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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Veritas34 reacted to Esi in 1 month post op activities   
    It will get so much better! It took about 5-6 months before I completely felt back to normal, as far as doing physical things.
    When you resume a more normal diet, you will figure out the Snacks that will tide you over between meals when you are out. for me, it is grapes, cheese sticks, and Keto Protein Bars. Or, I use the time that I am out to take care of the majority of my fluids for the day.
  2. Like
    Veritas34 reacted to ShianRaineDrop in 1 month post op activities   
    I had my surgery on June 10th so I'm at about a month also. I feel better overall but I get tired so incredibly easy still. I went to walk around Lowes Home Improvement today and to get some things because my first project post OP today was supposed to be scraping popcorn ceiling in my recently acquired spare bedroom but I haven't managed to even start wetting down the ceiling. It's only 3:40 and I feel like I've done a ton which I haven't. I feel most days like I could take a nap every day (unfortunately I can't because of work) and by the time I get home M-F, I'm ready for bed by 8pm. Before surgery, I was a night owl, even on work days.
    So I'm with ya! I would love to know where to get some energy from. My eating and drinking is pretty darn good because of the Baritastic app and reminders so I'm not sure why I feel so tired this far out from surgery when I see so many others have tons of energy and they're not far out from their surgery.
  3. Like
    Veritas34 reacted to ShoppGirl in 1 month post op activities   
    Our bodies all recover differently. Best advice I can give is to give in and rest and take naps as needed. Your body recovers while you sleep so the more you do it now when your body is calling out for it the quicker you will recover in the long run.

    As far as food for energy, you may or may not be able to talk them into letting you bring in a Protein Shake but when you get a little further out you can usually sneak in a beef Jerky or a Protein Bar for longer outings where you truly can’t find a healthy option.
    Post surgery I ALwAYS have a cooler in my car packed full of healthy options I can run back to even if I don’t expect to be out all day. If I leave the house, I’m ready for hours with my Yeti packed just in case. And I always bring my favorite Salad Dressing and my sugar free BBQ Sauce with me so if I have to do fast food I don’t have to use their high calorie sauces. I find several healthy options at Chick-fil-A. Any of their Salads with grilled chicken or grilled nugget kids meal with fresh fruit.

  4. Like
    Veritas34 reacted to summerseeker in 1 month post op activities   
    I did not give the surgery the care it deserved. I think it was because of the 1 day hospital stay. It made it seem a more minor procedure. I also didn't realise the time it would take a woman my age and disability to recover. I didn't start bouncing along till I got to the 4 month mark. I needed nana naps during the day and if I had a busy day I knew about the next day.
    Cut yourself some slack when you can. It will take as long as it takes
  5. Thanks
    Veritas34 reacted to The Greater Fool in 1 month post op activities   
    You've been through surgery and since then you've barely had any food and if you were anything like me, relatively little activity. Of course your tired and lack energy.
    For me, at a month out this sort of outing was unthinkable. Walking from one part of the house to another was a challenge.
    You've gotten used to carrying a few hundred extra pounds. You have the skeleton and muscles to move it all around. In a short time all the muscle and bone will not have so many extra pounds to move around. It will almost feel like you are floating and you will have energy to spare.
    A little more patience. Then watch out.
    Good luck,
  6. Like
    Veritas34 reacted to MojoNix in Stop loosing WAY too early   
    Same! Surgery on June 6th. Lost 32lbs first two weeks. Stalled every since. I'm just still plugging away following the plan. I admit I felt a little depressed about it this morning, but I know it has to start moving again at some point when I'm only eating 600 calories

    Sent from my SM-G986U using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. Like
    Veritas34 reacted to The Greater Fool in Stop loosing WAY too early   
    People talk about stalls, the famous week 3 stall, then the 3 week stall. I actually am one of the few people that never saw a stall.
    My secret was being too large to weigh on home scales. For about the first year I could only weigh at my surgeon's office at monthly follow-ups. So, when your weigh-ins are a month apart, you don't see stalls. I can't express what a joy this was. I was never tempted to change anything in response to a stall. I just stayed with my program.
    My surgeon was never overly concerned with my weight loss. He asked how I was doing on the plan, how I felt, did I have any concerns. Weight never came up unless I brought it up. He was a cool Doc.
    Once I was able to weigh at home, I did it for a couple weeks, several times a day. Then I abandoned the whole concept and went back to just weighing at follow-ups. Who needs the angst? Even now, all these years later, I don't weigh at home, but only at my annual physicals at the Doctor's.
    One does not need a scale for success at WLS. Just trust your plan.
    My plan was also pretty straightforward. I didn't count calories, nor much of anything else. I counted meals of which there were 3 per day. I counted Protein of where there were 3-4 oz each meal. That was basically my plan. That is still basically my plan.
    Good luck,
  8. Like
    Veritas34 reacted to Mz D in Stop loosing WAY too early   
    Stalls and slow losing! Hoooo boy, I get so angry with my body because there are people who had surgery around the same time I did and who've easily lost double what I have. It's all about working the process though and every pound is a victory, no matter how slowly it comes off. You might need to speak to a dietician; I did after a massive stall and now I'm heading in the right direction again; turns out I was in malnutrition and starving myself. Your body needs fuel.
  9. Like
    Veritas34 reacted to SleeveToBypass2023 in Stop loosing WAY too early   
    I lost 30 pounds in the first 2 weeks. Then I hit a 2 week stall and have lost much slower after that. In the last 5 weeks, I've lost 13 pounds. I'm not one of the lucky ones that started losing quickly again after a stall, but I DO still lose. Just slower. But it sounds like you're in a stall. Try changing up what you eat or your exercising. I added extra exercise and changed up what I do, and that broke the stall. Good luck!!
  10. Like
    Veritas34 reacted to summerseeker in Stop loosing WAY too early   
    You don't need to change anything up. Its nothing you have done wrong. Just stick to your given plan. All stalls break
  11. Like
    Veritas34 reacted to ShoppGirl in Stop loosing WAY too early   
    Stalls happen to everyone. Sometimes they last just a week and sometimes they can last several. Some people even gain a couple pounds. Just stay the course. I know it’s hard but this process works if you stick to your plan. Just try to trust it. Stay off the scale for a week or two if it’s messing with your head too much.
  12. Like
    Veritas34 reacted to kcuster83 in Stop loosing WAY too early   
    Yep, just like they all said. It happens to all of us. Don't stress and don't obsess.
    If you follow your plan, stay in your calorie range, get in your fluids and Proteins you WILL loose the weight.
  13. Like
    Veritas34 reacted to liveaboard15 in Stop loosing WAY too early   
    Thats called the 3rd week stall... happens to EVERYBODY. sometimes it last a week. Sometimes it last several weeks where you wont loose much or any weight. and this will happen several times throughout your first year. your body is adjusting to the new calories

  14. Like
    Veritas34 reacted to Splenda in Stop loosing WAY too early   
    I was also around 480 when I started.
    Here is a rough timeline of my stalls.
    Had surgery 8/16/21.
    Lost 24 pounds in the first 14 days.
    Lost 6 pounds over the next 19 days.
    Lost 41 pounds over the next 49 days
    Lost 11 pounds over the next 24 days
    Lost 8 pounds over the next 11 days.
    Once you come out of this stall, you are going to lose weight at an incredible rate. Keep doing the right things (getting Protein in, keeping calories reasonable, stay moving) and the stall will end.
  15. Like
    Veritas34 got a reaction from Erin18 in Are there any 25 to 35 year olds on here?   
    Im 36.. 3 weeks post op gastric sleeve
  16. Like
    Veritas34 reacted to faithylouise in Weird feeling..   
    i am 3 weeks after having surgery- i completely understand what you mean; i went abroad for mine to Istanbul and after 4 days came home- all the time there and flying back felt like i was in my own little bubble and world but i made it ahhahaha x
    When i got home and saw my little ones and mum and that I felt so so strange and everything was hard to explain to them of what it was like and what had been through etc- since then am back to work and normal life has resumed as in routine wise- i think this very normal to feel like this you know and just each day/half day at a time, every blessing to you x

  17. Like
    Veritas34 got a reaction from kcuster83 in Weird feeling..   
    All great responses …. I truly appreciate the responses from you all!! Thank you
  18. Like
    Veritas34 reacted to Starwarsandcupcakes in Weird feeling..   
    This is gonna sound odd but try making it into a drinking game. Watch a old sitcom and anytime the audience does that fake laugh take a shot- be it Water, Protein Shake, watered down juice, Gatorade… you get the idea. You can change up the tv show or movie and make the cue more relevant.
  19. Like
    Veritas34 reacted to SleeverSk in Weird feeling..   
    Yeah I went through this too, its like a grieving process, fear of the unknow and both genders suffer with hormones being out of whack too. have a good cry if you need to I found trying to hold it back made me feel worse.
  20. Like
    Veritas34 reacted to Bridge1967 in Weird feeling..   
    That weird mentally out of it thing? I get that for a few weeks whenever I've had any surgery. It's your body trying to throw off the anesthesia. Som÷people take longer than others.
  21. Like
    Veritas34 reacted to Sabi in Weird feeling..   
    I feel you :/ I am about 5 days out of surgery and I just feel like I’m missing out. I think I’m mostly just bored, but for some reason I can’t wait to try chocolate again… I am even dreaming about it lol…

    anyone else have weird food dreams post surgery?
  22. Like
    Veritas34 reacted to Tufflaw in Weird feeling..   
    Hey, I've been through this twice, trust me those feelings will pass.
    After just a few months you'll be through all your phases and can start eating more "normally" again - normally meaning small portions. Every so often you can even have a comfort food in a smaller quantity. For example, I thought I'd never have pizza again, but now I can eat pizza. At first I made my own pita pizza with one spoonful of sauce and some shredded cheese, but now I can have a slice from the pizza place. Maybe two if they're small. Back in the day I'd order a pie and eat half of it.
    Every so often I'll get to chicken soft tacos from Taco Bell - total about 420 calories and about 7 or so ounces. I eat them slowly with no sides and it fills me up. Before I'd eat a lot more plus sides/snacks/etc.
    I used to love ice cream and I still do, but instead of digging into a tub of whatever from the supermarket I get Halo Top and weigh out a portion and that's enough to satisfy me.
    I was at a picnic the other day at my kids school and they had a barbecue food truck. I got a sandwich - large roll with pulled pork, cole slaw and sauce. I threw away the roll and ate the rest, it was delicious and filling but not overfilling.
    My kids like to go to Friendlys so when I take them instead of getting one of those monster supermelts I'll get a bowl of the clam chowder Soup - filling and delicious and I get to eat with my family and not feel like I'm depriving myself.
    You don't want to feel like you're not "allowed" to eat something, because then you'll just want it more.
    I track every single thing that goes in my mouth so I can make sure I'm not going overboard, and I weigh everything if I can, I recommend you get in the habit of doing the same. Best of luck, you'll get through this fine, and when the lbs start coming off you're going to be very happy.
  23. Hugs
    Veritas34 got a reaction from summerseeker in Weird feeling..   
    Thank you both for the tips.
    The feeling kind of feels mental not physical… I’m hoping it will pass.

    As far as liquids I am surely not getting enough in. I know this. I just don’t have the urge to drink …

  24. Like
    Veritas34 got a reaction from GreenTealael in Weird feeling..   
    I’m 9 days post op.

    I feel really weird. Odd. I wish I can explain it . I just feel almost like I’m in a different world. I don’t feel comfortable…..

    Since not eating food for about 3 weeks I feel like I miss it more than ever. I have never cared about food like that. I just ate the wrong stuff in large quantities. But now I feel I’ll never enjoy eating again.

    I’m barely getting liquids in for the day as well. I’m just not feeling right….

  25. Hugs
    Veritas34 got a reaction from summerseeker in Weird feeling..   
    Thank you both for the tips.
    The feeling kind of feels mental not physical… I’m hoping it will pass.

    As far as liquids I am surely not getting enough in. I know this. I just don’t have the urge to drink …

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