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Long Time!!!!

Well, the holidays are officially over and hopefully all the Hanukkah stuff is packed away by now at my house...me? I am at work :thumbup:   Anyway, it was a great holiday. Things got a little dicey on Christmas Eve but I also took the opportunity to get a really great therapist to start to talk to. I figure with the situation with my husband's health, my child's autism, me - working, going to school, studying all the time, well, it was a good time to find someone to talk to. Somewhere along the line I also found out our rabbi, our wonderful wonderful rabbi, is making aliyah to Israel in August!!! To say I was stunned was an understatement. Stunned, sad, depressed, anxious...all of it. We will, of course, get a new rabbi but this guy is one in a million...really. I am all teared up thinking about it. :crying:   So now we're in the New Year and I have two food logs to get done by next week when I WI before Disney. According to the WiiFit, I lost 3# between Monday and last night. The WiiFit wasn't impressed surprisingly. :thumbdown: I was!!! :tt2: But then I realized I can't lose TOO much weight. I think 10% is my limit and I have to really manage that. Right now, I am around 200 with clothes on which is an 8# loss or 4% leaving 6% for the next 4 WIs!!!!! :thumbup: I am sure I won't show a huge loss in Feb simply because of the Disney trip but you never know. Right now I am at 34.9 BMI. :hurt: Whoever would have thought THAT would be BAD news????? :ohmy:   I am also trying to plan what kind of shakes to take to Disney with me for breakfast. I like the Designer Whey with water so I think I may stop at GNC tomorrow and pick up a couple. That way, I can also use it straight from the room and not worry so much about a nasty, greasy breakfast bar!!! :bathbaby:




Hot Date after WI!

I have WI tonight at 5:30 and then class. I do NOT have my food journals. I may say I have been keeping them online and see how I can fudge that. I should show a loss though and I am kind of excited about that. :biggrin:   Afterwards, I am meeting my friend Daniel at Panera (I'll get a water and soup) to discuss (oh you are so going to love this) MW (DH)'s death. :rolleyes3:   Nope, as they say in Spamalot, not dead yet :glare: but his family is already bursting a nut over it. We're not even on the transplant list and they want this all "put to paper." So Daniel is a rabbinical student and I like him so we're going to talk death and the Jewish spouse - since I am Jewish and MW is Catholic.   I HATE HATE HATE having to discuss this now but really appreciate Daniel taking the time to sit down and go over with me so MW and I can make his mother happy. :rolleyes2:   Geez. The things I do. :glare:




Gross Protein Drink

I just tried a sample of Spirutein Cappucino. MAYBE with vanilla soy milk it would have been better but with water? G-R-O-S-S! I do NOT recommend this at all.




Tomorrow's my WI

I appear to be down and may have my C issues under better control. I got a tip to add some Miralax to my protein drink so I put a capful in every morning and then take my regular stool softener at night and today I started to see some progress...YAY!!!! That is one of the scourges of my life. I am really worried that after my lapRNY those issues will get worse...I guess all I can do is what I AM doing. :glare:   I appear to be down prior to my WI tomorrow night. That's GREAT! I was getting worried. I am not all that interested in losing right now but maintaining is good. We leave for Disney on Jan. 15 so...I will have to maintain during that trip too so I don't want a loss before that...make sense?   I am BAD though. I haven't kept my food journal and I haven't been wearing my pedometer. :biggrin: Next month...those will be my goals. :rolleyes3:   I was over on obesity help dot com...looking at before and after pictures. I really cannot wait. To think that this time next year I could have 100# off? I am so excited I can hardly stand it. :glare: What's exciting you today???? :rolleyes2:




Hungry, Hungry Shira

I am starved. H made some veggie chili the other night (BG: 2 cans each of light and dark kidney beans, a bag of frozen whole kernal corn, 4 cans of diced tomatoes with onion and garlic, 2 packs chili seasoning and 1 bag of Morningstar crumbles.) It was FAB but I farted all day and all night yesterday. :boom:I am still having a hard time pooing (TMI, I know) but I have been trying to get at least 2 litres of water every day and then I take 4 stool softeners at night to help. It's a charmed life I lead.   Anyway, today I decided to take a pass on that chili and so I had a double Spirutein this morning for breakfast. At 11:30 on the dot I was FAMISHED. I am now contemplating lunch and I could eat a horse but I dare not. I weighed 208 and some change last month and my WI is next Wednesday. I have GOT to be either 208 and change or less or there will be some BIG trouble in Little China!!! :thumbup:   ETA: I had a chicken caesar from Sheetz and some mac and cheese. Probably could have skipped the mac and cheese but it's so cold and rainy out...




The Continuing Saga of Protein Drinks

Well, I am IN LOVE with the Spirutein Peanut Butter Chocolate Swirl. I could drink a gallon of it and have to be careful because I know 1) too much protein and 2) I'd never poo again.   I saw a great sale at Vitamin Shoppe online and ordered another 2# can of it and a can of Designer Whey in PBChocolate Caramel. I mixed that up this morning.   Its a big difference...only 3oz of water instead of 8oz of milk (Spirutein) and it was thin like chocolate milk. I liked it though. Quick easy and kept me "full" until a snack of light yogurt at 10:30 and then lunch at noon. Normally I am chowing triscuits like a fiend.   I haven't had lapRNY yet...still in the 6month phase prior to...but I do like the protein drinks for an occassional meal substitute. Especially when the alternative is McDonalds. I think I could even mix up the DW and add it to coffee!!! It's really tasty. :thumbup:





Well, being Jewish, this time of year is kind of weird for us. Hanukkah isn't the same as a Jewish Christmas and I really do believe that to celebrate it as such just convinces people that that's what it really is. It's actually quite a minor holiday. Our biggies are Rosh Hashanah/Yom Kippur and Passover. I personally love Sukkot which is the festival of the booths and everyone builds a little hut in their yard with something like a thatched roof that you can see the stars through in the fall. It's an 8 day festival like Hanukkah but BIGGER in significance and really fun since you build your sukkah (the booth) and then have dinner parties in it all week long. Decorating it is half the fun...lots of autumny decorations and lights. I adore this holiday.   My husbands family though is Italian Catholic and so on Christmas Eve we go there for the big festival of the fishes! Its loud and hot and you get to see everyone you miss all year long.   This is not to say we dont exchange gifts at Hanukkah - just small ones. We actually have always exchanged gifts on New Years Eve. Its gotten harder as we have made more friends because now we want to go spend NYE with them so sometimes the gifts wait a bit. And lately we have also been taking a trip to Disney around the end of January although I think this year may be the last for a while as my DH will be on the list for a heart transplant soon!   Hanukkah traditions though are making latkes and eating doughnuts which are traditional in Israel. We light the menorah and play dreidel. Every night there is a gift. This year though we will do 7 nights of gifts and then one night will be devoted to tzedakah (charity). On Christmas Day, we go do Mitzvah Day. "Mitzvah" means "commandment" and so you go do good deeds that Gd asks us to do. This year we're going to spend the morning with residents at a nursing home in Squirrel Hill. After that we have a tradition of meeting friends and doing Chinese, then a movie (or vice versa) and ending up at their house playing games into the night. I usually take the next day off and we head out to find some bargains.   Its different but its a lot of fun. :thumbup:




Protein Shakes

I decided to start trying protein shakes to see whats what. After the excellent experience at Starbucks when I got the protein shot and then wasn't hungry until lunch, well, I figured that it wouldn't be a bad idea during my 6 month managed weigh in phase.   As luck would have it, I went over to the health food store to find vegan cream of mushroom soup (I know, I know) around T-Day. They didn't have it...but they did have packets of protein shakes so I stocked up figuring I'd give some a try.   Last night at WalMart I got some EAS Soy Chocolate which has 20 grams of protein per serving. I got the shaker that comes with it. Then I went and looked at my stash. For breakfast today I decided to try the Spirutein Chocolate Peanut Butter with vanilla soy milk (14 g protein, 13 g carb, 10 g sugars, 0.5 g fat). OMG!!!! I could just drink that every single day of the week it was so good! So a winner.   For later today I have the Spirutein Cookies and Cream which I'll try with water or walk over to the caf for skim for it.   So put the Spirutein Chocolate PB into the winner circle. It was damned tasty!!! :thumbup:




Change in Plans

We were supposed to head to Pittsburgh tonight for a play but my friend M just called and suggested we do dinner at Chili's tonight instead. You don't have to ask THIS exhausted puppy twice! :thumbup:   Of course I was there LAST night too! :biggrin3:   Tonight will be soup and salad. I feel full and gross and really just want to go home, drink some tea and call it a night and watch Greys. Looks like I MIGHT get my wish! :biggrin:




A Play A Day

Last week it was Spamalot on Thanksgiving night. Tonight it's "Frost/Nixon" at the Benedum.   Let's see...Monday I was home. I think anyway. :biggrin3:   Doesn't seem like I'll see my puppies again until Friday night at the earliest!!! :biggrin:   Laundry???? I am sending it to Band Groupie!!! :thumbup:




Three Cheers for a Shot of Pro!

I found out you can get Starbucks with a shot of protein powder. I tried it in a skinny latte and I kid you not, I wasn't hungry until lunchtime. Huh!!! I plan to get me some of that protein powder and give that a whirl in my Season of the Festive "I Have To Eat Everything In Sight". I also like getting that little treat at Starbucks and knowing it will keep me from being hungry. I don't particularly like the prices which is how I came up with the evil plan to add my own pro to my Sheetz extra large :biggrin3: Hmmm...wonder if you can get unflavored in a liquid????? :thumbup:




New job...new insurance???

My dream job has become available...this week. I scraped together a decent resume (I love where I am so I haven't even bothered to keep it up) and went to an interview this week. Several issues reared their ugly little heads. :eek:   First, my suit didn't fit. :car: I don't know that it would have even before I gained the 5# to get a "better" BMI but the reality was it did.not.fit comfortably enough to interview in. So I settled on a navy, jersey material dress with a little jacket. I like loose and comfy so this made me feel at ease at least. :biggrin:   Second, their insurance is 1) expensive (apparently beyond reason) and 2) it isn't what I have now. I WANT this surgery but this could be an issue...not to mention getting time off for the Disney trip and then surgery 4 months later! :biggrin3:   I sent the requisite thank yous and an email thank you. To be honest there was a little issue with my lack of supervisory experience :wub: which isn't for lack of ability but when you work in an 11 member office, it's more the lack of opportunity. :party: I still don't know what to do. Yes...DREAM job. It's what I do now (more or less) but in a Jewish agency which is what my career goal is...I want my Jewish holidays...ohyouhavenoidea!!! :thumbup: But I also don't know if it will fit into my life plans because lets not forget Mr. Wonderful is also looking for a new heart and lungs too. Isn't this all a bitch? :scared2: Of course it is. It wouldn't be happening to me if it wasn't! :wub:




Food? Beware!

Life gets in the way doesn't it? For some reason I have been running around for the past week eating everything that isn't tied down. I was down a few lbs last week and pretty happy about it but that was before this week. Now, yes, I GET it that my ovaries are awake and demanding food right now (deep fried, chocolatey, cheesy, salty, meaty fare actually...and preferably all in one! :biggrin3:) but I have gained some serious poundage. Gotta stop...it isn't like I don't have WI next week. What a moron I am. :thumbup:




Decisions, decisions

I decided to keep the appointment with my doctor today even though Highmark said I don't really even need to discuss this with him. I have known him for the past 16 years so I am very comfortable discussing stuff with him...but boy was I nervous today!!!   I told him I have worked hard over the years and just can't seem to get anywhere and I am frustrated. So I said I wanted to be banded. He said that was fine but as we talked (and we are the same age), he said he'd prefer I go the lap RNY route and prefers that to the band. I know he's up on his research so I told him that since he thought that was best for my situation...that's the way we'll go. He said definitely not open though :cool:   He said he didn't think I was that "big" (I guess I don't come off as an obese person...go figure) but he can see where it would really improve my life and help me achieve my goals. And he is extremely supportive. :glare:   So that's that. I will schedule the surgeon in January and provided the surgeon agrees...I will be doing lap rny and not the band. :confused:




The 6 month diet blues

Fortunately I only have to stay the same you know? Because this weekend was rough. Shabbat is hard for me. This is the Jewish Sabbath and I find I really have to plan well to have a successful weekend. This weekend, not so much. I am also constipated :glare: I have IBS-C and it's rearing it's ugly head. My Giant Eagle isn't selling my special cheese anymore...:huh2: Sigh. Anyway...   I had read on the boards about having a skinny caramel dolce latte with a shot of protein at Stabucks so tonight I tried that while we were in Squirrel Hill waiting for DS to come back from his Shabbaton in Detroit. I really liked it and I wasn't hungry until just now...and then I was REALLY hungry. Considering all I had had all day was a bowl of baked potato soup at Panera and a roll...I was impressed by that. Tomorrow I plan to have MORE of a plan together. It's probably a bad week to start but if I can stay the same...I feel I am golden.   We were at the rabbi's house this afternoon for a party and I saw the president of our congregation with the same pedometer as I have. I know where he got that!!! :confused: But my secret is still safe.   I was thinking today if I really want the band or the RNY. What do you all think???:cool:




The First Day of the Rest of My Life

Tonight is my first LifeStyle class at Magee. $24 total with parking to start my next phase. I haven't told a soul for various reasons. Most of them involve the fact that most folks I know are down on any kind of WLS. They either know someone who failed on the band or they heard about someone. My dad was stapled way back when...his isn't working but it isn't because of the surgery it's him and he knows it. But anyway...whatever...I haven't told anyone except a close friend, my dad and my husband and I won't. At the rate I am going I expect my surgery will roll around sometime in May which will be good after I have my nervous breakdown from school! I am a grad student and work full time. No wonder I am sick a lot :willy_nilly:   As I look at my picture above I know that that particular shirt is always a staple simply because it covers my belly. I just ordered some clothes from womanwithin.com - skirts and a dress since we have to dress for synagogue and I needed clothes but I am REALLY hoping the next time, I'll be able to get my stuff off the rack at WalMart.   I also have to mention that I checked to see if this "apron" that hangs down will be eligible for plastic surgery under my insurance or am I doomed to have it forever? And the answer is???? Yes!!! It will be eligible so I am psyched. Maybe a boob job too if they don't go anywhere. I am a 40DD now and that's just NOT conducive to walking, running or pretty much anything. That "apron" makes the recumbent bike a real joy since it gets in the way of my peddling.   Oh boy...buckle up...here we go peeps!!!!




Happy Happy Joy Joy!!!!

I called Magee this morning and guess what!!! I am a candidate for surgery! Even better, I start their lifestyle classes tomorrow right after work (while I am slamming a burger down on the way no doubt)! The classes are only $20 which I figured was a good deal. I can see my PCP on Nov. 25 and let him know I have made this decision and that Magee will handle everything. I am not sure my PCP was equipped to do anything more than weigh me so the extra $10 copay I think is worth it. Plus Magee does it all. Has anyone else done this route at Magee? How does this work with your PCP?   Anyway, yay!!! BG you were right!!! I am on my way!!!!! :willy_nilly:




Radio Silence

Well, it's now been a week and a half and still no word from Magee. I imagine that by overestimating my height (even though I called back and corrected it), I am too low to be considered. I am really kind of bummed to be honest because apart from that, I qualify. At least initially. At my true height I am 37.5 bmi. Sigh. I will call again tomorrow and see what's up.




Secret Bander

Today I went out to lunch with my two best friends...I had said something to the one a few weeks ago along the lines of "what do you think about WLS?" And she ripped into it...didn't approve unless you were pretty much on life support, etc. So I dropped it. Today at lunch she said "You're not thinking about WLS are you?" And of course I lied..."oh NO! I was talking about my Dad!!!" Then I started to wonder if I CAN keep this a secret. If we go out to eat, will I be able to keep my secret????




Excela Westmoreland

After hearing BG's excellent research about the bariatric scene in Pittsburgh, I called the Westmoreland Excela Bariatric program and made an appointment to go to the seminar on December 9. I REALLY like their approach and lifetime commitment to you both before and after surgery. It's right down the hall from my PCP and I am thinking it is super close (and small - they have only done 100) for fills or any issues. I am not liking that they're small but I figure I'll go have a listen. It gets me started much later than I wanted but I am still talking to my doctor on the 25th and maybe, even before the seminar, we can get the ball rolling. I think Magee has better care for the surgery but I am just not so sure anymore about what happens after.




Still Nothin'

Despite the best wishes of BG, still no word from Magee. I am also down with an upper respiratory infection although I did break down yesterday and get the antibiotics. The PA told me not to get them until the weekend but my cough was...wicked. Fortunately this is keeping everyone at work at bay and since I have a paper due that I haven't even attempted to start and it's due Sunday...a Friday with nothing to do but that will be nice.   Tonight we have services for new members at our synagogue. It's supposed to be raining so that will suck but I do so love our rabbi I will be there will bells on.   Anyway...I am sipping diet lemonade to stay hydrated and thinking about macroeconomics. I have GOT to get that paper done and Magee has GOT to call!!!!!




My First Post

Thanks to Band Groupie, I am realizing I have a blog here that I can write on which is good. I have my own blog but I am not telling anyone about my lap aspirations so I really cannot talk about it there. I am so glad to have this space here!!!!!   I just called Magee this morning. I went to the seminar last Wednesday (the 5th - anyone else go to that one?) and have been waiting for them to get back to me about my eligibility. I already know what Highmark will do...35BMI and comorbidities and its a go. With asthma, high cholestoral, high triglycerides and a PVC (extra heart beat) I think at 37.5 BMI I should be a go. But I haven't heard and I have been nervous about it. I have an appointment with my PCP on Tuesday the 25th. I am hoping they'll use the weight I had yesterday as my start point (since I had to go in because I have the suds - any Sponge Bob fans out there?).   I am still not sure what to say to him although Band Groupie (my lapband BFF) gave me some awesome suggestions.   And so...we wait.



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