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Status Updates posted by snereb27

  1. hey there... i'm doing ok... i haven't lost any weight since my original 11 from before, that's disheartening but it is what it is...

    how are you doing?

  2. hi nancy, thanks for your message... i was on pre-op for 2 weeks and lost 6 lbs and i've lost 7 or 8 since surgery... my ticker says differently because my scale at home got my hopes up.

    the nutritionist at the weight loss clinic told me it could be a number of things working against me right now, 1, i'm diabetic and until my blood sugars get leveled my body is producing a lot of insulin and that stores itself in fat and doesn't like to give it up.

    2. i am not a consistent eater... here it is almost 2 pm on saturday and all i've had to day is 20 oz of decaf coffee. she said i need to eat more consistently because my body is in starvation mode and thinks i'm not going to feed it.

    3. i'm very muscular and it's alwasy been hard for me to lose weight.. .she said i may only see 1/2 lb to a 1lb a week.

    i'm really ok with that, i'm just wishing i were 30 weeks out instead of 3. but it will come with time. thanks again... keep in touch. steph

  3. HI there... how are you feeling? I had my surgery on monday, i feel pretty good, but i really just want to sleep all the time! i did walk outside yesterday about a 1/4 mile.. maybe a little longer, it felt good. but it's uncomfortable to ride in a car.


    have you moved on to more solid food? I can't hardly bring myself to eat or drink anything.

  4. Hi there... it went really well actually, i had a ton of things to say, but then once i got in there, i asked if everyone had already had the surgery and they said yes, so everything i was going to say would have been pointless. So i just shared part of my story and my struggles and everyone opened up and shared. It went really really well. Thanks for asking.


    how are you doing?

  5. hi there... my surgery was postponed because i had an infection in my leg. i'm rescheduled for tomorrow (3/30). hopefully it won't be postponed again.


    how are you feeling?

  6. HI there... We're actually not walking to night, this is the first night that Julie's husband is off for the past 2 weeks or so, and they want to have a quiet night together. After talking to her, i already made plans, so we are planning next tuesday at 4:45 on Senate and St. Clair and walking the canal. I'll be at the support group on thursday... it will be good to see you as well.


    I can't wait to hear how your talk with dr clark went. talk to you soon!

  7. i understand completely, but at least you're down between 28 and 32.. i'm struggling with the 10 i've lost since surgery. it's soooo frustrating. but everyone keeps telling me they can see that i'm losing, i just can't see it. oh well, i'm just really hoping that if i stay consistent one of these days i'll really see the difference. who knows.

    anything else new and exciting in your world?

  8. i'm doing pretty good... i've been walking a lot and for the most part i'm ok.. .until my dogs accidentally step on my tummy. I have to force myself to eat anything and have yet to eat 3 meals, but it's ok.


    i have noticed that i'm cold alot.. especially my hands but hopefully that won't last forever. And riding in a car is really uncomfortable for now. i took off my nausea patch so that may have had something to do with not feeling well after riding in a car.

    i am taking pain meds, but only a couple times a day now. i am really doing very good and am excited about everything. i think i'm still swollen a little and seem to have to burp all the time. but i was told that was part of the ansthesia.

    have you weighed yourself yet? I have to really be careful not to weigh myself several times a day... but i have lost 11lbs since surgery. so that makes me happy. :-)


    keep me posted on how you're doing... take care.

  9. i'm doing pretty good... i've been walking a lot and for the most part i'm ok.. .until my dogs accidentally step on my tummy. I have to force myself to eat anything and have yet to eat 3 meals, but it's ok.


    i have noticed that i'm cold alot.. especially my hands but hopefully that won't last forever. And riding in a car is really uncomfortable for now. i took off my nausea patch so that may have had something to do with not feeling well after riding in a car.

    i am taking pain meds, but only a couple times a day now. i am really doing very good and am excited about everything. i think i'm still swollen a little and seem to have to burp all the time. but i was told that was part of the ansthesia.

    have you weighed yourself yet? I have to really be careful not to weigh myself several times a day... but i have lost 11lbs since surgery. so that makes me happy. :-)


    keep me posted on how you're doing... take care.

  10. i'm so glad you came last night. It was great to meet you. i'd love for you, Julie and i to get together outside of once a month support group to support each other... i need more support i know. It's too easy for me to cheat because it's just me. I'm single, no kids, no boyfriend so it's easy for me to allow myself to cheat.


    What side of town do you live on? I live in Lawrence off of 50th and Sunnyside. if you want to email, my personal email is: snereb27@yahoo.com

  11. sorry you're discouraged... i understand fully. i hardly get on here either.. if you want to email i'm on yahoo all the time.. my email is: snereb27@yahoo.com.


    take care.


  12. sounds like you're doing well. i'm good... i went to the movie tonight with a friend and about half way into the movie, i got a pain in my shoulder that would not go away until i was home and laying down again... i wonder if some of my sitting pain is due to the fact that i'm so short? who knows... i'm really doing good other than random pains.


    i still have to remind myself to eat, i have always had the problem of waiting until i'm starving to eat... like today, even though i got up and moving around 8 am, i didn't have my first protein shake or anything to eat until 4 pm... why i wait, is beyond me. i guess i will need to make an appointment with the nutritionist.


    anyway, glad you have the extra time off, my 2 week follow up is the 13th also, but i'm scheduled to go back to work on the 14th. we'll see if i'm ready or not! :-)


    have a great day!

  13. Yes, it's great to have friends to go with it together.. especially with us being the same starting weight, it will be interesting to see if our weight comes off in a similar time frame... look forward to talking more with you.


  14. 25 down... that's amazing! sorry you're feeling sick.. that's never fun. I'm still hovering around the same weight loss, but i tried on a shirt the other day that i bought last year as motivation to lose weight and it was too big! :-) I told my sister that it was way too big in the boobs (she's a size A and I'm a DDD)... she said "welcome to the itty bitty titty committee... i'm still a DD but it was funny to hear!

  15. actually then, you're way a head of me... when i was on my 2 week pre-op diet.. i only lost 8lbs total.

  16. are you kidding me??? he's upset cuz you've "only" lost 45 lbs in 6 months??? man he'd hate me! i've only lost 10 since surgery!!! but i only have 4cc's in my band. i'm hoping that on sept.8th when i get another fill, it will put me at good restriction. right now i'm a little discouraged.

  17. Hey girly... your advatar looks like he has to pee!!! Let him go pee please!!!

  18. hey there.. just checking in to see how your'e doing....

  19. hi girly! how are you doing?

  20. hi there.. i'm doing ok. how are you doing? I'm frustrated bcuz i keep staying at the same weight, but i'm still working on it... i am somewhat unmotivated but i know if i don't stay consistent then i won't only not lose weight, but i might even gain... anyway... how are you doing? how much have you lost?

  21. Hi there... good luck on your journey as well. how far into your 6 month wait are you?

  22. hi there... hope you're doing well. sorry for the short notice, but do you want to walk tuesday night (june 30th) downtown around 4:45? somewhere on the canal, maybe at white river park? let me know if this works for you. :-) you can email me: snereb27@yahoo.com or call me 507-8585

  23. hi there... thanks for the friend add.. how are you doing? when were you banded and how is your journey going?

  24. hi there... thanks for the pic comment! hope you're doing well.

  25. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i've heard that muscle "weighs" more than fat, but i've also heard a pound is a pound.. who knows. lol

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