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    Ladybandito reacted to TraciL in I give up!   
    I called the Dr and confessed. No problem just stay the course was the answer. Just like everyone on here told me so that is what I am doing. August 1st is the day. Thanks so much for the kind words and encouragement.
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    Ladybandito reacted to CherieRyde in I give up!   
    My surgery is scheduled for the 30th, so I'm about as far into this as you are. My son's birthday is today, and we have a party planned for Saturday .. WITH CAKE .... and everyone is cancelling on us last minute. So, we have this HUGE cake that I'm not allowed to touch but will be tempting me. Yes, I'm going to WANT that cake. I can also probably have a small piece if I trade in my allowed starch and fat for it. But I'm not going to quit over it.
    Like you, I started my own version of the pre-op diet before they actually put me on it. Like you, I'm craving ALL THE THINGS that I can't have. Last weekend, my husband and son even asked me to pick up KFC for them on my way home from the store ... and I almost lost it. BUT. I know what I want at the end of all of this. I know that yes, I'll slip up. But I'm not about to give up. Don't you give up either. You can do this.
  3. Like
    Ladybandito reacted to dawalsh in I give up!   
    Ok, then I should have given up too! I was banded 12/38/2012! 3 days after Christmas! It was hard with all the parties and festivities around me! Did I cheat during my pre-op diet? You bet your sweet bibby I did! I was careful but I did cheat! Did I want to give up? I thought about it because everyone kept telling me they were going to start their diets on Jan 1st! I was saying that my whole lifetime! So, I stuck to my guns with an occasional cheat here and there and I still had my surgery on 12/28! Best decision I ever made! Otherwise I would have been on the same cycle, I'll start my diet after the holidays, I'll start it tomorrow, I'll start it next week or I'll start on Monday! Sound familiar? Please don't give up because you had one slip up! We all slip! Deep the faith and keep that appointment. Good luck to you!
  4. Like
    Ladybandito reacted to TraciL in I give up!   
    I sure do appreciate y'all and all the words of wisdom. I did not binge I only ate the one piece of cake. I am thankful for that much. I learned a lot when I ate that cake. I had never thought that food could make you feel so good. I will watch for that stress and deal with it another way. I am going to call the dr and tell them I had a slip up and just continue on with the surgery if they say it is okay. I really need to do this for myself and my health.
    Thanks again. This forum is the bomb!
  5. Like
    Ladybandito reacted to B-52 in I give up!   
    You're right...with that attitude you won't make it....
    If I was so perfect, then why in the world would I need or want surgery?
    I had surgery because I could not stop the hunger, the cravings, and the non stop eating.....
    Pre-op diet? What a joke...I don't know why your Dr. wants you to do it...mine did not. It was the insurance co, that wanted it just for the record, I did at least attempt a medically supervised diet, in other words for the record I explored and tried all possible avenues to loose weight, AND FAILED....THEREFORE surgery was my only and last resort.
    BTW, I had to do a 6 month pre-op diet, and just like any one of the 100's of diets I attempted, it started out well for the first 3-4 months, then I started to cheat, and finally started to gain all the weight back. Very typical for me, and they should have not expected anything different..........
    But again, that was my Dr. and my Insurance co.'s approach...everyone should follow their Dr.'s orders....not mine.
    It was the 2 week diet before surgery I stuck out because at that point nothing was going to prevent me from this surgery.
    Cake?? I had a fantastic piece of carrot cake just a few nights ago...and generally get some kind of dessert when we go out to eat.
    And I by no means consider myself a failure...I have lost every possible pound I can without loosing essential body mass - muscle....and I still enjoy life, and food....just not nearly as much food as before....and I get my daily Protein, Water, Vitamins and exercise.
    People look at this surgery in many different ways....to me, I am not on a diet....yet many people here on this forum look at it that way, and carry over the same attitudes and apply the little gimmicks and motivational quotes, etc.
    Sometimes, if I did not know any better I would think this was a Jenny Craig website and not a Bariatric Surgery website.
    Like catfish87 said, NORMAL people eat cake....and I am NORMAL!!! It is the NEW NORMAL, but I eat what I want, when I want.
    Hang in there, and hopefully after a few months or a year after surgery, you will begin to "Get It"...I know it took me a while, but I finally did and it has been HEAVEN ever since. Complete freedom from all that other nonsense other people go through 365 days a year.
  6. Like
    Ladybandito got a reaction from Debbie3sons in Share Your NSVs Here Please!   
    Ok, I'm almost three years out and at goal ... Last week I walked into a dept store and bought 3 pairs of size 6 capris -- off the rack -- and they all fit!! One pair was tight, and when I looked at the tag, they are a size 4 that I picked up by mistake. Now, I have not lost any pounds on the scale in quite some time, but with my continued exercise and weight lifting, my body shape continues to get smaller. Whoo-hee! I feel so darned "normal!" Lol. Stick with it, everyone, there are many NSVs as the years go on!!
  7. Like
    Ladybandito reacted to terrydumont46 in update on slipped band   
    several ppl have asked me how things are going. tomorrow will be my last day of liquids. I have lost 6 lbs total. I have had no reflux or spasms since the Fluid was taken from the band. I didn't cheat although it was hard, really hard. Wednesday when I start soft foods I know it's going to be even harder. I will be eating as if my band is restrictive. I know I will be hungry all the time. but my desire for my life with the band is stronger than my desire for food. thanks to all of you that have sent me get well wishes. it really helps having all of you that understand what I am talking about. my poor husband tries but he is just do it type of guy and doesn't get the emotional side of things. but he is very supportive and tries really hard to see how hard all this is. best to all, take care of your band.
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    Ladybandito reacted to catfish87 in Banders Exercise   
    Just wanted to share this today....It doesn't take a marathon!
    Even a 5-minute run can help prevent heart disease Good news for runners: A new study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology suggests running, even for a few minutes a day, can reduce your risk of dying from heart disease – whether you plod along or go at race speed.
    Researchers studied more than 55,000 adults between the ages of 18 and 100 over a 15-year period, looking at their overall health, whether they ran and how long they lived.
    Compared to nonrunners, those who ran had a 30% lower risk of death from all causes and a 45% lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease, investigators found. In fact, runners on average lived three years longer than those who did not hit the pavement. When data was broken down by age, sex, body mass index, and smoking and alcohol use, the benefits were still the same.
    “That’s important to note,” said Dr. Warren Levy, a cardiologist and chief medical officer of Virginia Heart in northern Virginia. “Even with all the negative factors, such as obesity, smoking and diabetes, those who were, let’s say, obese and ran had a less likely chance of dying from heart problems than those obese people who didn’t run. Same with smokers, diabetics, etc. ”
    The speed and frequency of a person's running routine did not make a huge difference either. The data showed novice runners who ran less than 51 minutes, fewer than 6 miles, slower than 6 miles per hour, or only one or two times per week still had a lower risk of dying than those who did not put on running shoes.
    D.C. Lee, lead author of the study and an assistant professor at Iowa State University's kinesiology department in Ames, Iowa, said the researchers found runners who ran less than an hour per week have the “same mortality benefits compared to runners who ran more than three hours per week.” So more may not be better.
    “Its been shown that after a certain amount of running over a certain period of time, the benefits seem to wane,” said Levy. “We aren’t quite sure why.”
    However, researchers did discover that consistency was key. They found participants who ran consistently over a period of six years or more gained the most benefits, with a 29% lower risk of death for any reason and 50% lower risk of death from heart disease or stroke.
    There have been many studies that have shown the benefits of exercise on the heart. But this study is one of the largest to pinpoint the positive effects of running, especially for nonmarathoners or nontriathletes.
    "Since time is one of the strongest barriers to participate in physical activity, the study may motivate more people to start running and continue to run as an attainable health goal for mortality benefits," Lee said.
    Activities like running can lower your blood pressure and decrease the production of glucose, which cuts your risk of developing diabetes, according to the American Heart Association. Running also seems to protect the innermost lining of the arteries, keeping the walls and cells intact, which cuts the risk of blockages or clots that can cause strokes or heart attacks.
    Levy, a runner himself, said people considering taking up running programs should talk to their doctors first, especially if they have chronic conditions.
    “A lot of weekend warriors just go out without preparing for their run. It’s the runner who takes it gradually and trains correctly, even for a run around the block, who's the one who avoids injuries and other complications."
  9. Like
    Ladybandito got a reaction from Debbie3sons in Must Read! How the Lap band "SHOULD work" "Green Zone" in fills   
    Bump. For newbies. And everyone.
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    Ladybandito reacted to intelirish in Share Your NSVs Here Please!   
    I just realized after about an hour of just sitting here surfing on the net playing silly fb games that i'm sitting here with my feet curled up beneath me on the rocking recliner... and i'm comfortable.. when did that happen? i can't remember the last time i could sit like this yea me
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    Ladybandito reacted to B-52 in I NEED to hear success stiries from long time banders!   
    I am coming up,on 4 years....have been 100% successful for well over 2 years...I have not had a single problem...not one.
    This has been the easiest thing I could have ever done...,no hunger, portion sizes completely under control, unable to overeat no matter how hard I may try....if I wanted to that is...I cannot cheat if I wanted to.
    Goal weights have come and gone...my body stopped loosing when it decided it was finished loosing, settling at a good body fat % in the "Fit-athletic" range....don't care for BMI's...to me they're worthless, unless you are just starting out.
    I have not gained nor lost any weight in over 2-1/2 years....I live day by day, without even thinking about it...just go about my business...eat what and when I want....and I don't want much, and when I do I choose good healthy nutritious foods...no calorie counting, no portion measuring.
    I do keep a close watch on my daily Protein intake, as well as Water. And I go to the gym every chance I get...feel like crap when I don't.
    I do not fear parties, holidays, family picnics, cruises...whatever...the band is the band is the band, no matter where I am at or what time of year it is,,,the band does not change.
    The first 4-6 months was pure struggling, and frustrating to say the least...felt it was a big waste of my time and that I made a big mistake......but once my band got properly adjusted, and most importantly after I GOT ADJUSTED TO THE BAND, it HAS been a magic wand the whole way....it is a NEW NORMAL...not a diet...will never have a need to go on a diet again...not as long as the band remains a constant, then so will I.
    I know everyone has their own story of success to share, but you asked for one and this one is mine....100%...Finished! And proud of it.
  12. Like
    Ladybandito got a reaction from Debbie3sons in Share Your NSVs Here Please!   
    Ok, I'm almost three years out and at goal ... Last week I walked into a dept store and bought 3 pairs of size 6 capris -- off the rack -- and they all fit!! One pair was tight, and when I looked at the tag, they are a size 4 that I picked up by mistake. Now, I have not lost any pounds on the scale in quite some time, but with my continued exercise and weight lifting, my body shape continues to get smaller. Whoo-hee! I feel so darned "normal!" Lol. Stick with it, everyone, there are many NSVs as the years go on!!
  13. Like
    Ladybandito got a reaction from Debbie3sons in words can't express...   
    You are beautiful. So very happy for you!!
  14. Like
    Ladybandito got a reaction from Debbie3sons in Share Your NSVs Here Please!   
    Ok, I'm almost three years out and at goal ... Last week I walked into a dept store and bought 3 pairs of size 6 capris -- off the rack -- and they all fit!! One pair was tight, and when I looked at the tag, they are a size 4 that I picked up by mistake. Now, I have not lost any pounds on the scale in quite some time, but with my continued exercise and weight lifting, my body shape continues to get smaller. Whoo-hee! I feel so darned "normal!" Lol. Stick with it, everyone, there are many NSVs as the years go on!!
  15. Like
    Ladybandito got a reaction from Debbie3sons in Share Your NSVs Here Please!   
    Ok, I'm almost three years out and at goal ... Last week I walked into a dept store and bought 3 pairs of size 6 capris -- off the rack -- and they all fit!! One pair was tight, and when I looked at the tag, they are a size 4 that I picked up by mistake. Now, I have not lost any pounds on the scale in quite some time, but with my continued exercise and weight lifting, my body shape continues to get smaller. Whoo-hee! I feel so darned "normal!" Lol. Stick with it, everyone, there are many NSVs as the years go on!!
  16. Like
    Ladybandito reacted to IcanMakeit in Road Trip - Fun?   
    Thanks to all for your great advice. I am probably anticipating a problem that may not materialize. I am not shy about asking for special orders in restaurants, and I'll be bringing along some things I really enjoy. With everyone's reassurance, I can go back to looking forward to my trip.
  17. Like
    Ladybandito reacted to Who Dat 70461 in Road Trip - Fun?   
    We went to Disney World when I was 6 weeks post op and it was fine...snacked on string cheese (think that's what they're called...mozzarella sticks of cheese), yogurt, bananas, etc. May want to bring a small cooler and throw in some ready to drink Protein shakes...they have ice machines at cheap motels too.
    Good luck and have fun on your trip!
  18. Like
    Ladybandito reacted to Bandista in Share Your NSVs Here Please!   
    These twelves are falling off me. I started at eighteens and they were tight! Same old brand.
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    Ladybandito reacted to JamieGirl in Share Your NSVs Here Please!   
    Tomorrow is my 2 montgs! And I am down 50 lbs!!!

  20. Like
    Ladybandito reacted to LadyDiva618 in My surgeon was just arrested!   
    I know I should be serious here but your Surgeon is FINE! A dumbass but fine. I hope everything works out for you,
  21. Like
    Ladybandito got a reaction from Debbie3sons in Sandwiches After Weight Loss Surgery – Make Them Work for You!   
    Bump. Great info.
  22. Like
    Ladybandito got a reaction from Debbie3sons in Must Read! How the Lap band "SHOULD work" "Green Zone" in fills   
    Bump. For newbies. And everyone.
  23. Like
    Ladybandito got a reaction from Debbie3sons in Must Read! How the Lap band "SHOULD work" "Green Zone" in fills   
    Very, very good info. He also has videos on You Tube.
  24. Like
    Ladybandito got a reaction from sunnymama10 in Frustration   
    Some pointers that helped me through stall times:
    1. Increase your Water intake
    2. Make sure there are 4-plus hours between eating meals -- 4 hours of only liquids, no "grazing"
    3. Increase Protein, lower veggies and carbs. Eat foods you have to "chew" -- and chew well.
    4. Get some type of exercise everyday. Walking is great. Resistance bands or weights are great.
    5. Avoid "processed" or packaged foods until you are back on track.
    I really believe the 4-hour timing between meals (even if you are "starving,") is a key point, and I still do this regularly today. At first it seems like you are clocking everything... Water, food, etc ... But you do get used to it. And you will cut through the stall.
  25. Like
    Ladybandito got a reaction from IcanMakeit in Road Trip - Fun?   
    Sounds like you are well-prepared, and your fear may turn out to just be fear, and not reality. That said, I would keep a Water bottle at all times -- and perhaps take a bite of her Snacks,, if I wanted to do that. Five potato chops are not going to derail you, and may take away the irritability factor, if you do begin to experience that.
    I went to Disneyland when I was short term post-op, and had the same fear. Turned out to be for naught. I wasted some $ since I ate so little of what I bought, but with the surgery, there just wasn't that "pull" towards the junk and I was able to be happy and still eat right.
    Enjoy your trip!

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