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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by finallyncontrol

  1. finallyncontrol

    Tomorrow is the Day

    You will be fine. Most everyone has the last minute jitters!! Stay positives and you will do fine! I wish you the very very best!!!
  2. finallyncontrol

    Any Regrets?

    I agree with NewMichelle...only regret is I didn't do it sooner!!!! This was by far the best decision I have ever made in my life (besides getting married and having my son). I was banded 11/23/9 and have lost 105 lbs. I am not saying it is easy but it is so so worth it!! There is not a day that I don't thank god for allowing me to have made this decision!! Life is wonderful!!!! You will find that people will try to talk you out of it but you have to make up your own mind. Others who have not had the procedure do not understand where you are and what you are going thru (the struggles and so forth). I honestly think that they don't want to see you have "a surgery" in general but they want you to "diet and feel better". It is just not to go under a knife..if you know what I am saying. They are just worried about you. If they are true friends and explain to them that you have done your research thoroghly and this is exactly what you want to do..your mind is set...ask them to support you...regardless of their decision..you go forward! You will be so happy! It will be the BEST decision you will have ever made!! I wish you the very best!
  3. finallyncontrol

    Fill & Shopping!

    So glad to hear about how great your doctor! That is how mine is too! You sure do love to shop! I am still going thru clothes that I have been saving for many years. I am currently wearing somewhere between a 12-14 (depending on the cut) and I have clothes down to a size 8/9. I have 21 lbs to go so I am so hoping that will be my size. I will not be able to lose any more weight after that per my doctor(s). Anyway, you keep trucking! and nothing wrong with taking the day off after a fill!! love it!
  4. finallyncontrol

    A Little Weak Kitten Today

    Sandy make sure you get some broth as well. Sounds like your dr may be like mine. I was telling 2excited that mine required clear liquids for 2 days, protein shakes for 2 days, mushies for 2 days and then solids. He feels that your band swells after each and every fill so it takes time to recoup and adjust to the new fill level. I know I have a lot of chicken bullion during that time..plus it will make your thirsty so you get your fluids in. Also, sometimes you just need a day to recharge...I am having one of those days today! Take care of yourself!!
  5. finallyncontrol

    Eight Week Bandaversary Today

    I think you look fabulous!! I saw your picture on a post on someone else's blog...couldn't wait to get to your blog!! Absolutely stunning! Can't wait to see you when you hit your goal weight you are already so cute!!!
  6. finallyncontrol

    Happy Days!

    Don't you just love those days!!!! YEAH!!!
  7. finallyncontrol

    Finally First Fill!

    Glad you "survived" your first fill!! You may or may not feel any restriction from it right away but it may take a couple of days and then bam..a little restriction. As Sandradee said it may take 3-4 fills before you hit the sweet spot. Are you on a special plan for the next few days? I always have to do 2 days clear liquids, 2 days protein shakes, 2 days mushies and then regular foods? So it takes me almost a week to determine how the fill really is going to affect me. For Michelle..sweet spot or 'green zone" is when you are at the right restriction. You are not hungry in between meals (4-5 hours) and you are still losing weight. Take care everyone..
  8. finallyncontrol

    Joined the band on 07/19/2010

    Congrats!! Glad all is well!! Keep us all posted!
  9. finallyncontrol

    Weight Update

    Jhanette..it may seem like forever but at least it is coming off which is wonderful! I think 17lbs is great. If you think it should be faster (??) do you log you foods? maybe there are areas you could work on?? or increase your exercise?? Just throwing those ideas out there, not that you were asking for it..just food for thought. Take care!
  10. finallyncontrol

    Day One Pre-Op

    Belld sorry to hear that it has started so rough!! I strongly recommend you try different kinds of protein shakes until you find one that you do like. I hate to tell you this but they need to become a friend of yours! I am in love with the EAS Myoplex Lite Chocolate. I know this will sound sick but I actually dream of waking up in the morning to having one...not that I am hungry but just the taste of the creamy milk chocolate! Told you it would sound sick. After the surgery you can also look up "Yvette" on here, she has some awesome smoothie recipes that include powder protein mixes. We will help you get thru this!! I promise!! Take care, tomorrow will be a better day!!
  11. finallyncontrol


    That is terrific!!! The restriction is really paying off!! Keep up the great work!!
  12. finallyncontrol

    How do you eat an elephant???

    Your husband is absolutely right!! You need to make small goals and then the next thing you know all these small goals add up and you will have reached your overall goal! I was somewhat aggressive with my goals..my total was 126..so I broke it down to 50, 50 and 26..right now I am working on the 26 part. You could do 30, 30, 30 or whatever you think is appropriate!! I wish you the very best! I put you on my calendar to say a pray for you on surgery day!!! You CAN do it!!
  13. finallyncontrol

    Finally got my surgery date!

    Well I wish you the very best!! I think having your grandson will be a lot of motivation!! I have a 3 yr old son so believe me I know what you mean about needing energy. Stay connected to this site as well as keep up the positive attitude and you will succeed!! As Moquarius said Aug 3rd is right around the corner!!! Take care!!
  14. finallyncontrol


    Hello and welcome!! Hope you continue to visit this site! You will find that there is a wealth of information on this site as well as a ton of wonderful people here full of support! Take care!
  15. finallyncontrol

    Sizing Down

    I love your motto!! I truely believe it..if you want it bad enough as well as believe in yourself you will get there!! Stay positive and focused...next thing you know those 18's will be falling off!! Take care!
  16. I am going to send it in an email..it says that it is too long to post in a message??

  17. finallyncontrol

    1st FILL COMPLETE!!!!!!!

    I knew you could do it!! I was shaking like a leaf on the first on too! I told the surgeon that if I was shaking on the outside like I thought I was it wasn't that I was afraid that it was pure anxiety or excitement. He said yes you are shaking!! Unlike you I looked at the needle and all that stuff. I am just that kind of person!! Call me weird!! Glad you made it!! and Congrats on the 12 lbs!!
  18. finallyncontrol

    Heres whats up

    Wow that seems like a long time for it to relax?? My first thought was to try doing shakes for a couple of days but now I don't know..you can't live on shakes until you recover?? Have you seen your surgeon for maybe a second opinion?? I feel really bad for you...all I can really say is HUGS going out to you!!!
  19. finallyncontrol

    6 days to go!

    Stay connected to this site and keep us all posted..then you will be able to contribute in so many ways! 17 lbs is absolutely wonderful and you have another week to go. Your surgeon will be very happy with you. I wish you the very best with your surgery on the 27th and then the journey afterwards!! Take care!
  20. finallyncontrol

    Final Day of my old life

    What a wonderful attitude!! One that equals success!! Keep it up and you will be a superstar! I wish you all the best on your journey!!
  21. finallyncontrol

    The Leaf Keeps On Turning...

    Keep up the visual and maintain a positive attitude...those are the key to success! You need to see the big picture in order to step over some of the little hurdles! I wish you the very best on the best journey of your life!!
  22. finallyncontrol

    Good news/Bad news

    Hey you never know..when you are too tight it isn't good so sometimes getting a little unfill will is all you needed to jumpstart a nice steady loss...In my case I have to eat in order to lose weight so I am going to say some prayers for you! I want you to be at 100 when you boyfriend gets there!!! You go girl!! 90 lbs is awesome!!
  23. finallyncontrol


    I do agree that in some cases had they went thru what we have..waited for a couple of years and then had to pay out of our own pockets they may have done things differently. I do look at it as a lifestyle change and want to make sure I am eating things now that I will eat for the rest of my life..I do not want to only eat things now that once I hit my goal that I eat differently and will gain weight so I eat everything under the sun..just very small portions. So my description of spaghetti is 3 small meatballs and 4 noodles chopped very well..so I still eat it but nothing like I used to. I never was into the cake part..just the icing..now I lost the taste for sweets. I do have a recipe for a cool whip/jello pie..it has 3 calories...if I am really craving something for desert I make it. My dad calls it the fly away pie because it is so light but it is light and fluffy and even the nutritionist said it is somewhat good for you. Anyway...I know I rattled on a little too much there but that is my two cents for the night. Glad you went to support. It sounds a lot like my group!!
  24. finallyncontrol


    Yeah it is amazing the changes we go thru!! My doctor firmly believes that walking and IF you can throw in swimming that is all the exercise you need. I am living proof that it works. That is all I do well besides chase a 3 yr old boy!! I eat just about every food there is besides sweets (I have lost that taste bud..I do try them..just don't like them any more) and I consistently lose weight! I am with you..how can I be so lucky?? I think it has more to do with having such a positive out look! Good luck with that dating life and the love of beans..I am still laughing on that one!! Take care and keep up the great work!!
  25. I would not of wrote it if I didn't mean it!! Take care..I haven't seen what you wrote today...hmmm

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