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  1. *lexie* Good for you you're doing awesome! I had my surgery on the 19th and by October 1st I had lost 15lbs post op- and on Oct 1st my stall began! It too lasted 14 days. I made sure I got in all of my water and tried for my protein goal daily, I also increased my walking from 1 to 1.5 mile- finally this past week the scale started moving again. I read a lot about stalls, so I gave myself a three week waiting period, if I was still stalled after three weeks I would've started being crazy. Luckily, it ends. Personally I feel great- lots of energy, no food issues. The only strange thing is I have had a swollen gland on the side of my neck since surgery. I was thinking maybe I was scratched when they pulled the tube out- but it's been a month. Is anyone else having this issue?
  2. I hit a stall. Like so many others, I didn't think it would happen, but three weeks comes around and nothing happens! Stay the course.. I think I am moving downward again. Have lost 20 pounds and have not had any slime or food issued yet. Scares me that the transition to solids has been so easy. I need to work on slowing down when I eat. I have been able to eat an entire container of yogurt which concerns me. I fear he left me too large a stomach!
  3. RobertaMSN

    Weight loss is going very slow.

    You and I have the same surgery date, 12/2! And I've lost about the same since surgery - it turns out there's a standard three-week stall. Check out the discussions under POST-operative weight loss surgery Q & A - they have been super helpful to me. I'm now stalled after three weeks having lost 12 lbs since surgery but only 2 lbs this past week, and 8 lbs two weeks prior. In a couple articles I read online it says the liver was shrunk for surgery but works to get back to a normal size afterward and it takes - yep - three weeks. Sometimes this stall can last several weeks but afterward there can be a sudden, large loss. Apparently there will be multiple stalls along the way. The articles also said not to go below 600 calories a day as that can backfire as the body tries to store what it can during what it perceives as starvation time. I know many don't believe in starvation mode and I'm not sure it isn't just a myth. But to stay healthy it makes sense that at least 600 good quality calories a day is a good idea no matter the reason. Also, the weight loss rate depends on several factors. Males lose faster, those who are much bigger initially lose faster, women after menopause slower (that's me), etc. I'm reminding myself that prior to surgery it took me six months to lose 11 lbs. on my own...and my pre-diabetes and non-alcoholic liver disease labs and my borderline high blood pressure had not improved at all, though my cholesterol levels did. Post-surgery all are now in the normal range! No diabetes looming for me (like my mother), thank goodness. Here's wishing us both good luck during the dreaded three-week stall. We'll get there! I'm greatly encouraged by some of the posts about the three-week stall under the Post-op Q & A where the stats show those posting lost all or most of there weight and reached their goals despite having stalls and slow weight loss overall.
  4. Yes...you're in the three week stall! I stalled there and it lasted for six weeks for me. Called my NUT and she said keep up the Protein, add 100 calories of "good fats" (olive oil, avocado, etc.), stick with the program. I started losing again at about 8 weeks out. I DID lose inches during my stall, though. I think during that time I was burning fat and buildng a lot of muscle which weighs more than the same volume of fat. Adding muscle is very important to in order to get your metabolism burning better. So maybe try not to focus for the moment on the pounds and more on overall fitness? If you stay the course, it will come off eventually! Keep up the great work. 19 lbs. in a couple of weeks is totally excellent!
  5. feedyoureye

    Official Ongoing Gastric Sleeve Maintenance Thread

    http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/261424-the-52-diet-book-free/ Eat your regular plan on feast days... I eat between 1200-1500 depending on exercise (I eat some of my exercise calories back) "fast" two days a week. many choose mon-ths, but choose whats best for you, you must not have them on days next to each other. Fast day is around 500 calories for women. I eat around 550 (according to the 5:2 site that is right for me) The point is to have 12-16 hours of no eating now and then. Then reduced calorie intake a couple of days a week. Example, I have a Protein drink/coffee/tea in the am through lunch, and then have a pretty regular dinner, around 350-450 cals. Try and get 50 gms protein on fast days, then veggies. Some skip Breakfast, some eat three small meals, its up to you. If you have to miss a fast day, just pick another day to do it. Its pretty easy. It is not first of all a weight loss plan, it is a longevity plan, but weight loss is a side effect. I lost my last 20 pounds on it. I am stalled out right now, but figure that will change eventually! There are a couple of 5:2 posts in the vets section, post there with more questions and Im sure I or someone else will answer your questions! best of luck, Kim
  6. Hi Titan, You have gotten... some good advice. Just a heads up, this forum is for Vets... those farther than one year out from surgery. I'm going to move this to general advice where everyone can comment for you. The three week stall stinks!
  7. lindsxlurid


    I didn't have a three week stall, but I'm about six months post-op now and have been teetering on 2 pounds. HOWEVER, measurements do not lie. From last month I've lost another two inches off my waist. I'm struggling mentally with progress/body/eating right now, so the inches lost are a huge help to see, but I totally feel you with the stall pain.
  8. Sunnyer

    August surgery buddies!

    I can see how frustrating that is, but then again you've already lost almost 80 pounds which is a LOT. So, your body is probably adjusting to that massive weight loss before you can start losing again. I spent the last week of October, all of November and the first week of December in a stall, pretty much. I only lost 6 kilos (13 pounds) in those three months, most of it in December. I'm thinking January is going to be your month. It will be great starting the new year with renewed weight loss!
  9. Three weeks post op, I went on my first business trip. It was a big wine and dine event, and then I stayed the weekend over, laid by the pool. I drank each day, beer, wine and/or Mai Tais. But I logged everything, and averaged over those 7 days, 700 calories a day. I came back and in the week since I had last weighed myself I gained more than 2 lbs. Now, it could have been the 3 week stall, it could have just been restaurant food vs. the very basic food I was eating at home. It could have been the transition to "real" food. It could have been 700 calories vs, 400 calories I was consuming prior. But it could also have been the alcohol (and mixers). Those were purely unnecessary calories I was consuming. Honestly, I was pissed at myself. After that point I have had the very occasional glass of wine, but I am determines that I will not be consuming liquid calories going forward. I want this weight loss too badly to sabotage it. This has been an awkward and challenging decision. I do a lot of entertaining in my job. My industry and my company have a big drinking culture. I also miss a nice glass of wine with a good meal. But if I'm willing to undergo surgery to remove most of my stomach, I'm willing to make other sacrifices to get this weight off.
  10. newbie_2025


    I am just curious.... Is there anyone in this forum in which the RNY surgery didn't work for them. Meaning not much weight or any weight was lost. I am entering my third on Tuesday and I hit a stall on week two. I haven't lost any weight for a week now even though I have amped my activity levels. Walking more and being more active . Met with nutritionist this past week over concerns of not losing and she told me it was normal. However I am still worried that this might not work because I have been keeping up with protein and water intake as instructed and have been doing moderate exercise and not one pound has been lost. So far I have only lost 17 pounds in three weeks.
  11. I am in my first stall. I will be at three weeks tomorrow. The first two weeks I lost 18 pounds but since day 15, nothing. So, I have no advice for getting out of the stall, but sure look forward to others answering.
  12. I stalled at three weeks out for a couple of weeks (like most people). But other than that I try not to see my progress, or lack thereof, as stalls anymore. Reading this thread, and many others, has taught me that I'm not stalling - I am a slow loser, and my body takes time to adjust. But I DO lose. I've lost 40 lbs total, have just hit 199, and have 80 more to go. I'm in it for the long haul, so stalls or no stalls, I'm gonna lose it!
  13. socalsleever

    November Sleevesters?

    Hi All: I have been busy keeping busy watching all the new posts and wishing everyone well from here in CA. I wanted to write a follow-up to life after the sleeve procedure almost three weeks out this Thursday. First of all I wake up every morning and tell myself this is a JOURNEY, not a RACE! With immediate success with weight loss during the pre-op phase and even rigth after surgery, you get this feeling like "Wow, At this rate, I should be down 100 pounds in no time." Reality check, you didn't gain the weight in two months so it isn't going to come off that fast. For those that are feeling a little let down because the weight loss is slower than you expected, please, please do not get discouraged. I know that I started at 240 On Oct 1st and don't know what I weighed on surgery day. As of today I am 214. While on the surface you might say that is fantastic, let me tell you the whole story behind this weigh loss. After surgery I am assuming I immediately lost weight. How could one not... you aren't eating or drinking anything. I think we are sort of like spounges that after preop and the one week post op, we are all rung out. There is literally nothing left in you. Then you start to feel better and you get rehydrated. Guess what, rehydration will start to actually make you gain weight. Now the former fat girl in me starts to panic at this point. I say to myself, "you just paid an ungodly amount for this surgery and you are gaining weight?!" Again,we revert back to what most of us know and are familar with and that is yo-yo dieting and the initial rush of weight loss followed by a serious let down of regaining the weight. Got a news flash for you.... you are not gaining weight and you are not reverting back to your old ways. It is almost impossible for you to gain weight back with 7/8 of you stomach being gone. Anyway.. back to my story. So I start to rehydrate and gravitate around the 216-217 mark on the scale. At week two I start back on soft foods (actually truth be knowns, I started back on a lot of things that were not on my doctors short list.) For me, I am really looking at this as a life long change and I am taking my time along the way to get to know the new me and the new stomach. Tast buds to change and things that I loved before don't work for me know. This is not to say I am eating like a crazy woman (again, you won't be able to because trust me, we you get beyond three ounces of anything you literally start feeling like you are having a heart attack with chest pains, cold sweat, dizziness. I think this is normal. For me the best advice is if this happens to you, stand up and criss cross your arms over you head. It passes but it shares the daylights out of you.) So back to my diet, The good things I have been eating are fish, greek yogurt, meatballs with a small amount of sauce, ground beef, chicken chewed really really well, eggs, oatmeal, Soups, potatoes, cheese. What I have experimented with (and when I say experiments I mean like one bite.. doughnut, ice cream, cookie and three tortilla chips with salsa. These were favorites from my past. While us sleevers don't experience dumping, at least for me the sweets don't sit well with me and have actually lost a lot of there appeal. My sampling of foods for me was a good exercise to see what works and what doesn't. I think I have a realsitic view of what I can eat and how much. I have really had to educate my immediate family on not being the food police with me. A simple explanation of "I know my body or at least an learning new things every day about it... I appreciate your love and support but I also need you to trust me. If I have a bite of something that does not look like "diet foos" please don't freak out and judge. I can only eat 3 oz at a time and I know that eating my proteins first is what works for me. I am human and my head is still going to send me triggers that I want something so let me try and learn along the way. I am no longer a fat person that is going to go through life on a yo-yo diet. The surgery I have done is permanent and restricts my intake so while there are food choices that I can make, I cannot undo the procedure or sabotage the journey to being health and happy as I did in the past. This weigh loss is going to happen." After a week of going up a couple of pounds and then holding at the same weight I am starting to lose again (not five pounds a day but a steady progress.) Kepp the faith for those of you who are entering week two or three, you probably will experience a stall. It is normal. You did not make a mistake in your decision nor are you the one rare exception in the bunch that got sleeved and won't lose the weight. Remember... it is a JOURNEY not a RACE. A year from now, we will all go back through the posts and say "Remember when I was complaining about the pre-op diet, freaked out about my surgery day, in pain the first day or so, nervous about starting food, mad at the weight stall, excited about the change in sizes and the comments that friends and family are making. We are all going to get there and in our own time. Sending my love and support to my fellow November sleevers. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! - Marshawn
  14. Holy cow. I cannot even believe how slow this has gotten to be. My first 65 pounds basically melted off, I did what the dr told me to do and the pounds just came off. I am no longer in a stall, I mean its coming off, but good lord is it ever slow! I am following my program to the letter. Water, protein, macros, exercise, sleep and patience but that last one is tough........we went to Arizona the beginning of March and I did not have a scale with me. I was so flipping proud of myself. No alcohol at all, I didn't cheat on garbage food, we hiked ALOT, we swam a lot, I was so excited to get home and get on the scale and I only lost 3 pounds I don't know how or if its possible to speed anything up, I don't know if this is just how its going to be, at times I am thinking I am just destined to fight the fat the rest of my life! 3 POUNDS IN THREE WEEKS!
  15. Uomograsso

    January 2020 Surgery Folks

    Stalls come and go imho. Last week I lost two pounds, I officially weigh myself every Friday. Hoped on the scale today and was down three pounds since Friday. Go figure. My thinking is that it will all average out in the long run. (At least that's what I'm trying to convince myself)
  16. Hey all im finally 10.5 weeks out!! I’m 45 pounds down overall and feeling pretty good. There are a few things that have been bothering me: 1. Acne all over my face. 2.legs are still getting swollen 3. Everything is moving to my ass beside back fat 4. Knee pain is a real thing STILL 5. Hunger pain are back are to normal 6. I still cry when I can’t finish my food weight has fully slowed down. I had my stall at three weeks and it lasted two weeks. After that I have lost at most 3 pounds a week or maybe 2 oz a week. i went from 430 to 385.4 I’m happy that I got the surgery but this has been a life changing experience that I will never take for granted. This thanksgiving will be a test for me since this will be my first holiday .
  17. Sleeved November 12 - down 26.6 lbs... I think im at my three week stall though... I finally lost a lb after 4 days Sent from my iPhone using VST
  18. Kristin1031

    What are you eating Nymph's?

    Holly: I do love the oatmeal and I hated oatmeal before surgery....hehehehehe so that is a good thing I think. Because I know how healthy it is and you are right it sticks to my bones. It holds me til my next meal. I love my tuna salad and it too is long lasting, it hold me very well. I have tried to spice things up a bit I found when I eat the same things over and over my body get to used to it. I have also found if I eat something a little higher calorie once a week it helps to get that 2 pounds off in a hurry. For example I lost one pound last Friday and then on Saturday I had an oatmeal cookie and on Sunday I lost 2 more pounds......I know it works this is the second time it happened to me.....LOL I do limit any sugar though, and I don't have much, my carbs are controlled and so is my fat.....I think it is very important not to fall into that eating disorder mode that they spoke to us about in our classes preop. There are alot of people who get so scared to eat they live on shakes and Soup and that is setting yourself up for a eating disorder they told us. So I am trying really hard to eat all my calories. I will be giving up the shakes when I hit my three months out here in a couple of weeks. And then it is get all my Protein from my food!!!! Holly as for drinking the Water I am literally constantly drinking, and I mean that literally I carry my water bottle with me everywhere even to the bathroom.....LOL I know that my bottles of water are two cups and I try to drink 5 of them a day. I manage 4 1/2 right now and that is drinking constantly when I am not eating....LOL I know is I do not get in my water, I have a stall in my weightloss......
  19. Swiftflow

    3 Week freakout (post-op)

    I would recommend Miralax (or the generic equal) I had more constipation early on as most of my food was Protein and not the typical fatty/carb diet I had pre-op. At three months out now, I don't have the same issues, but I am taking in more normal meals now as well. Every now and then I will still take Miralax if I feel like stools are too solid or if it has been too long since the last one. All of this to say what you are seeing is normal. I just came off of a stall that lasted over 2 weeks--stalls are normal too as our body adjusts during the drastic eating changes. Just stick to the program your doc gave you and you will be ok. Try the miralax to help clear you out now and then as needed.
  20. Amazeyem

    September Members

    I'm going on to a three week stall. This is no fun. I realized that as soon as I got my period is when I stopped going down. I've been walking for 30-45 mins a day. Getting in for the past three days over 60 grams of protein and about 64 oz of water. I only eat chicken beef or egg. I follow everything my Dr said. Do you think the scale will start moving soon?
  21. I only lost 14 pounds in my first month. I stalled for three weeks. But today I am 8 weeks out from surgery and down 30 pounds since I started my pre-op diet on June 10. So 60 days of losing. I started at 190 and I'm 159.6 pounds today. I'm half way to my goal. But I know the other half will be the hardest work I'll ever have to do. Don't see the number see the improvements.
  22. Here is my story. I spent years stuck at 210 (I am 5’2) and thousands of dollars on personal trainers, nutritionists etc. watched and recorded everything I ate to no avail and of coarse the only scale movement would be I ate a cookie and gained two pounds. Meanwhile I began collecting every co morbidity - sleep apnea, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes , sever scaring on my liver. After two seperate per ate unsuccessful medically supervised diets I was advised gastric bypass was my best bet. I lot 10 lbs in the lead up (5 days a week of boot camp and strength training and keto diet). I lost another 20 lbs on the per-op liquid diet. Had surgery on March 29th. Lost 5 lbs in the first two days and have had no movement since. Walking 3 times a day at 30 minutes each. Drinking 70 oz of water and at least 90 g of protein plus all of the supplements. I know there is a three week stall but I am on a 3 day stall (at the time when weight loss is suppose to be the easiest). This was my last hope and I am starting to feel hopeless.
  23. Hi all! I had my surgery on November 4th. I didn't have as much pain or discomfort directly following, just routine soreness. BUT - I did have a lousy three days in the second week. I couldn't eliminate anything and then I threw up twice...followed by some extreme eliminating. Lots of pain involved. But once it was over, it was over! LOL It took me a long time to get my head wrapped around surgery, but once I did it was all downhill from there. I started the pre-op diet at my highest weight of 357 - SW was was 334 and today I was 319. I was stalled at 321 or so since 11/18 and it moved this morning. Hopefully it will continue because it gets really frustrating at 4 weeks out to know you've stalled already. I know I wasn't eating enough calories. So my Nut told me to eat more. Funny, no one has ever said that before! LOL What I struggle with now....is eating and drinking. I'm not sure I'm sipping - I don't actually know what that means... I'm not gulping...but I am drinking... if that makes sense. I also don't know if I'm eating too much. I'm really starting to get paranoid about eating.... I know I don't get 64 oz of Water in every day - but I do get in my Protein. Yesterday I had what "sleevers" call the foamies. I had a bit of a cramp in my belly, went to the bathroom - and got more pain while eliminating (watery as it has been for two weeks)....but then I started to throw up...nothing...I had nothing to throw up. So...foam/water My insides are sore today...and when I take a deep breath, it is even a little sore! I haven't really gotten into the habit of moving as in exercise, because the arthritis in my feet has been acting up since no more medicine! I'm rambling. Sorry. I just want to talk to people who get it. I need to move....and figure out how to eat! :-)
  24. Pam - Can I come stay with you and can I sleep in your closet? :eek: Kat - I'm so glad you're ok! That would have freaked me out and it's a good thing you kept control of your truck! TracyK - How's the house search going? Have you found anything you like yet? Laura - I know exactly what you're talking about with the computer game. I sometimes sit for two little girls, one is 14 and one is 12 and they spend their allowance money on these virtual lives! I couldn't believe it when they were first explaining it to me! Obviously there is many many people out there doing the same. That sounds like a great hobby and it's great that you're able to make money off it! Jenn - glad you're feeling better! So, I've hit such a plateu. I'm completely stalled. It frustrates me because I work like a dog, fall into bed exhausted every night. but in the morning I weigh myself and I'm up and down the same two pounds every day. Been like that for about three weeks now. Granted i'm not doing cardio or nothing like that but still! Last night I had to touch up the entire house because when the guys that installed my tile floor, they would brace themselves on the newly painted walls to get up off of their knees. So last night I had to go around the whole house and repaint all the walls right around the hip level and down. My arms were killing me, I was sweating like crazy. Sunday we loaded up a huge moving truck with all the stuff that's left from our old house, brought it to the new house and unloaded everything. Then we had to load up about 500 sq feet of carpet that had been soaked by the rain because when we pulled it we left it out in the back yard and it rained so it got soaking wet. Along with the pad that goes underneath! And also about 500 sq ft of linoleum that we pulled from the kitchen and bathrooms. Anyways, we loaded that up onto the moving truck and we went and found a dumpster to unload it into. Seriously, almost every day is like this since we moved. We've been moving, cleaning, pulling, painting. trimming. This house was a wreck when we got it. It's got great bones but the interior was yuck. And i'm sorry for the rant but I'm getting so frustrated. I was crying about it this morning when I got on the scale. Oh and I guess it doesn't help that we've been eating fast food almost every night. I just can't stop whatever project I'm doing to fix dinner so Juan usually brings something home. Not overly bad stuff because he can't stand burgers and fries but it's not home cooking. Roasted chicken from the grocery deli, subway, salads from jack in the box, chinese food... AUGH. I can't wait until I get back to normal. Hopefully just one more week and I'll be done with the house that way I can get back to my routine, because not only is it affecting my dinner eating it also affects my lunch eating. I usually make lunch at home and bring it to the office. Well I haven't been doing that so I end up grabbing something quick here at the places around the office... Oh, and I don't eat breakfast. I don't get hungry until around 12:30. I have only myself to blame. I've promised myself 5 days a week of gym as soon as i get my house in order. Thanks for listening ya'll. I feel better now.
  25. I have been stalled at 197-199 for three, almost four weeks now. I keep losing a pound and gaining it back and losing it etc. It is super frustrating, logically it is impossible not to lose weight when eating 700 calories a day! I always eat 80g + Protein a day and keep carbs under 40g. This weekend my fiance came to visit and we went out to eat a ton. I had a taco, some pizza, meats with sauces (calorie packed) and even some froyo. I pretty much just ate whatever. Well I weighed this morning and I am am down 2 pounds from Friday. So now I am wondering why. My job requires a ton of physical activity and I bike to and from classes a day, about 30 mins total, and burn about 400 - 600 calories when I work out 3 times a week. I am wondering if 700 is just too little for my body. Has any female sleever lost weight in a constant manner while getting in around 900 - 1000 calories? Just wanted to add that if I did decided to up my calories I would do so with more healthy foods than pizza and candy I was just observing the increase in calories in general and their effect, not the foods eaten.

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