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LAP-BAND Patients
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    YngGram got a reaction from SqueakyV in Undecided, Scared, And Wanting A Change   
    First stop is good info. It isn't always here, but check out surgerons in your area for info. Also, check on your insurance coverage, many cover this but each one has different guidelines, No point in going to far into this without knowing cost and your presurgery requirements. I have had 3 good years, fight some with getting more off, but it's because I treat myself to often; when I do I just pull my mind back into it and get it moving again. I am not at "goal" but I am in a size 12 and not a 24.
    Once I had my seminar, I started making changes in my food life. I was using smaller plates, cut out sweet tea and tried to make better choices and smaller portions. By the time I had to do my preop diet I had adjusted to the new thought plan.
    Good Luck.
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    YngGram got a reaction from shrcumm in Down 25 Pounds   
    Congrats! Not to rain on the fun but..........as long as it is moving off the feeling only gets better Follow the rules, drink that Water and things sould go your way. I got to feeling so good about how I looked, I got lazy. I am fighting to get my head back on in the right direction, I still look so much better and feel so much better than I did 3 yrs. ago. I have refused to count and measure, didn't want it to be another diet, so I am an eyeballer. I learned the foods that could cause issues and I love my band. Keep it going girl.
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    YngGram got a reaction from Kiskis in Do You Burb Like A Trucker?   
    Yup, just wish it was the only "noise" I made.
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    YngGram reacted to Jen75 in Tighter Band Caused By Less Water Intake?   
    Absolutely!!! Also, I find stress does not allow me to eat either.. When what your describing happens to me, I cut back and go on liquids a day or two to let the band calm down.... It helps me a lot! Good luck!

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    YngGram got a reaction from Leisha249 in Body Dysmorphia   
    I feel sooooooooo good! I had no idea that I looked as large as I did. I stayed away from cameras because I never liked the results; but I really didn't realize that I was that large. Now, being down about 65 lbs., I can shop in the regular womans dept. I can tuck in a shirt and I can wear dresses that show curves and not hide lumps. I love the way I look and the fact that others can see it too.
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    YngGram got a reaction from Jen C in Dissappointed!!!!   
    I couldn't lose without the band. I did really well in the begining, in less than a year I lost about 50lbs. But, I got lazy....not that I stopped exercising, because I never really did that. I got lazy about food; I have been able to eat most anything from the start. My basic issue is in liquid calories, I have become a coffee/creamer(heavy) addict. When I choose the band I stopped drinking sweet tea, starting eating from a smaller plate, stopped drinking with meals. I started following the rules before I had the band. Now I am sloppy about my eating. I graze at night, down all that coffee and usually don't get in enough Water. Hunger is not an issue for me, I seldom am. I don't have restriction like most people speak of, I tend to forget to have real meals like I should. Also, my band is fickle and reacts to weather changes, stress and time of day. If you have had fills as needed, look at liquid calorie intake, maybe even a food journel might help. I don't do one because I don't want to feel like I'm on a diet. The band works, but we have to work with it. The 65lbs. I've lost are staying off, I just need to get it going again.
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    YngGram got a reaction from the1surething in Where Does The Whine Line Start   
    BI am writing this but I don't need to because all the answeres are here to read. I am not a failure because I did lose 65 lbs., but I didn't meet the goal I set for myself and am far from the one the doctor set.
    I got my band on 3/9/09, it went well, the weight had started to come off Nov. 08 because I decided to do the band at that time. I chose the band because I didn't want to be on a diet the rest of my life, I gave up sweet tea, ate smaller portions and waited for the band. Doc put in a couple of cc's in surgery and I felt great. Weight came off all over without much exercise and I was so dang happy. Had a fill in Oct. all was well until Jun or Jul and I TIGHTEN UP! Some out, waited to long and gained before a fill again in Oct. Now here I am almost 3 years out and I have never had restriction like others mention, steak, bread. rice no prolems; normally. But my band is fickle, I am tight some mornings, I don't ever seem to be hungry (I can forget to eat till I get lightheaded); temps change and nothing wants to go down for a day or so. Then I am right back to eat what I want if I do it slowly. I have goten stuck on cream Soup, eaten something for lunch, but can't eat it at dinner. I have also noticed that my taste in food has changed. chicken salad, tuna, deli meat and grilled chicken breast were my staples, now I don't want any of it. I am craving the sweet stuff and trying to bypass it with coffee (not good). I want a fill, but I don't think I really want it. I don't want to be overfilled, I think I'm at about 5cc. and I have started to do the late night graze. I need resolve and it is going in the wrong direction. Don't bother to fuss, that's not what is needed; this journey is about the mental process and I think mine has slipped.
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    YngGram got a reaction from mdr7205 in Struggling, Help   
    I fully understand how you're feeling. I got my band 3/09, was doing I thought great, not much work, it was just coming off and I felt so good. I had an issue in July(10) (temp changes does crazy stuff to my band) and the dr. to out a little. I waited until Oct. to go back and I had put on about 10lbs. It started to come off again, and I went back for a fill in June. Now here are my current "issues", I don't get hungry...so I don't eat. This is very bad from what I've been told. I now hover around 175lbs. but the funny thing is I can wear a pair of jeans that I couldn't wear last summer (10) when I was 4lbs. lighter. The only thought is that the weight has shifted on my body. I realized tonight that I eat to much to often when I do eat. I had 6 shrimp and some thin Pasta for lunch, but dinner was 3 slices from a large pizza. To me that says fill, but my DH will lose his mind if I say I want one. The recommedation from the doc is 135lbs. I set my goal at 160lbs., hell I'm in my 50's and I don't need to be a hard body, this was about my BP and cancer. I am happy I can wear a 12 but when I hear of those who have lost 100 + lbs. I feel like I have failed. I live to far out for support groups, and I know that life stress is really kicking me hard. Many tell me how great I look now, but the "You must have lost a TON of weight!" is depressing. I always thought I look ok with what I had, the pictures tell a different story,,,and then I am ashamed. To add to my insult, eventhough I'm not loosing any weight, everything has started to saggggggggggg! We have free membership at the Y and I just can't get myself in there. If I had to look at friends who did this also, I might knock myself out. My biggest evil right now is coffee/creamers, I know it and can't stop. Keep kicking friend, we might get the dang bag off our heads and see this to the end.
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    YngGram reacted to B-52 in Why Do Things Keep Changing? (Long)   
    I though about this also.
    I have a problem believeing the band can be tighter or looser at any given time. Although we all experience changes in restriction and the expression fits the best. Anyone who has handled a band can see what it is made of.
    Changes in temperature can expand and contract I suppose, but placed internally one would think core temperature remains fairly constant.
    I beleive it is more correct to say it is the "Pouch" that constantly expands (stretches) and shrinks. I am always tight in the morning. Why? Could it be because I have not eaten any solid foods in 12 hours? And I have been resting?
    It loosens up during the day, probably because I have been using it all day.
    When things get to where I do not feel much restrictiion at all, I will go on all liquids, shakes and Soups, for at least 2 days, and things get very tight after that.
    I try to consume mostly liquids all day, shakes for Breakfast, Soup fior lunch. Then the band is tight for dinner consisting of solids. Seems to be working better for me,
    Bottom line, the more I eat, the looser the band gets.
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    YngGram got a reaction from chevy4x4man72 in Stool Problem   
    Start the day with ice Water and lots during the day ALSO, Greek Yogurt seems to really get me going. I am like you in the subhuman logs, husband taped my name on the plunger.
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    YngGram got a reaction from jayres14 in Waking up THIN!!!   
    I understand where you're coming from, but it is a little harsh. Some of these statements get to me also, while I am THRILLED about what I have lost, I really wanted it to be more. For many, the pre-op diet takes off 20 + pounds and even with education and research, they still can't help but expect more from the band. I lost without much work and know that if I put in more effort the real goal would be met. However, few people are really able to accept their responsiblity in having gained the weight and in having to make the right choices to loose the weight, The mental is a big part of this, that's why we have to do the evals and for some surpervised weight loss before surgery. This is the place to vent, be scared, ask for help and yes sometimes just whine. Only those on the path can really understand what we have to deal with daily. Let's just try to pump em up, or just not finish reading the posts that make your skin crawl.
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    YngGram got a reaction from Texasbandit in Is your band not working or is it you?   
    This is not to slam anyone, but I really would like some input. I read here so many that say the band doesn't work, or that 20,30,or 40lbs have come off and now nothing. I realize that many of you have had problems with slippage or some other medial issue, so I'm not thinking of you,
    I have been reflecting and I'm finding some greal gray areas for myself. I started to make my food changes the day of my seminar, I cut out sweet tea, sodas, starting taking smaller portions , no drink with food and soon started to feel bertter. And I was working hard to drink my Water. I choose the band because the bypass scared me, and I didn't like the look of those who had it.
    I followed my own changes from Nov. until my 2 week pre op diet.in Feb. I was down 18lbs on that day. I was good about following the instructions and the weight keep coming off. I didn't exercise much, just watched what I ate. When I finally lost 63 lbs. and was in a size 12....I lost my mind. I got lazy and stopped following the rules. I lost my commitment to the program. I stopped loosing . Even knowing this I can't get on track.
    I say these things because I don't think we are all as commited as we once were, we are not as honest with ourselves as we need to be. For me candy keeps wandering into my home, coffee creams are the devils inventtion and sugar has rentered through a back door. Still knowing this, I can't seem to shake things back in the right places.
    I started this journey because I didn't want to be on a diet for life, and I don't feel I am. One of my problems is that even though I don't have ture restriction, I don't have a problem with hunger, I thought if I wasn't hungry I shouldn't eat...very wrong. I am stumped about how to fix where I am, I need to loose anthore 30-35lbs to be in the guidelines. I would like to loose about 15 to feel like I had a true result for my effor. I don't think doc will do a fill since I'm not hungry. I try to eat meat & veggies but it is usually only once a day. Yogurt and Protein Drinks to try to get the Protein in. My life schedule is strange and gym time never seems to come.
    So, is it not working or am I doning something wrong.
  13. Like
    YngGram got a reaction from andrea0121 in Worst Decision I ever made!   
    Back up, remember we are here for support, to get and give. People make choices based on their life. Maybe cost drove her choice, no matter what it was she is now looking to us who struggle with the same issues she has now to help her work through it.
    Yes, there are some things she can try that might help her get on track. So many things can affect your weight loss. When the outside temps are high I don't want to eat, I feel tighter and last year had to get an unfill because I didn't understand it. If youy don't drink enough Water you don't loose. Research here might give her some of the tools she needs, I know it helps me.
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    YngGram got a reaction from stateofzen in Psychological Evaluation why all the questions   
    Not only did I find the questions strange, the Dr. I saw was the dad of my daughters classmate. The thought of him reading my answers made me crazy for a minute. I didn't realize it was him when the appt. was made. Good thing I took the test before talking to him, I wouldn't have been able to do it.
    I am over 2 years out and I can tell you that it is easier to understand the need for the eval. It is more than having an implant, it really is a part of you that you must work with daily. In the beginning it owns you, every thought you have everyday. You must learn how it works for you (sometimes against you), early stages it even controls where you go and who you see. At a point it becomes a part of you that is just there like your leg. As long as things are as they should be, you don't really think about it;; your life with it becomes natural. Then one day you are forgetful or bold and do something you shouldn't and it lets you know who rules.
    The ups and downs with the band can work on your mind. Many loose easily in the beginning; slow down and become depressed. Some never get a fill and loose, some need many fills and never feel what they thinik "restriction" would be. I am at 5.5cc and really didn't feel it was any different than 2 cc. My last fill was 2 weeks ago, there is a big difference. Today a greek yogurt was dinner at 7 and I was full. lunch had been 4 shrimp, 1tbl. of fried rice and a slice of Tomato, slim fast to start my day. I have never had a problem with being hungry since the band. I usually don't eat enough now to loose .
    Then there are the "bad" times. Adjustments can be to tight, stuck can scare you real bad. The eval helps them, along with your talks with the staff to know if you are ready for the journey. Good luck.
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    YngGram got a reaction from Melissannde in How to pick goal weight   
    Funny I had planned to post this same question tonight. My weight based only on height should be 135lbs. At 53 I'm not pushing for that one. My doc really didn't set one for me. I went with 170, just because I thought I could reach it and keep it. I am annoyed that by the "standard" I would still be overweight. I plan a fill on Fri, because I haven't gotten there yet. I now think that I would really like to be 160 by Christmas but I haven't committed to it yet.
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    YngGram got a reaction from Melissannde in help, something is not right   
    Thanks Check Yes!, that needed to be said. Please kieras stop eating, let your tummy rest. I made this mistake last summer and had to get an unfill. I was chewing enzyme tablets daily. It was my first time being stuck and I didn't know not to try to eat the next day, so I made a bad moment into about 6 weeks of pain. Didn't do any real damage but I could have. Hang in there with liquids for a few days and move up slowly.
  17. Like
    YngGram got a reaction from Melissannde in help, something is not right   
    Thanks Check Yes!, that needed to be said. Please kieras stop eating, let your tummy rest. I made this mistake last summer and had to get an unfill. I was chewing enzyme tablets daily. It was my first time being stuck and I didn't know not to try to eat the next day, so I made a bad moment into about 6 weeks of pain. Didn't do any real damage but I could have. Hang in there with liquids for a few days and move up slowly.
  18. Like
    YngGram got a reaction from Tuckersmommy2010 in Just banded and full of questions   
    1. My doc says no Protein shakes/drinks AT all. Do you agree? ( because i don't at all, nor does anyone i talked with )
    2. Two weeks of broth & juice ( no milk,..ect )
    3.Do you have the stitches removed or do they dissolve?
    4. Should i be taking any Vitamins or something? I'm getting at most 500 cals a day.
    5. What did you eat the first week, second week & then finally at a month?
    6. Can you take Gas EX?
    The first week, 1.5 to 2 quarts of clear fluids each day. Caffeine free, non-alcoholic, non-carbonated. Second goal is Protein intake of 50 to 60 grams per day of liquid portein from sugar free low fat yogurt, Boot Glucose Control or Boost Diabetic, Carnation Instant Breafast 0 Sugar Added or Slim Fast High Protein
    chewable Multi Vitamins were recommended, later added calcimun, B6 & B12, Biotin for my hair...it will break off after about 3 months.
    Once they made sure I could keep Water down in the hospital I was allowed popcisles, then some broth that night. The next morning started the protein shakes. Surgery was Mon. and I strated mushies on Sun. for another week. I could have one meal of solids for 3 days to make sure I could tolorate it.
    Gas was a BIG deal for me, Gax X instant disolve was my best friend. It woke me in the middle of night. I walked through the house every 30 min. or so to keep in moving. I was able to go out the day I was discharged and the next two nights.
    My doc was really good about answering my questions, he is with a Center of Excellence and had done many of these. His PA is great and I was very happy with the care. Good Luck

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