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    LaTiaV got a reaction from SmoknDudette in Marriage changes post op   
    I am obsessed, I am not buying expensive, I buy cheap, but too much and too often. I know I must be responsible and I feel shame when he brings the packages home and gives me "the face". like you say "The struggle is real" my husband and I get alone well but finances has always been a dangerous topic between us, we have very different ideas on what is worth to expend the money on .
  2. Like
    LaTiaV got a reaction from GreenTealael in OOTD   
    Oh boots!!, my last pair of wide calf boots has not been used once and i like them so much, i must find somebody who can adjust the width of the shaft, not in a rush, i own too many newish boots they are not as wearable here in south Texas as they were in New Jersey. I have a new Job that requires steel toe shoes it takes 95% of the fun of buying shoes. and 250% of the budget.
  3. Like
    LaTiaV got a reaction from GreenTealael in OOTD   
    Oh boots!!, my last pair of wide calf boots has not been used once and i like them so much, i must find somebody who can adjust the width of the shaft, not in a rush, i own too many newish boots they are not as wearable here in south Texas as they were in New Jersey. I have a new Job that requires steel toe shoes it takes 95% of the fun of buying shoes. and 250% of the budget.
  4. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to ms.sss in OOTD   
    couldn't resist a deal. picked up these "sock stilettos" at the mall today for $30 CDN. i have absolutely no where to wear them, so i'm just playing dress up at home. paired them with a faux leather skirt which i also bought on a whim a couple years back which i have worn in public a total of ONE time, ha.
    if it wasn't for this OOTD thread, human eyes would not be laid on like 3/4 of my wardrobe 😂.
    i need to get out (and dress up!) more.
    p.s. pro tip: wear super high heels will make you look taller and skinner than you really are!
    p.p.s. oh, and cross one leg in front of the other one in pictures...makes your butt/hips look like they actually exist!!
  5. Haha
    LaTiaV reacted to Lisa XO in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Had an unexpected NSV today. I went to the doc and they had me pee in a cup. So, I did and I COULD SEE THE CUP as I did it. No more just sort of guessing where to put it. lol
  6. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to omrhsn in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I went to buy new shirts for work last week because the ones I bought two months ago became baggy and loose. I started with size "M" first which was still big and finally got size "S" slim fit shirts which fit me like a glove haha. I've never thought that this would be possible 🤣. Here is me in my new size "s" shirt and 31" pants. I need to lose some more weight from my thighs.

  7. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to HMol84 in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Not exactly an NSV, but it was still a bit of a shock for me... This weekend I went camping with friends, and we bought a 25kg (50~lbs) sack of firewood. At one point, we said we were going to carry it between 2 of us, but when the time came to do so, I decided I could carry it by myself. Slung it onto my shoulder and started walking towards our campsite (less than a block away). About halfway down, I just STOPPED.... I just realized I was carrying the same amount of weight I have lost so far. Knowing we were planning on carrying that between 2 people, or how tough it was to carry it for just a block... it made it so much clearer why it has been so hard for me to go hiking before.
    PS> I’m doing a lot better while hiking, and am planning a short solo trip this Saturday!
  8. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to ms.sss in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    i'm 4.5 yrs post op now, so NSV's come few and far between, but every now and then a new one will pop up:
    yesterday i was sitting on a chair scrolling through my phone when i dropped it in my lap. i shut my thighs to catch it, it landed on one if my thighs, then it slipped right through between them and fell to the floor.
    my knees felt a little knocked, and i was thinking damn, i hope my apple-care warranty is still valid, then i realized whoa, my thighs are smaller than i think.
    p.s. my phone is ok! 😂

  9. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to JFreeman in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Had a couple NSVs over the weekend. On Friday I was at the gym walking on the treadmill and challenged myself to walk for an hour straight without a break and I did it no problem- I wouldn't have been able to do that a few months ago. The other one was I was carrying some laundry up the stairs and got half way up and realized I didn't have a hand on the handrail! My balance was really bad for a while so I always had to use the handrail, but it seems to be getting better as I am losing.
  10. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to kukuiokalani in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    not a weird non-scale victory but a huge non-scale victory nonetheless

    i fit in airplane seats :D
    i’ve been STRESSING about this upcoming trip cuz i couldn’t afford first class seats or to buy the seat next to me and ive never fit in plane seats before. i kept googling ‘can size 16 fit in plane seats’ and i measured the seat width on my couch and sat between two boxes of the seat width but none of that eased my extreme anxiety that i wouldn’t fit in the seat. :(

    but i fit :D and i didn’t even need a seatbelt extender - another first!

    i’m on the plane right now flying over southern oregon and i’m so endlessly relieved that the only thing i was worried about was completely a nonissue 😊❤️

  11. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to Corine1014 in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    For me every time Im over weight I get that buffalo hump on the back of my neck. 4 days postop I could literally feel that it went down yeah🤩
  12. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to Candigrl1 in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I dropped two dress sizes and didn't realize it. I always buy pants and skirts with elastic and decided to get a skirt without elastic I really wanted. Tried it on and it could slip past my hips and had to get a smaller size. Not a big victory but I'll take it. I also had my feet shrink down a size. So none of my shoes fit me right. Guess its time to go shopping. 😃
  13. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to omrhsn in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I was rushing to get something from a nearby shop before they close and ended up running for like 150m or so. I managed to get there in time and I was not out of breath or nearly dying. I don't recall running in the past 20 years of my life. Time to get running shoes I guess 😃
  14. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to Yahoo in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I don’t cringe at the thought of putting on my camera during a zoom call and having to look at my quadruple chins for an hour
  15. Congrats!
    LaTiaV reacted to oldandtired in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    OK, this one: LOL Backstory--I have a now 30 year old granddaughter, who was a size 3. She got married, had a baby, who is a 6 year old. After she had the baby, she got what I (in my head) called a "mom body." Fluffy. Anyway, she got onto a healthy diet/exercise program, and has lost a lot of weight, toned up.
    OK now my non-scale victory-- I asked her what size she is now--size 2. What size were you when you started this program? A solid 8. I asked her for her old clothes!! 🤣
    Lord that felt good.
  16. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to summerseeker in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I am an old fashioned big knicker girl. No bits of dental floss for me. I would never ever put my knickers to dry outside on the washing line. Now they are so tiny, they make me smile, still big knickers but tiny big knickers
  17. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to SkinnyMingo1408 in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    So I'm at a comicon type convention and I'm sitting in the stadium people watching and I couldn't help but notice the heavier citizens needing to lean forward to manage a hazardous step. I don't do that anymore! I can manage steps in a full upright position. 😀
    Also, I'm not suction cupped into the seat there's room on both sides.
  18. Like
    LaTiaV got a reaction from Summermoose in 3 months post op and I'm done.   
    Hey, thanks for saying this, it gives me hope, I am almost 95 pounds down and I am back at my work this week, people do not see me for months and I have already heared a few "stop loosing weight" I feel great even though I am not at a normal BMI or my goal weight but I can tell my face looks older my neck chest and arms could use some help, and I am still loosing weight.
  19. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to mmoffi in WHAT does religion have to do with me having surgery??????   
    I’m a Christian too. Not a perfect one, but then who is? I’m having the surgery because for one thing, I’ve defiled this body that God gave me through gluttony and I want to correct that. Would these same people have told Jesus that healing the sick and blind was interfering with Gods will? God gives us miracles every day, and I think that medical advances are some of them.
  20. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to Smanky in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Something that recently hit me: I am noticeably smaller than my partner. I'm not the big woman with a skinny guy anymore, I'm officially the little spoon. It's such uncharted territory, and I love that I'm getting to experience it!
  21. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to SkinnyMingo1408 in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I have to admit fitting into a size 14 that I haven't been able to wear since the 90's was quite thrilling and shocking. I am surprised that I keep getting surprised. They were cute too and in the clearance aisle at Target.
  22. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to NP_WIP in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    NSV so far this year: I wore my boots first time since early November and they fit big, I'm finally out of the morbidly obese classification and I fit into a size 14 jeans that I have not worn in over 4 years.
  23. Congrats!
    LaTiaV reacted to Quesodip251 in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I just got ID’d to enter a restaurant that becomes a bar late at night. I told the security guy he must be new since I’m there 3x/week. He said no. He took a look at my ID and still marked my hand as underage.

    I’m 34 years old!!! Apparently I look younger now haha 😂 🤣😂
  24. Like
    LaTiaV got a reaction from summerseeker in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    The husband was happy to see me at the airport, hugged me and was able to lift me.
    I was still worried he was going to hurt himself and I could not really enjoy the moment until after, when he said he missed doing that.
    100# after.
  25. Like
    LaTiaV got a reaction from summerseeker in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    The husband was happy to see me at the airport, hugged me and was able to lift me.
    I was still worried he was going to hurt himself and I could not really enjoy the moment until after, when he said he missed doing that.
    100# after.

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