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  1. Spinoza

    An irksome week

    Absolutely normal to experience stalls after surgery OP. We all have them - and I mean ALL. What matters is how we react to them. They can be demoralising, demotivating, de-everything!! I do see that you have included the words zombie, dissociated, automaton, emotional shock, shut down, apathetic, superficial and others - in just one post about a stall. I totally understand that this might result from an in depth knowledge of the psychology of weight loss, or just psychology generally. I do hope that you can focus on how well you have done (and will do!) and are having lots of support from wherever you can get it.
  2. Spinoza


    Aha - same hair issues here. I straighten religiously. If I don't I need tons of product. Your hair looks amazing @sleevetobypass
  3. Spinoza

    Lets talk about food!

    Amber you have done so so well (and am totally expecting that pesky 0.4lbs to goal to melt off soon, along with more besides LOL!!) Since my surgery I have tried to avoid processed foods and ultra processed foods, other than on special occasions. These are what made most of obese in the first place. Meeting our post op macros and choosing foods that will sustain and nourish our bodies in the long term are, I believe, two completely different things. I have no evidence that people who eat mostly whole foods cooked from scratch do better long term than those of us who return to ultra processed foods but just in lower volumes (because we have a much smaller place to put them at the start - but it does enlarge for some). I do know that my approach is working for me. Also no idea whether people who revert to UPFs are on a slippery slope, do worse, just stop posting here. My observation would be that most of the long termers here don't. There are a few exceptions I think but they seem to be people who have had surgery that allows them to malabsorb hugely (and pay the price GI-wise). The sleeve isn't designed to do that. In summary - hats off for your massive and rapid loss. I think that long timers seem to do better with whole foods and home cooked meals. If you're eating something that has ingredients that you don't have in your home cupboard, be wary, think twice, but enjoy if you want to! I wish you all the best.
  4. Spinoza

    Do I have a revision

    I'm in Ireland and our healthcare system is totally different. Might your first port of call be your GP? They should know what is allowed on the NHS and what isn't. Also I had a sleeve and I know that can be revised to bypass but not at all sure what the options are for a revision of bypass. But someone more knowledgeable will be along soon. I'm so sorry that having stuck to the rules and lost so much weight your medical condition has contributed to a regain. This is every bariatric surgery patient's worst nightmare. I hope you can get back in control.
  5. Spinoza


    Good early morning attitude! 🙌
  6. Spinoza

    4 weeks post op

    I also relate to this big time. Totally agree with others - strained soups (home made for me but take it where you can get it!) got me through this phase. It is so short and every phase after that was so much easier. I actually loved my pureed food stage - it's when I realised I was eating proper food again and always would be able to. I do know others hated it, especially if they have texture issues (I don't)! Best of luck on your journey OP.
  7. Amazing. OMG that loss in that timeframe is totally inspirational! Took me much longer from a similar starting point. I am in absolute awe of your regimen. I suspect you have further loss in you. Enjoy all of the feels, all of the NSVs. You are doing this gal! With or without any further surgery you've done this 🤲
  8. Spinoza

    A Week To Forget

    Ah this is so part of the journey and of life after surgery. I love that you're focusing on your NSVs, but also analyse the HECK out of your down week to see where you went off piste. That will help you to ensure you don't fall into that particular trap again. Knowledge is power in this process. We've all made mistakes (we are human) what matters is how we take that experience forward. I hope you can regroup, rediscover your mojo and smash it next week!!! All here for you OP.
  9. Spinoza

    So many 'what if's'

    OK - opinion from the other side of the track. I have had reflux for 20+ years and was always tied to a PPI. When I lost a lot of weight it always receded. When I regained it recurred. I took the chance and had a sleeve procedure. I wanted to maintain my anatomy as far as possible. I took a gamble that my reflux would not worsen and I won. The sleeve does work out for some people. Also it doesn't work out for others. I really hope you can weigh up all the experiences we have to share here and find the right path for you.
  10. Spinoza

    What’s for dinner? The non cooks version.

    I cook for my family so basically I adapt all of our meals to suit my post op diet. For dinner tonight I had ragu in lettuce leaves with added parmesan. Heavy on the veg. Basically spaghetti bolognese without the pasta. I have so many favourites now. Stir fry veg and whatever protein - chicken, pork, beef, tofu, tempeh. Beef chilli without the rice. Chicken or beef fajitas without the tortillas. Sunday roast dinners with the veg but not the carbs. Fish pie without the potato topping. Stews and casseroles with veg only. At 2.5 years post op this is second nature to me. I am really lucky in that I can eat anything. Protein and then veg is my priority but if I have room I fit in fruit too. Still have to be really careful re carbs - they are NOT my friend.
  11. Enjoy the ride 😍
  12. Aw, you had the roughest ride gal. Of course you need to mourn for the year you expected - that never materialised. I hope today marks the time when you can try to move ahead, putting it behind you as much as you can (and as much is healthy for you) and get on with living your best life. You have done so very very well xxx
  13. Interesting! I have not yet run up against this. I think my photo on passport looks *just* enough like the new me never to have drawn comment. I'll now be ready for when it does though. Driving licence the same. And yeah, I'd also put up with the crappy photo for 10 years before paying an extra penny for the nicer photo, LOL.
  14. I think you have absolutely got this. Forewarned is forearmed and you have definitely done your research. With regard to your two categories of successful maintainers I think there might be a crossover too. I did clean up my act AND I track everything. I regained 8lbs from my lowest weight about 9 months ago. I knew/know I was eating more than the approx 1600 calories I need to maintain (even if not eating crap) but wasn't upping my exercise. No further regain for a couple of months so I am hoping that's me done (?) Best of luck on your journey 😍 and interesting thread!
  15. Spinoza

    I finally have a date.

    So pleased to hear this @ShoppGirl. I know you have researched this to the hilt. I wish you all the luck in the world. Please tell us EVERYTHING about your revision. Here for you.

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