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Found 38 results

  1. Three week stall you will not win. It's onnnnn... lol

  2. I hit my three-week stall. Actually gained two pounds. Not even discouraged. I may lose those by weeks end. No pun intended but I'm looking at the big picture. In time I'll be right where I need to be.

  3. Donna Thorne

    Three week stall

    I lost 30 lbs the first three weeks after surgery, coming down from near 300 lbs. Now I have gained a pound in my 4th week. I heard this may be normal, but I feel maybe I need to buckle down even tighter on my eating, not sure. If this is true, how long did it last for you? When did you start to lose weight again?
  4. Hi Everyone, Not sure if I am just over reacting, but it seems like my weight loss has stalled and tomorrow will be my three weeks post op. I have no idea why. I am getting ready to start my soft foods and I have been doing the puree this last week. I found some recipes and have not gone over or eaten anything that isn't recommended. I am working on my activity and am walking 20 min. a day. I don't know if I am just over reacting or not, but I don't like this stall. I saw my surgeon at 10 days post op, and my weight has not really changed much since then. Any ideas? Thanks!!
  5. Having not lost weight for nearly two weeks after surgery, I was starting to stress even thought I had heard of the three week stall. I then read this article and discussed it with my husband who's a meat science who confirmed its accuracy. A breath of relief and kept doing what I was supposed to and weight started dropping quickly again. Thought I'd share if someone else was experience and wondering what was going on. Here's the link: The article I read
  6. I am Begining week 4 and have noticed my weightless has slowed down quite a bit.,. Any tips to get it started again? Please and thank you!
  7. I was sleeved on Jan. 22 so I’m 3.5 weeks post-op. Up until Feb. 9th, I was losing weight at a pretty consistent rate. However, since the 9th, I’ve been bouncing up and down between 3 pounds. I have heard about and understand the science behind the 3 week stall. I also understand that my body is going under major changes but I’m afraid I’m doing something wrong with my food choices. If it is just a stall, how long do they usually last? I am starting to get discouraged. I know I wasn’t getting enough Water and Protein so I’ve been very conscientious about meeting the minimums over the last week or so. I have also been experiencing light-headedness. I have emailed my NUT but I don't think I'll hear from her until Tuesday. I figured I'd ask the experts in this group to see if you had any guidance. Thanks in advance for your help.
  8. I am four weeks out. I made my husband hide my scale because it didnt move in four days and I freaked out. I googled and it seems lots of people talk about a three week stall. Did any else experience this? I am going to the gym 5 times a week and trying to get all my protien in. I am just not sure what to do?
  9. Finally broke my three and a half week stall!

  10. so I have hit my three week stall....but my clothes are getting lose.

  11. I was sleeved on Sept 18 and have lost 20 lbs since. Two week ago I stopped losing weight. I have read many post saying this is normal. My question is?? How long so they usually last. I'm ready to see that scale move????????
  12. Why am I so hungry? Taking two famotidine per day. Eating tums. Also, weight has stalled.
  13. I just wanted to thank everyone who has been posting on here about stalls lately. I was a bundle of nerves and negativity for over a week, so I followed a lot of advice from here and from my docs office. (one of the nurses there said her longest stall was 4 weeks!) For those of you still in a stall, I thought I'd compile a few of what I felt were the most helpful tips. 1. Increase your Protein intake. Drink another half shake or whatever it takes to get you up to the level your doc wants you at. 2. Read this article: http://www.dsfacts.c...or-plateau.html It has been posted a few times on this forum, and was shared with me by Nancy Rivers. 3. Get moving! After surgery it's normal to feel sluggish and tired, but its important to keep your metabolism and your heart rate up. 4. Put away the scale! Your body goes through natural fluctuations every day for all different kinds of reasons. It's really difficult to break the habit of weighing every day, so wean yourself off. Go every other day, then step it back to once a week or every other week. 5. Drink some water! Water is essential in so many of the biological processes that happen in your body. If you don't drink enough, you'll find very quickly that you feel tired, nauseous, and you might notice the scale staying the same. A quick way to assess whether you're getting enough? Check your urine. If it's getting progressively darker, you need more water. 6. Trust your medical team, trust your sleeve and trust yourself. The sleeve will work if you let it. You have the capacity to make it work for you and to do all the wonderful things that you have been planning with your new life. So put a smile on, go for a walk, and enjoy life! I really hope that these things will help someone still stuck in a stall. Comment if you have anything else to add to the list!
  14. You guys! Im on a three week stall with the scale jumping up and down! IDK what to do! Please help. I havent lost any weight for almost three weeks. I hardly eat and I drink a ton of water. When I do eat its usually a spoon full of food; and its usually rice and a meat with veggies. Im much more active then I was before but not as active as id like to be. Any advice will be helpful! Thanks! Frankie M.
  15. I'm only about three and a half weeks post op and I'm already at a stall. I lost about 17 lbs in the first two weeks and now nothing. Is this typical?
  16. I was sleeved on May 6/2010. Everything was fine until I star the third week when I stall, now this is my 5th week that means three weeks stall (and counting). I went to the nutritionist last week and we review what I'm eating but the only adjust was to replace the snacks for the protein shakes, I'm eating right, I'm drinking most of the time my liquids and I'm exercising. this is what I think I'm suppose to do but it is not working. Any suggestions? Somebody with a problem like this? Thanks.
  17. Mine is still going strong. This week, I finally put the scale away and have not been weighing myself everyday as I foolishly had been doing. I really expected to see some sort of drop this morning, but nothing. I'm honestly devastated. I'm walking everyday, keeping calories around 800 or less, drinking water. I started out with a quick 17 pound drop after being sleeved on 8/3 (SW 275, CW 252). I know the 3-week stall is real--how long did it last for you until you started dropping? I'm losing my mind here.
  18. Thesaurophile

    Three weeks: a stall and a pants size

    Holy **** once I went back to work life got busy. Anyway, I'm one of the lucky ones, I guess; over one week of pre-op diet, first week and second week post-op I lost 30 pounds. Which is amazing and I am still a little flabbergasted. Now, sadly, all that loss has caught up to me in the form of THE STALL. I've been between 235-236 for several days now (like maybe 5), but keeping patient. I did, after all, just lose 30 lbs in three weeks. I've been telling myself I might lose inches instead and reading the forums like crazy for morale, but every time I try on that stubborn pair of size 18 jeans they are still a little too tight. :[ HOWEVER: Work is taking us to Six Flags as a reward for being awesome last year, and I currently have nothing to wear to a theme park, so on my lunch break I dropped in to Lane Bryant to see what I could see in the clearance section. And lo, shining brilliantly on the rack, a pair of size 18 capri... jegging... things... hung in brightest red. And I did take them from the rack, and did carry them into the changing stall on the off chance they might fit. And there in the changing stall I discovered two things. One! My current work pants are a size 22 where I had unfortunately convinced myself they were a size twenty, which makes it retroactively depressing that they were pretty tight for a while. TWO! The capri-jegging-things FIT ME BEAUTIFULLY. aaand since I got them on the clearance rack and found $10 cash in my purse, only $10 came out of my checking account. Stall be damned, I won today :3
  19. I'm in the three week stall. I've tried eating more protein and exercise but no change. Now a little gain I'm thinking my lady friend might have something to do will the little gane?? I know everyone's different just worried as I thought I would lose more that 7kg I know that a lose is good no matter what number but I'm Worried As its going up now
  20. britknee_kay

    Three week stall?

    Just curious about everyone’s experience. I’ve heard there’s a week 3 stall that nearly everyone experiences. I’m just finishing our week 3 and my loss has stalled. Even gained a pound. I assume it’s because of soft foods being introduced.
  21. I am four weeks out. I made my husband hide my scale because it didnt move in four days and I freaked out. I googled and it seems lots of people talk about a three week stall. Did any else experience this? I am going to the gym 5 times a week and trying to get all my protien in. I am just not sure what to do?
  22. A three week stall broke! I dropped four pounds in the last four days. :D

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Treadmillwalker


      Congratulations! I hope you and Mrs. LittleBill had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's.

    3. highfunctioningfatman


      As much as I hate to say this I went slightly off track a couple of days ago when I got sick and I had chicken noodle soup. I don't know if was just a coincidence or if the carb cycling broke my stall but I have dropped like a rock since.

    4. LittleBill


      Thank you Treadmillwalker, and Happy New Year to you folks too!


      HFFM, they say chicken soup has healing qualities for all sorts of things. Maybe it works for stalls too. ;-)

  23. experienced my first stall this month (almost three weeks with no change!) finally broke it this week with an extra day of aquafit added to my weekly routine! down 125lbs (4.5m post-op) and feeling fantastic :D

  24. ainsworth1

    the dreaded three week stall!

    OK so I knew it might happen, but hoped it wouldnt!! it has!! the dreaded 3 week stall, no weight loss for a week now so whats going on?!! I am consuming all my water, protein is up in the 70's i am exercising. Please someone give me some hope that this will end soon?? I have 5 weeks until I go on a cruise and really want to be 14lb down by then!! its very very frustrating (also not constipated!!) many thanks for any support or advice!
  25. I was prepared for the three week stall. I have read numerous threads about it and know it happens to everyone. I weigh myself once every few days, sometimes up to five days. I last weighed myself on Saturday. I was 270. This morning, I am 271.4. I am still on a liquid diet, getting about 75 to 80 grams of Protein. I drink about 50 ounces of Fluid, working to get to 64 ounces. My goal is to have a lymphatic massage to release toxins and detox. Is weight gain also normal during the stall? Sent from my SM-G360T using the BariatricPal App

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