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Found 17,501 results

  1. Good morning! I'm 10 months and 19 days Post Op (Gastric Bypass) after the 8 Month i started eating more than 8oz per meal to feel satisfied, I'm literally eating almost a normal plate of food and now I'm worried that my pouch stretched. Is this normal? Right now I'm not gaining weight (thankfully) but I'm scared i might mess my surgery up later on. Thanks in advance for your replies!
  2. Surgery 10/2! Patiently waiting and nervous!
  3. I had the sleeve on March 19, 2024.
  4. Short update: I had my gastric sleeve procedure done in November 2019. I lost around 85 lbs and then stalled eventually regaining around 50 lbs back and a horrible case of GERD. I had never had symptoms of GERD before my surgery and about 3 months later, I had to begin taking omeprezole daily to deal with it. If I forget a dose I can tell by the afternoon. During the first year post surgery, I lost my husband (not unexpectedly but it DID happen 10 days post-op for me), moved across country from Florida to New Mexico, bought a new house and started a new job. My daughter is 1 year post-op and lost approx. 150 ibs on the DS. l just started the process to obtain a revisional surgery. Will be discussing the benefits of either the DS or ByPass. I had the upper GI completed which showed a small hiatal hernia with evidence of GERD. It also showed mild cricopharyngeal hypertrophy. Any suggestions regarding which of the 2 procedures would help with the GERD and to help lose the 130 lbs. that I still need to drop to get to my goal weight?
  5. S!NNER

    April Operation Buddies

    My Gastric Sleeve Surgery is scheduled for April 19. I have about 30 kg to lose. Wish me luck!
  6. July 15th marked my 4th year post VSG to RNY I started with VSG in 2017 and was converted to RNY IN 2019. There seems to be more revision post lately but not a lot of long term revisioners or info floating around so feel free to ask me anything!
  7. Livgreen___

    VSG stall

    I will definitely get onto the team and surgeon! Start weight before surgery was 21.9 , 20.9 after LRD before surgery. Lowest after surgery 17 stone, currently at 19. After surgery total loss was 3 stone 9lbs which I think isn’t great surgery was feb 2022 got to 17 stone august 2022. Then gained now stalled at 19 stone for nearly a year.
  8. Hendrix83

    October buddy’s

    Mine was 10/19 How are you doing?
  9. My gastric sleeve surgery date is 12/19/23 and would love to connect with others having surgery in December so that we can support each other on this journey. 😊
  10. CarainCali

    Feeding tube after revision

    I have a feeding tube currently. I had surgery 6/13/24 for revision to RNY. I had 2 emergency surgeries 3 days later. I had a leak and had 7liters of toxic fluids cleaned out of me then ICU 6 days and hospital until the end of July. It has been 10 months + with wound vac, Gtube, and now a stricture that I've had 3 balloon procedures and still not halfway there. Total of 6 hospital stays, 4 ER visits, 7 surgeries since June 2023. I'm getting better. Feeding tube helps but also causes alot of pain and granulated tissue which has to be burned off. I have found 4 people who have talked about the same issues. A leak like this and a stricture is very uncommon. Most people with leaks end up dying. It's why you don't hear about them. I'm not sure why anyone would require a feeding tube other than a major stricture or leak. Maybe due to already having so much scar tissue. They think that is why I had a leak but nobody knows. For reference. I had lapband 2008. Lapband Removal 2019 due to Gerd. RNY 2023. I was 238lbs 5'6 at the time. I'm 170 now.
  11. I have a feeding tube currently. I had surgery 6/13/24 for revision to RNY. I had 2 emergency surgeries 3 days later. I had a leak and had 7liters of toxic fluids cleaned out of me then ICU 6 days and hospital until the end of July. It has been 10 months + with wound vac, Gtube, and now a stricture that I've had 3 balloon procedures and still not halfway there. Total of 6 hospital stays, 4 ER visits, 7 surgeries since June 2023. I'm getting better. Feeding tube helps but also causes alot of pain and granulated tissue which has to be burned off. I have found 4 people who have talked about the same issues. A leak like this and a stricture is very uncommon. Most people with leaks end up dying. It's why you don't hear about them. I'm not sure why anyone would require a feeding tube other than a major stricture or leak. Maybe due to already having so much scar tissue. They think that is why I had a leak but nobody knows. For reference. I had lapband 2008. Lapband Removal 2019 due to Gerd. RNY 2023. I was 238lbs 5'6 at the time. I'm 170 now.
  12. I had a DS on 4/19, spent 2 nights in the hospital, and then had to travel 4 hours to get home yesterday. I was disappointed when I finally stepped on the scale to find I had gained 11 pounds!!! Is this normal? Is this because of the IV fluids?
  13. BellaMakk

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Hey everyone I had my sleeve surgery on 01/17. I am 6 days post op and almost down 20lbs. I am healing pretty good and I found that Premier shakes in cookie dough is my favorite lol. Hope everyone is doing well.
  14. BlondePatriotInCDA

    What does "full" feel like to you?

    Same. I also get the hic ups sometimes. They don't tell you its not a "normal" pre surgery full feeling, they should so we know what to expect. Then again most haven't gone through it who are dieticians/doctors. I just switched doctors (my old doctor decided to be inpatient only) and my new GP had bariatric surgery in 2019 (said she normally doesn't share personal info but figured it would be helpful) and she agreed, most of the bariatric journey isn't with practitioners who understand.
  15. a few months late, but better than never! Starting weight (Oct 2018): 235 lbs, 5'2" female, 46 yrs old Surgery Day weight (Oct 2018): 223 lbs Goal Day weight (May 2019): 127 lbs Today's weight (Jan 2024): 117 lbs, 5'1.5" female, 51 yrs old
  16. Greetings all! What are some of the side effects you have noticed on your body since VSG? I had mine on 01/18/24 and here is my list: Dry skin Dry lips Cold all the time Head hunger Dizzy in the shower if the water is too warm Hard bowel movements Tired all the time Mood swings Low sex drive
  17. abiniecki

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    My surgery date of gastric sleeve was 10/19/23
  18. Almost 19 years out: have your liver numbers always been up and down? Mine have. I had a liver ultrasound a few years ago to double-check. It was negative.
  19. My surgery is Fed 19 and coming up fast for me.. im excited tho.. i can’t wait for this to happen
  20. they don't all require it, but personally, I would wait. It's super common to have a weight rebound of 10-20 lbs after hitting your lowest weight (and some people gain even more than that - but 10-20 seems pretty average), and I was told by a couple of my consults not to gain more than 10 or 15 lbs after plastic surgery, because I can affect the results.
  21. BlueParis


    Thank you @Shanna NYC for your kind words. I broke my stall (slightly) this morning and am feeling much better for it ... I also know that I need to work on my coping mechanisms and be kinder to myself. Up until 2019 I'd never weighed more than 115 pounds for my whole adult life ... and then I gained nearly 100 pounds in just over a year and have spent the last 3 years desperatly unhappy and going through cycles of loosing and gaining the same 20 pounds and you are right ...25lbs is more than I've lost on any of the crazy diets I've tried... So I'm on the right track! Merci Encore (as we say in French!)
  22. I've hit the dreading 3 week stall too... I'm also weighing daily and starting to get a bit down that nothing is budging. I'm one month post surgery tomorrow and haven't lost anything for 9 days. I didn't have to do a preop diet because my starting BMI was 32.6 but I was careful and did loose 7 pounds in the two weeks before surgery. BMI is now 29.68 I was 200.4 pounds at surgery and am now 182.6 - so I've lost 17.8 pounds since surgery. I'm a bit off what the surgical team reccomended because they wanted me to loose 20 pounds in the first months ... so unless I loose 2.2 pounds overnight I've failed at that. I know that stalls happen but It's really really getting me down and upsetting me. I've even put on 1.2 lbs in the last week. And I'm following everything to a T. I'm walking an average of 12k steps/ 5 miles a day. I'm eating under 800 calories. I'm drinking all the fluids. I'm just really upset that nothing is moving. 16/02/2024 200.42 17/02/2024 200.42 18/02/2024 200.42 19/02/2024 200.42 20/02/2024 200.42 21/02/2024 200.42 22/02/2024 200.42 23/02/2024 194.92 24/02/2024 194.92 25/02/2024 194.92 26/02/2024 194.92 27/02/2024 190.08 28/02/2024 190.08 29/02/2024 190.08 01/03/2024 189.20 02/03/2024 187.88 03/03/2024 187.44 04/03/2024 186.34 05/03/2024 185.02 06/03/2024 183.70 07/03/2024 182.38 08/03/2024 182.82 09/03/2024 182.05 10/03/2024 183.92 11/03/2024 181.50 12/03/2024 181.94 13/03/2024 182.60 14/03/2024 182.60 15/03/2024 182.16
  23. Spinoza

    Struggling to stop losing

    Differences in size never cease to amaze me. I am almost exactly the same weight as you but 3 inches taller and I am a US size 8-10. No idea how that happens. OP I am a firm believer in the concept of a new set weight after bariatric surgery. I would have been happy 15 or 20 pounds heavier than where I settled. That was my goal actually. After I got into that ballpark I didn't try to lose any more, but it just happened. And then, eating very much the same stuff, my loss then stopped. And I've maintained thereabouts for a year or more with very little effort. If you can keep eating healthy and nutritious foods then could you just see where that gets you to? There are lots of healthy people with a BMI of 25+ and lots with a BMI of 19-. You'll find yourself somewhere in the middle eventually I suspect.
  24. Calli

    May 2023 surgeries

    May 10! Calli
  25. GreenTealael

    Food Before and After Photos

    Protein Belgium waffle I used to make these often in the first year after WLS when I was concerned about reaching protein goals. I lost my trusted recipe so I’m back to experimenting again. This one was a little too thick and dry but overall not bad because the flavor was nice. I tried it with strawberry jam and agave caramel sauce. I prefer the caramel sauce. The tracking is for two full-size waffles without jam or sauce (I only ate half of one waffle so 136 cals, 19 g protein & 10 g carbs)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
