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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Dadkins8

  1. Dadkins8

    9 Weeks and 4 Days

    Lemonchick you are doing great. I do use this site as my main form of support. The support group that my doctor offers is mostly geared toward the gastric bypass patients. I have found this site to really help keep me focused and on track. Good luck on your journey!
  2. Dadkins8

    9 Weeks and 4 Days

    Lemonchick you are doing great. I do use this site as my main form of support. The support group that my doctor offers is mostly geared toward the gastric bypass patients. I have found this site to really help keep me focused and on track. Good luck on your journey!
  3. Dadkins8

    Learning Again

    As so many of us mention on this site, it is a journey. You must stay focused and really listen to your body. As many of you know, I had a second fill and had found it very difficult the first several days to keep anything down. However, I did manage to get it all figured out. I must eat the bites SUPER small. I need to eat super slow. That means I must take a small bite, chew it 30 times, and then wait a while until my next bite. I warned my family that it will take me a lot longer to eat a meal with them. Also, I need to make sure when I introduce a new food to proceed even slower to ensure that I am able to eat it. Prior to my second fill I could eat bread. However, I was pretty much staying away from most carbs. So, it has not been too difficult giving that up entirely. The funny thing through all of this is that my weight has maintained and not gone down. I truly feel it is because I wasn't getting enough calories. My doctor did say that this could happen. However, I must stay the course and keep on walking and journaling my protein and food. :smile2:
  4. Dadkins8

    First Day on Liquid Diet

    Are you pre surgery or post surgery? Just be careful with lifting things. I am hopeful that this is pre surgery. I know I was not allowed to lift anything more than 8 lbs after my surgery. I just want you to be safe!
  5. Dadkins8

    Food Journal

    I keep a journal. It really helps me to stay focused. I put in how much exercise I am getting. Also, I keep track of how many grams of protein, ounces of water, and the vitamins that I have taken. Sometimes, I write my thoughts and feeling about things but not too often. I do most of that on this website. Also, I put my daily weight. It is refreshing to see it go down in print.
  6. Dadkins8


    It is so true that so many of us had "relationships" with food. I think that everybody has a vice that they use to cope with stress and the challenges of everyday life. You are doing great to think of this as a new beginning and to know that you must change your mind and attitude about food. I think for me over 75% of this is mental. The rest is physical. Good luck as you begin your journey.
  7. Dadkins8

    Just Checking In

    I was in the same boat as you when I went in for my first fill. I ate a "normal" breakfast. Then, I went light for lunch. That wasn't doctor's orders. However, no one gave me any specifics. It worked out fine. My first fill was done in his office. He just felt my stomach until he found my port. Took this super long needle (didn't like the sight of that), and injected the fluid. I didn't feel a thing. I was so surprised. I thought for sure it would hurt. I was slightly hungry before going in. However, I was not when I left. I didn't mind my first fill at all. The second one.....now that is another story....still getting use to it.
  8. Dadkins8

    Trying to get back on track

    Mardot, You will get a lot of support from this site. I visit it everyday to help me stay focused. Keep coming back and reading. You will be able to share with others who understand exactly what you are going through.
  9. Dadkins8

    Calorie counting with lap band

    Please make sure to incorporate exercise. That was another really important component for me.
  10. Dadkins8


    You go girl! You are such an inspiration to so many of us. This is my support group and reading your story just pushes me that much harder. All I can say is WOW! Keep on going! I know that last time my bp was 104/62. I have a feeling I will be off of those meds soon. Keep us posted.
  11. Dadkins8

    My Beginning

    Goodluck bluerose! I know all of the pre op stuff makes you feel like you are jumping through hoops. I know I was glad to have done it because the first group I went to sent me running. I found them very cold and not really all that understanding. After trying it on my own for a while. I found another group. They made you feel that they were there for you and would support you through this journey. It was a world of difference! In that sense, all of the pre op stuff helped me determine which group of peoples I felt comfortable working with. I wish you the best as you embark on your weight loss journey!
  12. Dadkins8

    not feeling like a ninja

    I would call that doctor back and inform him that "you" do have pain. Only you know what you are feeling. I am very respectful of doctors. However, you also have to be your advocate. You know your body best! How hard would it be for him to recommend or subscribe something for a few day. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon. It does get better!
  13. Dadkins8

    baby after PCOS is here now its time to get in gear!

    Oh, how wonderful! I am so happy for you. You are already on the right track with your joy and positive thinking. I know that so many of us are motivated by our children to get healthier. Enjoy your new baby!
  14. Dadkins8

    Calorie counting with lap band

    I agree with Boo. I must have 3 small meals and 2 snacks. I have between 1000 to 1100 each day. I focus on getting my lean proteins first. I am 3 months out and have loss 41 lbs so far. However, I struggled the first month until I was getting enough calories.
  15. Dadkins8

    Hard to Keep Food Down Ater Second Fill

    Okay....it has been hard to keep food down after my second fill. I tried to eat some chicken for lunch. I could eat this before. I chewed and chewed and it hurt so bad and came right back up! Yuck! So, I had a little chicken salad with it ground up real fine. I could eat and keep this down. I tried to eat some chili that I made. Again, it was difficult to keep it down. :cursing: I think I now understand why my doctor told me to take it slow and easy. I thought that just meant to slow down and chew. No, he meant you may not be able to eat some things that you could a few days ago. In fact last week I posted that I could eat anything. That has changed a lot this week. I wonder how much of this is normal. ??? I can drink things just fine. It just takes me a lot longer. How do you know when a fill is just too much? Anyone know or have advice? I was thinking of giving it a week to see how things go as I "slow things down a bit" and if I am still getting sick from eating things call my doctor.
  16. Dadkins8

    HURRAY for Nov. 5th

    I am sure you are so excited for this day! Good luck as you get back on track with your lapband journey. I wish you continued success!
  17. Dadkins8

    Back in the Saddle Again

    This is a wonderful place to come for support. Please take the approach that this is a new journey. It is okay to start over again with a new attitude and focus. Go out and get yourself the foods that you should be eating. Also, get a journal to log everything from your protein intake, vitamins, and add exercise into your day. Start with a small walk and gradually increase. You can do it! Just recharge your attitude! I wish you the best. Keep us posted.
  18. Dadkins8

    Lesson Learned: Don't Take Anything for Granted

    Good luck Sandradee! Take it one day at a time. In the "big" picture, those several weeks without exercise are not going to make and break you on this journey. Take care of your eyes. My thoughts and prayers are with you!
  19. Dadkins8

    Making the Choice

    Please remember that this is a journey. You do want to do what you are instructed to do. I struggled with the weight loss the first 4 weeks. However, once I began to keep a journal and added the exercise. The weight is coming off. Trust me when I say I don't really enjoy exercise. I only enjoy the feeling of accomplishment after I am done. The lapband is a tool. However, it still require dedication and work on your part. This tool helps control my hunger. However, I am a very emotional eater and I have had to really make myself stop and think when I reach for food for comfort. I have felt very successful. However, I have had a bad day or two. That is a normal part of this journey. I don't beat myself up over this. However, I do take time to refocus my mind and attention as to the reason I did this in the first place. I am so thankful that I have the lapband. Good luck as you make your decision.
  20. Dadkins8

    Hard to Keep Food Down Ater Second Fill

    Hi, folks! Thanks for everything! I was finally able to keep food down this morning. I had an egg omelet. I ate it real slow and with baby bites. It worked. When I say slow....I mean it took me about 1/2 hour to eat about 1/4 to 1/2 cup. I am going to continue to eat slow and take mega small bites. I didn't use the baby spoons before...however, it is time to take them out. I quess the next few days will tell. I have decided if I get sick again, I am going to call my doctor and determine my next step. I appreciate all of the comments! Thanks!
  21. Dadkins8

    Day 2 Wednesday, the challenges

    The first few days can be tough. Good luck as you embrace this journey and lose your weight!
  22. Dadkins8

    Love my Lap-band!!!

    Oh, that is wonderful! It is so nice to hit that next group of pound (going from losing 40 something to 50 something) Yeah! Keep up the great effort!
  23. Dadkins8

    Second Fill...what a difference

    Yesterday, I finally got my second fill. I am 3 month and 1 week post op. Wow...what a difference. I can only eat a few bites and I feel full. I know that my doctor stated that he wanted me to consume only about a 1/2 cup. Trust me when I say...I could have consumed that x 4 but chose not too so that I could lose weight (40 lbs so far). However, I still was getting hungry and had to really stay focused on my journey. I am hopeful that maybe this is the elusive sweet spot that everyone talks about...I'll keep you posted. Yeah...to feeling full easily!
  24. Dadkins8

    Day 1 of a new life.... Didn't go so smoothly

    Wow...what a whirlwind. You are smart to take it easy. I know I did for those first few day. I think it is great that you are already planning ahead. Planning has really paid off for me. I find I do so much better if I plan ahead. Good luck on your journey!
  25. Dadkins8

    Hot & Cold

    I know I always felt before that I was "built" for winter. However, I have found that I know get cold must easier. It will be interesting to see if it stays that way. Keep warm..but not too hot!

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