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A Sleeve4me

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to cap1963 in A Pulmonary Embolism Saved My Life   
    On June 6, 2011 I found myself being wheeled upstairs to the emergency room at UNC Hospital in North Carolina. Quickly, the nurses were putting in more IV's after a V Q Scan had shown that I had a pulmonary embolism. They gave me Hepron and other blood thinning agents to make sure that I didn't die. As I laid there alone in the ER I had plenty of time to think. My life sucked. I had been fat pretty much my whole life. Been on every diet imaginable and then some. Lost and gain weight repeatedly. My knees were shot and needed to be replaced but no orthopeadic surgeon would touch me with a ten foot pole because I weighed 386lbs. and this was after I had lost down from an all time high of 405lbs. Mostly because my Dr. put me on Lasix due to edema in my legs which was probably part of the PE. I had been depressed and miserable for a very long time. My knees hurt all the time and it was more and more difficult for me to get around. I was somehow still working but just barely. I had been told by my gastroenterologist that I could never have weight loss surgery because of a previous surgery on my esophogus and stomach. After I got out of the hospital for the PE I decided to get a second opinion. I first went to Duke. Their lovely psychologist Dr. Applegate felt like I needed to wait a year and come back and reapply. Besides they wanted $30,000 out of pocket for the surgery. But through that process I learned more about the Gastric Sleeve as an option for my weight loss surgery. I'm originally from Texas and my mom told me about a friend of hers that was a nurse and had had the sleeve a few months earlier. I called her and she had done tons of research and recommended the sleeve and her surgeon Dr. Schrapp in Beaumont, TX. He only charged 14,000 and since at that time my insurance didn't yet pay for the sleeve I pursued him. I went to TX for Thanksgiving and arranged to see Dr. Schrapp and his team. They immediately approved me but I had to wait til I was done with the Coumadin that was treating my PE, I called back in December when my PCP released me from the Coumadin and set the surgery for Feb. 5, 2012. I flew to TX went to see Dr. Schrapp for my pre-surgery visit. He told me he had changed his mind and had some concerns for my mental health issues and wanted me to wait 3 months. I was pissed. The bottom line was he had two complaints against him at the Medical Board and hadn't really thought through my surgery risks due to my previous surgery. He was afraid to do my surgery and definitely lacked the ability to successfully do it. So I regrouped and fortunately through a family friend found Dr. Todd Wilson in Houston, TX. He agreed that I had many risk factors but was willing to do an endoscopy to look at my previous surgery before he decide. After the endoscopy he said he could do the surgery and I got scheduled at Hermann Memorial Hospital in Houston, TX. AND, then found out from his administrator that my insurance had changed and would pay for 80% of the surgery but only at Hermann Memorial and by Dr. Wilson. So finally, March 15, 2012 I had the Gastric Sleeve successfully with almost no complications. I now weigh 274lbs. feel great, my knees will still ultimately need to be replaced but now the pain is minimal and manageable with an NSAID instead of 3 different pain meds and frequent cortizone shots. My depression is almost gone and I am active, happier than I have been in 30 years and have a whole new outlook on life. I saw Dr. Wilson yesterday and he told me my weight loss was ahead of schedule and he expected I would continue to lose. Dr. Wilson took a big risk by doing my surgery. He had never done the sleeve on someone who had had a Heller Myotomy before and he consulted with many surgeons and drew out the surgery and was able to complete it. He also knew that I struggled with depression and anxiety and had numerous stressors in my life that could have complicated things further but he took the risk, had faith in himself and me and did the surgery. I am forever grateful. At this point, I do get hungry, I am tempted at times to overeat or eat foods that I know I shouldn't if I want to continue to lose, but 97% of the time I make the best choices and I have continued swimming laps 3-5 times a week and am slowly now losing weight. I reach plateaus at times and that is hard. But I know if I keep doing what I'm supposed to I will continue to lose.
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to ArcusX in Relationships After Vsg   
    My marriage isn't the best, but from what I hear, it's all about communication.
    Living in the Greater Los Angeles, I listened to the Mark and Brian radio show for many, many years. Mark retired this summer and has started a podcast with his wife of 30 years, Lynda. The podcast is based around family and marriage. Give it a listen.
    Good Luck!!
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    A Sleeve4me got a reaction from Tink22-sleeve in Relationships After Vsg   
    Yes talk to her and explain how you feel. Sometimes in relationships its easy to shut each other out and forget how to get close again or express how we feel because of hurt..I hope the talk goes well and things rekindle. Wishing you a happy holiday:)
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    A Sleeve4me got a reaction from Tink22-sleeve in Relationships After Vsg   
    Yes talk to her and explain how you feel. Sometimes in relationships its easy to shut each other out and forget how to get close again or express how we feel because of hurt..I hope the talk goes well and things rekindle. Wishing you a happy holiday:)
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    A Sleeve4me got a reaction from Tink22-sleeve in Relationships After Vsg   
    Yes talk to her and explain how you feel. Sometimes in relationships its easy to shut each other out and forget how to get close again or express how we feel because of hurt..I hope the talk goes well and things rekindle. Wishing you a happy holiday:)
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to iggychic in Drinking alcohol after VSG   
    Iowa girls answer is interesting to read, but when it comes to actual value in choosing a wine to drink, it's kinda bunk. Unless you are injesting right from the barrell of a newly oaked wine, you are't going to get any significant tanic build up to cause you physical harm.
    I had to give a friend of mine a call about this subject. She is sleeved. Her answer was that she wished doctors with little to no understanding of the chemical breakdown of a developing wine would quit giving advice to their patients. She has sworn off gving brain surgery hints during wine tours if they'll recripicate.
    I'm not going to tell you who this person is because I don't want to out her, but her red wines are always in the top ten produced in the US and cosidered some of the best of the world.
    Donn't drink prior to three months while your sleeve is building its encapsulating shell over those staples. Liqour of any kind thins the blood and the last thing you want to do is end up like me with extra blood floating around your body. But once healed, all wines are fine (white and champagne can also have tannins by the way) though champagne should be a treat as it's carbonated.
    As my doctor said to me....also practice drinking at home Wine or any liqour will affect you differently after you have the sleeve. You want to know how it effects you so you don't make an arse out of yourself )
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    A Sleeve4me got a reaction from rxkid2384 in Would You Get The Sleeve Again? If So, Why? If No, Why? Would You Change Anything?   
    I would do it again in a heart beat! I have more energy, my knees have improved without aching pain constantly.Recovery wasn't near as bad as I expected and It was the best decision I could have made for my health and well being..yesterday made 8weeks out and I'm feeling great. I was nervous as well but I'm so glad I did it.
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to barbi1281 in 4 Wks Post Op Miserable   
    I'm more or less going to stay out of this as I've already made my opinion very clear before... I do want to say though to the ones claiming that if this scares you so bad you aren't ready... I personally think that's a bunch of bull! I was terrified when I went in for my surgery and I cried until they took me into the OR, but I was clearly more researched and prepared than quite a few people that claim they know more. I was also terrified when I gave birth to my oldest daughter... as a matter of fact I had a full blown panic attack while pushing - She's 11 now and I still remember thinking that I couldn't do it or that I'd break her somehow. The truth about fear is that it is often an irrational yet natural response to stress and you can't control it. This is even more so true for people like myself who have a need to be in control of ourselves when we are suddenly putting our life in another's hands... That said, I don't think for a moment that you can place someone else in your shoes and say that because you weren't ready, they aren't ready when they are having a normal psychological reaction to what may be the most stressful decision of their life.
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    A Sleeve4me got a reaction from Bos123 in 4 Wks Post Op Miserable   
    The only "troll like" behavior is the one calling names.
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to O.T.R. sleever in So - For The Guy Who Works Too Much.. Recipies?   
    I go to Chinese buffets and get carry out. I go straight for meats & veggies, I avoid most sauces. Filling 1 container can feed me for 2+ days.
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to missih30 in Torn!   
    I am so excited......I got my surgical date today....December 21st!
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    A Sleeve4me got a reaction from DanaInNewOrleans in Torn!   
    Hello, I just had the sleeve done and this Thursday makes 8 weeks.It was the BEST decision I have made..the weight comes off at a steadt pace about 2-3 pounds a week and I love it. U have to do what's best for u and thats be at a healthy weight. I didnt do it for vanity but for longevity of my knees and health.If them tossing out some of my stomach to avoid me putting food in it and gaining weight its worth it. Go for it!!
  13. Like
    A Sleeve4me got a reaction from michelleooo513 in Help!   
    How many weeks out are you ? I'm four weeks out and I can't get much down, but the little I do eat fills me up pretty fast and I'm content. I noticed that if I stop eating at the first sign of fullness I don't feel overstuffed and want to throw up. If it's nausea try licking a little salt . I have made up in my mind that I will never eat how I used to eat. Take it easy and slow, slow, slow. I hope this helps and you feel better.
  14. Like
    A Sleeve4me got a reaction from michelleooo513 in Help!   
    How many weeks out are you ? I'm four weeks out and I can't get much down, but the little I do eat fills me up pretty fast and I'm content. I noticed that if I stop eating at the first sign of fullness I don't feel overstuffed and want to throw up. If it's nausea try licking a little salt . I have made up in my mind that I will never eat how I used to eat. Take it easy and slow, slow, slow. I hope this helps and you feel better.
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to sunsetblvd68 in 1 Month Check-Up (Post Op)   
    Well, I went friday for my 1 month check up & to my surprise....I am down 40lbs since my pre-surgery weight Needless to say...I was quite happy!! I have no limitations on exercise now so I am starting the gym today. Ive been walking a mile a day but can do weights & more cardio now. I just wanted to share the good news. )
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to giggles012980 in High Protein "snack" Ideas.... Lets Start A List To Refer To When We Need Ideas   
    I buy bags of frozen precooked shrimp. Great snack or meal!
    Also PB2 all the Protein of PB w/out the fat
    And I love pizza so & that is something I just can't handle abymore so my solution is: 6" tortilla browned in a bit of olive oil, a splash of sauce, then some mozzerella & I chop up a few pepperoni & broil it. Its fantastic, still can't really eat the whole thing but its low carb & my kids enjoy it too. Gives me my pizza fix!!!
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to Tbrendon in Surgery Set For The 20Th ....nervous Wreck!   
    OMG! That's exactly what I want to do. LOL. I'm almost at the point where I just want it done with.
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to Questions? in Surgery Set For The 20Th ....nervous Wreck!   
    I'm scheduled for Saturday. Also bundle of nerves but not about the pain. More about what if this doesn't work like the LAPBand. Totally unrational since there is so much proof on this board alone that it works. Stress sure does a number on your ability to reason!
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    A Sleeve4me got a reaction from nicole836 in Surgery Set For The 20Th ....nervous Wreck!   
    I am scheduled to have my surgery this Thursday too..I feel the exact same way..nervous at times and the craziest thing is when I talk about the VSG everyone tell me they have never heard of it..weird..but we just have to keep the faith and know that we are doing this to make our lives better.I'm so thankful for this site. We are going to be just fine..I have to keep telling myself and the more I do the better I feel..Now when Thursday comes I hope I can keep this same attitude, and not burst into tears..lol
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to Medic645 in Surgery Set For The 20Th ....nervous Wreck!   
    Don't be nervous. I had my sleeve on Wednesday. I was a nervous wreck. It really hit me when I got to the hospital and then again when I went to my Pre op room and then again when they rolled me into the OR. Tell them you need setting for anxiety they will understand and give you something. I remember going into the OR and telling them not to tie my arm down till I was out and then I woke up! Not in a lot of pain and hardly no nausea. Right before they sedate you things get really blurry then you wake up. Just relax! Things will work out! I did have the thought about day three that I made the biggest mistake of my life but things get better. Trust me I just did it and still in my a liquid stage!
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to beefalogal in Surgery Set For The 20Th ....nervous Wreck!   
    Appears to be many of us this Thursday. My nerves have not really hit yet. I have hada couple of surgeries in my life and never hada bad reaction. In fact, when I had my ovarian cyst removed back in 1974 I lay there thinking my verticle incision was killing me. When they changed the dressing I found I had the bikini incision and I realized the pain had been more anticipated than real. lol
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    A Sleeve4me got a reaction from nicole836 in Surgery Set For The 20Th ....nervous Wreck!   
    I am scheduled to have my surgery this Thursday too..I feel the exact same way..nervous at times and the craziest thing is when I talk about the VSG everyone tell me they have never heard of it..weird..but we just have to keep the faith and know that we are doing this to make our lives better.I'm so thankful for this site. We are going to be just fine..I have to keep telling myself and the more I do the better I feel..Now when Thursday comes I hope I can keep this same attitude, and not burst into tears..lol
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to DanaInNewOrleans in Wls Is Taking The Easy Way Out   
    Just last night I begged my husband not to tell his family about my decision to have this surgery. He was dumb.founded as to why I would feel this way.
    If people only understood. There is NOTHING easy about this. First, you have a person that has been tortured by the societal stigma of being fat. Being able to still face the world and all its prejudices takes a huge amount of courage. I know, I've been doing it since FIRST GRADE. But I persevered. Through my thin beautiful mother's disappointment in me, through elementary school, high school, college, professionally. Through my divorce and remarriage. Through medical diagnoses -- cancer, multiple sclerosis and lupus. Then you come to the decision to have SURGERY -- knowing the risks and the life changing consequences. But you are willing to risk your life and endure major, BODY/LIFE altering SURGERY for the chance to be finally be free of the self loathing and have peace in your soul.
    By the time you come to this decision you probably possess more courage and character than they could possibly understand and could possibly hope to possess.
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to carolc in 3Months And 45 Pounds Down   
    Wooohooo!!! You look great!
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to jennlhp in Sleeved 8/24   
    So was the surgery terrible? I'm looking for reassurance (hopefully). I'm so scared. And to top it off, a poor woman posted a horror story on my wall, so I'm even more freaked out now.

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