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Found 17,501 results

  1. I know the feeling! I gain some times too. What I do if I feel like I'm getting out of control I go on liquids for a couple of day to get the band back in order. It's a constant struggle but I'm here to help you let me know if I can!

  2. hey girl ineed serious help im gaining wt i gained 15 lbs i 2 moths my dr said that i shouldnt be on a constant diet with the band to loose wt but that is what i have been doing for over a year with exercise.i had a fill i am @7.3ccs.really depressed about this.on a liquid/puree diet for today.

  3. Happy B-Day. I'm sure you're feeling younger because of your weight loss. Don't beat yourself up bout not being in Onederland yet. You'll get there. Just keep on plugging away at it. I'm doing well. I'm back at work and glad to be away from the house more. I'm having a little problem with nausea and burping when I get hungry. I'm gonna post something about it and see if anyone has any suggestions. Take care.

  4. you have done really great! I gotta catch up with you! I keep getting close then gaining what i lost back! :-( I'm still working on my re-motivation and getting back in the gym.

  5. I lift weights as well as do arm exercises that work both inner and outer arm till it burns like hell every other day

  6. First Dr's Visit: 07/28/2009

    Weight: 255 lbs

    BMI: 44

    3-Month Diet/Nutrition Program

    Insurance Disapproved: 12/2009

    Insurance Approved: 01/2010

    Surgery Date: 01/21/2010

    Pre-Op Weight: 247

  7. We've lost almost the same amount and unfortunately had pretty close starting weights. :P I'm doing great. I'm loving life, ya know? I've fallen in love with working out bc I can really kill it in the gym now - I just feel strong. I've lost 104 with the band (banded July 10, 09) and 119 total! What do you do in STL? I work for the State Senate...policy & budget nerd. Haha.

  8. Hi there, Crissy!

    I am getting mine done at NorthWest Weight Loss Surgery Center in Everett. All they do for weight loss is Lap Band. Hearing that you are going to Swedish for yours makes me wonder if I have made a mistake. Just because Swedish is such a wonderful hospital. NWWLS has been wonderful. They have support meetings twice a month and open appointments for counseling so that part is nice.

    I read about your infection... best of luck with that! Hope you are making a quick recovery and getting on top of it. I am on my post op diet. Three 110 calorie protein shakes and one 400 calorie meal a day. It is crazy. However, important because it shrinks the liver to make the surgery easier.

    Thursday is my surgery. Should take four hours and then I can go home.

    I will let you know how things were for me.

    I am more nervous than I thought I would be. About the journey after the surgery and not the surgery itself.



  9. WOW..Congrats on the weight loss! Your pictures are amazing..I just was banded on 3/15/10...so far only 25 down..but get my first fill in two days..very excited! Keep up the great work you look wonderful!

  10. Your doing so well with your weight loss. I could use some advice from you. I have read many different blogs and many people are not eating "regular" food. I see that you are eating about 1/2 cup of food. Are you eating regular type foods but in smaller amounts? You are doing so well I was wondering if you could give me some advice. Thanks. I am going to be banded next Monday.

  11. Just stopping by to say hello & to wish you happy healing & weight loss on your upcoming surgery!! Very happy for you!!

  12. Hi, I am writing you back in response to my pre-op weight. When I started the process I was 189lbs, but I was 209 at my highest. I am only 5 foot on a good day. I was banded Jan 2008 and I had reached my doctors goal of 125lbs that Oct. I really hadn't tried to lose any more weight after that but it just kept coming off. So I am now 102lbs and holding for the past 8 months. I too doubted if this was going to work for me since everything else had failed. But with a lot of hard work it paid off for me in the end. I know for a fact that if you work your band it will reward you. There has never been one regret this whole time. Even through all the bad days, this was simply the best thing for me. Please let me know if there is anything else you would like to know. I am pretty open about things on here since I chose not to tell friends or family about my surgery. Talk to you soon and I hope this helps some.

  13. veg

    Hi Susan, how are you doing? I haven't lost any more weight in the past week and I'm really peed off about it. I'm having about 8-900 calories now so logically I SHOULD be losing it shouldn't I?

    I should just not weigh myself really but I always do!

    What's happening with your weight?

    I lost 12lbs in the first 10 days, then it took 5 more days to lose another pound, then nothing! I don't think anything will change when I have my fill on the 24th as I'm not overeating at all. I can eat anything now, including bread, which is great! I'm really careful though as I'm not all that hungry.

    Speak soon, Sue x

  14. Well done on the weight loss! I bet you were pleased. You must notice the difference in your clothes too? I am going to start weighing and measuring everything because I have gained 3lb in the last two days and I havent had anything I shouldn't have? I am at a loss as to why this is happening but I dont like it. :-( So I guess this will be the start of "bandster hell" for me. I am still down to 248 from 277 but that is only 7lb since the band. My mind is racing now, what happens if I follow all the rules and still dont lose weight? I am just hoping the fill will do the trick. Maybe Ive just healed really fast so have no restriction at all. Whatever the reason I have to get back on it because everyone keeps asking me "how much have you lost now?" and I dont want to say Ive gained. I didn't ask about driving. Are you ok to drive so soon?

  15. url=http://www.TickerFactory.com/weight-loss/ws5oFBr/]



  16. totally feel like my self with out all the leg and knee pain from my weight. im down 14 pounds since surgery making that a total of 41 pounds lost. how are feeling. have a great easter

  17. Hey girl? Just wanted to know how your weight loss is going?Keep on working on it..

  18. Awe... Chloe is so adorable! Things are wonderful here. I was down 25 lbs but gained back 1 lb when I started soft food... it really hurt my feelings... but whatever. I will definately let you know how the fill goes! I'm a bit anxious about it also. I just found this fantastic protein shake for my late nights at work. It is 25 grams of protein, no carbs, no fat, no sugar and only 110 calories. It's by jayrobb and is whey protein. I didn't care for the strawberry but the chocolate is a dream!! I just ordered a single serving pina colada and tropical dreamscicle online today and can't wait to try them. They keep me full for a good bit of time. They're nice when you don't have enough breaks at work or time to cover all of your meals! I am so glad to hear you're doing great! Piper is doing wonderful, adjusting well. Well have to get back to work but it's great to catch up... I'll talk to you again soon!

  19. Hi Jane,

    How are you doing? Not heared from you since the op, how is your weight loss coming on?

    How has your recovery been after having the stitches out?

    What are you eating now?

    I'm asking you so many questions I hope your ok.

    I'm really happy with the weight loss it has slowed down now I don't know why as I'm doing exercise as well cause I want to tone up as well I don't want to have flabby skin.

    But I'm happy as other people have started to notice. Keep in touch.


    Take care.




  20. Congrats!! Great to hear. My weight loss is at a stand still. I'm holding at 20 lbs. but right now I don't even feel like I have a band. It's pure willpower. I'm a little nervous about the fill. I go for my first on the 16th. Did you notice a big difference? I can't believe you're getting your second fill, it seems like you just had surgery! I'm starting a couch to 5k program in a couple of days. Hoping increased exercise will get things moving!

  21. Just wanted to say congrats on your weight loss!!! You look fabulous!!! Can you share some of your secrets...a size 4?? How awesome!!!!!

  22. Thank you! I still have a lot of weight/fat to lose, but so far I don't have any issues with loose extra skin.

  23. i never expected to lose weight this fast...i was excited to hear i may lose 100 pounds in a year....for it to happen this fast...is shocking to me 2....lol...i would've done flips with ur results...not to mention u look like barbie!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Hi! my name is trina and girl, u look good! how much weight did u loose if u don't mind me asking?

  25. Thank you so much for your comment on my profile pic. My weight loss was very slow, it was hard to watch others lose so much faster, but I finally feel like I"m getting there now. Good luck to you too!

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