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Getting closer!!

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I finally have a date!!


February 30th (March 2nd)


I start my 3 week Opti-crap diet on Monday. It won't be a breeze but if anyone catches me whining about it online, please feel free to lambaste me like I want to do every time I see somebody whine here. A lifetime of health is worth a few weeks of inconvenience or discomfort.


My roommate is going to stick around an extra week so I don't have to bum a ride from anyone else. Hopefully he won't change his mind because I am not cooking for him for the next 3 weeks. He'll have to live on stir-fry and tuna sandwiches.

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I finally have a date!!

February 30th (March 2nd)

I start my 3 week Opti-crap diet on Monday. It won't be a breeze but if anyone catches me whining about it online, please feel free to lambaste me like I want to do every time I see somebody whine here. A lifetime of health is worth a few weeks of inconvenience or discomfort.

My roommate is going to stick around an extra week so I don't have to bum a ride from anyone else. Hopefully he won't change his mind because I am not cooking for him for the next 3 weeks. He'll have to live on stir-fry and tuna sandwiches.

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Congrats on getting your date! You will whine.. it is normal - it's hard to give up food. Are you totally restricted to optifast for 3 weeks?

I'd be cooking for the roomate occasionally - if he's putting his life on hold for a week for you, it's really not asking too much. He must be a very good friend - show him that you appreciate him :smile2:

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Optifast only for 3 weeks.

I am afraid to taste it. Have heard so many horror stories of it having the consistency of chalk.

My room mate knows how much I appreciate him. I let him live in my house cheap. :thumbup:

Him leaving is bitter sweet though. He likes to eat and with him gone, I won't have to watch someone fill their face all day long and not gain a pound.

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This is great news! I am happy for you. It won't be long now. That pre-op diet doesn't sound fun, but you can do it. Just look how far you have come already!

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I can only give you one warning based on my experience with the protein drinks.. be prepared to continually apologize to those closest to you. It's very possible that you won't be a very nice person after the 1st two days.

I just finished apologizing to one of my good friends for snapping at him during my most recent post-fill two days liquid diet.

Good luck!

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Thanks but this will not be a problem. I don't have many close to me and I am already and asshole :thumbup:

I thought you were going to say I would fart a lot. I already do that too. :thumbdown:

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Congrats on finally getting a date. The pre-op sucks but knowing there's an set end makes it bearable....Unlike the poster above the protein shakes do nasty nasty things to my GI tract that no other human should EVER be exposed to...Hope that doesn't hit you!

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