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Blog Comments posted by honk

  1. So sorry to hear about that!! A week before my surgery it was postponed because I had a blood clot that had not been completely dissolved. I'd had a stroke at 39. Think about that when you get feel like giving up on this journey!!! Yes three exclamation marks. Anyway I ended up having to wait another 4 months before I could have surgery. No I wasn't on a liquid diet but I did do a voluntary liquid diet: shake for breakfast, low fat high protein lunch, shake for dinner over that 4 month period. I ended up losing a total of 50 pounds before surgery.

  2. With the band I can eat a small portion of real food and only have enough "room" for a small amount of dessert. I agree with previous poster I don't waste my calories on cheap dessert/candy. If I'm spending my calories I want bang for my buck!

    While a lot of my ethnic Greek food is super healthy some of it is NOT. If I'm going to a family party and my aunt is making pasticho (Greek mac and cheese) or my mother baklava or spanokopita (spinach pie); I eat with no guilt because I know it's something I do 1-2 a year.

  3. Personally I would send a meeting request and reserve a conference room so this meeting will be private. I would tell him that you are very uncomfortable with him policing your eating habits. That you do your very best to eat healthy and if you end up having to eat a unhealthy meal on RARE occation; it is not his place to comment. Also that he does not know how you will eat when you get home to make up for a higher calorie lunch.

    If after you have this meeting he continues to comment on your eating habits go to HR. What he is doing is bullying you. Tell them you've spoken to him privately and he is continuing to harrass you. It is their job to deal with work place bullying. Trust me an HR generalist/manager does not want you going to their boss (HR Director/or VP) because they've failed to deal with work place bullying.

    I had a boss that would comment about everyones lunch. She was a vegetarian and no matter how healthy your lunch was she would say gross/disgusting there's meat in there! She would have vegan soup for lunch that had 35 calories and make sure EVERYONE knew about it. She also however would talk endlessly about her alcohol fueled orgies on the weekend! NOT kidding. I had several thin coworkers comment to me how annoyed they were about the way she commented about everyones food habits, yet she was a high functioning alcoholic. Oh and by the way she would go to the company store at the other end of the building and buy cookies and eat them when she thought no one could see her. Priceless.

    This is why I don't tell coworkers that I've had WLS. You can be guarenteed that every though I have skinless chicken breast and raw veggies (no dips/dressings) everyday for lunch; the day I have a 1 inch square piece of birthday cake someone will comment about it.

    For other readers esp. if you work in an enviroment with HR you boss does not need to know what surgery you are having. That is the beauty of HIPPA. A manager does not have the right to determine what medical proceders, ordered by a doctor are neccesary. The notes my doctor gives just say the gastro/intestinal dept; says nothing about WLS. I had a coworker have breast reduction surgery and was out on disability for 6 weeks. Some might argue the company should not have paid her to be off 6 weeks after breast reduction. Clearly WLS is more health oriented that that.

  4. Emotion l eating is a serious issue. When I get that urge to eat for no reason other than being upset I ask myself " Are you hungry enough to eat a full meal?" Most off the time the answer is no. I live alone so I don't have to worry about other peoples food habits/desires. I just don't keep my food triggers in the house: chocolate, candy, ice cream (though not my favorite), cracker (my favorite), low fat chips, low fat rice cakes, crunchies off any kind, bread (Oh how I love buttered toast!). I go to restaurants with friends. I either look for a healthier option or ask to substitute a low fat veggie instead of mashed potato or french fries. I also eat VERY CONSERVATIVELY the day of the restaurant visit and VERY CONSERVATIVELY the day AFTER to balance out my calorie budget.

    Treat those restaurant visits as a treat and not something you do everyday or even once a week. I try to think of my food consumption as a calorie budget. If you have a lot of calories one meal modify other meals to ensure you aren't consuming too many calories.

  5. What kinds of protein are you eating. If you are supposed to be on solids protein shakes are a bad idea because they slide right through the pouch and don't stick around to give you that full feeling. I personally eat chicken as my primary protein. A canned chicken won't keep you as full as baked chicken. Beef also takes longer to digest so will keep you full longer.

    This is bandster hell. My doctor does'nt really believe in snacks and says to white knuckle it. If you were to have a snack I would shoot for a something like an oz of chicken breast, low fat cheese stick or maybe low fat cottage cheese.

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