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Blog Comments posted by kennedysj427

  1. What is addiction ?

    for a long time i always thought an addiction was some kind of substance abuse such as smoking of any kind legal or not or drinking alcohol without having control of it . what i came to realise was shocking . this all happend during a conversation with my mom and i mentioned that i was glad i did not have an addictive personality or any type of addiction i dont smoke anything and when i drink i can just have one and walk away . then she said "well what do you think you had to have this surgery for ? " i was just blown away . OMG !! for real i had never seen my eating habits as an addiction not once not EVER !! until now . WOW .and that in it self is just UGLY . but as each day comes along threw out my journey i will be more conscious of my addiction and learn to control it . i had my band placed Nov. 10th and had my first adjustment on the 10th of Dec. and about 3 more sice then including one defill was not even able to have fluids just sucked 100%

    my starting weight was 254 and im at 190 and still going i'm about 20lbs from my goal and 35 from there goal . i feel so great and love the ability to buy cloths that i like and being able to find them much more easily than before . but threw it all it has been hard to make those better food choices but everyday that comes along i begin to see that its not the food that i need to control it is me and my addiction food is just for nourishment and nothing more

  2. okay so i did not want to share this but i thought maybe i should . okay so i had my surgery on the 10th of this month everything went well . the day before i was released from the hospital i was given instructions to stay on liquids for 2 weeks .

    here is were i got thrown off when i was given my meal b4 i left it was my protein and some cream of mushroom and i thought to myself thats not liquids .. but i figured they gave it to me its okay. so when i left the hospital i left with the wrong mentality that my diet was more like easy to eat foods . like cream of wheat stuff that you don't need to chew as much kinds of foods. so i did soft to liquids for a few days then i tried more . like real food and my body was okay with that . long story short I'm now eating food food . and as i start to think of it i feel sooo stupid for not doing what i was told and now i have to go see the Dr. on Monday and I'm scared to tell him what i have been doing but i know i should =( :biggrin: ..

    question anyone done what i did ?

  3. yesterday i was so freaked out about making the wrong choice . and 2day i still felt the same a lil better but not 100% confident about my choice . but i did it anyway i figured i have been planing on this for a year and i was sure about my choice then also i went on the chat here and also posted a blog . and with all the support i was able 2 go threw with it =) and now im here in the hosp. feeling like a champ =) so far ..... been walking around and so far no gas plus pain is almost non exsistant so i have been doing this without pain meds .

    thank u all for all ur help and support and good luck on ur journey

  4. I dont know if this is the right choice for me anymore ..and 2morrow is my day of surg... is this normal to feel this way ?

    today i started to cry and doubt this whole thing i have worked to this point for a whole year but now im wondering ( cant i not really do this with more hard work ? ) has it really come to this ?

  5. today i called my surgeons office to ask questions and during my conversation i asked at what point i have to start the liquid diet ? and he told me that i don't have to . anyone ever not had to ?

    lol not that i care to do it but i just thought it was a lil strange sice i read alot of people having to do it for 2 weeks :smile2:

  6. Today i got my approval letter !! I'm so excited . i had already thrown in the towel thinking that this was just not going to happen . and i guess i was OK with that . truth be told i got discouraged and began going up that old familiar road again and started eating crap . so I'm up 6 lbs which I'm working on as of tomorrow ..

    i guess thing is to not give up on yourself like i did . between the minor set backs it Finlay got done . at this point i was not expecting it anymore ..

    lol crazy thing i was calling like 100 times before between the insurance and the surgeons office for the past two months and this month i just said to hell with it .. its not going to happen and left it at that .. but today i went to the mail and got a letter and read it and it said i was approved . lol i could not believe what i was reading and called the surgeons office to see if they had any word and to help me understand the letter . and they said to fax it that they have not gotten anything yet . so i told them i would . i wont hear from them till Monday though since it was so late already . then after calling them i called in insurance to help me understand at this point i still did not believe it and they said that yes the appeal was approved and that the surgery will be covered !!what a great day !!:thumbup::thumbup::sad::thumbup::sneaky:

  7. so today was my appt with my physician and I'm at the 20lbs mark soo we will be staring to send in an appeal if it don't go threw i don't know what else i can do i have done all they ask . at this point I'm frustrated and determined to beat this best that has taken control of my life . although i love me and all that i am . i don't like being unhealthy / although i don't have any high blood pressure or diabetes . but thats where I'm headed if i don't WIN ! so weather i get the chance to get the surgery which would rock . i will be a LOSER =)

    enough is enough . and i love life and my family way to much . and i can not give up on them . much less myself

  8. Just found out i was denied =( . thought it was pretty crappy . i was told that although i did meet requirements for the surgery . i did not lose 20 lbs or 10% of my weight so there for i was denied . i called my surgeons office and they told me that they will be appealing it as soon as they get the paperwork . on my consolation the surgeon told me that i did not have to lose weight but that i could not gain not even one pound and if i did he would cancel the surgery . so the guy that i talked to at the surgeons office told me that it should be oKay and that during the appeal they will state that the surgeon did not feel it medically necessary to lose before surgery. although i did lose weight during the 6 months but not the full 20 .. I'm just angry that i did everything the 6 month reg. asked for . and nowhere in the paperwork did it ever state that i needed to lose 10% of my weight . trust me if it did i would not have bothered sending anything in until i did .i feel like i have waisted so much time and money for nothing . but i guess till i get back from the appeal i will keep my head high . well for the most part it still is disappointing :)

    anyone have ideas on what i can do or has anyone been in this situation ?

  9. question can you buy Optifast at a store or does your dr. give it to you or something ?

    reasoon i ask is that as time comes closer i want to make sure i do my to have everything i need .

    thank you for your help =) :(

  10. HI , i wanted to let you know i had to do the 6 month thing wich was a bummer to hear in the first place but let me tell you time goes by sooo quick its crazy b4 you know you will be done .. i just got finished with mine and now i have to wait another 2-3 weeks to see if i get an approval .. so wish me luck .. any who to help with your answer . eat chicken no skin . baked or grilled stay away from frying foods ,, fish is always great! .. and the big rule go with whole wheat . they even make wheat pasta now .. also brown rice is best . and viggies are always good . just try to steam them and not drown them butter .. say good buy 2 coke , and say hi to drinks like crystal light and lots and lots of water ..

    so in the end your taking down your carb intake . and carbs is want makes you want more junk . so less is more but dont cut them out completly . because your body uses carbs as fuel ..

    ooo one great trick switch your plate instead of useing you usual dinner plate use a kids plate or just a smaller one . it's like a jet-eye-mind trick relly . lol but for real . if u switch your plate and your plate is full you think you had alot , but the truth is you just had half of what you were eating in the big plate ..

    and dont depribe yourself if you want some choco . have some buy a bar or whater you want have a bite and throw the rest away .. best place to do that in is in a public place , lol reason is i doubt youll go digging in the trash for it after you thow it and at home . with nobody watching who knows .. well i wish you the best of luck .. hope this helps .. p.s im not a pro or a dr. i just have gathered stuff from my dr. and my skinny ass antie LOL but she knows what shes tlking about .. oo dont 4 get to at least go for a walk at least 30min 2-3 times a week as a start =)

    hope this helped a lil

  11. Its crazy I know how you feel .. I went to the surgeons office and He had told me I don’t have to lose but I

    cant gain either but I had to do a 6 month diet reg. and it seems as soon as I left that office I begin to sabotage myself I just keep saying okay this will be the last day I eat crap ! And before I knew it I had an appt. with my primary dr, and I had gained weight and she told me that I need to lose 5 lbs by the next time I see her it was a big shocker lol not really I knew if I ate crap a would gain but I really was not thinking that way I just wanted that last chocolate bar .. then one day I was looking at a u-tube video .( the incredible shrinking woman ) All of a sudden it hit me she can so can I .. so I got up and went to a whole food store and started eating Good . One thing I had to remember is that it’s a new life style not a diet

    So I have been eating good . And if I carve something I’ll have it so that I don’t set myself up and go on a binge . But I just don’t eat the whole thing if I want some chocolate ill have a bite and throw the rest away

    And if I want pizza ill have a slice with a salad but I’m being careful of how much im eating and im taking in the protein and all the nutrients I still need . I make e a shake in the morning and one at night for diner and for lunch ill have what I want but like I said within reason .. One thing I noticed if I eat to much carbs for lunch I crave more junk so im keeping the carbs as low as I can … its so hard though im a big carb-a-fobe . but so far so good i saw y dr. yesterday and i lost 6 lbs yayyy!!

  12. :smile2:Hey everyone just wanted to let you guys know that I got my EKG and chest x-ray out of the way also did the psychologist . appt last month so I have three months left b-4 a date can be set . although the dr. said I did not have to lose any weight I thought I would get a head start and do as much as I can b4 d-day so far 6 lbs lost in 3 weeks =) doing a really healthy diet and going to the gym at least 3-4 times a week .

  13. It’s so crazy how much you have said that hits home . I’m also doing the 6month diet but in reality I have not done anything truthfully I just got ringed by my PCP because I gained 5 lbs .. so I have promised myself no more excuses I will not blame anyone for my failures which I have. my husband eats whatever and its so hard to eat healthy . But I’m just going to have to do just that EAT RIGHT ! Plus today I went and paid for my gym membership . So with all my optimism I will also do my best and truthfully lose those 5lbs

    And at the minimum stay where I was before . The surgeon said that I don’t need to lose weight but I do have to stay at the same weight I was when I went to see him . So goodbye 5lbs . And maybe if I work had enough maybe a little more but I will not hold no unrealistic goals . So I must say thank you because before reading your blog I felt so guilty . But knowing that im not the only one

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