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Blog Comments posted by SoccerMomma73

  1. Woohoo!!! People with no compassion or concern for others just don't belong in medicine. I hate that she got fired but she doesn't need to be there. Good for you! Aren't you glad it's a short month??? Miralax is a gift from heaven. It saved my life and my ass the weeks pre-op and then until I could actually eat food with fiber (YAY BEANS!!!!) again during the mushies...

    Congrats again, keep up the good work!

  2. You have to be provided copies of your records if you request them. IT IS THE LAW....they do not give originals and they are allowed to charge a small fee but if you ask for copies they must provide them. If they truly have refused you need to contact the medical board and let them know his office is breaking the law. Now, I'm not saying walk in screaming and demanding them right that second. It may take a day or two to get the copies made, and, as I said they may charge you for them but you are entitled to copies if you request them. After all, they are your records....Good luck.

  3. I'm just outside Little Rock and the weather's been kicking out butts too. It's amazing, we get a couple inches and everything falls apart! I am also a slave to the scale. I'm getting to where I can go every other day...but it's HARD...plus I work in a doctor's office so we have 2 scales within feet of me, plus the scale at home....Hi, my name's Christie, and I'm a scale-a-holic...Please help me!!!! Congrats on the continued movement of the scale, keep up the good work!

  4. My doc says for the second fill he usually goes for 1/2 of what you received on your first. I had 4.4 last time, went for 2.2 but had to back off to 2.1, at 2.2 the water just sort of sat in my throat. So I'm at 6.3 cc in a 14 cc band, still lots of room to adjust, but honestly, if I just get a little more restriction I'll be happy. And no getting nagged at today, yahoo! Weirdly, though not hungry, I suddenly have the craving for a cheeseburger, guess that'll have to wait a while.

  5. Fill Number 2 in 4 hours....fingers crossed this gets me a bit more restriction! I've only lost 4 pounds in the last 4 weeks and have this horrible feeling my doc is going to nag (he's a good nagger). I know, I know, the band is designed for 1-2 lbs weight loss a week but I still feel like he's going to give me hell. Wish me luck!

  6. OMG you are killing me! Sadly though, no, he didn't look nearly that good naked...Hoping to improve that trend when the new and improving me hits the dating scene again, someday. Just the thought makes me queasy.

    And nope, no approval issues, I was essentially self pay (I work for the hospital system the surgery was done at and the surgeon works for so significant discount thank you God). I think it's just that things are going so well I'm terrified of something going really wrong. I dunno, paranoia is one of my strong points!

    Or I'm just nuts...which is a possibility!

  7. So I have the recurring dream that my BMI gets down to 40 and they (still not sure who "they" is) kidnap me and remove my band because I no longer qualify for the surgery.

    Weird eh?

    Also have had several dreams lately about a guy I dated 20 years ago and haven't seen in 20 years, naked. THIS one is MUCH more disturbing than having the band removed!

    Therapy here I come.

  8. Yup, approval is approval as long as the doc and hospital are covered the approval won't change. I would think a surgeon would look at you as a Christmas present, everything already done and nicely packaged, he just has to unwrap ya! (huh, on second thought that sounds either warped, kinky, or both but hopefully you get my point). I don't know who you were using or your insurance but I know there's a bariatric surgical center in Dallas that's supposed to be fairly good (no personal experience with them, sorry, I'm an Arkie).

    Keep in mind, doctor's offices screw up too. Most people in health care are there to help, but sometimes you fine someone who just looks at it as a paycheck and forgets that a few phone calls will change someone's life (or just flat out doesn't care). I'd start making the calls and pushing the issue. We know you're not shy!

    Good luck with all this, you're too close not to keep pushing!!!

  9. If I eat less than 1000 calories, I don't lose weight.

    If I eat more than 1250-1300 calories, I don't lose weight.

    If I don't drink at LEAST 64 ounces of water, I don't lose weight. (AND, apparently eating has always been my signal to drink, now I have to remind myself constantly throughout the day to GO GET MORE WATER...I just don't think of it until it's time to eat, live and learn)

    If I sit on my butt, I don't lose weight.

    Damn, I have to eat right, exercise, and drink water to do this?!?!

    I'm joking, I'm joking, it's still easier than pre-band, and I don't feel like I'm starving to death so it's all good, just interesting how everything has to line up just right to make it all work.

    Not surprisingly, I've started losing hair. I'm okay with this since I have enough hair for 3 heads. Surprisingly, at least to me, my nails are the best they've been in years, I can only assume it's the increased protein/vitamin/calcium combo but just something I didn't expect!

  10. I was whining earlier today about not being able to make snow ice-cream that I could eat, sooooo...here ya go.

    1 large bowl fresh clean snow

    2 cups skim milk

    1 package sugar free instant pudding

    Mix the pudding and skim milk until well blended but before it thickens, quickly mix into the snow. Tada! Low fat, sugar-free, and mostly water.

    We used chocolate...interesting after after the conversations last weekend with the five year old about yellow and brown snow, but still fairly tasty.

  11. It took me 5-6 days to get the fluid from surgery off and to get the, ahh, poo out, so it was really a week before I saw anything on the scale....try not to get too frustrated, it'll start showing BUT you do need to e working on the exercise too...

  12. Hahaha, nope, no falling, at least on my part...however we did stay in the slow lane close to the wall and railing...Connor (who is 5) wiped out repeatedly but took it all in stride. My butt is killing me today but well worth it! I've always wanted to go snow skiing but figure it'll be the death of me, maybe in a couple years, I tried water skiing once...when I was about 15...sheesh, I am just way too big of a wimp for that. I think we'll keep working on skating for a bit before we branch out. I am contemplating a 5K in a couple months but making the commitment is killing me, I'll probably chicken out. One of the best "side effects" from my surgery and life style changes is that Connor, who is a giant 5 year old and the height of an average 8 year old, has slimmed down amazingly. He's never been fat by any means but has always been just a little chubby. Chubby no more! He is long and lean and the jeans he started the school year in are falling off of him. Yay for us!

  13. I went roller skating today!! The last time I went roller skating I was 12, playing a stupid game, fell and had a nasty break to my left wrist which caused all kinds of freakish problems and eventually lead to 2 corrective surgeries.... Today was also my son's first time on skates. I'm sure we were a sight, but we were out there, laughing hysterically, and loving every minute of it. I can already tell my behind and thighs are going to have nasty things to say to me tomorrow but, still, well worth it! I can honestly say 30 pounds ago I would have given up after going around the rink once....if I was brave enough to even put on skates. So yay! Loving life! (and, importantly, no broken bones!!! WOOHOO!!!):thumbup:

  14. So I've been doing this about a month and just realized last night that people are actually leaving comments on my posts. Obviously I'm a little slow! BUT!!!! Thank you so much for your comments and support. My friends, family, and co-workers have all been awesome supporting me through this but they just really don't have a clue...about the being fat part, or the struggles, or the sheer joy of actually starting to lose weight. It means so very much to me to have you all here to whine, grip, complain, and laugh with.

    We are in the midst of an ice storm, it's gorgeous outside and work and school are cancelled for the day so, during a break in the sleeting this morning, Connor (my 5 year old) and I went out and took his sled down the hill we live on. It was a blast. A-I could actually hike up the hill, repeatedly, it's a road but steep, B-that I felt good enough to actually go out and play, and C-that I had SO much fun, even when we crashed, and I landed butt first in mushy slush, freezing and soaking wet....One of my big deciding factors in getting a band now was my boy, I do as much as I can with him but I felt like I was missing so much...the memories we made today, both of us screaming and laughing as we sped down the hill totally out of control....made every penny I spent on the surgery so worth it, (although I'm fairly certain the neighbors thought we were nuts).

    It's a very good day

  15. I have been having the most graphic and vivid dreams for the last couple weeks. The type where you wake up with a jerk and a start thinking "WTF????" There's a general theme. Ex-boyfriends, and nudity. There is not an ex-boyfriend in my life that I regret being my ex and it is very very bizarre for me to dream about them. Nudity is another thing I'm not real comfortable with. I've been fat FOREVER and have never liked showing off the flab and seriously doubt I ever will...In last nights dream I decided to go swimming in this huge pool after it closed...and naturally, since it was closed, I decided to go butt naked. Right after I get in a million (okay 20) people come out of nowhere to go swimming and I decide to go out in the deep end and just tread water until they all leave so they'll never notice...but they never leave and eventually I just have to get out in front of all of them. And not a single person noticed. I tend to think dreams are mostly silly and meaningless but I'm taking this one to mean I need to chill out and not be so hard on myself, maybe other people don't see the imperfections like I do. Of course my closest friends are of the opinion that I need a man..ah, gotta love 'em!

    Or maybe the decreased calorie intake is rotting my brain!!! (to make up for that I have 1/2 a slice of turtle cheesecake today...hey, it's got cheese and nuts right? It should be considered health food!)

  16. So, I typically shy away from compliments...I'm that girl that always blows it off when someone says something nice about my looks. BUT!!! I'm discovering I love, love, LOVE it when people comment on my weight loss. I'm at 30 pounds since Dec. 3, I've officially retired 1 pair of work pants and am having issues with a couple others but when I look in the mirror I don't see that big of a difference but it must be starting to show. And, for like the first time ever, I love it when people comment on it, absolutely love it. And, it makes me want to behave and eat well and get more more more off!! I'm shooting for 15 more pounds before I break down and buy a few new things. By then it will be warming up a little (unless the weightloss fairy visits and magically makes me thin over night) and I'll be able to start getting stuff to make it through spring and summer. I am determined that nothing I wear this spring will fit me next winter so, darn the luck, I'll have to go buy more then too!

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