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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Band_Groupie

  1. SS- Thanks!!!! I'm curious which ins. they were talking about. I wonder what Highmark is looking for (big loss or just a few lbs.)? So confusing...
  2. Band_Groupie

    Happy Happy Joy Joy!!!!

    Whoo Hoo! Happy Happy Joy Joy! That's GREAT! Alright SS now you're on your way...tomorrow even! I'm sure if you do a post in one of the forums asking about Magee you'll get lots of others who've done their program. Yeah!!!
  3. Hi Kathy. Just was thinking of you this morning as you're now a week out. Hope you're healing well. All the best. -BG

  4. Band_Groupie

    Radio Silence

    Dag SS! Sending happy thoughts and prayers today as you call! Just remember you have another option lined up so don't get down. This WILL happen. -BG
  5. Band_Groupie

    Banding Tomorrow

    Mary- Thinking of you today and sending you my best wishes. Let us know how it goes. It's so nice when you find the Dr./place that's right for you (I also went to three). Happy thoughts & Hugs. -BG
  6. Band_Groupie

    11/17/08 So Why Am I Insulted?

    I got this call and the lady explains it’s about the health surveys we had to fill out for our insurance about a year ago. :incazzato: I’m thinking, OK maybe me going to the info. seminar at the hospitals triggered something since I filled in insurance info. on their form? Then she goes on to tell me my health survey tells them “You’re at risk for several things” (very nebulous… :cursing:“things”) and “Would you like to sign up for our free program?” :sneaky:At this point I’m trying to confirm this is not some phone scam---free program:glare: (yeah right), but I don’t want to piss the woman off either…heck I don’t know if it’s someone who works and my DH-Mr.SA’s company even (I’m thinking do they have health people in HR there?). “Could you tell me more about what this program is exactly?” I ask. :prrr: After dancing back and forth a few times (now I’m really wondering if it’s a scam) she finally offers up some details “Someone will call you with regular phone appointments and they can help you with your issues….” ISSUES? I have ISSUES?? :ugh: I don’t respond as I’m thinking this and so after a long pause she timidly says “…things like exercise and diet”. The magic word DIET. She thinks I need to go on a DIET? :banghead: I’m insulted! :puke: My mind is racing… Who is this stranger telling me I need to go on a DIET? I don’t know what to do now…so again, I blurt…(I’m really stressing now—so spoken at 100 miles per hour…) “Well I’m working with my PCP and have started a diet and exercise program…I’m going to get the Lap Band…and I’m not sure how your diet and exercise would fit in with that?” :willy_nilly: I'm nice, but inside I’m so insulted. But wait…now it’s sinking in…I’m realizing it’s not a scam…if she wanted money, she certainly wouldn’t be insulting me like this, would she?!!! Uh, oh. She’s legit. :cryin: Better be nice. She says “Well, they can help you with things like stress even.” STRESS? :incazzato:WHAT STRESS?!!! She must have detected the stress in my voice…I’m thinking…Go to your happy place, :closedeyes:deep breath… “Uh, stress, OK, fine.” I say. “Someone will call you in a week to get started.” and she explains it's a service the co. pays for through insurance...we say our goodbyes. I hang up and I’m thinking why do I feel so insulted…then I realize:der:….NO ONE has ever told me I need to go on a diet…not in my entire life…it was always my idea to go on a diet...it was like someone calling me fat to my face for the first time ever! :dita: Wow! Reality check!! :blushing:OK, she didn't make up the numbers I put on the health questionaire...I welcome the help…diet, exercise, stress even…bring it on! I get it, I AM fat, I know that!...but I ask myself again...So why am I insulted?:yikes:
  7. Band_Groupie

    11/17/08 So Why Am I Insulted?

    I got this call and the lady explains it’s about the health surveys we had to fill out for our insurance about a year ago. :tongue2: I’m thinking, OK maybe me going to the info. seminar at the hospitals triggered something since I filled in insurance info. on their form? Then she goes on to tell me my health survey tells them “You’re at risk for several things” (very nebulous… “things”) and “Would you like to sign up for our free program?” :sneaky:At this point I’m trying to confirm this is not some phone scam---free program:glare: (yeah right), but I don’t want to piss the woman off either…heck I don’t know if it’s someone who works and my DH-Mr.SA’s company even (I’m thinking do they have health people in HR there?). “Could you tell me more about what this program is exactly?” I ask. :ack2: After dancing back and forth a few times (now I’m really wondering if it’s a scam) she finally offers up some details “Someone will call you with regular phone appointments and they can help you with your issues….” ISSUES? I have ISSUES?? :ugh: I don’t respond as I’m thinking this and so after a long pause she timidly says “…things like exercise and diet”. The magic word DIET. She thinks I need to go on a DIET? :tt1: I’m insulted! :puke: My mind is racing… Who is this stranger telling me I need to go on a DIET? I don’t know what to do now…so again, I blurt…(I’m really stressing now—so spoken at 100 miles per hour…) “Well I’m working with my PCP and have started a diet and exercise program…I’m going to get the Lap Band…and I’m not sure how your diet and exercise would fit in with that?” :cool: I'm nice, but inside I’m so insulted. But wait…now it’s sinking in…I’m realizing it’s not a scam…if she wanted money, she certainly wouldn’t be insulting me like this, would she?!!! Uh, oh. She’s legit. :drool: Better be nice. She says “Well, they can help you with things like stress even.” STRESS? :incazzato:WHAT STRESS?!!! She must have detected the stress in my voice…I’m thinking…Go to your happy place, :closedeyes:deep breath… “Uh, stress, OK, fine.” I say. “Someone will call you in a week to get started.” and she explains it's a service the co. pays for through insurance...we say our goodbyes. I hang up and I’m thinking why do I feel so insulted…then I realize:der:….NO ONE has ever told me I need to go on a diet…not in my entire life…it was always my idea to go on a diet...it was like someone calling me fat to my face for the first time ever! :eek: Wow! Reality check!! :blushing:OK, she didn't make up the numbers I put on the health questionaire...I welcome the help…diet, exercise, stress even…bring it on! I get it, I AM fat, I know that!...but I ask myself again...So why am I insulted?
  8. Band_Groupie

    11/16/08 Why I won?t be asked to bring dessert this Thanksgiving

    Yeah...at least I'm not alone...Mom will never live down the cow's tongue. Maybe a centerpiece this year! Ha!
  9. Band_Groupie

    height x weight = dress size?

    Been up and down so I remember my sizes/lbs. (hoping to get there again. Was 5'9" (now closer to 5'8"), but I have really long legs (thanks for the Penny's pants tip!). Everyone's different-I'm a "pear". Size 12 for me was about 160/170, Size 10 was 140/150.
  10. Band_Groupie

    New LBT LOGO

    They're all nice! No criticism here, because they'd all work fine. I've just been on both ends designing and selecting logos, so just my 2 cents, since you asked. 1. Emphasis on person, get the "T", but what does the person add...exercising? This one was a no for me. 2. I would also like to see the actual band in a logo, but #2 was way too busy for me; different lettering styles, colors, big bend, harder to read lettering, complicate it. 3. I chose #3 because it's simple and easily read, I've always found the simplier the better. Take #3 and add a simple graphic of the lap somewhere (as the actual frame for the "TALK" balloon or even around the whole logo) and it would have been a home run for me. Good Job!
  11. Band_Groupie

    Is It Just Me??

    Kimmy- You've got the right attitude! I haven't been here long, but I've seen your story many times already. I haven't been banded yet but I'm already starting to be more aware of the same thing in myself. I find myself eating and I hardly remember going to get something to eat...let alone being hungry? Your words "listen to my body" rang home for me. It's going to be a huge change to only eat when I'm hungry (go figure). Hang in there, it sounds like finding that elusive "sweet spot" in your fills helps people with this, but I'm sure the "banded" will be along to tell you...
  12. Band_Groupie

    wanted to ask

    Did I read somewhere or am I just imagining this that one of the bands can (rarely) cause "pinching" of the stomach between the inflated parts. If so, which one is this (I know the AP lap has lots of segments so is it pinching between these, or with the realize there's still the place where the inflatable part starts and stops)?
  13. Band_Groupie

    wanted to ask

    Haven't got mine yet, but my Dr. said you can be back to work in a week, sometimes less (if no heavy lifting). How is the AP Lap safer than Realize (I have a choice as well, and Insur. covers either)?
  14. Band_Groupie

    no witty title

    Ha! If you baked like I do you wouldn't be tempted (read my blog today-dessert). Great job quitting smoking; that must have been hard!
  15. Band_Groupie

    11/16/08 Why I won?t be asked to bring dessert this Thanksgiving

    I can’t cook…sure I can follow a recipe, when I want to…but I’m WAY too creative:idea: for that (my gift is art). I have delusions that I’m a “foodie”…but only if you’re describing someone who loves good food. The problem is I’ve never taken the time to really learn and now I just don’t want to (you’ll see why). I’ll blame this primarily on my mother. She had 5 kids, 4 girls and she never taught us how to cook…didn’t want us in the kitchen actually. Ohhhh my mom’s a great cook…wonderful meals every night, appetizers even, on Sunday nights. Sure we made fun of her serving us cow’s tongue with raisin sauce once (what did you think kids would say about a giant curved tongue with raisins stuck all over it…I still swear it had taste buds…we were ROTFL:lol::cool::smilielol5::tongue2::eek:)…I think we made her cry. She would only break her form on the rare occasion she and Dad went out…frozen potpie night. When I got to high school I had taken home ec. so I was allowed to try. I decided baking suited me well and I was good at it; even tackled filled éclairs once. So I branched out…I started adding my own spin to recipes…big mistake…my first memorable one was Jell-O with raisin bran cereal in it…let’s just say the raisins did fine…it was the flakes that were memorable.:ack2: :puke: I got married and continued the adventure. Once I was given the task of bringing the cake to a holiday. I had a box of candy canes. :idea:Candy canes…buttercream icing…what could be better together I ask you? I crushed them into chips and added them to the icing. Let me inform you…candy cane chips in icing turn into mainly gross wet slimy goo with sticky centers that get stuck in your teeth (kinda like the Jell-O flakes). By now I was developing a reputation in the family. Another holiday I was tasked again with a baked good. I decided on apple pie...I was going to show them all this time! I researched recipes and found the best homemade crust and apple filling recipe I could find. I bought my apples from the local orchard even. Now, how to dress it up…I found a photo in a cook book of a BEAUTIFUL looking apple pie! It had a lattice top with fluted edges…I’m and art ed. Major…I can sculpt like nobody’s business! There was even a tiny apple with leaves all made out of crust sitting in the middle…oooo. I was going to need to make a lot of crust for all that! The photo of the pie was a beautiful golden brown and it was shiny! I researched that glaze. I made my pie…I had so much crust my woven lattice (pinked edges- my addition) top crust was almost solid…I couldn’t even see the apples down in there, but I knew it would be delicious…it was glazed so many times it shined and the tiny apple in the center looked almost real. I entered my parents house to ooos and ahhhs…I beamed. We finished the holiday meal and now it was time for the pie. My mom brought it to the table to serve and I couldn’t wait. She started to slice into it…what’s this…it’s too hard (maybe this is like pottery I’ve made…too much glaze?)? No worries, Mom smiles nothing phases her, and she goes to the kitchen for a big serrated knife. After a great deal of sawing she finally breaks through…I’m now hearing sniggers all around me. She lifts the first piece and I see it…the filling is sitting nicely on the bottom crust, but as she turns it sideways there’s a giant space between the filling and the top crust, which is so thick with all my lattice that it’s still hanging in the air like a triangular diving board! Full laughter now. Let’s just say I went home with almost all the pie (my mom had a backup dessert…she’s learning). Now here’s the worst part…I threw the beloved pie into the trash can behind our apartment, wanting to forget it forever. Trash day came and went, almost a week went by and my husband came home one night beckoning me to come out back. Just a few feet beyond where the trashcans are is the drive by which many in the apartments use to park. What was that in the drive?…damn those trash men for spilling…yep, there it was:sad2:…my beloved top crust still looking perfect, still so shiny…didn’t it rain yesterday? I left it there.:leaving:Since then my DH Mr.SA, has embellished the story (and to think I married him for his sense or humor). The story now goes, and he swears it's true, the next day it had tire tracks:driving: going over it that didn’t even break the tiny apple with leaves on top. Of course I have to hear about every failed recipe each holiday (I’ve only shared three here, but they have much more ammo).:tt1: I’ve offered to bring something for Thanksgiving this year…I’m still waiting for the call back.:drool: ...I'm starting to collect post op recipes now.
  16. Band_Groupie

    lost an entire person so far...crazy

    You look great...what an inspiration!
  17. Band_Groupie

    Maincat's Bandiversary

    Wow! You're an inspiration! Great job!!!
  18. Band_Groupie

    Secret Bander

    I plan to avoid going out to eat until I know I can eat a small portion with no problems...as someone said here; you're not lying if you say you're dieting and just eating less.
  19. Band_Groupie

    God im a PIG!!!!

    If any of us pre-bands had to eat in the center of an arena with the stadium filled we certainly wouldn't look like we do. (There's a new weight loss plan). We're all closet eaters
  20. Band_Groupie

    11/15/08 Putting Myself First

    CLIFF NOTES: I started off to write a somewhat funny note about one of my teens who had a rant:incazzato: last night, and somehow ended up on the shrinks couch:couch2:below. I’ve been feeling kind of melancholy since my good news and happy day Thurs. and I couldn’t figure out why. Apparently, I’m feeling guilty for putting myself first by going through this process. Hey at least it saved me an hour at the pre-op psych visit…tee hee:biggrin:. Don’t bother reading unless you’re there too… (Back to myself now, thank you.:wub:) -BG (I'm saving the rest just to remind myself of this.) -------------------------------------- It seems just yesterday I had a job I loved at a Fortune 500, and was on the fast track up the ladder with a very bright future ahead. But I was traveling all the time and my (2 then) kids were in daycare for LONG days. I could only involve them in things that were only on the weekends (try telling your 5 yr. old daughter she can’t take gymnastics classes on Tuesday’s after school with her friend). DH was gone many night’s working hard on his Master’s part-time for 8 years at night, and his job also required a little travel, so we were mainly a “Weekend Family”. It only got harder and harder as the kids got older (I thought they needed your time most as little kids-BIG “wrong”). I couldn’t find that elusive “Super Mom” balance between work and family and we needed a change (I so admire those of you who can do it all- some of my sisters included). I was pregnant with my third when DH was offered a promotion to a sales position back to my home town where a lot of my family still was. I didn’t hesitate one second…It was a happy change for us all. We moved and we were now able to afford it, so I stopped working. If I’m being honest it was a hard transition going from the “fast track” to “homemaker”. With a new baby, and DH now traveling I’d go days without seeing an adult. Also, it’s kind of like being fat…people stereotype you...and with the move, no one knew I had had a career…I found people suddenly treating me like I didn’t have a brain…the topics of conversation in my life suddenly changed. Even I was guilty of this at first …I’d been friends with neighbors for years before I’d asked anything other than about life as a Mom. There were lawyers, nurses, teachers, all kinds of “formers”. And yes, those who’d never had a job also had lives outside their families…wow I was guilty of not thinking homemakers have a brain too…there were volunteers for great organizations, those that had hobbies like mine, brilliant women! Anyway, I had to keep busy so I volunteered for everything; was the Girl Scout Leader, the “Homeroom Mom” for all three of them every year (for as long as they’d let me-about middle school), and I was a former art teacher, so the schools used my talents for all kinds of things and I was there with my youngest in tow most days. I helped start a “play group” in my neighborhood for Moms/little ones. I immediately signed my two older ones for so many things they’d been asking to do. We all appreciated our new life. That first summer, I counted 14 “legs” in the car one day with the baby zigzagging the older ones around town…not good either… We found a balance and the kid’s all were able to dabble in many thing and they each found their gifts/niche. We’ve since moved again (I designed our current home with the help of an architect software program, not a huge house, but it meets our family needs perfectly!) and the kids are now older; two teens and one is 21 (I can’t believe I’ll be down to one at home next year). I’ve certainly never been bored at home as I’ve always been busy. My youngest, 13, still needs the most time from Mom but my “job” at home has evolved more and more into time devoted to major home reno. projects; tiling, painting, sewing curtains, finished the basement/bath (I’ll never mud drywall again), built a pond with waterfall, designed and built a finished clubhouse for the kids, etc. (with help from DH & the kids). I love tackling learning something I’ve never done so I’m pretty handy, and I feel good that I’ve saved us tons of money doing all this myself (even my neighbor friends who are at home sometimes tell me I make them look bad). As a homemaker, I’ve had to come to grips with the fact that you can only get those pats on the back from your family mainly, and they get used to your capabilities, so the pats don’t always come as often. Gone are the work days when a job well done meant you had whole teams of people singing your praises…and forget getting a promotion! I haven’t regretted anything…but with my youngest turning 13 I’m suddenly finding I no longer have that little kid in the house who thinks you know everything and glows at every little thing you do…and you’re the hardest working mom on Earth. Getting through these teen years is just difficult some days, and I knew it would be. Some days they act like/tell me I have no clue. My sister gave me a magnet that says “Ask your Teenager now while they still know everything!”, and yep, I still have a brain. It’s funny, my kids hardly remember me working and they’re wonderful kids, hard workers, not spoiled, but as teens often do, they don’t always appreciate the sacrifices you’ve made in your life for them. They don't like it when I have to said “no” (I’m the disciplinarian and DH is the softie…he’s still working on it), but I know they love me and they do show it/say so. They unknowingly say hurtful things like “I wonder why you don’t have a job?” like their friend’s mom. There’s some days I want to scream “What do you mean I don’t have a job…who’s raising you? Don’t you know I gave up working for our happiness? Do they realize how different things would be for them even now if I was working?…Don’t they remember…” Of course they don’t. I’m happy with my life…I’ve got a wonderful family and a great life, and again, I don’t regret anything…but some days-TEENS! I get glimmers of hope that they’ll get this someday…my daughter’s about ready to graduate college and she’s coming out of that teen funk; she’s starting to ask me about things that let me know she gets it. Reading this over I’m sounding so negative, and that’s not me at all…I’m a giving person who gives out of love, not looking for appreciation; the typical nurturer – family first. *Lightbulb* I just realized this week when I saw this Lap Band thing was probably going to be a reality I was feeling guilty that I was putting myself before my family. I felt guilty I was taking time to do this just for me. That’s probably at least part of the reason I’ve let myself get to this state of health, never putting me first. Writing this was helpful for me to realize the whole family will benefit from seeing me work hard, and yes, just for me! (even if only my DH knows about the LB)…I realize the one thing I’ve yet to be able to balance in my life was sometimes putting myself first.
  21. Band_Groupie

    11/15/08 Putting Myself First

    CLIFF NOTES: I started off to write a somewhat funny note about one of my teens who had a rant:incazzato: last night, and somehow ended up on the shrinks couch:couch2:below. I’ve been feeling kind of melancholy since my good news and happy day Thurs. and I couldn’t figure out why. :cool: Apparently, I’m feeling guilty for putting myself first by going through this process. Hey at least it saved me an hour at the pre-op psych visit…tee hee:biggrin:. Don’t bother reading unless you’re there too… (Back to myself now, thank you.:tongue2:) -BG (I'm saving the rest just to remind myself of this.) -------------------------------------- It seems just yesterday I had a job I loved at a Fortune 500, and was on the fast track up the ladder with a very bright future ahead. But I was traveling all the time and my (2 then) kids were in daycare for LONG days. I could only involve them in things that were only on the weekends (try telling your 5 yr. old daughter she can’t take gymnastics classes on Tuesday’s after school with her friend). DH was gone many night’s working hard on his Master’s part-time for 8 years at night, and his job also required a little travel, so we were mainly a “Weekend Family”. It only got harder and harder as the kids got older (I thought they needed your time most as little kids-BIG “wrong”). I couldn’t find that elusive “Super Mom” balance between work and family and we needed a change (I so admire those of you who can do it all- some of my sisters included). I was pregnant with my third when DH was offered a promotion to a sales position back to my home town where a lot of my family still was. I didn’t hesitate one second…It was a happy change for us all. We moved and we were now able to afford it, so I stopped working. If I’m being honest it was a hard transition going from the “fast track” to “homemaker”. With a new baby, and DH now traveling I’d go days without seeing an adult. Also, it’s kind of like being fat…people stereotype you...and with the move, no one knew I had had a career…I found people suddenly treating me like I didn’t have a brain…the topics of conversation in my life suddenly changed. Even I was guilty of this at first …I’d been friends with neighbors for years before I’d asked anything other than about life as a Mom. There were lawyers, nurses, teachers, all kinds of “formers”. And yes, those who’d never had a job also had lives outside their families…wow I was guilty of not thinking homemakers have a brain too…there were volunteers for great organizations, those that had hobbies like mine, brilliant women! Anyway, I had to keep busy so I volunteered for everything; was the Girl Scout Leader, the “Homeroom Mom” for all three of them every year (for as long as they’d let me-about middle school), and I was a former art teacher, so the schools used my talents for all kinds of things and I was there with my youngest in tow most days. I helped start a “play group” in my neighborhood for Moms/little ones. I immediately signed my two older ones for so many things they’d been asking to do. We all appreciated our new life. That first summer, I counted 14 “legs” in the car one day with the baby zigzagging the older ones around town…not good either… We found a balance and the kid’s all were able to dabble in many thing and they each found their gifts/niche. We’ve since moved again (I designed our current home with the help of an architect software program, not a huge house, but it meets our family needs perfectly!) and the kids are now older; two teens and one is 21 (I can’t believe I’ll be down to one at home next year). I’ve certainly never been bored at home as I’ve always been busy. My youngest, 13, still needs the most time from Mom but my “job” at home has evolved more and more into time devoted to major home reno. projects; tiling, painting, sewing curtains, finished the basement/bath (I’ll never mud drywall again), built a pond with waterfall, designed and built a finished clubhouse for the kids, etc. (with help from DH & the kids). I love tackling learning something I’ve never done so I’m pretty handy, and I feel good that I’ve saved us tons of money doing all this myself (even my neighbor friends who are at home sometimes tell me I make them look bad). As a homemaker, I’ve had to come to grips with the fact that you can only get those pats on the back from your family mainly, and they get used to your capabilities, so the pats don’t always come as often. Gone are the work days when a job well done meant you had whole teams of people singing your praises…and forget getting a promotion! I haven’t regretted anything…but with my youngest turning 13 I’m suddenly finding I no longer have that little kid in the house who thinks you know everything and glows at every little thing you do…and you’re the hardest working mom on Earth. Getting through these teen years is just difficult some days, and I knew it would be. Some days they act like/tell me I have no clue. My sister gave me a magnet that says “Ask your Teenager now while they still know everything!”, and yep, I still have a brain. It’s funny, my kids hardly remember me working and they’re wonderful kids, hard workers, not spoiled, but as teens often do, they don’t always appreciate the sacrifices you’ve made in your life for them. They don't like it when I have to said “no” (I’m the disciplinarian and DH is the softie…he’s still working on it), but I know they love me and they do show it/say so. They unknowingly say hurtful things like “I wonder why you don’t have a job?” like their friend’s mom. There’s some days I want to scream “What do you mean I don’t have a job…who’s raising you? Don’t you know I gave up working for our happiness? Do they realize how different things would be for them even now if I was working?…Don’t they remember…” Of course they don’t. I’m happy with my life…I’ve got a wonderful family and a great life, and again, I don’t regret anything…but some days-TEENS! I get glimmers of hope that they’ll get this someday…my daughter’s about ready to graduate college and she’s coming out of that teen funk; she’s starting to ask me about things that let me know she gets it. Reading this over I’m sounding so negative, and that’s not me at all…I’m a giving person who gives out of love, not looking for appreciation; the typical nurturer – family first. *Lightbulb* I just realized this week when I saw this Lap Band thing was probably going to be a reality I was feeling guilty that I was putting myself before my family. I felt guilty I was taking time to do this just for me. That’s probably at least part of the reason I’ve let myself get to this state of health, never putting me first. Writing this was helpful for me to realize the whole family will benefit from seeing me work hard, and yes, just for me! (even if only my DH knows about the LB)…I realize the one thing I’ve yet to be able to balance in my life was sometimes putting myself first.
  22. Band_Groupie

    am I wasting my time applying?

    Pistol- Just wanted to mention that I have BCBS, but in PA (every state/even area is different for BCBS). But something to ask since you mentioned pre op testing/psych etc. I was clearly told that my BCBS will not accept any pre op testing requirements done more than 6 mo. out FROM THE SURGERY DATE (if it's longer you have to pay to get them redone). Surgery will generally not come immediately at the end of your 6 mo. diet so add a month or two at least for approval process/possible complications. They told us to wait at least until you've done 2 mo. of the diet to start these. Just a heads up and good luck with your start!
  23. Band_Groupie


    Oh, I just had to write you a note...If I could only go back in time and do this years ago! You're so smart to reach for help in your 20's. I spent decades yo-yoing major amounts of weight...what a waste of time. Your words "I think that is what makes the lap band appeal to me. It won't work unless I work as well." could have come out of my mouth. Dec. 1...you go girl!
  24. Thanks for all the great info.! I'm with Highmark too (they cover 90 days post op so at least the first fill). Did you do the psych visit at AGH also? Hope you're doing well. We've been in Pgh for 8 years now; just off the 228 exit/7 Flds.
  25. I’m a little obsessive compulsive and usually over research anything I’m doing (as you’ll see by the length of this, sorry). I’ve been toying with the idea of LB for awhile, but didn’t start researching this until Sept. So I signed up for informational seminars at 3 different Pittsburgh Hospitals. They’re all about the same distance from me (Cranberry) 40-50 min. and they all had what I considered to be equally (between the 3) good and a few bad reviews and information about them online. I thought I’d share my (and DH went to the first 2) perspective here in case anyone else starting off in Pittsburgh could benefit…again, this is just what I think. UPMC St. Margaret (Pittsburgh Bariatrics)- ---Pre-Seminar: I read a lot of great things about Dr. Quinlan there and he was even voted best bariatric Dr. by Pittsburgh Magazine one year (my Urologist also knows him and said he’s a great guy. I wasn’t planning to go there but I wanted to go to at least one smaller program and this one fit the bill as they have 2 Drs. and have a good reputation (other staff and pre/post care is as important to me as the Dr. since Lap is ongoing visits). Other staff also had a great reputation. It sounded great to me- small/personal and good rep. I called and signed up for the seminar in Cranberry (local hotel mtg. room), they later cancelled from lack of sign up, so they rescheduled me for one at the hospital at the end of Oct. (Peggy-on phone was very nice). I still thought I’d like this group best from what I’d read. ---Seminar: Unfortunately they couldn’t tell me ahead of time who would give the seminar and I did not end up with Dr. Quinlan; Dr. Means gave the seminar (more about that later). It had by far the most attendees of any of the 3 seminars I went to—huge meeting room (so much for small and personal). They started with one of their nutritionists giving an overview. There was a sheet addressing the diet that’s required by each insurance co. and some sample forms to use (and they gave me my insurance co’s. requirements). They have nutritionists and exercise physiologists on staff as well as monthly support group meetings. Then she mentions the “program fee” sheet. They have a $395 program fee that is not covered by anyone’s insurance and is mandatory for everyone (covers meetings with nutr., exercise, support) even if you don’t ever use any of this. At this point she got bombarded by insurance questions she couldn’t answer specifics about (just generalities) and people all around me were buzzing about having to pay the program fee. Trust me, I was thinking, I have no idea, but it’s possible that I’ll be paying around the same out-of-pocket insurance overages no matter where I go and why would they start off with negatives? We were given a self pay sheet that had all the financials broken down (BTW self-pay for LB is a total of $19,895. just for the portion in the hospital, no pre or post testing and they never mentioned fill costs). Then Dr. Means came and gave the slide show on Gastric Bypass and LB. This is probably a personal thing, but I found his approach very abrasive (he was very arrogant and talked down to people…my husband thought the same- and his Dad’s a Dr.). Part of that was probably that he definitely came across as anti-LB (people around me thought so too). At one point he said “If you’ve got Diabetes you’re going to have a tough time convincing ME to give you a LB!” I don’t have full blown diabetes, but the way he said this even rubbed me the wrong way (I’ll jump ahead and say the other 2 hospital also got the point across that those with bigger health problems should probably look at Bypass, but they said this more collaboratively). I wanted to ask insurance questions, as my main worry was- would I get approved, but it was evident I wasn’t going to get a specific answer as there wasn’t an insurance person there. Many (I’d say most) of the questions to the Dr. were also about insurance (since they didn’t answer them), and it was too big of a group to address each person’s specific situation. I asked a general question or two about the procedure. We all filled out our forms, took home packets of what we were to fill out IF we were accepted into their program and were told they would call us. I have yet to receive a call…I’ll have to say I didn’t have my hypertension diagnosis then, so they probably didn’t think I was a good candidate, but don’t tell me your going to call and then don’t. Honestly, I was turned off by the whole program (as was my DH) by the time we left, and yes I probably would have enjoyed Dr. Quinlan more, but the financial emphasis and not having an insurance expert there was a big negative. More than that, the presentation was “this is what you need to do and do what we tell you” (my DH said (it was a “Do this or else” presentation), and I was expecting “this is what we can do for you; please select us”. Magee- ---Pre-Seminar: This is by far the largest group I’ve heard of in Pittsburgh (one just left so it’s 5 Drs.) which allows them to diversify (ie. Dr. Eid specializes in PCOS patients). They’ve therefore got a ton of patients and experience (but no real difference in numbers from the other hospitals if you look at it per Dr.). I’ve been to Magee for other female issues and so I was comfortable looking at them. The big negative for me is also how big the practice/program is. There are lots of negatives online about how impersonal the care is (you hardly see the surgeon except at the surgery, people love all the Drs. but not the rest of the process/staff), long waits for fills and they’re not with the Dr., staff treats you like a number, everything you would expect from a big office. They do have a great reputation for the surgery part so I signed up for the seminar at our CranberryTownship hall. ---Seminar: It was a small group since it was in Cranberry (I’m sure the ones at Magee are bigger groups), so I really liked the smaller group. Dr. Eid gave the entire presentation. I learned a lot more details from him then at the St. Margaret’s. It was more LB friendly and he even said “The final decision on which procedure is ultimately your choice.” He did a great job at presenting it as a collaborative process (Dr. with you). The presentation was much clearer and I learned more about the procedures. He was great at stopping to take lots of specific questions along the way. But a real negative was even as he said “This is your best chance to ask questions, we don’t get this kind of time to sit down with patients when they come in, so take advantage and ask questions now.” Again, if there was an insurance expert there, I didn’t know it. It was that after awhile not very many insurance questions were asked…maybe because it was just the Dr. in front and we all knew he wouldn’t know. A few came up and a lady “from his office” not sure of role, tried to field a few general ones. ie. I asked what insurance wants to see on the 6 mo. Diet and he fielded it to her. She pointed out that people have been denied for gaining even 1 pound on the 6 mo. Diet. I later read in their packet to take home that insurance doesn’t want to see you lose much either (they suggest a pound or two), which is the kind of details I was looking for (some here at LBT say their insurance wants a 5% loss). So how do I know if she was talking about my insurance? The packet they give you is by far the fanciest; glossy brochures from their supplier and their group, but after looking it over it has the least information I can use. My DH and I left with the same impression- Dr. Eid was great, wonderful even, but I’d probably just spent as much time with as I was ever going to get to. They did call me back (Gail, I think, was very pleasant) the next week to tell me I probably wouldn’t get approved. I asked why family history wasn’t something they asked about, and she said because it doesn’t make a difference to insurance. I knew then that I was probably going to get the hypertension diagnosis this PCP visit since they were saying that last visit (which did happen). So I asked Gail if I should call her back if that happened…she didn’t really answer, dodged it actually, but she didn’t give me the warm fuzzies that even hypertension would matter “you can start our program if you want but I want you to know now that you probably won’t be approved” (I’d already called their insurance gal and she told me the same thing…what I wanted to know is Why not?). I believe the pre-program at Magee also costs a lot out of pocket, not sure, just said you could do their pre program or with your PCP, but again they gave NO financial information at the presentation (I can’t give any financials at all). So in summary, again we wished there was an insurance piece to the presentation or at least an expert there, and I knew I was going to be “just a number” at Magee, at least for all the pre/post, which there’s a lot of. Allegheny General- ---Pre-Seminar: Again, a small, well respected group with 2 Drs. like St. Margaret’s. I’d read lots of wonderful things about the Drs., but overall very negative things about their staff. I had actually contacted this group first, as they were who my PCP recommended most. I got through to Susan in Rec. (very nice), but no answer at the insurance desk (I’d started this in Sept. so I had basic questions), in fairness I don’t think I left a message. I did send an email which I never received a reply to, so I put off scheduling a seminar because that confirmed the slow/never reply comments I’d read. After the other 2 seminars in Oct. I decided to give them another go and scheduled a seminar. ---Seminar: I’ll be honest and say I went into this one with some lower expectations after the first 2. I attended this morning. They have seminars twice a month, which keeps the groups small, very small. The first ½ hr.+ was a presentation by their insurance expert (what’s this? alleluia!!!). Patty was great! She was knowledgeable, organized, patient, and kind, she even had different sheets for all the different insurance co’s. and better yet she was there to take all our questions…and everyone had a lot! She didn’t give vague answers to questions, she told you things the insurance co’s. don’t even tell you (ie. To a guy there on Medicare)…”Medicare won’t tell you to do this 6 mo. Diet the way I’m telling you to document, but they won’t approve you if you don’t.” My obsessive compulsive side was finally appeased…honesty at last! She spent as much time as we needed and even stayed for the Dr’s. presentation so she could field questions, be available at the break, and at the end…heaven. I went up to her at the end and asked the question I’ve tried to get the others to answer (I don’t get why it’s so hard to get a straight answer)…With the hypertension now, will my insurance approve me? And If not, specifically why not? I actually got my answer, from the expert! BTW it was yes, and specifically I need only 1 of the “big” comorbidities. She told us that they even do the very sick patients…mentioned that UPMC (Magee, St. Marg.) send the patients that have heart issues, etc. to them. Now on to the other part. Dr. Uchal was the presenter and he was great. The actual presentation was very well done and he gave a lot of good details. He stopped many times to answer questions (probably more questions asked by this tiny group than the other 2 seminars combined). So it was VERY interactive, which was great! I even asked a few specifics….2 types of bands they can use there, so I asked about the segmented one pinching. He even gave his specific opinions…more honesty!...ie. “Everyone with a BMI over 40 should have WLS, the benefit’s outweigh the risks”. He even brought both types of bands to show us. At one point he even asked after reviewing the bypass “Is anyone in here even interested in the bypass or did I just waste your time?” A few were, but how much more “band friendly” can you get? It was great! The packet they give you isn’t full of glossies, but it’s packed with info. I needed..get this- the ACTUAL powerpoint presentation he gave (how novel). Their progams of ongoing education seminars and support groups is free...to anyone- even if you had surgery somewhere else (they invited us to a 'dealing with the Holidays' speaker coming up). We can call now to get a consultation with our surgeon (the other programs made you wait until you were 3 or months into the diet). He ended and told us he hoped we would be back even came up to each person after to thank them for coming and gave us his card…he asked me where I got the info. on the band…I said “Lap Band Talk”…he smiled…me too. SUMMARY- I could pick any of these 3 places to have this done now. I found at least one Dr. at each place I’d be comfortable with (haven’t met Dr. Quinlan, but I’m guessing he’s fine). They all are great programs and they have similar numbers; # procedures they do, complications, etc. I know I want to feel comfortable with more than just the Dr./stats. I need to feel comfortable with the basics of a program, they’re philosophy and how I’m treated. Heck, how many times am I going to be in their office over the rest of my life? I guess now is the time to admit my last job (I’m at home now since we’ve moved for DH job) was with a Fortune 500 leading Business Process Improvement both internally and as a value-added service with their customers (I worked a lot with major hospitals all over the East coast). Let’s face it at these seminars; after you hear the basics and understand you might die but your willing anyway..Even the perfect candidate for approval is going to have some insurance questions…Get an insurance expert there and give them time to speak/answer questions! I want a group that’s going to be my advocate and on my side; not someone I’m just giving my business to. Can you guess who I’ve picked?

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