks. Yes I get down, want to say to heck with it and just eat whatever and sometimes do. So here are some things that help my sanity. :-) feel free to add yours.

Remember your body is in shock and completely new territory and is adjusting. This requires it to go against most of it's normal processes. So remember that at your caloric intake it can not last, it will eventually break the set points and natural ability to conserve resources. And you will lose.

You made this choice for the remainder of your life, while we all want to wake up tomorrow at our sexiest weight and physically be able to do anything we want, it is a process and that will come. We are in for the long term benefits. Enjoy the ones that are already here and set some smaller goals so all progress is celebrated!

Tied to that one above, remember sexy is a state of mind as well as physical

While I'll admit, what straight man doesn't like Angelina Jolie?

A woman that is confident in her body and carries herself with passion and determination is crazy alluring!!!

We all have that passion and determination by the very choice we have made, I am a sexy man now *confident smile* and it is only gonna get better! Woot, *cue "hey Micky he's so fine" with a remake inserting Pasquini in place of micky*

Stay focus on your eating plan. It will work, make sure you are writing everything down!!!!! Those carbs add up quick. I use daily burn on my iPhone the free version. This is huge!!!

When the scale isn't cooperating, try to notice how your clothes are fitting, are they loser. Wile I have only lost 6lbs in 6 weeks, I am wearing some med shirts and can't wear the xl's I bought 6 weeks ago.

Tape measures are helpful here, measure!

Ladies remember you have your lovely hormones that fight you like Apollo Creed in the first rocky movie! They do not work in your favor. But they do make you captivating to us men, well 3/4's of the time ;-).

Remember in rocky 2 Apollo got his a$$ kicked! Your gonna beat those pesky hormone into submission.

All loss is progress!

All stable weight is progress! It means your not gaining!

As we lose we are becoming the total package! All those years thinking my personality is so much better than hers/his. Well, we still have that and are on our way to the healthy body to match.

And as someone else on here says

Nothing Tastes As Good As Thin!!!

Stay focused enjoy the ride and make it happen.

Love you beautiful people!


And yes I am single ;-)

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Good post. I just went through this. I spend 60 minutes at the gym every day and have been eating my regular healthy diet but I gained 3-4 pounds in a couple of days!! Stalls I deal with but I can't stand it when the weight goes up. It was incredibly frustrating and I got mad and eat some crappy unhealthy food and didn’t go the gym yesterday. Sigh....need to get back on track. I just need to shift my mental focus on something else and not obsess about my weight loss every day. It is immensely frustrating and I've never been known for my patience anyway.

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We all have them, and yes they can be infuriating. Currently I have been on an extended slow losing run for 6 weeks. Yes I get down, want to say to heck with it and just eat whatever and sometimes do. So here are some things that help my sanity. :-) feel free to add yours.

Remember your body is in shock and completely new territory and is adjusting. This requires it to go against most of it's normal processes. So remember that at your caloric intake it can not last, it will eventually break the set points and natural ability to conserve resources. And you will lose.

You made this choice for the remainder of your life, while we all want to wake up tomorrow at our sexiest weight and physically be able to do anything we want, it is a process and that will come. We are in for the long term benefits. Enjoy the ones that are already here and set some smaller goals so all progress is celebrated!

Tied to that one above, remember sexy is a state of mind as well as physical

While I'll admit, what straight man doesn't like Angelina Jolie?

A woman that is confident in her body and carries herself with passion and determination is crazy alluring!!!

We all have that passion and determination by the very choice we have made, I am a sexy man now *confident smile* and it is only gonna get better! Woot, *cue "hey Micky he's so fine" with a remake inserting Pasquini in place of micky*

Stay focus on your eating plan. It will work, make sure you are writing everything down!!!!! Those carbs add up quick. I use daily burn on my iPhone the free version. This is huge!!!

When the scale isn't cooperating, try to notice how your clothes are fitting, are they loser. Wile I have only lost 6lbs in 6 weeks, I am wearing some med shirts and can't wear the xl's I bought 6 weeks ago.

Tape measures are helpful here, measure!

Ladies remember you have your lovely hormones that fight you like Apollo Creed in the first rocky movie! They do not work in your favor. But they do make you captivating to us men, well 3/4's of the time ;-).

Remember in rocky 2 Apollo got his a$$ kicked! Your gonna beat those pesky hormone into submission.

All loss is progress!

All stable weight is progress! It means your not gaining!

As we lose we are becoming the total package! All those years thinking my personality is so much better than hers/his. Well, we still have that and are on our way to the healthy body to match.

And as someone else on here says

Nothing Tastes As Good As Thin!!!

Stay focused enjoy the ride and make it happen.

Love you beautiful people!


And yes I am single ;-)

Thank you very much for this post, everyonce in a while we all need a nudge to help us to refocus and enjoy the little things that come along with losing weight.

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Yep... this is pretty much my mantra for the last couple of mths.... I suffered the 'why me, slow loser' mind set for a fair while and it really got me down... made me angry, sad and frustrated. I had a moment of clarity when I hit the 70lb loss marker... it took over a year to do it... but I realised that I am now on the final hurdle and I really don't care how long it takes me.

More recently, I have actually started to ADD cals to my daily intake (this is the only tweak that I haven't tried) and I have lost all the weight that I recently gained during a thigh injury. I am still not back to my training, but hopefully will be by the end of next week... anyways, my point is that I really think that I wasn't eating enough and that is why my body didn't respond... I am gonna stick with the new cal intake of between 1000 - 1200 and see if it helps.

And, you are soooo right about the hormone thing... it is a total pain in the ass... but it is also something that I have come to terms with!!!

Your post is well said fella, and thank you for making you positive thoughts public! =]

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Oooh, put me in the Slower Loser Camp...I'm almost 1 year post-op and only down 80+ lbs. I stalled completely out at months 8 & 9 and since the stall broke it's taken me 3 months to lose -10lbs. So I'm clearly not in the running for the Fastest Loser title around here.

But, that is okay. I am going to finish this race. Clearly not tomorrow and it may take me another year to lose the extra 40 hanging around, but I'm going to get this done! Of course we all want to wake up and be at GOAL, but some of us it may just take longer. And I'm here to enjoy the ride. I figure that the worst of it is over. The surgery, recovery pain, learning a new relationship with food...that is all hard work and I've come to far to feel badly about losing slow. Plus, I look and feel better than ever, I will never again shop in a plus size clothing store and my weight will never again start with the number "2". So now I get to keep losing weight while feeling great about my new body and how far I've come, sounds pretty good to me!

Coops...I hear ya! I just talked to my bariatric life coach and she told me to up my cals to 1200...today is day one of giving it a try. I hover around 800-1000 daily but with the amount of exercise I'm doing she wanted me to up the calories. I will keep you posted on how it works and you do the same, K?

Great post Pasquini...and lol@ the single comment, there are a LOT more women than men on these boards, I think you've come to the right place. ;)

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We all have them, and yes they can be infuriating. Currently I have been on an extended slow losing run for 6 weeks. Yes I get down, want to say to heck with it and just eat whatever and sometimes do. So here are some things that help my sanity. :-) feel free to add yours.

Remember your body is in shock and completely new territory and is adjusting. This requires it to go against most of it's normal processes. So remember that at your caloric intake it can not last, it will eventually break the set points and natural ability to conserve resources. And you will lose.

You made this choice for the remainder of your life, while we all want to wake up tomorrow at our sexiest weight and physically be able to do anything we want, it is a process and that will come. We are in for the long term benefits. Enjoy the ones that are already here and set some smaller goals so all progress is celebrated!

Tied to that one above, remember sexy is a state of mind as well as physical

While I'll admit, what straight man doesn't like Angelina Jolie?

A woman that is confident in her body and carries herself with passion and determination is crazy alluring!!!

We all have that passion and determination by the very choice we have made, I am a sexy man now *confident smile* and it is only gonna get better! Woot, *cue "hey Micky he's so fine" with a remake inserting Pasquini in place of micky*

Stay focus on your eating plan. It will work, make sure you are writing everything down!!!!! Those carbs add up quick. I use daily burn on my iPhone the free version. This is huge!!!

When the scale isn't cooperating, try to notice how your clothes are fitting, are they loser. Wile I have only lost 6lbs in 6 weeks, I am wearing some med shirts and can't wear the xl's I bought 6 weeks ago.

Tape measures are helpful here, measure!

Ladies remember you have your lovely hormones that fight you like Apollo Creed in the first rocky movie! They do not work in your favor. But they do make you captivating to us men, well 3/4's of the time ;-).

Remember in rocky 2 Apollo got his a$$ kicked! Your gonna beat those pesky hormone into submission.

All loss is progress!

All stable weight is progress! It means your not gaining!

As we lose we are becoming the total package! All those years thinking my personality is so much better than hers/his. Well, we still have that and are on our way to the healthy body to match.

And as someone else on here says

Nothing Tastes As Good As Thin!!!

Stay focused enjoy the ride and make it happen.

Love you beautiful people!


And yes I am single ;-)

Nicely stated!!

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Oooh, put me in the Slower Loser Camp...I'm almost 1 year post-op and only down 80+ lbs. I stalled completely out at months 8 & 9 and since the stall broke it's taken me 3 months to lose -10lbs. So I'm clearly not in the running for the Fastest Loser title around here.

But, that is okay. I am going to finish this race. Clearly not tomorrow and it may take me another year to lose the extra 40 hanging around, but I'm going to get this done! Of course we all want to wake up and be at GOAL, but some of us it may just take longer. And I'm here to enjoy the ride. I figure that the worst of it is over. The surgery, recovery pain, learning a new relationship with food...that is all hard work and I've come to far to feel badly about losing slow. Plus, I look and feel better than ever, I will never again shop in a plus size clothing store and my weight will never again start with the number "2". So now I get to keep losing weight while feeling great about my new body and how far I've come, sounds pretty good to me!

Coops...I hear ya! I just talked to my bariatric life coach and she told me to up my cals to 1200...today is day one of giving it a try. I hover around 800-1000 daily but with the amount of exercise I'm doing she wanted me to up the calories. I will keep you posted on how it works and you do the same, K?

Great post Pasquini...and lol@ the single comment, there are a LOT more women than men on these boards, I think you've come to the right place. ;)

M2G.. I've said it before I'll say it again... we are sooooo on the same page!! I did a little rooting around on here and a lil of the ole google and thought that I might not be eating enough too... I was eating the same as you, 800 - 1000 cals daily... exercising regularly and seeing no 'scale benefit' ... someone suggested to up the cals - hence my looking into it. I have to admit i have thought about it before but was scared to do it... now I am at the stage where I know that if I gain I can use my sleeve to the max again. But, like I said, I've lost all the weight I put on with the injury and meds... so hopefully my body will feel a little better with the extra fuel, which, of course, is good food not junk!

I spoke to my sleeve nurse and she suggested to LOWER my intake, saying it was all about portion control... Dear Lord, I truly believe she has NO IDEA what is going on... I suggested to her that I count cals as I really want to get to goal... and she said 'Oh, I have no idea when it comes to calories... I just focus on portion control.' ... WTH!! Anyway, I bascially told her that I was gonna try eating between 1000 - 1200 cals a day, and she said 'yea, that sounds ok' ... not that encouraging to be honest with you... yours sounds like she is way more clued up!

Defo keep each other up to speed with how it goes... and fingers crossed for some sort of movement.... hugs x

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What another great post from Mr Pasquini, and I agree wholeheartedly! I have to remind myself daily, I am in this for life, it's not just a diet. Those days are behind me forever, now on to the healthier lifestyle!! My Sleeve is helping me to incorporate healthier choices and eating into my daily life. I am also definitely on the slow loser train, but I will get there just the same. I must be on the scenic route!! haha But I am just happy and thankful to be on the journey, going in the correct direction for a change. The Sleeve is a wonderful tool that will help keep me on the straight and narrow path. I am very grateful and I love my sleeve!


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We all have them, and yes they can be infuriating. Currently I have been on an extended slow losing run for 6 weeks. Yes I get down, want to say to heck with it and just eat whatever and sometimes do. So here are some things that help my sanity. :-) feel free to add yours.

Remember your body is in shock and completely new territory and is adjusting. This requires it to go against most of it's normal processes. So remember that at your caloric intake it can not last, it will eventually break the set points and natural ability to conserve resources. And you will lose.

You made this choice for the remainder of your life, while we all want to wake up tomorrow at our sexiest weight and physically be able to do anything we want, it is a process and that will come. We are in for the long term benefits. Enjoy the ones that are already here and set some smaller goals so all progress is celebrated!

Tied to that one above, remember sexy is a state of mind as well as physical

While I'll admit, what straight man doesn't like Angelina Jolie?

A woman that is confident in her body and carries herself with passion and determination is crazy alluring!!!

We all have that passion and determination by the very choice we have made, I am a sexy man now *confident smile* and it is only gonna get better! Woot, *cue "hey Micky he's so fine" with a remake inserting Pasquini in place of micky*

Stay focus on your eating plan. It will work, make sure you are writing everything down!!!!! Those carbs add up quick. I use daily burn on my iPhone the free version. This is huge!!!

When the scale isn't cooperating, try to notice how your clothes are fitting, are they loser. Wile I have only lost 6lbs in 6 weeks, I am wearing some med shirts and can't wear the xl's I bought 6 weeks ago.

Tape measures are helpful here, measure!

Ladies remember you have your lovely hormones that fight you like Apollo Creed in the first rocky movie! They do not work in your favor. But they do make you captivating to us men, well 3/4's of the time ;-).

Remember in rocky 2 Apollo got his a$$ kicked! Your gonna beat those pesky hormone into submission.

All loss is progress!

All stable weight is progress! It means your not gaining!

As we lose we are becoming the total package! All those years thinking my personality is so much better than hers/his. Well, we still have that and are on our way to the healthy body to match.

And as someone else on here says

Nothing Tastes As Good As Thin!!!

Stay focused enjoy the ride and make it happen.

Love you beautiful people!


And yes I am single ;-)

YES!!! Excellent post!!!

And you are single... but you won't be for long! You sound like a really fun, great, positive and inspirational guy! Some lucky lady's gonna grab you right up! :D

To all: stay focused, it will happen. There's no way it won't. I've had many MANY ups and downs in this journey. But... I'm still here now. I'm at my goal (actually my post goal, goal) and super happy with where I am. As I was moving along in my journey, I made it a point to stay positive! I knew I'd get here, because I had all the tools to make it happen. :)

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Good post. I just went through this. I spend 60 minutes at the gym every day and have been eating my regular healthy diet but I gained 3-4 pounds in a couple of days!! Stalls I deal with but I can't stand it when the weight goes up. It was incredibly frustrating and I got mad and eat some crappy unhealthy food and didn’t go the gym yesterday. Sigh....need to get back on track. I just need to shift my mental focus on something else and not obsess about my weight loss every day. It is immensely frustrating and I've never been known for my patience anyway.

I so hear you! Every time I drop 3 or 4 lbs I know not only will I stall but I will float up and down those same lbs for a bit. Ut can be maddening if we forget what us really going on in our bodies. And that it is just normal. It takes about 72 hrs for your body to actually turn anything you have eaten into fat if it is going to. So just remember that bad day isn't going in your waistline today. U have a few days to correct it. :-) so remember that that flux isn't actual wieght gain, it's just fluids and stuff ;-) and it will pass. Heck I think a crazy day once every 10 days or Sonia healthy. I can eat perfect if I know I get chocolate in 9 days. :-)

So u had a bad day, u felt frustrated and ate bad, I bet it still wasn't anywhere near what eating whatever u wanted use to be! So take courage, relax, give yourself some grace and a pat on your back too! You deserve it! We work hard for what we are doing!!

Now eat some Greek yougurt and get to the gym!

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Good read, Pasquini! Very true. I got "lost" a couple of times but then realized I am on the right track and will stay on no matter how hard or trying it is.

Sexy is a mind set. I was sexy @ my hightest of 280+, when I was 240 and I am sexy at 171 and I will be sexy when I am 155 at goal. My confidence in myself has never wavered but my health did and this has changed that for the better.

You may be single, but I don't think that will last for too long unless you personally want it too ;)

Oh BTW, thanks, now I can't get that damn song outta my head ....

"Oh, Pasquini, your so fine, so fine you blow my mind ...." grrrrrrrrrrr lol

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Oh BTW, thanks, now I can't get that damn song outta my head ....

"Oh, Pasquini, your so fine, so fine you blow my mind ...." grrrrrrrrrrr lol

Woot! Every mans dream, to be stuck in the mind of beautiful women. :-)

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        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

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        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

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        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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