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Swlc Or Slimband......

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Bandjennafar, I'm glad you are happy with the clinic SLIMBAND. I had a friend who was banded by Dr. Yau and he has lost 120lbs! I did not find out until recently:). Continue to post, I didn't fill out my info until recently and I was posting blogs;) My pic is a photo of my pug;))) as for the original post, I choose SWLC and will be banded in November....

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i have been banded since there wasn't clinics. I love Dr Yau, and Slimband which is the name of a band and the clinic has been good to me. Dr Yau developed his own band based on his 10+ years of experience. As one of his original banding patients I know him well and I know how concerned he is with providing the best banding experience he can which is why he developet he slimband.

With that said, I have seen the slimband clinic evolve from a vision in Dr Yau's mind to what it is today. They have staff on board to support their patients and when I have needed support I have received it. This iincludes accomodating my schedule when I have had complications. I have phoned and emailed Dr Yau xrays from the US and had him work with my Dr, on what to do with me!

I think about the staff the clinic has chosen to hire tend to be bandsters so they can relate to what you go through. They have dieticians, a chef, fitness specialists and they offer follow up that is great through travel and their online board.

Do people complain yes of course people complain that is the nature of people... we all complain and most complainers are vocal about their complaints.

I can say Dr Yau and his staff have always been kind, caring and they have worked with me on my challenges, like replacing my band when it slipped and I wasn't in Canada. I have been through a lot and based on my personal experience I trust Dr Yau more than I can say for any type of surgery. I have had some complicaitons and what stands out more than anything else is how they have dealt with my challenges and how good they were to work with!

If you want to contact me my email is susieq321@hotmail.com.

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My name is Stephanie,

My reason for posting this is to share my story with you in hopes that you will take the next step and get the Slimband procedure. I feel very passionate about Slimband as it has changed my life in ways I had never expected. My story will shed some light onto how it all began. I was banded in April of 2010 and I am happy to report that just over two years later, I am down 127 lbs, and feel better than I have in 20 years. I made the decision to have the Slimband procedure when I finally became sick of being sick and tired. I have 3 young boys and I was not being the kind of Mom I had always envisioned I would be. I was out a dinner one night and saw a friend of a friend eat a very small portion of food (1/2 of a hamburger and a few fries) and push her plate away. After asking her if she didn't like her food, she simply replied, "no, I'm just full". A 10 minute discussion later revealed that she had lost 90 lbs. with Slimband and had kept it off for almost 3 years at that point. I was on my 2nd diet that year-- Herbal Magic as a New Year’s Resolution (over $1700 invested- 36 lbs. lost and 47 gained) and was on U Weight Loss at the time (had almost $2000 invested and a pile of pills that I couldn't bear to take any longer--27 lbs lost and constantly starving). And, there I was stuffing my face with nachos (having been on smoothies and shakes for 4 months) and decided that Slimband could be the thing that ended my endless yo-yoing with different diets. Within two months, I had several phone calls with Niki, a consultant at Slimband and a former patient who had lost over 80 lbs. herself. I spent several days discussing the procedure with my husband who eventually came in person to meet Niki and speak about the procedure. While he was not happy about the $16,000 expense, I decided to cash in my RRSP savings. At the time it seemed silly to be saving for a retirement that I may never get to see being in the obese category at 275 lbs. I was sick of weighing food, taking supplements, drinking smoothies, going for weekly weigh ins, wasted gym memberships and double digit dress sizes while shopping in the limited "PLUS size" sections of clothing stores. I just wanted to have a built in appetite suppressant and it seemed Slimband would be just that. I came to the offices with my payment and was booked in for surgery 2 weeks later! I did a 4 day pre-op diet to reduce the fat around my liver and prepared some meals for me for my post- surgery times--pureed Soups and stews. I arrived at the serene offices/surgery clinic at Slimband, was weighed, had a comforting chat with my surgeon Dr. Patrick Yao and was led into the surgery suite. After a 45 minute procedure, and 1/2 hour recovery, I was on the way home to begin my new life. I had some slight discomfort at the site where the port was implanted, but other than that, I was pain free and did not need the prescription pain medications that I filled pre surgery. I enjoyed my chicken broth the next day as I sat at the Thanksgiving dinner table not missing eating but happy that I was well enough to be sitting with my family. I was back into the regular swing of daily life with 3 young boys within 3 days. After the manditory clear fluids for two days and then gradually moving from pureed foods to mashed to small diced food, I was eating regular meals with my family within a month. Just as the girl at the restaurant, I was full after 1/4 of what I was previously eating. I enjoyed the online Slimband community and the support staff were extremely patient with my many questions when it came to eating/drinking nutritional requirements. I had a binder that lead me easily through each and every day with regard to what/how to eat and then I followed the Protein first, veg second and then, if there's room eat your carbs rule, no drinking with meals and chew your food well and slow down. How simple! Pair that with 2 Snacks, like apples with almonds or cheese with veggie sticks, and I rarely found myself thinking about food, I simply wasn't hungry until meal times. I didn't weigh, measure, or count a single calorie! I was down 40 lbs. within 3 months. It slowed to 2-3 pounds a week, but slow and steady has gotten me to where I am now. I have had a few fills and de-fills (saline injections into a port which loosens/tightens the band around the upper portion of my stomach). I am at my "sweet spot" now, which means I can eat a small plate of food and feel full just before I finish it. I am not hungry between meals and really force myself to have those two Snacks. I'm down from a size 22 to a size 8 (which I haven't been since high school), I work out daily 3X a week, I run with my oldest son for his cross country practises and my home based business is flourishing with my new found energy and focus. I am no longer out of breath at the top of a flight of stairs and, most importantly, I am modelling healthy food portions and choices to my 3 precious boys. My father-in-law recently had the surgery at 65 years of age and since April 2012, he has lost over 50 pounds, has been taken off his high blood pressure medication, no longer has high cholesterol, no longer needs the costco size Ibuprofen tablets he took daily for his sore knees and is playing the best golf of the last 30 years of his life. There is no coincidence that this procedure has literally saved both of our lives, Slimband works, end of story, it does exactly what it promised to do, help you eat less so you can live more! I can assure you that this is the last time you will struggle with your weight. It is unfortunate that you don't hear all of the success stories about Slimband, just those who have encountered difficulties. I have come to realize though, that this is because most of these people have gotten their lives back on track and are too happy and busy sit down and post about it. I just had to share my story because it has changed my life and I can only hope I will help to change someone else’s for the better too!

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My name is Stephanie' date='

My reason for posting this is to share my story with you in hopes that you will take the next step and get the Slimband procedure. I feel very passionate about Slimband as it has changed my life in ways I had never expected. My story will shed some light onto how it all began. I was banded in April of 2010 and I am happy to report that just over two years later, I am down 127 lbs, and feel better than I have in 20 years. I made the decision to have the Slimband procedure when I finally became sick of being sick and tired. I have 3 young boys and I was not being the kind of Mom I had always envisioned I would be. I was out a dinner one night and saw a friend of a friend eat a very small portion of food (1/2 of a hamburger and a few fries) and push her plate away. After asking her if she didn't like her food, she simply replied, "no, I'm just full". A 10 minute discussion later revealed that she had lost 90 lbs. with Slimband and had kept it off for almost 3 years at that point. I was on my 2nd diet that year-- Herbal Magic as a New Year’s Resolution (over 1700 invested- 36 lbs. lost and 47 gained) and was on U Weight Loss at the time (had almost 2000 invested and a pile of pills that I couldn't bear to take any longer--27 lbs lost and constantly starving). And, there I was stuffing my face with nachos (having been on smoothies and shakes for 4 months) and decided that Slimband could be the thing that ended my endless yo-yoing with different diets. Within two months, I had several phone calls with Niki, a consultant at Slimband and a former patient who had lost over 80 lbs. herself. I spent several days discussing the procedure with my husband who eventually came in person to meet Niki and speak about the procedure. While he was not happy about the 16,000 expense, I decided to cash in my RRSP savings. At the time it seemed silly to be saving for a retirement that I may never get to see being in the obese category at 275 lbs. I was sick of weighing food, taking supplements, drinking smoothies, going for weekly weigh ins, wasted gym memberships and double digit dress sizes while shopping in the limited "PLUS size" sections of clothing stores. I just wanted to have a built in appetite suppressant and it seemed Slimband would be just that. I came to the offices with my payment and was booked in for surgery 2 weeks later! I did a 4 day pre-op diet to reduce the fat around my liver and prepared some meals for me for my post- surgery times--pureed Soups and stews. I arrived at the serene offices/surgery clinic at Slimband, was weighed, had a comforting chat with my surgeon Dr. Patrick Yao and was led into the surgery suite. After a 45 minute procedure, and 1/2 hour recovery, I was on the way home to begin my new life. I had some slight discomfort at the site where the port was implanted, but other than that, I was pain free and did not need the prescription pain medications that I filled pre surgery. I enjoyed my chicken broth the next day as I sat at the Thanksgiving dinner table not missing eating but happy that I was well enough to be sitting with my family. I was back into the regular swing of daily life with 3 young boys within 3 days. After the manditory clear fluids for two days and then gradually moving from pureed foods to mashed to small diced food, I was eating regular meals with my family within a month. Just as the girl at the restaurant, I was full after 1/4 of what I was previously eating. I enjoyed the online Slimband community and the support staff were extremely patient with my many questions when it came to eating/drinking nutritional requirements. I had a binder that lead me easily through each and every day with regard to what/how to eat and then I followed the Protein first, veg second and then, if there's room eat your carbs rule, no drinking with meals and chew your food well and slow down. How simple! Pair that with 2 Snacks, like apples with almonds or cheese with veggie sticks, and I rarely found myself thinking about food, I simply wasn't hungry until meal times. I didn't weigh, measure, or count a single calorie! I was down 40 lbs. within 3 months. It slowed to 2-3 pounds a week, but slow and steady has gotten me to where I am now. I have had a few fills and de-fills (saline injections into a port which loosens/tightens the band around the upper portion of my stomach). I am at my "sweet spot" now, which means I can eat a small plate of food and feel full just before I finish it. I am not hungry between meals and really force myself to have those two Snacks. I'm down from a size 22 to a size 8 (which I haven't been since high school), I work out daily 3X a week, I run with my oldest son for his cross country practises and my home based business is flourishing with my new found energy and focus. I am no longer out of breath at the top of a flight of stairs and, most importantly, I am modelling healthy food portions and choices to my 3 precious boys. My father-in-law recently had the surgery at 65 years of age and since April 2012, he has lost over 50 pounds, has been taken off his high blood pressure medication, no longer has high cholesterol, no longer needs the costco size Ibuprofen tablets he took daily for his sore knees and is playing the best golf of the last 30 years of his life. There is no coincidence that this procedure has literally saved both of our lives, Slimband works, end of story, it does exactly what it promised to do, help you eat less so you can live more! I can assure you that this is the last time you will struggle with your weight. It is unfortunate that you don't hear all of the success stories about Slimband, just those who have encountered difficulties. I have come to realize though, that this is because most of these people have gotten their lives back on track and are too happy and busy sit down and post about it. I just had to share my story because it has changed my life and I can only hope I will help to change someone else’s for the better too![/quote']

You posted this exact answer on the obesity help website

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And a member since only yesterday...sounds like someone joining to promote slimband...hmmm

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I went with Slimband back in 2008 and had Dr. Yau as my surgeon. Not only was I impressed with Slimbands facilities and care staff, but there support programs afterward and Dr.Yau's professionalism were top notch! I would HIGHLY recommend Slimband and Dr. Yau, I credit them with saving my life! I was 23, 275 lbs at 5'6" and was per-diabetic and had high cholesterol! I have since lost 145 lbs and I am happily married, moving to Australia to persue graduate studies and I am the healthiest I have ever been! I ran 11 kms yesterday, me! The only thing I used to run to was a buffet before. I was overweight my whole life and the Slimband was exactly what I needed to get myself straightened out! I even recommended it to my older sister and she is down 130 lbs so far from Sept 2010! It works, I swear!

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I just wanted to share my story, I'm sorry you feel that I'm promoting Slimband. I'm simply letting people know that Slimband worked for me, it has changed my life. If I can help anyone else out there who, like me, has struggled with weight all of their life, that is my goal. I wanted to be of help to anyone that had questions regarding Slimband.

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I think the consensus is that the lap band does work whether it is put in at Slimband, SWLC , CIBO or any other clinic as long as you work with it. And as long as they have the proper aftercare.

I say one should go with wherever one feels the most comfortable.

4 more days and I will be banded at SWLC!

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Well said Lynn. Follow-up care is so important and you do have to work with the band.

There was a very interesting article in the National Post the other day.


Good luck with your surgery.

If your in the GTA area and would like to meet for coffee I host several coffee groups. I post them here or you can e-mail me.

The coffee groups are a great way to connect with other bandsters at all stages of the journey.

Tom, Toronto

Banded July 6 06

Wt. Loss; 156 lbs


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Very interesting article Tom, thanks for that. I made my appointment with SWLC and am happy with that choice. My interactions with them felt more doctor/patient and less salesman/customer. My appointment is set for November :) and I am anxious to get the surgery behind me.

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I host several coffee groups in the GTA area. They are open to everyone from all clinics.

I post them here.

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions about the coffee groups or about the lapband.

Tom, Toronto

Banded July 6 06

Wt. Loss: 156 lbs


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Hi Tom.

Surgery went really well and I am very happy with my progress so far. I had very little pain the day of the surgery and virtually none since then. Even the gas pain in my shoulders was bearable.

I havent had to take any kind of painkiller, not even Tylenol.

I am learning how to slow down now when it comes to eating. I start pureed foods next week and am looking forward to it.

I would highly recommend Dr. Cobourn and his staff at SWLC!!

The clinic is spotless and the special touches like the leather recliner with the heated blanket really made you feel calm and ready to take on this new lifestyle.

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TFM - glad things went so well for you!

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Hi Tom.

Surgery went really well and I am very happy with my progress so far. I had very little pain the day of the surgery and virtually none since then. Even the gas pain in my shoulders was bearable.

I havent had to take any kind of painkiller, not even Tylenol.

I am learning how to slow down now when it comes to eating. I start pureed foods next week and am looking forward to it.

I would highly recommend Dr. Cobourn and his staff at SWLC!!

The clinic is spotless and the special touches like the leather recliner with the heated blanket really made you feel calm and ready to take on this new lifestyle.

Oh yes the recliner and heated blanket was excellent......

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It's surprising how well the heating pad or any form of heat helps afterwards. The only pain I had was the left shoulder pain... it lasted for 3 days.

Tom, Toronto

Banded July 6 06

Wt. Loss: 156 lbs


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