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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About EricLB300BC

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    Programmer in MO
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    Computers and getting healthy
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    Kansas City
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  1. Well, starting day 2 after surgery. Felling hunger pains again this morning and nausea, no vomiting. I think the hunger pains are coming from my stomach and not my pouch. Think I will call their hotline and speak with them about it. It is not terribly bad but it is uncomfortable. I do not regret getting the surgery though. I expected some discomfort right after, I just didn't expect the hunger pains.

  2. EricLB300BC

    Surgery nerves

    yes, yes, yes and double yes. Just got mine Friday Nov 19 and got out of the hospital today. Was a non event except for the life changing surgery. Thought to myself I got nervous for nothing. Now comes the real work. Wish you the best of luck!
  3. Hi all, just got my surgery Friday November 19, got out of the hospital today(Saturday 20th) and I am feeling hunger. I didn't think I was going to for a while. I cant tell if it is from my pouch or what is left of my stomach. Did anyone else experience this?
  4. EricLB300BC

    November 2021 surgeries

    I think I needed to create my own topic for my question so I did. Couldn't see how to remove this one.

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