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February 2006 bandsters unite!!

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Well well Ms Janet, you know what this means dont ya??? 3 lashes with a wet fish!! And oh now I know you didnt think you were getting off that easy now did you....this also means an extra 2 songs on the ole DDR! mahahahahah now who is the evil one!!

Dear Hersey,

Day 2 with no chocolate, how I miss you my love. Please believe me when I say it's me, its not you. One day when I am healthy and my ideal weight maybe we can meet again.

Until then my love.......

See what is becoming of me..........I am lossing my freaking mind along with my butt!!!!

We all must agree to say no to the "easter buffet". I think I am going to try to imagine you all are there watching me fill my plate. Maybe knowing my friends are there with me will help me control my protions better, that and the fact I get my second fill tomorrow morning. GULP.....restriction city here I come.

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Hopefully the 2nd fill works for you.I'm counting on that 2nd fill too.I am hungry!I have less restriction than I had with no fill,how is that possible.I want the feeling of not feeling hungry all the time.That great feeling I hear so much about.I force myself to be on a strict diet right now eating once,maybe twice a day.no Breakfast, a weight watcher meal with a large green salad (even cut out the croutons and cheese) and for dinner maybe the same as lunch or just the salad,late at night a yogurt,and still STUCK at this weight.All this hard work and nothing to show for it.I'm so frustrated.I don't even feel motivated to use the treadmill because even that shows no results.

Michelle.do you know how often the fillcenter will fill a person?Do they make you wait 4 weeks in between fills.

Janet, thanks for the welcome!Hopefully you will all want me here after you read all the complaining I do.

Thanks everyone

2/20/06 Lisa


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I just plugged in what I had for lunch and I was very proud of myself until them numbers poped up at the bottom of the page........

147 grams of carbs already today and I have not eaten but once.:faint:

Someone call the carb patrol, I am out of control!!!!


chicken cutlet wrap w/ lettuce/ tomatoe/ honey mustard dressing

2 potatoe skins, over roasted

Nothing to drink

Ok the cutlets were breaded and fried........omg bad bad bad:speechles

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Hi Lisa, complain away - it's really easy to skip over! :mad: LOL!

Tammy! Was the breading bit sooooo good you couldn't have given it a miss? Just pick that crud off! As far as the Easter buffet is concerned - we don't need to watch over your shoulder - we're sending this guy: :decision: (Guilt makes the bitterest condiment, doesn't it?) But if you mess up, you're getting this guy: :Banane04: Yuck!

Janet, In support of supporting you, I officially and publicly give up naked scuba diving. Damn. I'm going to really miss that. The fish, however, will be SOOOO grateful.

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Well the breading was kinda stuck to the chiken.....ugh in all honesty I thought it was going to be grilled chicken. I guess it is the fish for me too!

Oh I hope someone here fishes, looks like were going through them pretty fast!!! LOL

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LOL, augh!! Not the fish!!! Ewww, smelly! **ducks** And we did 27 (!!!) minutes on DDR today! Not sure how, lol, but 2 extra minutes! :car: I'm soooo gonna feel it!

I'm dreading Easter food, lol. Guess I'll stick to... um... salad? We don't get our 2nd fill until Tuesday, so no help on Sunday! Hope yours does the trick, Tammy!

Lisa, complain away! Heh, we'll add your voice to the chorus! :mad: Are you getting your Water in? And at least, um, 60-80 g of Protein (pulling a number out of thin air). My goal is 80g a day, but I'm up at 277.

Heh, Tammy, your lunch sounds like something I'd eat! I don't like grilled chicken. :mad: I'm working on it!

No naked scuba diving!!!!!! **gasp!!** Mikey's soooo disappointed! :) (Yeah, I slapped him for you! :Banane04:)

So far today's been better for me. We're trying to cram in the words / music for our church's Easter program. AUGH!! My brain is full! But the music makes me dance, so it's all good! If you think about it, throw us some happy thoughts from tonight until Sunday, lol. We're going to be on our feet a LOT... dress rehearsal tonight, performance tomorrow night, then performance on Sunday for 2 services. AUGH!! I NEVER stand that much! We really shouldn't have worked out today, lol, but I needed to make up for yesterday!

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Hi everyone!

I'mmmmm bbbbbbbbbbaaaaccckkkk!!!! Lol!

Finally done with my business travel for now. Thank goodness, because I have NO restriction and feel like I could eat a house!

My first fill is tomorrow! I can't believe it! :: singing :: Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I love ya Tomorrow! :clap2:

I feel so behind everyone...am I the last one that was banded early in February that hasn't had a fill?

Ok, I had lots more typed and I lost my post....UGH!

I will check back later and promise to do a better job keeping up with everyone!

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:hippie::peace:WELCOME BACK MICHELLE!! :clap2::Banane04::biggrin1:

We've missed you! And boy do you have a lot to catch up on! Heh. :mad:

Yeah, there's only a few now with no fill... but I think it's probably better for your body the longer you wait. But I'm overeating with 1.2 in my band (4cc), lol, wouldn't want to see me with nothing!

Good luck on your first fill!! Let us know how it goes & go gently with food afterwards... expect restriction! Wait in between bites! :mad: (My new mantra.)

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Whew so hard to keep up with you folks hahaha. I have company this week, family came down from NY plus working so tough to get on the computer. They sleep in my computer room so it's crowded in here. Thought I'd sneak in to say at least hello tonight.

I got my first fill yesterday 1-1.5 in my 4cc 10cm band. liquids for 3 days YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. I'm sooooooooooo tired of liquids. DH birthday Friday no cake for me and Easter on Sunday I can have mushies for. So it's going to be mashed potato, sweet potato and hopefully squash if we can find some. That's it but, .....ya know...it's only one holiday and there will be others. Right now I must follow the band rules so I don't mess it all up. I haven't lost weight in 3 weeks so I'm hoping this fill does the trick.

Fitday....I started to play around with it but, it must be me or I lost patience. I couldn't do what I wanted to in there. When you pay for it does it run better? I'm curious and really do want to work on keeping track of what goes in my mouth :uwelcome:

I wish you all a great weekend and holiday.


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Hi All,

Wow, we're a busy bunch this week!

I have a new "issue"...all of a sudden, I have MAJOR restriction, but I'm hungrier than ever!!! Yesterday, I PB'd/slimed over ONE EGG at Breakfast. Then, for lunch, I had a Wendy's side ceasar salad-just right. For dinner, I just had a serving of grits...and I had to eat it in 4 stages (because I was getting the golf ball)!! Then, today for lunch I had a Lean Cuisine and after LESS than half, I was golf-balling again!! This would be GLORIOUS restriction EXCEPT for the fact that I'm hungrier than ever!!! I don't want to be like my RNY friend, who eats two bites ALL DAY LONG. I want to be able to eat at mealtime and learn to omit snacking completely except for a special occassion. In the last week, I have PB'd at least 4-5 times---what's up with that? Oh, yeah, one day I PB'd on (chinese) fried rice/chicken after only 3 bites. I chocked that one up to being out at a restaurant, hungry and socializing, so I maybe forgot to eat small bites and chew lots...but now I'm thinking those weren't the issue...since it's happening regularly. Have any of you had severe "swing" in restriction?? How long does it take after a fill to "kick in"?? After my fill I didn't notice too much difference, but now I sure do! But I'm HUUUUNNNNGGGGRRRYYYY!!!

I have had a few people say they can tell I'm losing weight-that it's showing. (but all those people KNOW I had the surgery, so it may be wishful thinking!!)

What's the big "NO NO" about Slim-Fast??? The surgery center staff said the company should be out of business!!! Did I miss the memo on that???

I'm coming to the conclusion that I have to ALWAYS remember that I have the band...and I CANNOT eat in the same way as before surgery. I can't just "forget" and eat "normally"...I have to consciously eat tiny bites, very slowly, chewing it all TO DEATH!!

I haven't lost any more pounds in several days, but I haven't gained, so it's all good. I have decided that I am going to allow myself a candy bar (or at least part of one) for Easter...gotta have some chocolate on Easter. (Sorry JanetC and JerseyTammy!) One "cheat" will not stop my progress.

I have been more "aware" of my port lately...not painful, but definitely reminding me it's there. Is that normal?

I hope my 4-5 PB's haven't hurt anything.

Oh yeah...PB'ing in PUBLIC PLACES is the absolute worst!!! (I don't throw up easily, or quietly-and public bathrooms is not an ideal place for it!!) And, being in the car driving when the slimes start is also bad. (Just in case you had wondered about those subjects!!:biggrin1: )

Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter holiday and is able to enjoy a LITTLE Easter sweet-treat, even if it's not chocolate!!

And, for those who believe, Celebrate the miracle of the resurrection.


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Hey Janet... not that I am doing much better... but have you given any thought to the circumstances around what your eating..... I know for me if I am PMSing I look for what I call SOUL food.... being a nice Italian girl... there is no problem that a delicious bowl of Pasta can't solve!!!! If my inlaws call for any reason..... I EAT and I EAT BIG!!!! If my husband is in a rotten mood.... I EAT!!!! If I am in a bad mood.... I EAT!!!!! although... writing all of this I just had a lightbulb moment! I used to teach fourth grade and one of my students had Compulsive Behavior Disorder... when he would cronically pick his nose... we gave him silly puddy to replace the behavior, when a smoker quits smoking they...chew gum or eat lollipops.... we need a behavior to substitue for eating.....Can anyone think of something as satisfying?????????????? I am open to suggestions. Anyway Janet, I got a little side tracked.... but hang in there.... hey by the way, anyone know how many calories are in a bowl of matzaball Soup? ??? 1/2 cup? Have a great "Good Friday" and let's make some "Good Choices"!!!

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.... hey by the way, anyone know how many calories are in a bowl of matzaball Soup? ??? 1/2 cup? Have a great "Good Friday" and let's make some "Good Choices"!!!

119 calories per cup - at least according to www.FitDay.com. I can't believe Janet didn't beat me to this reply! LOL

FitDay addicts UNITE!

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Hey Nanster.... I have had the EXACT same thing happen... last weekend I ate all kinds of foods with very little problems (I was filled two weeks ago Tuesday)... the last three days I have slimed and PB'd all over Orange County... CA. I even christened the parking lot at Trader Joes... as someone was in the bathroom when I was caught off guard. But as I mentioned in one of my other posts... my band is extremely finicky... one day REALLY restricted and others.... no problems. I too spend a great deal of time hungry. At least you are continuing to lose weight. I lost 7 pounds... gained 2 and now down 6!!!!!! We will figure this out.... I AM SURE OF IT!!!!

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Lisa... typically Dr. Powell does not recommend more than one fill within a four week period... however, he was NEWLY trained... and I was his first solo fill... everything went fine... except... because I had never had a fill, I did not know what to expect and therefore did not know what a fill should feel like.... One week after my fill, I was able to eat a ballpark hotdog at my daughters softball game and a full quesadilla at El Torito.... I felt very much the same. (you should know that even after my surgery I had NO RESTRICTION)... anyway to make a long story short... After two weeks Dr. Powell had me come in and tried to extract the 1.2 he had placed in my band... only to find that it had "disappeared"... Needless to say, he decided he should fill my band really tightly and then back it off.... I am now DEFINATELY restricted.... I now know what all of those nasty things are... PB's, slimes, restrictions...... Hopefully now... I begin my journey to a thin summer!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you have any questions about Dr. Powell feel free to PM me.... by the way, you have to forgive me.... I don't know how to respond to someone's message or quote within mine so they know what I am talking about... so please bear with me... that's why my posts just show up randomly!!!!!

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Hi Sherry! I like your new pic! Great smile! Congrats on your first fill! Good luck with your mushie Easter! :uwelcome: I find fitday PC better then the web version. It takes a little getting used to, but I love it, heh. Some of us might be a weeeeee bit addicted to it. :D For some other options, try:



I saw some others recommending them... I haven't tried 'em though, I'm already addicted enough to fitday! :)

Wow, Nanster, sounds like that ol' restriction kicked in! Be sure & slow down... give yourself a good 30-60 seconds with your mouth EMPTY before you put another bite in. (That way it's 2-3 minutes between swallows, depending on how much chewing you do.)

I think the big no-no for Slim Fast is that you don't get a good Protein bang for your carb buck. In other words, they have too much extra stuff in it. Protein drinks for "weight lifters" are better. Of course they're more expensive... so it's a toss up. :D If you do Slim Fast, be sure you're doing the low carb version!

It sounds like you've got a good Easter plan going. In my opinion, lol, a planned cheat is not a cheat! :D Enjoy it for me! I'll be gritting my teeth & wiring my mouth shut for Tammy! :)

Thanks for the thoughts, Michele! And you REALLY hit it on the head. I'm PMSing & Mexican is a trigger food. Plus, I've found that nachos go down REALLY easily. (I SOOO did NOT need to know that!) I was beyond angry on Wed... and used the nachos to cheer me up, lol. Sad. We're wicked busy this week (silly Easter program), so eating is really suffering. We've been having dinner at 9 pm, so I'm climbing the walls by then.

LOL with Donna! I trusted you to fulfill the fitday look-up duties. :D I do believe you MIGHT be more addicted then I am!

Michele -- there's a "Quote" button beneath every person's post... I THINK that's the way you quote them, though I've never done it, lol. Mine are always random... and really long. :D

I woke up with my stomach growling... which doesn't bode well for the day! I wish my monthly would just GET HERE already & quit putting me through this!! Thank goodness we get another fill Tuesday! Cannot wait!

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      I have no clue where to upload this, so I'll put it here. This is pre-op vs the morning of my 6 month appointment! In office I weight 232, that's 88 lbs down since my highest weight, 75 lbs since my surgery weight! I can't believe this jacket fit... I am smaller now than the last time I was this size which the surgeon found really amusing. He's happy with where I am in my weight loss and estimates I'll be around 200 lbs by my 1 year anniversary! My lowest weight as an adult is 195, so that's pretty damn exciting to think I'll be near that at a year. Everything from there will be unknown territory!!

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      1. AmberFL

        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

      2. NickelChip

        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

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        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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