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  1. Like
    Lanie992 reacted to minimamaz00m in Weight gain.....   
    Due to COVID 19 I am as courteous and supportive to others as I can possibly muster because this time is hard as f**k. I don't know what you are going through, and I don't want to get into a contest about who has it worse, because there is always someone out there that has it worse than me - everybody loses in those contests 😞
    So whether you are gaining or losing please accept this virtual hug - you are more than your weight, you matter, and you are loved.
  2. Like
    Lanie992 reacted to Tracyringo in Weight gain.....   
    If you had the 2nd surgery for weight loss then it has everything to do with your question, if in fact it was because of weight gain. At least that is what I am getting out of that response from the other person.
  3. Like
    Lanie992 reacted to sillykitty in Weight gain.....   
    Are is it to just nod and agree?
    No, which is exactly why I commented
    What does the fact that i'm a two-time WLS patient have to do with my question
    As I wrote in my first post, most WLS patients have a long history of being asked questions similar to the ones in your original post. "Why don't you just eat better? Why don't you just exercise more?" I would think as a two time WLS patient you would know that those comments are condescending and offensive.
    Weight gain and reasons are a legitimate question
    They are. But you didn't pose this as a legitimate question. You posted it in the Rants and Raves section and you said "Trust that i know i will get flack for this...."
    I am left to draw one of two conclusions:
    You are completely unaware of the thousands of articles that have been written about pandemic related lifestyle changes and its effects. You are also oblivious to the common sense impact of gyms/parks/trails closures, poverty's effect on one's diet, mental health consequences of social isolation etc..
    The option I find easier to believe is this was not a sincere question. Instead it's an opportunity for you to congratulate yourself for having more fortitude than all these weak willed people who when faced with a life altering pandemic and economic shut down and didn't plant a garden, meal plan or pick up milk jugs filled with sand.
  4. Like
    Lanie992 reacted to Pandemonium in Weight gain.....   
    At the end of the day, there are myriad reasons why people may have gained weight over the course of the past 4-5 months. We do not know and cannot know the paths that they walk and the obstacles that they face. COVID-19 is a catastrophic event that has had a huge impact across the world and has upended the lives of EVERYONE. The stresses involved with such a massive disruption to how many people live their lives will have many effects, both visible and invisible. I find absolutely no fault whatsoever with anyone who has gained weight in the midst of the global crisis. food is a comfort and is (regrettably, in some ways) an easy way to find a moment of peace and solace in the face of so much uncertainty. That some people need to use it to improve their mental and emotional well being is neither surprising, nor shameful.
  5. Like
    Lanie992 reacted to sillykitty in Weight gain.....   
    But it was to point fingers ....
    What's stopping people from either... growing there on veggies or buying them and having more time to food prep. Also, why aren't people taking the time to exercise more.... walking, running, yoga, stretching..... repurposing those milk jugs and filling them with water/sand. Grab those resistance bands and use them or the exercise equipment you are using as a clothes hanger
    I find it disingenuous that a two time WLS patient would question why anyone would gain weight. I still can only see the reason for your post as to not so humble brag and to smugly look down your nose at others.
  6. Like
    Lanie992 reacted to ms.sss in Weight gain.....   
    I hear ya.
    My alcohol consumption had increased dramatically since March, which also happened to coincide with my early-covid weight gain.
  7. Like
    Lanie992 reacted to Starwarsandcupcakes in Weight gain.....   
    I, unfortunately, don’t have the luxury of staying home. I worked over 70hrs last week, on top of running a small business (not included in my work hours) and setting up college classes. I’m dealing with a hernia of almost my entire sleeve that causes intractable hiccups and fighting with insurance trying to get the surgery I need approved is no picnic. I also have my own children to take care of by myself and a disabled father that I help care for. There’s a lot of stress there and even if I don’t change my eating habits stress causes me to gain weight. I’m glad I haven’t and have actually lost about 10lbs but it’s been rough.

    I have noticed an increase in mental health crisis episodes lately which might be why I’m working so much so others can care for them and I can take over their work tasks.

    Not everyone is equipped to handle the same situation in the same or a positive way. Having patience and understanding goes a long way when we don’t know the path the each individual is walking. While it may be easy to just say, “you know what to do so why aren’t you?” We also have to be mindful that as a whole most people have never experienced a pandemic of this magnitude before so coping mechanisms for everyone is different when life is completely thrown off kilter is expected. All we can hope for is trying to make each day a little better and healthier than the last.
  8. Like
    Lanie992 reacted to pssk in Weight gain.....   
    There is also the correlation between alcohol consumption and weight gain. I have read quite a bit about the increase in consumption and alcoholism concerns due to covid19.
  9. Like
    Lanie992 reacted to GreenTealael in Weight gain.....   
    Also just a quick search on Scholar and found numerous research articles on the role of stress in weight gain
    Here's just one ( I chose this one because it was free to access and had an impressive reference section)


  10. Like
    Lanie992 reacted to It's time. in Weight gain.....   
    Not everyone is sitting around with nothing to do. Some are trying to work with kids home, there are money issues, maybe aging parents, friends they can't see and yadda yadda.
    I am watching my two grandchildren( a newborn and a 3 year old) almost full time so my daughter and husband both try and work from home. I have a 30 minute drive each way and come home exhausted only to have a scrambled egg for dinner and collapse on the couch. I don't see any of my friends and still have to shop and do my housework like everyone else. I'm retired and didn't expect to be working full time again with no pay and I worry about everyone. Don't judge people you don't know.
  11. Like
    Lanie992 reacted to JessLess in Weight gain.....   
    Thanks, that means a lot. ❤️
  12. Like
    Lanie992 reacted to Bari_KS in Weight gain.....   
    There was an OOTD For Men thread where a handsome man with a great outfit posted his picture and this “new and improved” completely fat shamed him. It was disgusting and I don’t see how he’s still a member here. If I can find the thread...

    It was posted in The Guy's Room.
  13. Like
    Lanie992 reacted to catwoman7 in Weight gain.....   
    I remember that man and his outfit. How horrible that "old, not improved, and we're all sick of him" fat-shamed him. Just wait a couple of years until our resident world authority on bariatric surgery starts regaining weight..
  14. Like
    Lanie992 reacted to catwoman7 in Weight gain.....   
    sorry to hear about your father. Been there. It's an enormous loss and shakes you to the core. - be sure to take care of yourself. My heart goes out to you.
  15. Like
    Lanie992 reacted to Officially Not Fatty Matty in Weight gain.....   
    I just feel like I need to add.... “I would like to speak to the manager!” 😜
  16. Like
    Lanie992 reacted to Officially Not Fatty Matty in Weight gain.....   
    I’m done with him personally. There was an OOTD For Men thread where a handsome man with a great outfit posted his picture and this “new and improved” completely fat shamed him. It was disgusting and I don’t see how he’s still a member here. If I can find the thread (I think the man deleted it) I’ll find someone to send it to to put an end to this crap. I’m not spending money or even advertising clicks here any longer while people like that are allowed to insult and degrade people who are trying to better themselves.
  17. Like
    Lanie992 reacted to ms.sss in Weight gain.....   
    Jezus. Have you not learned anything at all from your last disastrous “Stop Making Excuses” thread?
    I get you have limited experience in social situations, but damn, brother, take the effing time to gain some and learn from it.
    I’m sorry, honestly, because I really do live to give people the benefit of the doubt, but with you, I oscillate between feeling terribly sorry for you and wanting to barf.
    Please, try and do better.
  18. Like
    Lanie992 reacted to JessLess in Weight gain.....   
    Yeah, I hardly ever log in here anymore because... sheesh.
  19. Like
    Lanie992 reacted to GreenTealael in Weight gain.....   
    Condolences Darling ❤
    My Step dad also passed away a few weeks ago.
  20. Like
    Lanie992 reacted to JessLess in Weight gain.....   
    I've gained weight because I am working my butt off learning a new job and I don't have the natural movement of going out or to an office like I did before. Also, my father died, some of my friends are sick, and sometimes all I feel like doing in the evening is sitting around feeling like crud and eating Skinny Cow ice cream. I'm back on plan, but I judge no one for their weight or what they eat EVER!
  21. Like
    Lanie992 reacted to Hop_Scotch in Weight gain.....   
    Perhaps people working from home are busier than ever, time that would have been spent travelling to and from work is now more time working from home, they may have children they need to care for, to home school, other loved ones that need caring for, people volunteering to help others, making masks, etc.
    It is indeed a disappointing original post, and no doubt you will have some people support the opinion, but to me it clearly lacks empathy.

  22. Like
    Lanie992 reacted to catwoman7 in Weight gain.....   
    a lot of people are stress and/or boredom eaters. Plus a lot of gyms are closed - or were closed for a couple of months. That's why. (I haven't gained - in fact, I've lost three lbs. But I TOTALLY understand why people have gained)
  23. Like
    Lanie992 reacted to sillykitty in Weight gain.....   
    As a two time weight loss surgery patient, you truly don't understand why people gain weight?
    Everything you just posted could have been said about you or any of us. Didn't we all hear "Just eat healthier. Just exercise more."? How did it feel when you encountered that type of attitude pre WLS? Was it helpful or motivating in any way?
    Even in Rants and Raves, what is the reason behind this post? The only point I can see is to feel superior to others. Reminds me the the post from earlier this month, "STOP MAKING EXCUSES." It's the same myopic point of view and lack of empathy towards others who may be struggling.
  24. Like
    Lanie992 reacted to loridee11 in 7 months post op with Pics   
    I am officially 7 months post surgery and am incredibly happy with my progress so far. I'm down 122.4 lbs total, and 80.8 since surgery. A few of my NSVs:
    - The arthritis in my knees causes significantly less pain
    - I am walking 2 miles most days, and hiking when I get the chance (up to 6 or more miles)
    - My strength and endurance is increasing. I still get winded and need to take breaks (especially on inclines) but there's no way I could have done some of the hikes I'm doing pre-surgery.
    - I'm down from a tight 2X to a L or XL.
    - I have collarbones again
    Below pics is from shortly after I started my journey (pre-surgery) to this morning.

  25. Like
    Lanie992 got a reaction from JessLess in Exercise   
    Gyms aren't open in a lot of places. They're not open in my city due to Covid.. and it is hot as hell here, so I walk when it gets dark and cooler. I wish gyms were open, but I probably wouldn't go anyway -- too much risk factor for the Covid.

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