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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Tracytma reacted to Sophie74656 in Things I didn't expect my first month post-op   
    I'm only one week but so far this week I have been surprised by
    how thirsty I feel. Sip sip sip is not quenching my thirst. I want to gulp so bad
    how little pain I had in the hospital. I felt surprisingly good
    how much I miss my bed. I've had to sleep at a 45 degree angle so that means sleeping in the recliner in the living room
    how tired I feel
    but I know it will get better!
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    Tracytma reacted to RetroGirl in Things I didn't expect my first month post-op   
    I was quite surprised by:
    - the intensity of the gas pain
    - my entusiastic reaction to pureed chicken after drinking nothing but liquids
    - my new obsession (weighing myself in the morning, without clothes, with clothes, before pee, after pee, at my friend's house, after a nap, in the middle of the night, with my hair up, with my hair down, on the bathroom floor, in my bedroom, 3 times in a row, 4 times in case the previous 3 were wrong etc.)
    - the feeling of not being hungry (yes I know it's normal, and I did not it would happen, but the feeling is still new)
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    Tracytma reacted to MrsKarenC2008 in Things I didn't expect my first month post-op   
    I was surprised by:
    how annoying "sip sip sip" was .... UGH ... I wanted to DRINK not sip !
    how painful the gas was ... when it reached my left shoulder ... I wanted someone to shoot me!
    how weak I would be ... just taking a shower made me sleep for 3 hours afterward ....
    how certain foods would actually smell horrible! My mom made a bowl of Cheerios ... WOW they stunk!!!!! I had to go into the bedroom and shut the door .... bleech!
    how sugar free popsicles tasted like they were drowned in sugar .... I still have the box in the freezer ... and I refuse to eat them ... yuck.
    how not being able to take Midol anymore really really sucks.
    BUT ...
    the thing I wasn't expecting ... ( or maybe I secretly was )
    was just how wonderful losing weight ... and KNOWING I cannot gain this much ever again .... just how great this feels !!!
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    Tracytma reacted to JenRed2Go in It has been a whirlwind! December 16th here I come.   
    My surgery is scheduled for Dec. 11th.!!! Super excited! It is great to see all the support, ideas, and encouraging words as I browse the forums. I look forward to getting to know some of you!
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    Tracytma reacted to Shylarose in It has been a whirlwind! December 16th here I come.   
    So, my December surgery buddies, does anyone else find themselves just stopping and looking at all the foods in the grocery store you no longer desire to eat due to changing your eating habits for the better? I am almost positive that the workers at my local grocery store think that i have "officially lost it"! I stand in front of the bakery displays, icecream freezers, and the rows of Cookies and chips for minutes at a time. I don't buy anything, just stand there and stare. In my head I am having quite the dialogue in regards to my not needing it anymore. It is quite empowering to walk away, just a little funny for everyone else to watch I am sure.
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    Tracytma reacted to Shylarose in It has been a whirlwind! December 16th here I come.   
    It is so encouraging to see there are others who are looking forward to their surgeries in December. I met with my surgeon on September 21st and was told that if I had lab work done and have my Psychological exam I would be set for a December 16th surgery date. This was quite a surprise as at the orientation meeting I was told it would more than likely be six months out or more. I went from looking forward to 2016 to celebrating in 2015. Here is to a blessed Christmas and a fabulous New Year to everyone in this group.
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    Tracytma reacted to Andy810 in Sleeve? ... Done!   
    It's midnight and I am pleased to say that it's been a great day. Surgery was at 11am this morning and I am 3 hours into a good nights sleep, having woken for a pee and an obs check. I'm in an altogether better than expected place. All pain is well under control and so far I have had no gas or nausea issues. I have been up out of bed and walked a little. My 30ml (water) per hour restriction has just been lifted so I'm now on free fluids and I'm even promised half a cup of tea for breakfast! ...I'm happy....
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    Tracytma reacted to ZoeJane in Pre - Op sleeve newbie - Hello! :)   
    Hi ladies,
    Sorry to jump in but I am loving the stuff you are writing, like inkie I have a million questions but where to start not a clue. It's the pain I am on fear of I really am ????
    I have been on this journey since Nov 2014 finally got my op date for 30th Oct so nervous, excited a mix of all emotions really!!!
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    Tracytma reacted to inkie in Pre - Op sleeve newbie - Hello! :)   
    Sorry, I totally thought I'd replied to this! It's good to know what other have, I'm not sure what my dietician will suggest, I've got slimfast as a backup though I'd love to lose my hunger, my head hunger more so, but I know I'm going to have to do a lot of brain training to get over that!!
    I'm nearly 3 weeks into my pre-preop diet (if that's even a thing!) I've been calorie counting, 1200 a day, it's been reasonably easy, I've not had chocolate, crisps, pizza, chips (all those bad things that I use to live on!) apart from a few days ago when I was at the peak of my stinking cold, I was craving fish & chip shop chips, which I always have when I'm coldy, but I resisted! I've lost 15lbs in 3 weeks & I'm pretty chuffed!
    I've got an appointment with the psychologist on Friday, then next week I'll pop along to the hospital to see if I'm at the bmi that they require, then it'll be full steam ahead! Excited!!!
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    Tracytma reacted to _Kate_ in Pre - Op sleeve newbie - Hello! :)   
    I meant the drinks, Vitamins etc etc. I have found it a doddle really. Much easier than expected and still learning day by day about my body and how it needs to be tended to. Then again im very strict with myself and keep to all the 'rules' and will do until I am maintaining.
    Your Mum is ace!!!
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    Tracytma reacted to _Kate_ in Pre - Op sleeve newbie - Hello! :)   
    Hello Inkie,
    Welcome to the site which is a great way to find out about pre and post op living! Are you having the sleeve via the NHS or going private? This forum is geat for support on the "What can I buy in the UK" as a lot of the products discussed are only avaliabe in the USA. I had my sleeve on 23/7/2015 and its been one of the best things I have ever done. I have also met a few good friends here and we have been very supportive to each other.
    Nice to meet you!!
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    Tracytma reacted to OKCPirate in Who had to fly a few days after surgery?   
    I flew back from Mexico three days following surgery, NP. Keep bag light
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    Tracytma reacted to chrisredjeep in Going private - how much did you pay?   
    BMI £9950 . They treated me very well indeed.
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    Tracytma reacted to wendi_vsg 10/05/15 in Waiting for this all my life   
    My name is Wendi and I'm 40 years old. I've been overweight my whole life and have tried every diet ever invented! Fortunately I don't have a single health problem other than being obese and I wanted to continue that. I was so thankful to hear I was approved for VSG because there comes a point when frustration and hopelessness kicks in when all other diets have failed. I had VSG on Oct 5th 2015 and can't wait to begin my new life. My preop weight was 282.4 lbs and I vow to never see that number again!
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    Tracytma reacted to sugarbabe in Buddy's in Manchester   
    Thanks emalou47 for that. I feel that if i can cope without the morphine i will try, and maybe ask for a different type of pain relief, however who knows, i may be begging for the stuff after an hour or 2 post op. But yes i agree, take it slow and dont try to rush my recovery period. It's just as i am having my surgery abroad i am only booked in hospital 2 nights and then a hotel for 2 nights which is just across the road from the hospital, i feel that i will be pressured to get up and ready for the trip back home. Defo not looking forward to throwing up blood, but better out than in i suppose. Oh the joy's i have to look forward to. Lol. But i know it is well worth going through to be healthy and happy and up for anything mommy to my 2 yr old daughter. Cnt wait for the transition to begin. Bring it on!!!
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    Tracytma reacted to emalou47 in Buddy's in Manchester   
    I must admit after 48 hours I was off all types of pain relief and walking around I was at home the next day. As I sai please take your time and take pain relief when you need it not when you think you should.
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    Tracytma reacted to sugarbabe in Buddy's in Manchester   
    Hiya i just wondered about pain relief. Ive heard that a lot of patients are given morphine after surgery for pain relief,. However ive researched it a bit and found that it can delay recovery and being able to get up and start walking as it makes you very lethargic and vcn also cause sickness. Just wondered what people have had for their pain relief and if anyone has had morphine and how they felt taking it. I want to be up and walking as soon as possible but dont particularly want anything that will just add to the drowsyness of the after effect the anasthetic. Any advice on what people have taken to relieve their pain would be really valuable. Xx
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    Tracytma reacted to emalou47 in Buddy's in Manchester   
    Congratulations on taking the steps to change your lives!!
    I personally have lost just short of 6 stone since 17th March and even though I have another 6 stone to go ideally it's been a difficult process but I would say it has changed my life for the better and it's been the best experience of my life. If any of you need any advice or want to talk I'm always here xx
  19. Like
    Tracytma reacted to Fookoff in Buddy's in Manchester   
    Hi ladies,
    Just to give you a bit of basic info:
    I'm 30yrs old and I had my sleeve surgery done on 7th March 2015 at Spire Cheshire so I'm northwest based too.
    I'm 5.8" and I was 146.5kg/23st 1lb on the day of my op and I've lost about 3.5 - 4 stone in the 8 weeks since then and gone from an evans sz 26 a*se to an evans sz 22 and dropped a good few bra sizes.
    Em's experience of surgery sounds similar to mine. I wasn't worried at all because it really isn't major surgery and I think because my mum has had quite a few ops that were a lot more serious and come out fine and she's been a bit in and out of hospital over the years so you get used to it.
    All the medical literature details minimal risk for the sleeve surgery as its larascopic and similar to Em's experience - for me there was minimal pain and fuss too.
    In terms of waking you up after the op - they put much bigger people to sleep with no problems and I have asthma and needed monitoring because my lungs don't work properly (teeny lungs and big ol' titties - whoda thunk? lol) and they just gave me oxygen when I came out and we did breathing exercises and had a laugh to be honest.
    You can never say there are no complications because you can't predict the future but surgeons will absolutely not go forward with surgery if there's proper risks as its not worth it for them, let alone you.
    Psychologically speaking, I'd turn your nervousness into excited energy. Think of all the complications you won't have later on in life because of your surgery. Plus like Em so brilliantly detailed - you'll be asleep anyway and you won't know the difference because you'll be on pain killers so you won't be suffering - I was up doing yoga stretches the next morning and getting rid of my post op wind - lovely thought lol
    The operation scars are there now but I couldn't give a monkeys to be honest as I looked a lot worse being fat than I do with a few scars on my belly and I'm using scar fade gel from boots to aid healing. They were smooth and flat and fine within a week of the op anyway.
    Em, we're at the same stage and as the weight is coming off I'm starting to get more active but its going round town and doing house work and I've got some arm weights I use a little and am dancing around. It's hard to think of myself ever being a 'proper' exerciser but being active is a start - how are you finding the exercise? - Were you an exerciser before surgery - do you have any plans to join a gym or a class or anything?
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    Tracytma reacted to emalou47 in Buddy's in Manchester   
    Hi I had mine done at the Spire Manchester hospital, after attending the 2 year weight loss plan my doctors would not allow me to go through the procedure on the NHS due to my age which was 24 at the time even though I had gone through 2 years on the management course plus another 2 years worth of councelling and maintenance all of which was a complete waste of time as if I had known I would of have to gone privately I would have done years ago.
    Well done with your weight loss you have done fantastically well!! I have a lot more to lose then you I am 6 weeks out of surgery and 19kg down so far even after my 3 week stall with 71kg to go.
    I personally researched as much as I could read blogs just like you I even watched the surgery being done on YouTube to ensure I knew what I was getting myself into. Your fears are normal and if you feel your not ready it's okay to push your date back a bit till you are. Only you can decide when the time is right for you.
    The fear you have is completely normal, anyone especially if you have never had an operation before has this fear. Whilst every operation has its risks having a sleeve done isn't usually associated with death. My dad took me to the hospital on the morning of my operation and said to me i had a quadruple heart bypass and was at the time i was 27 stone if i can wake up from that you can wake up from this.
    My story was 17th March (day 1) I was in the hospital at 7 am got changed into a gown and had bloods taken, had special DVT socks put on and had an blood thinning injection into my stomach and had to do a pregnancy test just to be sure as I am over the age of 13.
    At 7.30 am my surgeon and the anesthestist came round to me know what was going to happen etc.
    By 8.30 am my blood work etc had come back okay and I walked to the operating rooks said goodbye to ny dad met all the team of doctors and nurses that would be looking after me and got onto the operating table.
    A canular was placed into my hand and the anesthestist saw my tattoo on my foot and asked me which artist did them and do I have any plans to get anymore and before I had any chance of replying I was out for the count.
    Around 11.30 was when I woke up (they had a fire alarm test due at the hospital and I remember hearing the siren) to a nurse telling me it was okay where I was and to rest. At this point I just felt tired there is no pain at all due to the morphine but I would say do not fight the urge to sleep just go as you need at the rest you can and it can only make you feel nauseous.
    Around 1pm I was out of recovery and back in my room surrounded by family ( I will be honest at this point George Clooney could have been in my room and I wouldn't have known) you will be resting a lot and sleeping all the drugs off for most of the day.
    By 8pm I was ready to try walking as I needed the loo so I got up walked to my en-suite and walked back again. The incisions were twinging a bit but nothing I couldn't handle but I did sit up for a bit and through up a little blood. This was as a result of surgery where a little blood had escaped up above my stomach and just needed to come out. It was only small amounts and happened on the first 3 times I got up throughout the night but never happened again.
    Through the day the nurses checked on my pain levels gave me medication when I needed it and took my blood pressure.
    The following morning I got up took a shower washed my hair ect and got myself dressed and sat in a chair.
    That day around 12 pm I tried some Soup only about 3 small spoonfuls and was sipping Water throughout the day.
    Again much the same as the day before the nurses checked by blood pressure and pain levels all day.
    By 8.30 pm I had seen my surgeon again and he said I could go home. The ride home took about an hour as going over bumps isn't pleasant about this point and literally got into bed surrounded myself with pillows so I couldn't roll over in the night and slept for 12 hours.
    The following few days are all about you sipping Soup getting Water in and and managing your own pain levels. I was given fast tab which stop the acid production in your stomach soluble Co codomol and an injection of blood thinning medicine into my stomach that I had to do myself once a day.
    You will be fine I assure you, the only complication I have had is not getting enough water in which left me dehydrated and I spent 9 hours in crumpsall hospital on a drip but that's it.
    Just stick to your diet 2 weeks liquid 2 weeks puree 2 weeks sifts 2 weeks solid go at the rate your body tells you and speak to your dietitian I do every few days even if it is just to say do you recommend I should try this or is this normal and whilst I assure no expert at all I am always here if you want to ask me something.
    I am now 7 weeks out on Tuesday and feeling good my fatigue levels are getting a lot better and I am going swimming and for walks with my dog every day, get yourself into a routine and be prepared I made homemade Soups a couple of days before I went in.
    And if you wanna talk or ask any questions feel free.
  21. Like
    Tracytma reacted to jane13 in Lifetime of Weight, 3 Surgeries in One, Approved in One Week, and Scheduled to happen in 8 days. Need Support Like Never Before!   
    @@ellie123 - I started out with roughly the same stats and I am very happy that I got my sleeve and like you mentioned I wish I had done it sooner. I was also pre-diabetic and hypertensive. I probably have sleep apnea as well but that has not been diagnosed. My experience has been very good. I have had no issues. I do eat more calories than most and therefore my weight loss hasn't been as phenomenal as others but I am losing and that is my goal. I have some personal drama right now and honestly I haven't been as diligent with my Water & Protein the last two weeks and the scale has shown it.
    IMO if I had three surgeries that I could wipe out in one, I would jump on it. My WLS was my first and hopefully my last intrusive surgery. I had wisdom teeth and surgery on my finger where I was put under and I hope I have done my last.
    As far as the liquid diet post-op unless the co-worker has the same doctor the diet may be different. Generally the liquid diet is two weeks +/- to give your tummy time to heal post-op. I had 3 days, then on the pureed food, like scrambled eggs, tuna, etc. I had started a pre-op diet before my surgical appointment and like you I could've had my surgery about 9 days later. I wanted to be first in for surgery that morning so I ended up having it about 2-1/2 weeks later.
    Your fears are not uncommon - follow your doctors orders and you will be fine. There are a lot of people here who have "been there and done that" and we can chime in on your concerns and guide you back to your medical team for serious physical questions/symptoms/concerns. The "mental" part of it is where we can help best -
    Good luck and I have your seat saved here on the losers bench!
  22. Like
    Tracytma reacted to titan05 in Suddenly insecure   
    I cancelled my date twice before I had revision surgery because of apprehension. Had it 6 weeks ago and am down 33 pounds already. I hardly had any pain. Band was more painful.
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    Tracytma reacted to VSGmary in Previous Bander... getting VSG soon... Please talk to me..   
    Hi @@Tracytma well I'm not going to lie, for me it has been absolutely, 100% worth it!
    I'm a band to sleeve revision patient due to the band failing. I was banded in 2010, had it removed in August 2014. I was revised 12 months ago and i have not ever regretted that i made this decision. I have lost 154lbs in 12 months and I'm still losing ????.
    I have had a few challenges in the first 6 months, i could not eat meat or dairy and i developed GERD. At the 7 month point i was able to meat and dairy and now i can safely say that at 12 months my GERD is all but gone ( once in a very odd blue moon do i have to take meds for it). I have lymphoedema on both lower limbs and that is almost gone.
    Life is good!!
    I wish you all the very best in your weight loss journey xox.
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    Tracytma reacted to RZD_1123 in unflavored Protein   
    Hey guys im getting pretty excited and anxious about my upcoming sleeve procedure on November 5th!!!!
    My question is, What unflavored Protein powders are the best that you have tried and or use thus far?!
    I have tried the Unjury and put it in homemade Jello and it was delicious! However I did notice it was there, but it doesn't bother me right now. I'm not sure if the taste will bother me AFTER the surgery, so that's why I was wondering if there was another brand of unflavored Protein should give a try!
    Don't just view comment too! ​

  25. Like
    Tracytma reacted to Bndtoslv in For all who are contemplating surgery!   
    Yay! Congratulations! You were a week before me. I'm coming up on 40lbs. 3 months today.

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