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Michele 2021

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About Michele 2021

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  1. Michele 2021

    Weight gain s/p bypass

    Thank you for all the responses! I appreciate everyone’s advice. It’s amazing how quickly the weight can start creeping up on you. I have been watching my daily calories but have been drinking half the water i used to and decreased my exercise to only 2 days a week vs 5 I’ve also noticed that I’m feeling hungrier in the evenings and will often have late night snacks, so hopefully taking this drug and trying to follow my old post bariatric diet will help make the difference here. I was surprised that my doctor only wanted to prescribe the Topiramate since there are so many other options out there!
  2. I had a gastric bypass 2.5 yrs ago and have recently experienced a 17 lb weight gain. My doctor recommended Topiramate to help get me back on track and advised it’s very successful with bariatric patients however the possible side effects were kind of concerning has anyone taken this? And if so what was your experience? I appreciate your feedback!
  3. My doc advised me to cut back on my B-12 to once a week. The problem is I have several bottles of the bariatric pal one a day multivitamins that have 1000 bit B-12 included. I will need to take a different multivitamin. Does anyone have any suggestions on any bariatric vitamins that don’t have the B-12 included? I appreciate your feedback! 🙂
  4. Hi there has anyone experienced elevated B12 levels and AST and Alt at the 2 year follow up appt? Just curious now if any of these are due to the surgery I’ve never had issues before my B12 levels are now at 3000! I did not get any feedback on these issues and honestly felt like the support at my 2yr follow up appt just wasn’t there..it felt very rushed which wasn’t my experience at my one year appt. I’m curious if any others have encountered this issue with your postop visits. I appreciate everyone’s feedback!
  5. Michele 2021

    Noom Weight loss Program

    Thanks to everyone for the feedback! I decided to sign up for the fitness pal premium plan instead and just track calories. There seemed to be a lot of hidden fees with Noom and I’ agree doesn’t seem to be worth the cost and the reviews weren’t very impressive….
  6. Hi there I am curious if anyone has tried a weight loss program called noom? I had a bypass 21 months ago and I still have 18 pounds left to lose to reach my goal weight Of 128 lbs. The surgery was amazing but I feel like it’s very easy to experience stalls and start to lose focus. They report that most people will reach their goal weight by 18 months and afterwords effects of the surgery will start to diminish which is not an encouraging thing to hear! Would love to hear others stories or advice on how they lost those last 20 lbs etc😊 Michele
  7. I was also a lower BMI… prior to my surgery I was 205. I’m almost 2 years post op and will fluctuate between 139-144. Lbs. I was hoping to lose a bit more weight but appear to be stuck at my present weight and am very happy. My surgery was a breeze! No issue’s postoperatively only took pain meds. For a few days. no hair loss, no dumping syndromes or any issues at all! It’s been a wonderful experience for me and I have zero regrets. The best of luck to you on your weight loss journey! My only advice is to keep up with the exercise water and diet plan! It’s so easy to lose your focus on those things when your at a smaller size….
  8. Thanks so much for the feedback on this post! I was originally just over 200 lbs and dropped down to 137 -139 lbs by the first year postoperatively..Although I was exercising an hour a day drinking 64oz of water daily etc. i got off track in the last 6 months and my weight is now 146 lbs. I’m trying to be more accountable and log my food water etc. I’d like to be back down to 137 pounds by this summer ... and your right it is so hard to lose the extra weight but I feel determined to do this especially since I spent a lot of money and time getting this procedure done….i need to be patient and just follow what the surgeon advised me to do!!!
  9. Hi there this is probably a common issue with weight loss surgery. I am almost 2 years post op from a bypass and really have zero complaints ..but stopped exercising over 4 months ago and became more lenient on my food choices and ended up gaining 7 lbs over the last 6 months.. The issue is once you see a slight gain it seems hard to lose an ounce of weight. I’ve downloaded a weight loss app and started monitoring my daily calories, water intake and exercise with no luck so far. I’m curious how others out there who encountered this situation were able to restart there weight loss. What apps are you using? Did you continue using the protein shakes? I feel responsible here but want to stop it before the weight creeps up anymore.. I made a huge decision to get the surgery and it really helped me out but as the surgeon stated it was only a tool that we ultimately have to do the hard work to keep the weight off! I appreciate everyone’s feedback on this issue! Michelle
  10. Michele 2021

    9 months post op, weight loss stopped :(

    Hi there I’m exactly where you are I’ve been in a 3 month stall from months 6-9 and haven’t lost a single pound although I am about 12 lbs from where my goal was. This is however frustrating as I am eating under 1000 calories exercising 60 minutes daily by walking… the only thing I’ve slowed down on is my water intake which is about 42 oz a day. I’m wondering if this is the reason my weight has stalled…or perhaps it’s due to my exercise since I’m only walking but I do average 3 miles a day. They do say the closer you get to your goal it can literally stop…but this is a very frustrating feeling to have especially since my surgeon said after the one year point the weight loss generally stops….
  11. Thanks for all the great advice!
  12. Hi there has anyone experienced an extremely slow weight loss after getting a bypass? I am close to my 5 month check up and have lost 45 pounds here but 10 of those were lost in the last two months. It’s been very discouraging to only lose 5 lbs per month. I have 22 more lbs to go to reach my goal here. I do understand that when you get to a lower weight it’s slows but this feels very slow... I do walk 3 miles daily drink 50oz of water, and keep calories under 700 daily with 80 grams of protein. The only thing I’ve done differently is add coffee back into my diet but have only been drinking one cup daily, I can’t imagine that would be enough to affect my weight loss, but I did make this change in the last two months.. I’m curious to know if anyone else has experienced similar issues and if so what changes did you make to get back on track thank you in advance for any suggestions you may have!
  13. Hi everyone I’m curious to know what everyone is using for calcium supplements after having gastric bypass surgery. I am three months postop doing very well but had been using Caltrate chews until they recently discontinued them after further research I found that the calcium carbonate was not a good choice and that the calcium citrate is recommended so I ordered some chewables on the BariatricPal website my dietitian said I will never be able to take calcium in the capsule form again after a bypass and I’m curious if others were told the same thing. I understand we cannot take any kind of calcium gummy’s either. These calcium chews are the way too expensive to keep purchasing long term so I hope in the future to be able to find something much cheaper and would love to hear others feedback on the subject thanks in advance!!
  14. Michele 2021

    Postop diet advice

    Great advice, thanks for sharing!

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