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Debra G

LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Entries posted by Debra G

  1. Debra G
    With my recent loss of 98 pounds, nothing fits me anymore - hooray, this is a good thing! So I went out and bought all new clothes, 10 sizes smaller in pants and dresses. I am down to a medium-large top. So my husband and I went out shopping, and the first place I went to was the plus-size department -that is where I went for so many years, so naturally I went there. So I began to take clothes off the rack and hold them up to me - and I had this weird expression on my face. My husband asked what's wrong? With a tear running down my cheek, I said everything is too big here! When I held the clothes up to me, I was lost behind them - you could not see me!
    My husband said you are in the plus sizes - this is not your department any more. So I went over to the regular size department and I pulled out a size 14 pants and a medium top and went to the dressing room to try them on. My husband and everyone around the dressing room heard this loud thump - that was me falling against the wall with sheer amazement about what I saw in the mirror. "Is that really me?" I walked out of the dressing room parading my new look to my husband, who was smiling and laughing and said "way to go!" I left the store with my new clothes, and for several hours I was smiling in disbelief that I was in a size 14.
    Yesterday, I decided it was time for a new look - a makeover to go with my new body, so I went to the hairdresser. I had my hair lightened - I am now a light auburn - and I had a major cut and style. I wanted my hair cut to frame my face instead of hiding it. I had my eyebrows shaped and lightened. I wore no makeup to the hairdresser so it would not run from the heat and the hair dye. So when I first sat down in the chair, my face looked a little drawn and tired looking. When I was finished with my makeover, It had taken at least 10 years off of my face - my face had a more perky look -I could not stop looking at myself - LOL! My husband told me I look like a million dollars!
    For those of you don't think the LAP-BAND works - think again! For those of you who had LAP-BAND surgery and are at a plateau and are not seeing the scale move much lately - hang in there! Yes there where times when I felt that I could not do this, or looking at all the total weight I needed to lose. And even seeing the scale stop moving for a while. I just hung in there and never gave up hope. So this is why I say- please hang in there..
    So this makeover for me has done wonders - I'm feeling better and looking better. Even other people can see the difference in the way I walk and in the way I interact with others - its a brand new me! I'm getting a lot more stares now - but in a good way. No longer do they say, "look at the fat girl" or "she has a pretty face"- and we all know what that means LOL.
    I still have 30 pounds to go to reach my goal weight, and I'm sure I'll do that by October 26 - which is one year in.:smile2:
  2. Debra G
    In the immortal words of Jackie Gleason, "How sweet it is!"
    These are some of the things I've noticed since I've lost some weight.
    Going into a doctor's office and not having the Medical Assistant sizing you up to see if you need an extra-large gown. How sweet it is to put on a regular-size gown, and still be able to tie it! How sweet it is to be able to tell your weight with pride, and without saying "mumble mumble mumble"!
    Going into a restaurant, and noticing the tables are so close together -automatically what would run through my head is -oh, dear - will I be able to walk through the chairs without having my derriere bump into someone's head or shoulders - after my meal, will I be able to get up without clearing off the table next to me with my derriere? How sweet it is that I don't have to think about this any more!
    How sweet it is, going into a diner, knowing I can fit in a booth!
    How sweet it is, being on a train or a bus and finding a seat without having to size it up to see if I can fit in it without spilling over into the next seat, or expelling someone from their seat when I stand up LOL!
    How sweet it is, being able to get into a kayak, knowing that you can get out of it without having to pry it off LOL!
    How sweet it is, in a crowd, to be able to say excuse me, and not having to knock people over to get through!
    How sweet it is, knowing that on my next airplane ride, I can put on my seat belt without having to ask the attendant for a seat belt extension!
    How sweet it is to be able to wear heels again after loosing weight in my feet!
    How sweet it is to be able to cross my legs again!
    How sweet it is to be able to look at myself in the mirror at home without having to cover all the mirrors with a black veil.
    How sweet it is, not having to take a
    bunch of medications daily, like I was 80 years old!
    How sweet it is to get complemented on my appearance again!
    How sweet it is knowing I have only 25 more pound to go to reach my goal weight!
    How sweet it is knowing I have this wonderful tool, the LAP-BAND®®, that has helped me to change my life! So if anyone out there is not sure if the LAP-BAND®® is not for them, or considering the LAP-BAND®®, keep reading the wonderful stories on this site and gain a wonderful support system, and possibly a new friend.
    This was the best choice for me to make in my life - HOW SWEET IT IS!
  3. Debra G
    I ran my first race yesterday, and I'm still alive LOL.
    Well, here is how it went. I'm all psyched, I'm pumped up - did my leg stretches. It was a chilly morning, and I dressed appropriately. There had to be 1,000+ people there. A lot of them had costumes on, I did not. The start horn went off, and people started whizzing past me like the wind! The course was laid out so that you would run to the end, then turned around and come back.
    As the 1,000+ people started passing me, lol, I think I had run about 1/4 mile, when the first few people started passing me on the way back! I started muttering under my breath - oh crap, how did they do that? - but I kept on going. I persevered. I walked some, ran some, and do'nt think that these thoughts did not occur to me - to sit on the side for a while, then start running back in the other direction without going to the end, or taking a taxi! But I decided I had to do this the right way, no matter how long it took me. While I was running, I got so hot, I started stripping the layers of clothing off! (Actually, I would have no problem walking this distance, because I'm a walker, not a runner).
    So now, I complete the course and I'm heading back to the finish line, and my husband and a lot of other people are cheering me on and taking pictures of me as I am crossing the finish line. What a great feeling it was to actually complete this!!!
    So now let me tell you where I placed in the race. I came in fifth (er..., fifth from the last lol). But this was not bad at all - it was wonderful! I never thought I would be able to finish the race, and I thought that even if I did finish, I would be last! I finished the 5K course in 47 minutes and 41 seconds.
    So this is another thing I have done that is now off of my bucket list!
    A year ago, there is no way I could have even thought of doing this. Way to go, lap-band®!:thumbup::thumbup::tongue::thumbup:
  4. Debra G
    I decided I needed a challenge in my exercising. I heard about a 5K run on October 30th, so I signed up for the event! On October 28th, I will pick up my runner's tag, number, T-shirt - and the "goodie bag" - whatever that is, LOL.
    They asked for my T-shirt size, and I hesitated because I didn't know if I needed a Large or Medium (OMG - no longer need an extra-large!). So I ordered a Large just to be sure, but when I get there to pick up the items, I will see if the Large is too big for me, and I'll get a Medium. What a dilemma - LOL.
    The funny thing is, I'm not a runner LOL. I am a walker - I walk three miles every day and I decided I wanted to push myself, so I signed up for the race. My husband and daughter asked me if I expected to come in first, second or third - I told them I just wanted to come in alive! The average time to run 5K is about 1/2 hour - I told my family that if they don't see me at the finish line in 1 1/2 hours - come looking for me - I'll be out there somewhere! GRIN.:thumbup:
    So between now and, when I go for my walk every day, I'll step up the pace and run! Pray for me!
  5. Debra G
    I have been doing very well with my weight loss - lost 102 pounds so far. I am working out - exercising so I can decrease the amount of extra skin sagging - so I try very hard to stay on track. However, for a few days, now I have been feeling a little weak and not quite myself.
    Friday morning, I was into my usual routine - I had just gotten dressed for the day, and I was going to walk my dog.Then I began to get some pains in my chest - at first I did not think much about it, until it started radiating down my left arm - my arm and fingers began to get numb. I sat down to relax, but the pain stayed with me for 10-15 minutes. After the pain passed, I took my dog out for a walk, but I still did not feel quite like myself so I came back home.
    About an hour later I went to the store, but the pain started again and I drove myself to the hospital emergency room - I thought I was having a heart attack. I was examined, and they admitted me to the hospital for tests. They found that my potassium level was way too low. It should have been 3.5 - mine was 2.5. So they gave me some potassium - I could not take the pills, of course, because they were too big for my LAP-BAND® to permit. The other choice was by IV, but I was told by both the doctors and the nurses that this would be very uncomfortable because it would burn. So I asked them if there were a 3rd choice, liquid, and they said yes.
    So I started taking this liquid potassium, which also burned going down and tasted terrible. I asked my doctor why the potassium level was so low, and what caused the problem that brought me into the hospital. He does not believe I had a heart attack, and he began telling me why potassium levels go down. As he was talking, a light bulb went off, and I realized what was happening. He mentioned that not enough food as well as vomiting could cause this potassium deficiency and numbness in the arm.
    I have been throwing up when I eat something that does not agree with my band, so this seems to be the problem. Also, I'm not eating enough food. All the tests I took in the hospital came back negative for a heart problem, fortunately. The answer for me is to increase my potassium intake - unfortunately, I hate bananas and orange juice does not agree with me because of the acid. So, I started my first banana in the hospital - making that face that children make when eating something they hate, and I ate 1/2! YEA! LOL. I ate 1/2 not because that was all I could eat, but because it was all I could stand! YUK.
    So what I am trying to say here is if anyone out there is throwing up a lot, and also not eating enough, have your potassium level checked. Potassium is called Natural Diuretic as it easily gets absorbed by our body and almost 85-90% of it is excreted from our bowels and kidneys (urine). Because of its alkaline property, it is a very important mineral which helps our body system to maintain of pH level balanced and also to maintain proper level of water inside body. The most important function of Potassium in human body is to keep blood pressure under control and help in intra-cellular nutrient transfer. It also helps in keeping acne, some type of allergies, fatigue, kidney stones etc. problems at bay.
    It is very important to take healthy and Potassium rich diet everyday in order to keep our body functioning properly and feel healthy.
    I'm ok - this is something I will have to deal with - I will start eating yucky banannas and drink diluted orange juice. Maybe one day bananas will grow on me and I will be able to tell you I love them.
  6. Debra G
    One month from today will be ONE YEAR since I had my lap band surgery!
    What a difference! I have lost 116 pounds, and only 14 pounds to go to meet my goal! I am at the high end of the recommended range of weight for my height! I have not been this weight in so many years, and yes, it does feel so good!
    When I look in the mirror, I see a whole new me.
    I have been at my sweet spot since June, and have not had a fill for three months - and I'm still loosing weight. During those three months, I have hit a couple of plateaus, but each time, after a few weeks, the weight began to drop again. Although it was a little discouraging, I never lost sight of my goal, and I continued my daily routine of proper eating and exercising.
    I went to my niece's wedding dinner a couple of weeks ago and I wore a HOT red dress - It was great to see how my family reacted to my "new" appearance! Everyone was amazed, and everyone told me how beautiful I looked - ok, yes, that made me smile inside and out - lol.
    Some people have asked me if I could have the lap band removed, and maintain my weight simply by continuing to eat properly and work out. For me the answer is NO WAY. I am a FOODIE, and the weight would just go back on. And I'm also hearing from a few friends, that I look great now, and that I should not loose any more weight - that I would look too skinny! Can you believe that - Me, TOO skinny? Those words do not compute!
    One more thing - I was in the supermarket the other day, and a woman came up to me and said "you have a rockin body". OMG! That's me, my new look!
    Wow, almost a year - I love it!:smile::thumbup:
  7. Debra G
    In my last blog today I mention that I had a very low level of Potassium and was put into the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack. Come to find out it was Potassium Deficiency. So I did some reading on this and this is what I found out about it.
    What is Potassium Deficiency (Hypokalemia)?
    A medical condition in which our body fails to retain minimum necessary amount of Potassium required for its day to day functioning is called as Potassium deficiency or hypokalemia. Potassium deficiency (hypokalemia) can be fatal at times if not taken care of. A person may also develop Potassium deficiency due to extra excretion of Potassium or lower quantity of Potassium in daily diet.
    Here is a link to find out what foods has some or a lot of Potassium in them.
    High Potassium Foods Summary Table
    From the USDA Nutrient Database
    To read more about this subject, go to my earlier blog today entitled "Low Potassium Danger!"
    or see my blog called "Life After LAP-BAND" http://life-after-lap-band.blogspot.com/

  8. Debra G
    I was Banded on October 26th, 2009.
    Yeaaa for me! I have been at my goal weight for months now. Before posting about this, I wanted to see if I could stay at this weight and I have! That's my new profile picture. I lost a total of 140 pounds and I'm a size 9 now, I'm 150" pounds now. I'm 5' 11", and when I look at myself now I smile --- soooo very happy. The mirror is a dear friend of mine, now! LOL
    I worked so hard at this -- I work out almost every day, and I did most of it at home. When the weather was nice I would walk 3 to 4 miles daily. I do some kind of workout on a daily basis. I watched everything that I ate and drank.
    I just saw my Doctor. whom I love -- he changed my life. I now see Dr. George Felding, a surgical god to me, every 3 to 4 months, and I was told he is so proud of how much I have lost. He asked me to be a part of his seminars to share my story of how I got to where I am at today, and to share my before-and-after pictures. I have not had a fill for over 7 months now, and in that time I still lost 30 pounds.
    I have a new look now I have been called a fashionista. I shop all the time and I do not have to try on clothes. I can look at them and tell if it will fit or not. I just pick up a size 9 or a medium in a top and I'm done! What a great feeling that is.
    My family and friends are so happy for me also, and they see the change in me as well. I have become very health-conscious in the way I eat, and I have become very active. Life is so much better now -- 95% of my health issues are gone. I ran in a 5K race recently and finished in fifth place (well, fifth from the end, LOL, but I DID finish the race and I did not cheat - what a great feeling). I'm, also dancing again, have music back in my life, going out and enjoying my new life.
    So for all of you out there hang in there, do the hard work - it will pay off. One day you will be looking back and writing your goal story for all to see. The Lap-Band is only a tool, it takes a lot of hard work to get there and to maintain. It's a lifestyle for me now. I have to work at it every day to keep it.
    When it starts to look bad or you think it's not working, hang in there. When frustration sets in, hang in there. When the weight seems to be coming off too slowly, hang in there. When you think you can not eat again or you start to think that your band is not tight enough or that it is too tight, hang in there. When your friends or family tell you that you took the easy way out (bullshit), hang in there. I have felt all of these things and more, but I hung in there!
  9. Debra G
    This morning I got up and I decided to take on of my nemeses, the measuring tape. I call it my nemesis, because we have been at war for so long, and up till now, it has always won. So I decided to challenge it today.
    We both stood in front of the mirror, the measuring tape and I, and for the first time in years it was I who was the kryptonite! Wrapping my nemesis around various parts of my body, this is what I found. The "girls", previously 44DDD are now 40D!!!!!!!!! My waist is now 36" - down from 46"; hips are now 42" - down from 48"; thighs are now 24" - down from 32"; upper arms (or, as I call them, Turkey Wings") are now 13" - down from 18"; Neck size is now 13" - down from 17".
    These are great numbers for me, and it was wonderful to know that I am finally able to win this Battle of the Bulge. So after this, my measuring tape is no longer my nemesis - my nemesis has been vanquished!
    This is what I did to keep everything from sagging after loosing so much weight. I EXERCISED! I bought an exercise stool years ago, called "Red", but I stopped using it. I started using it again after the LAP-BAND on a daily basis - it is great for the waist. I bought an inexpensive resistance band and used it for my legs and arms.
    I walk 3 miles every day (wearing my new pedometer!). The pedometer is a great walking companion because it measures steps, distance and calories burned. The walking is great cardiovascular exercise, and is good for the hips and thighs.
    So I have reached another new level on my journey - INCHES LOST!
    You can learn more about the things that I do and a few tips by going to my blog.
  10. Debra G
    Has any of the blogers out there who use to use the old lap-band-talk site see what I'm seeing?
    There use to be a lot more blogers maybe around 30 to 40 a day. Now I have notice there are only 2 maybe 6 a day. I think many are feeling the same way that I am about this new set-up.. HATE IT!!!!!!!!
    The old way you felt a more personal connection with a reader, now it just feel so cold and unpersonal... I miss my old friends that use to be out there. I have grown to know them. We new all about each other, there kids, weddings, travels, work, grandkids, there pets, there home towns-ect... We use to talk about our feelings and the space we where in at that moment. And those shared feelings helped me with my feelings, most of the time they where the same feelings or what I may have been going through at the moment also. I miss knowing how they are doing and how far we all have come in our amazing journeys.
    I got as far as I am in my journey because of all the loving support I found here. I dropped over 120 something pounds here with your support. (And of course a lot of hard work on my part) Thank you for being there for me...
    There is still less then a hand full you left here, and thank you for still being here. I think you know who you are without mentioning names. THANK YOU..
    This new site setup am feeling a huge disconnect with. Maybe it's just me......
    If anyone els is feeling the same please let me know? So I know am not along in feeling this way.
    Change is apart of life this I know, but change is to make things better not chase people away. Going from 30 or 40 a day to 2 or 6 a day. UMMMMM seams to me it's not a good change.
  11. Debra G
    Almost one year in - wow what a journey!
    So many things have changed in my life that still amaze me to this day. My health is 100% better. I have stopped taking at least 8 out of 10 meds. I have so much more energy - I go out so much more, walk and exercise. I feel great about my looks, and I can shop for regular-size clothing!
    When I go clothes shopping it makes me smile when I try on clothes that are too big for me! This is a mind set that will take some time to change - I've been so big for so long.
    When I take public transportation and see a seat on the bus or train, my heart does not have to beat fast, realizing that I don't have to size it up to see if I can fit into it. I just sit down with room to spare! This is something else it will take time to get used to.
    I have 12 more pounds to go before I reach my goal. I have not lost any weight since my last posting - I've hit another plateau that I have spoken so much about. I wanted to be at my goal weight by October 26 - the first anniversary of my LAP-BAND surgery. I'm not going to make it exactly, but, hey, a year ago I weighed 288 pounds! I know I came a long way and I will surely lose the 12 pounds soon.
    I still work out daily. Now I even have a few women who ask me to help them the with their workout regimen on the weekends. We go the the pier and look at the New York skyline from the Jersey side - makes for a great background for walking and exercising. Two of the women have lost 8-10 pounds each and are so excited about it! Can you believe I'm helping others to loose weight?
    So I guess it is going to take some time to get used to the new me! I'm extremely happy and excited, and I've been amazed on my one-year journey that has transformed me. Now I'm looking forward to the rest of my life as the new me.
    I want to thank everyone on this site for all the wonderful support and encouragement that has been so important to me. And I know that this support is so important to all of us who are in the process of changing our lives in such a big way!
    For more about my journey and to see my Recipes of the Day, please visit my blog at
    :ohmy: :frown:
  12. Debra G
    I had been feeling ill from my last fill on Thursday. Today am feeling so much better, am almost back to my 100% self again. Taking it slow today am only going to eat mushy foods and my Jell-O with my boost and some of my low cal ice pops, and some broth that will fill me up for the day. Do not want to eat solid foods just yet. The last time I ete solid food was on Wednesday. Yes I want it so badly but slow is the best way. Tomorrow I will have solids again. I so wanted to break my 200 mark by my birthday June 16th, the scale was moving very slowly for me last month but I did it, I BROKE MY 200 MARK!! As of today I got on the scale and I was amazed to see what I saw. I'm 198 as of today. I'm down 90 pounds. YEAAAA:biggrin:. So I cried for a while and had a long look at myself in my mirror and I loved what I saw, for the first time in a long time I did not mind looking at myself in that mirror. Wow what a huge difference. I CRIED FROM PURE JOY!!:thumbup:
  13. Debra G
    A Saturday evening out in Manhattan with friends after seeing a Broadway show - we decided to go to Carmine's, an Italian restaurant, to eat. I told them to choose the restaurant - no matter where I went I would not be able to eat much anyway.
    Carmine's is a family-style restaurant with large portions that feed about four people. We got a cold antipasto, which came on a huge platter, and I was able to pick a few things off of there to eat - smoked salmon, yellow tomato, eggplant, red peppers, spinach and cheese, which was lovely for me. For the main dish, we had veal parmigiana with pasta, of which I had a little bit. I also remembered not to drink my raspberry lemonade until I had finished my solid food. I waited 15-20 minutes before drinking. Boy this felt so good, not making myself sick.
    What was nice about this family style was that I was able to taste a little of everything, without having to order entire portions for myself, most of which I could not finish. So this worked out just great for me.
    I think what I'm saying here is that I'm learning how to eat out with my lap band and still enjoy the dining experience. This only took me 9 months to figure out - LOL. So this was a new step for me and it really felt good - a Saturday evening out in Manhattan.:rolleyes2:
  14. Debra G
    This is my first 4th of July, with my new look 93 pounds new. I have been active the whole month of June with all the warm weather we have had here in New York. For a while my weight has stop going down and was going up by a few pounds. So am back at my 93 pounds lose.
    I got my fill yesterday and am back on track am tight enough again. Now feeling full once again, yeaa.. It's was my band, that was just to loose and I new it. There was know way I was going into the 4th of July with not having my band tight, I have worked to heard to lose this weight..
    So now I can go into INDEPENDENCE DAY Feeling great and ready for the rest of my summer activies. This weekend we are going boating to see the fireworks on the Hudson River and what ever els comes up with my friends and family for this weekend. There is know stoping me now so look out New York City here I come!
  15. Debra G
    My mother has been making this soup for several years now. Stews for me are comfort foods and every time I makes this dish it reminds of my childhood. It is incredibly easy to make, given how tasty and how low in calories it is. Works well with white fish, I've used cod, tilapia, sole with good results. I also use clam juice some times, mmmmm... tasty. ENJOY!
    Makes 6 servings
    Active Time: 15 minutes
    Total Time: 45 minutes
    253 Calories Per Serving
  16. Debra G
    I had the best affair of all times. We loved each other, understood each other, wanted each other. When I was sad FOOD was there for me, when I was happy FOOD was there for me. I woke up wanting it and went to sleep wanting it.
    In the mornings when I opened the refrigerator it would say "Hello Debra, how was your night, I miss you", and I would reply "I am well, I could not wait to see you too". I would say "what do you have for me today to eat?". And I would hear "hummm - take a look - I have some goodies in here for you eat, be happy lets start our day together". And my "Food Love Affair" would start all over again.
    Food has never let me down when some people have - I could always count on my food, to give me that extra boost and that happy feeling in my heart. When I had a hard day at work, I knew there was something waiting for me when I got home - my food, my best friend. Food never said 'no' to me, it was always "yes Debra!".
    I finally had a long talk with my food and told it I must end this affair - it was no longer working for me. And I did cry, I must say knowing that it was coming to an end. I made sure to tell the food we will see each other again, so it's not good bye, just so long for now we will meet again one day. The day I said goodbye was the day of my surgery, October 26, 2009.
    I felt like I was detoxing from something I had been with a for so long. We eventually
    became reunited, not as the love affair we once had, but as dear friends. I set some ground rules to my food friend: I will only come to you to eat healthier, not use you as a crutch, nor let you become my whole life again.
    So my love affair is no longer, but I now have a healthier friend - MY FOOD and I.
    I know this may sound nuts but its really how I used to live and how I viewed my food.
  17. Debra G
    Well, the first anniversary of my LAP-BAND is almost here. It was on October 26, 2009 that I had the LAP-BAND put in - and what a year it has been.
    So as we all know, at the end if your first year, we need to have an esophogram and blood work done, and mine is due next Thursday. I got the prescription for my blood work and took it to my physician to have my blood drawn. After a few days, when the results were in I asked the doctor for a copy of my results.
    So now I'm waiting for the results in his office - which was full of patients. Within a few minutes the receptionist told me that the doctor needed to talk to me, and he called me into his office ahead of the other patients. :smile2:
    When I walked into his office, I could see he had on that face that doctors have when there is something wrong. He closed the door and told me to have a seat. Now I'm nervous - thinking there is something really wrong here - I was waiting for some serious bad news like the LAP-BAND has to come out - which for me will never happen even if it kills me - at least I'll die thin! LOL:tongue_smilie:
    Then he proceeded to say I was vitamin D deficient and also iron deficient. I look at him and smiled and say "is that all" LOL. So he says it is not that good. I said this is nothing - can vitamin supplements help(which honestly, I have not been taking like I should have been doing)? The answer was yes, so I'm taking vitamin pills now.
    Someone posted today about a vitamin D deficiency and passed out a link and I looked at it. I learned that vitamin D deficiency is common with obesity and also common with weight loss.
    Boy, doctors sure know how to scare a person! LOL:sneaky:
    Now I'm looking forward to the esophogram next week and I'm sure the results will be fine. I just hope my surgeon has his usual smile on his his face when he calls me in to tell me the results in his sexy Aussie voice!
    I will keep you all posted. I hope you are all doing well!:smile2:
  18. Debra G
    I had my first unfill yesterday. I had my last fill 10 days ago - 1/2 cc, my usual amount. But I have been sick for the past 10 days, I could not understand why. (They took out 1/2 cc yesterday).
    I was not able to keep anything down those past 10 days. What I was able to eat before, I could only eat 1/2 of that - 4 raspberries, 4 bites of salmon, 3 or 4 sips of liquids, and I could not even keep that down. Once before, when I had a fill of 4 cc, I was in distress, but it did pass after 2 or 3 days. However, this time, it lasted for 10 days, with no sign of getting better. I thought this would pass also, but it did not.
    During these 10 days, I lost 13 pounds. OK, this was way too much weight to loose so fast (to be honest I was so happy about loosing so much weight, so I resisted going to the doctor). Yes, I agree it was not a good idea to wait so long!
    I went into the doctor's office yesterday without an appointment, and I told them what was going on. They told me I had reached my "sweet spot". It was at that moment I realized what was happening to me. That last fill had sent me over into the Sick Zone.
    Everyone's sweet spot is different. You don't know you have reached it until you get thrown into a place that is uncomfortable. My only advice is not to wait as long as I did to return to the doctor.
    Because I am now at my sweet spot, I will not need as many fills, and the fills will be smaller. After they took out the 1/2 cc, I was able to eat normally again, without feeling sick, and am now able again to enjoy my Recipies of the Day!
    So I am at a new stage of my journey - my sweet spot. In the immortal words of Jackie Gleason, "How Sweet It Is".
    So feel free to check out my blog to follow my journey, to see some tips and to see my Recipies of the Day":thumbup:
  19. Debra G
    I did lose more weight then I thought. I thought it was 4 pounds, truned out it was 6.5 pounds from the last Doctor's appointment. Not to bad. I get a fill of 1/2 cc when needed each time, that's enough for me. I had wanted to lose enought weight to break that 200 pound mark, by my birthday June 16th. Not going to happen:sad:, but on the up side, I'm down 82 pounds in all from last year's brithday.:bored:
  20. Debra G
    Ratatouille is a traditional French Provincial dish. Ratatouille is usually served as a side dish, but also may be served as a meal on its own accompanied by pasta or rice. It was originally an everyday dish prepared in the summer with fresh summer vegetables. The original Ratatolha de Niça or Ratatouia Nizzarda used only zucchini, tomatoes, green and red peppers (bell peppers), onion, and garlic. The dish known today as ratatouille adds eggplant (aubergine) to that mixture.
    The word ratatouille comes from Occitan ratatolha and the recipe comes from Occitan cuisine. ENJOY! BON APPETITE!!
    Makes 6 servings
    Active Time: 15 minutes
    Total Time: 5 hours
    241 Calories Per Serving
  21. Debra G
    Serve these pretty lettuce wraps as a first course or a light entrée. Fresh mint and cilantro keep it fresh, while savory sautéed shrimp and vegetables provide substance and color.
    Makes 4 serverings
  22. Debra G
    What a beautiful day today in New Jersey! The sun is coming out - the weather is going to be nice, with a chance of rain later. Rain or no rain, warm weather or not, I am in a happy place. I have not felt this great in a long time.
    I am down to 197 pounds, from 288 when I had my surgery. There could be thunderstorms, hailstorms, 10 below, freezing rain -nothing will bring me down today!
    I have done a lot of hard work with this LAP-BAND® to stay on track - meaning exercising on a daily basis, eating healthier, watching every calorie that goes in my mouth. As we all know, this takes a lot of work. As I told those who said I took the easy way out - I said BAH - HUMBUG! There is nothing easy about this. I think lap banders are some of the strongest people. This is a life, body and mind change, just like with all the diets out there, you have to make a major change in your life, and this is no different.
    Everybody chooses the path that works for them, and I chose this one. With all diets and weight loss, we have to still do the work. I made the best choice in my life by doing this. I have so much more energy - I am so much happier, personable, confident, and I have so much more self-esteem.
    Last year at this time I was miserable - so sad. What a difference a year makes!
    My husband and I are going out today to celebrate my day. I am so giddy and happy, I feel like a kid going on a school outing to the circus (we actually ARE going to the circus today!).
    To all my friends out there, have a wonderful day, and thanks so much for your ongoing support! :tt1:
  23. Debra G
    I use the following fish in this recipe because it's the flakiest fish and has a great flavor and taste. Look at the ingredients part of this recipe for the ones I recommend. Fish cakes give me the feeling of being at a New England seaport. ENJOY!
    Makes 12 fish cakes
    Active Time: 20 minutes
    Total Time: 25 minutes
    304 Calories Per Serving
  24. Debra G
    BOO Licious Jello Shots
    Jello shots served at Halloween Parties are a tradition. Jello shots are probably one of the easiest type of shot to make, delicious way to pump up the fun. And Gulit Free, have fun. SCARY GOOD!!
    Servings Per Recipe: 18
    91 Calories: Per Serving
    2 boxes of Black Cherry Gelatin (use sugar-free)
    1 c. High Proof Spiced Rum (I used 94 proof Krakken Black Rum)
    18 Body Parts Gummies (Wal-Mart)
    1. Make Jello as directed subbing 1 cup of Rum for 1 of the 2 cups of cold water. Pour into lined muffin tins. Add a body part gummy to each shot. Chill overnight.
    2. To serve: Peel the jello from the paper and flip over to reveal the encased body part. When these are set up, the gummies become very chewy, like flesh. Muahahahaha!
    Happy Halloween!
  25. Debra G
    :scared2:My Band is not tight enough. When I went in 2 weeks ago to get my unfill, my doctor was not there so I had another doctor do it. I was so sick I did not care who did it, but I told her to only take out 1/2 cc - that was what was put in me by my doctor on my last fill date appointment. But I think she wanted to be safe and just took out more then the 1/2 cc. I'm not restricted enough and I can feel the difference.
    I can drink liquids right after I eat, and there is nothing telling me that am full. I FEEL LIKE THAT OIL SPILL IN THE GULF - NEVER ENDING - I KEEP GOING AND GOING AND GOING, eating that is. I have gone up a few pounds and that is scaring the heck out of me. The things I am eating are healthy things, fruit, low cal snacks, and fish, the same as I was eating before. But I'm going up in weight, not down. For the life of me I do not know why. The only thing I can think of is that my band is just not tight enough. It may be that I am also retaining water, but I do not see any particular reason for that because I am continuing to limit my salt intake. So I have a appointment on 7/7 with my surgeon. But I am not waiting that long. I am scared that I will gain to much weight back by then. Let me put a stop to this weight gain now, I told myself.
    So I called them and they gave me an appointment for 6/30. The thing that is getting me is this - I am eating all the same foods, doing all the same things as when I was loosing weight, eating right and exercising. This is starting to make me very depressed. The last time I felt this depressed was before my surgery.
    So, now I am trying to keep a stiff upper lip about everything that is going on now. I was at my sweet spot before, and I know I will get back there again, hopefully on Wednesday, 6/30. I'm still doing my Recipes of The Day that I share with you all on a daily basis, and continuing to exercise. I'm looking at this as a small bump in the road.

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