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Blog Comments posted by julie.ann

  1. Thanks guys. I know it doesn't make any sense, but I almost feel like I have fail somehow and gotten too tight. I know that sounds crazy. I guess I always looked so forward to fills that to unfill, even a tiny bit seems WRONG! Oh, and the pizza thing....there is NO WAY I could do something like that.

    I have realized that maybe part of my problem is that I am eating too much. I keep eating and then feel stuck, but I may just be over full. Instead of my hamburger patty and cottage cheese I had only 1/2 a patty and cottage cheese and I ate that over 20 minutes and I felt good, but if I would have kept going then I would have been TOO FULL and needed to PB. I'll watch that closely this next week. It would be nice if that was my entire problem, but I don't think so.:thumbup:

  2. After almost a year being banded.....

    Okay, so I have addmitted to myself that I am too tight. I have fallen into soft calorie syndrome. It sucks. I hope I can get a tiny unfil on Monday. My weight loss has been so-so and eating is too hard. I have fallen to soft foods, especially ice cream. BAD BAD BAD!!!!!

    Kind of depressing, but I want to get the unfill before I have to worry about a slip or erosion.

  3. OMG!!!!

    I am out of the 170's! I weighed 168.9 lbs today! Awesome!

    I too started to platuea after about 8 months. I needed another adjustment that I put off for 3 monthsl I also changed up my diet a little. My supper mostly is tilapia fish and a side of cottage cheese to help with the texture. With a high protein breakfast and noon meal the weight has started to move again. I had started to cheat with sweets and it had stalled my progress. Still hitting the gym. I still do much better if I track everthing I eat at www.spartkpeople.com. If I don't track it then I eat one or two things that really screw up my band. I love my band. I might be a little tight. If I was closer to my surgeon I would get a tiny unfil, but if I am mindful of what I eat and the bites I take then I do okay.

    I'm in the 160's! I just about can't stand it!!!!:(

    High /Surgery/Current/Goal

    285.5/ 271 / 168.9/142.5

    Banded - 10/29/08 Five fills - 5.9 cc/10cc



    Halloween Goal: Weigh What my Driver's License Says I Do!

  4. PBing stands for Productive Burping (Belching) It is a nice way to say throwing up. But it doesn't feel like throwing up. (Technically regirgitating anything that has been in your stomach is vomiting, although some may say it isn't the same.)

    PB really just happens. You feel like you have this little burp and then all this slime comes up with it. It doesn't take like vomit. (Sorry, but this is the real information.) That is because it isn't mixed with any digestive juices. Sometimes you PB food up that is stuck. Usually for me it is the slime. If I need to vomit food up after I get stuck then it is usually more forceful for me.

    It is hard to understand until it happens to you. Then you are like....OH! THAT is what they were talking about!

    I hope that helps.

  5. It has taken me a while to jump back on the wagon. I have a hurdle to jump (as always) a business trip all next week! Those are tough. I might be ok if I work out every day.

    I have gotten the sweets and carbs out of my system and now my cravings are gone and it isn't hard to eat supper at 5:00pm and go to bed without eating. I forgot how this felt. I'm so glad I found it again.

    I have started to losing again. Yay! I have lost 3 lbs this week. I have to keep going. It feels better than I remember. It has been a long 3 month plateau.

    I am looking at changing my goal weight from 142.5 to 160. That is what I hope to be by Halloween. It is my goal for my halloween challenge. That will also put me at my 1 year Bandiversary. I am about 11 lbs from that now. I don't know if I should change my goal. Maybe I will know by then.

    I have lost 114 lbs so far and thrilled to back on the wagon and losing again!!!!

  6. Hey girl! How ya been? Well I do have foods that I CAN"T eat, but that is okay. I can't eat any type of bread (bagels would kill me!!) unless it is crunchy, but I don't eat that. I can't believe you have gurgling when you drink My doc wants water to go down without any problems at all.

    Let me tell you about the learning to eat again. I'm over 10 months out and I have that problem now with my last fill. I have to take small bites and chew. If I forget and take just one regular size bite or not chew it well enough I ruin my meal. I don't always PB, but I do get a little uncomfortable. I also have been trying to learn about eating SLOWLY. I need to put my fork down between bites and wait just a bit. I can even get uncomfortable if I eat cottage cheese too fast, but I can take small bites and chew well and enjoy a hamburger or turkey breast.

    If I did those things I would never PB, but I am a slow learner so I do PB too often. I worry about hurting my band, but I am getting better every day! Take care I wanted to stop in and say hi and check on how you are doing. I am in the forums almost every day, but I just don't blog as often.

    Much Love!

  7. Sarah, That is great! I know what you mean. I started losing quickly after my fill, but there was something special about getting past that smallest number I had been bouncing back and forth from! I have lost every day since last Monday except for yesterday. (I went to the movies the night before and was a bad girl)

    I am thinking I should have gotten a fill 2 months ago. You too?

    Keep me up to date!

  8. First i want to tell you that my parents have always been critical of my weight and my dad needs this surgery himself. It isn't right. I have to ask if your parents paid for the surgery because that is going to make them feel like they have the right to monitor. If they didn't pay for this surgery then they need to realize that they don't get to critize how you spend your money.

    Is moving out an option? If saying calmly that you are working hard isn't working then remove yourself from the situation. My hubby started to make comments about when I might eat something less than ideal. I told him that I am still at my lowest. As long as I am losing and not gaining he doesn't get to say anything about the food I eat. I go to the gym and am losing. That is enough. He realized that I was right and backed off. I told him if I start gaining and stop going to the gym then he has my permission to say something.

    How do I avoid? I use something like Pink Limeade - Crystal Light (walmart barnd) to help with my sweet tooth. It tastes great, there are many flavors and it helps me get my water in every day. If you need a fix let yourself have a miniature chocolate square, but try the drinks. Watch out, some have calories.

    Hang in there. It isn't against the rules to eat out, as long as you follow the bandster guidelines. On the flip slide you can't continue to complain about your mom's cooking. That isn't fair either. They aren't banded. Most of the time I eat different food than my family. They see my healthy eating, but I don't expect them to give up breat, pasta, rice and potatoes just because I have....and I cook the meals.

  9. October will be here before I know it! I am thinking about Bandiversary ideas.

    I told hubby I want a TT and Breast Lift for my 40th birthday. I just turned 35, but I figure I will get a free consultation for my 39th so it is only 4 years away. By that time I should just have my surgery paid off! YAY! My size 12 pants are getting looser. I can't wait to fit into a size 10. One of my goals is to be a size 9 in '09. When I made that a goal I honestly never thought a size 12 was possible. Every smaller size is "gravey" (sorry for the food analagy, I guess I need a better way to say that!)

    I do like the idea of pictures. I just got a head shot done, but maybe an official full body picture is in order. I would LOVE to be at goal by then, but that will really be pushing it even if I keep a good pace. I am blessed at my current weight. I keep thinking about where I was one year ago. How it felt to sit in my chair to watch TV and sit in a chair and not be able to cross my legs. I remember a year ago sitting in the bleachers and feeling like a toad on a log just sitting there with my shoulders hunched over trying not to make eye contact because I didn't want anyone to feel like they had to talk to me. Tonight I went to my sons' football scrimmage and everyone kept commenting how good I looked, and damn it...they are right! :thumbup:

  10. I am so sorry that you had to experience that. I know that is extremely rare. Erosion isn't "common" but to have the complications you had are just about unheard of. I wish you hadn't had to hear about it either. I hope you are recovering as well and possible and I will keep you in my thoughts!

  11. I know it isn't head hunger. I know the difference. It really is missing the food. I think "Boy i wish I could eat that!" I watched my family chow on pizza. (my weakness) I don't miss it as much as I love losing weight, but I DO miss it! It used to be a joy in my day. Eating was something I enjoyed. Not so much now, but that is a good thing. I should enjoy running and having a great time with my kids! Good luck with your fill!

  12. Well I am much tighter than ever before. I miss food. I have always been able to eat about anything except bread, pasta, rice or potatoes and usually that was a choice, not a hard and fast rule. Well now the band is definately the one in charge. I have been concerned I am getting too tight. Really the problem is the AMOUNT of food I am eating. I only can eat about 1/2c. of food before I am DONE! Really done. Like another bite or so and I am PB'ing for a while. If I eat a cookie (I know I shouldn't and I don't all the time) I can only eat one and I am FULL! If I try to eat another I am PB'ing so it isn't WHAT I am eating. It is definately how much. I have been snacking more and not waiting to see how long I go before I am hungry.

    I am looking forward to Monday. I do better about being more conscious about eating at work.

    I am about a week out from my last fill. My fill usually hits it's peak at 10 days. So the next few days should tell me alot and tell me if I go back to Denver for an unfill. If I stay like this I think I will be fine.

    I am losing again! That is AWESOME! I forgot how great that was since I plateaued 2 months ago. I have to admit though, after being so wide open for so long and then getting a big fill, for the first time since being banded.....I am starting to miss food.

  13. Well I had my fill and getting a fill is a little bit different. It is like childbirth. You know the basics and may have been through it before, but it is always a little different.

    I got a fill. My last fill was in April and was 0.7cc. So was the fill before. Yesterday I got 1.7cc. Then I somehow forgot to try a little cottage cheese and chicken salad in my vehicle before going out for something to eat. Usually I shop for about an hour before I eat, but I had a late appt and wanted to get on the road. I live 7 hours from my doctor.

    So onto TGI Fridays for my customary Sizzlin Chicken and Cheese. I took to very tiny bites of chicken and two bites of onions and pepers, checked out and PB'ed all the way back to the Dr.'s office. I got 0.4cc out and felt much better. I had to be careful on the way home and the protein shake this morning for breakfast went down pretty slowly. I thought I was surely too tight. Usually I am never tighter in the morning, but maybe I am now. I had 1/2c chicken salad for lunch and part of a chicken breast for supper. It has gone down really well.

    I guess in the next week will see what happens. It usually takes 10 days for my fill to take full effect, but I guess it is different every time!

  14. Well I am in Denver for my next fill. I haven't had a fill since April and I have been having a little "last supper syndrom" since I am so open.

    I know it isn't a good thing, but that is what has been happening. I am just reporting here. I really am ready to get back on the wagon. I have still be working out and so I have been maintaining. I am still within 4 lbs of my lowest. Kind of bouncing around. the same few numbers.

    I have a 7 hour drive home from my doctor's appt so I have the "Beck Diet Solution" audio cd pack to listen to. It is a good series/book about learning to "think like a thin person."

    I spoke my mom last night for about 2 hours last night on my way do Denver. It was very enlightning. She was telling me a story about a lady she works with that has lost TOO MUCH weight. You know I just surprised my family with my weight loss. I knew what she was getting at. I was complaining about people callingme skinny. I know it sound crazy, but it is a MAJOR pet peeve of mine. That is because I am NOT SKINNY! I may be skinny compared to how I used to look. That just tell me that I used to be really big compared to what I look like now. If I truely was skinny it wouldn't bother me.

    Anyway back to my mom's conversation....I keep saying that I want to lose another 35 lbs to give me a healthy BMI. She was bothered by this so I asked her how much she thought I weighed. I am a size 12, and I jsut saw her 2 weeks ago. How much does she think I weigh? I told her that I weigh what I did when I graduated from high school and we all know I was overweight at that time. She didn't believe that I weigh the same as when I graduated.

    She guessed my weight at 155#! No wonder she was worried when I said I wanted to lose another 35 lbs. I told her (and I don't tell many that aren't on this site) that I weigh 180#.

    Hello!!!! 180! Yes I am happy that I have lost as much weight as I have lost, but it isn't like I weigh anything close to 155. I know when I graduated and weighed 180# I wore a size 16-18 jeans. I work out and really try to concentrate on my abs, but I told her I don't know how I weigh this much am as trim as I am. (I am only 5'4") but if more people think i weigh around 155 then no wonder they look at me like I am crazy. I don't get that. I think they are blind. I had someone ask me if I was going to become anorexic! OMG! People I weigh 180 pounds! Far from anorexic! It was only 20 lbs ago that I was over 200.

    Anyway. Just putting things on paper to try to wrap my head around things. Is my brain screwed on wrong? I know I can't go just by the scale, but 180 is no where near where I want to be. Even 160 would make me "pee my pants" happy! I don't know if I'll ever get there. (This what my driver's license says!:lol:)

    I can't wait to get my next fill today and see where this takes me.

  15. FABULOUS! It is AWSOME to weight less than DH! Even yesterday my DH said something about his weight and I still smiled a little thinking I weigh less. I wonder if that will ever get old. I have weighed less than DH for four months now. Some day we will have been healthy for so long we won't even think about it

    Great job BG!

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