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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    GradyCat got a reaction from catwoman7 in What I wish i knew before I had surgery   
    I guess the only thing I wish I'd known is how careful I have to be not to slip back into old habits and gain weight.
  2. Like
    GradyCat got a reaction from catwoman7 in What I wish i knew before I had surgery   
    I guess the only thing I wish I'd known is how careful I have to be not to slip back into old habits and gain weight.
  3. Like
    GradyCat reacted to ShoppGirl in Reward Yourself for Consistency   
    I like that idea a lot. Thanks for sharing.
  4. Like
    GradyCat got a reaction from catwoman7 in What I wish i knew before I had surgery   
    I guess the only thing I wish I'd known is how careful I have to be not to slip back into old habits and gain weight.
  5. Like
    GradyCat reacted to AnotherGuy in Reward Yourself for Consistency   
    This is an excellent idea. I believe you and me are cut from a similar cloth. I enjoy your posts. 😁
    I also find that I do better when I have an accountability partner. For instance, someone who agrees to do five days of cardio per week. We do not need to do the activity together, but we hold each other accountable for getting the work done. Later, we Celebrate together.
  6. Like
    GradyCat got a reaction from catwoman7 in What I wish i knew before I had surgery   
    I guess the only thing I wish I'd known is how careful I have to be not to slip back into old habits and gain weight.
  7. Like
    GradyCat got a reaction from ShoppGirl in Easy go easy come.   
    I am so sorry to hear about your grandma. I will be praying for her and your family. Don't worry about the weight right now. It's stress weight. You've got more important things to deal with at the moment. Take care.
  8. Like
    GradyCat got a reaction from I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡ in Reward Yourself for Consistency   
    I heard somebody say this the other day and it really resonated with me. She said, "Reward yourself for consistency."
    Too often we set unrealistic goals over which we have no control, like "I've got to lose 5 lbs by the end of the month and if I do, I'll buy myself a new sweater."
    But what if instead we rewarded our BEHAVIOR instead of relying on the results, which may or may not come by the scale.
    Say, for instance, we rewarded ourself for tracking our food every day for a month. Or we rewarded ourself for every 10 times we exercised.
    It can be small things like a mani/pedi or a new outfit or a foot massager or movie tickets or anything, but reward yourself for making the effort.
  9. Like
    GradyCat got a reaction from I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡ in OVERWEIGHT!!!!   
    Hooray for you! I would love to be overweight. Soon, very soon.
  10. Like
    GradyCat got a reaction from oldandtired in Fatigue   
    Give your body time to heal. It gets better every day. You just went through a major operation, so your body needs healing energy. Hang in there.
  11. Like
    GradyCat reacted to AnotherGuy in Tips to break a stall...   
    I completely agree. shake the body up...😁
  12. Thanks
    GradyCat got a reaction from Chris10Mariah in Doing it all wrong.   
    The only thing I'm going to fuss at you about 😀is the coke. Carbonated beverages aren't a good idea at this stage of the game, especially if you drank it with a straw. Remember . . . no straws. Have you tried premade Protein Shakes? I stomach them a LOT better than the powdered ones. I use GNC Lean shake 25 g Protein Swiss chocolate. I swear by it. Don't worry about calorie counting at this point, but do try to get something down. Bone Broth? sugar-free popsicles? Jello? Something! Take care.
  13. Thanks
    GradyCat got a reaction from DaisyAndSunshine in When did you start eating fruits? (Carbs content)   
    I really haven't had any fruit to speak of for 3 years. I'm not a big fan of fruit in the first place, but mostly because I focus on the Protein I'm full by the time I eat that and I can only get in a couple of forkfuls of a veggie before being done. No room for anything else.
  14. Like
    GradyCat got a reaction from ShoppGirl in Banza chickpea crust frozen pizza   
    I follow a girl on YouTube who is on a weight loss journey and she does Grocery Haul videos and she says it's very good.
  15. Like
    GradyCat got a reaction from GooseyGirl in Same shirt, new me!   
    That's an exciting Non-Scale Victory! Way to go!
  16. Like
    GradyCat got a reaction from I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡ in Tips to break a stall...   
    In addition to everything that @anotherguy said, which was an EXCELLENT post by the way, I've learned that often I have to start eating MORE to break a stall. Like for example currently I am only taking in 1,000 calories/day and probably exercising off 500 of those and my body is like "What the hell?" so the scale doesn't budge until I add calories. shake the body up. Make the body feel secure.
  17. Like
    GradyCat got a reaction from GreenTealael in First Appointment Successful   
    That's wonderful. How exciting for you. It's a wonderful journey. Good luck to you.
  18. Like
    GradyCat got a reaction from GreenTealael in Yuka App   
    That's interesting and good to know, especially since it's free.
  19. Like
    GradyCat got a reaction from Chris10Mariah in Surpassed Original Goal….   
    Way to go! Your hard work paid off! Woot-Woot!
  20. Like
    GradyCat got a reaction from GooseyGirl in Same shirt, new me!   
    That's an exciting Non-Scale Victory! Way to go!
  21. Like
    GradyCat got a reaction from I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡ in Tips to break a stall...   
    In addition to everything that @anotherguy said, which was an EXCELLENT post by the way, I've learned that often I have to start eating MORE to break a stall. Like for example currently I am only taking in 1,000 calories/day and probably exercising off 500 of those and my body is like "What the hell?" so the scale doesn't budge until I add calories. shake the body up. Make the body feel secure.
  22. Like
    GradyCat reacted to AnotherGuy in Tips to break a stall...   
    Hello All,
    Sometimes it is nice to know that you are in a group of the "world's best" at something. It is my opinion that we are the world's best at losing weight. I do not mean to imply that once we have had bariatric surgery, we are good at losing weight. I am willing to say that, prior to your surgery, you have lost (and gained) tens and tens of pounds over your lifetime. You have tried at least six or more diets and you were probably successful in losing a significant amount weight on each of them. I have done this too. The problem is we are world class weight gainers also ...ugh! Thankfully, we have weight loss surgery to help us eat fewer calories.
    However, each time we lose weight, we must face the "STALL." You know, that period of time when we don't lose weight even when we think we should. Everyone dreads these time periods. If you are interested, I would like to share with you some information that has helped me over the years to overcome and understand stalls.
    First, I am not a doctor nor am I offering any sort of medical advice. I am simply trying to provide you with information from my own personal experiences. You are free to believe or not believe. Every single person is different. If you know something that works, please share. I would love to learn from you. Until then, here are my thoughts.
    Vary your exercise routine. This is pretty simple. One must understand that we come from a long, long line of survivors. Just think, there is a very good probability that several of your ancestors survived the black plague which eliminated almost half of the population of Europe. Over time, our bodies have learned to adapt to new "challenges" so to speak. Here is a secret to assist weight loss: YOU MUST CHALLENGE YOURSELF to avoid your body's natural ability to adapt and become more efficient to your routines. If you are doing any kind of exercise, you will need to vary this exercise every few weeks. For instance, I am currently using an elliptical machine for cardio. Every two weeks, I change my routine. I went from just moving for 30 minutes at any speed for the first two weeks to adding intervals of going as fast as I can for one minute and then slowing down for three minutes. I have also changed the interval times. For example, I went fast for 30 seconds and then slower for two minutes for a period of two weeks. Next week, I will be changing to a stationary bike for cardio. In a few more weeks, I will be heading outdoors for walking/jogging, etc. The point is to change it up so your body must adjust to new challenges. Build muscle. These are the facts. Muscle burns more calories, even while resting, than fat does. Did you know that Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson eats more than 5000 calories per day? The man is a beast and definitely is not fat. He is able to eat so much because he has a huge amount of muscle mass. That muscle burns a lot of calories. Check out what he eats in a typical day here: The Rock's Diet. I wish I could say the phrase "build muscle" and, magically, I would build muscle...*sigh* Until then, I must incorporate strength training the old fashioned way. I lift weights. At the moment, my routine consists of body weight type of exercises, pushing and pulling. My goal is to preserve as much muscle as I can while losing weight. I want to burn the maximum amount of calories possible...even while sleeping. YouTube has many, many videos to help just about anyone. Keep track of your food intake. I measure my food and keep a daily log. I know how much food my stomach can hold and I do not over eat. But my personal opinion may be different than yours when it comes to caloric intake. Personally, I cannot live for the long term on 800 calories per day. Many of us were/are eating about 800 calories or so per day after surgery. I have no plans to eat only 800 calories per day for the rest of my life to maintain my goal weight. Therefore, I have increased the number of calories I eat per day. At the moment, I am eating around 1500 calories per day. I am about six weeks post surgery. The bulk of my calories comes from Protein. I try to add calories to my day without adding a lot of volume to my stomach. Here are some things I do in order to add calories. Once per day, I drink a Protein Shake instead of Water. Also, I will add the following ingredients to meals throughout the day (not all at the same time, mind you): olive oil, avocados, sour cream, cheese, Mayonnaise and Peanut Butter. These are generally healthy fats which allow me to consume more calories at every meal. I try to eat approximately 400 calories three times a day and then supplement with a few Snacks in between meals. I typically eat 5 to 6 times per day. Set realistic goals. If you do not know, one pound of fat is 3500 calories. To lose one pound of fat, you must create a deficit of 500 calories per day for each day of the week...500 calories x 7 days = 3500 calories lost. Create a deficit of 1000 calories per day and lose two pounds per week. 1500 calories = 3 lbs. per week. This is the idea...a 500 calorie deficit per day equates to one pound loss per week. A typical male burns about 2000 to 3000 calories per day (typical female: 1600 to 2400.) You can play with these numbers all you like but the reality is: it is very hard to lose a large amount of fat in one week. Last week I lost three pounds. I believe that this result is fantastic. That loss is a 10,500 calorie deficit for the week (equivalent to NOT eating 37.5 Snickers candy Bars.) I believe this is a heroic effort on my part...I celebrated with a quiet "YES" and a fist pump while standing on my bathroom scale. Fist bumps to all of you who have shared the same win. NOT an exact science. Things change. There is not a perfect formula. When you lose weight, you lose fat AND muscle. This is NOT avoidable. No one is able to lose 100% fat. It is not possible to do so, therefore mentally prepare yourself for some disappointment. If you do not have strength training in your schedule, you will lose more precious fat burning muscle than you would if you incorporate strength training. Either way, you will burn fewer calories per day when you, eventually, weigh less. It makes perfect sense. At 300lbs. you may have burned 2500 calories per day. At 250lbs you may only burn 2200 calories per day. You were bigger so you burned more calories. Therefore, it is harder to create a calorie deficit when you weigh less because you are burning fewer calories. Again, this concept really sucks but it explains why we lose less weight as we get closer and closer to our goal. Okay...so this turned into a much longer post than I originally anticipated. Some of the words above make it sound like I have it all figured out. But alas, no. I have issues too. I gained over 100 lbs. in the last six years eating pizza with extra cheese and trying to diminish the world's supply of beer. I am somewhere in the early stages of this particular weight loss journey. My goal is to make this my last weight loss/gain journey.
    I truly wish all of you the very best life has to offer. The struggle is real and I know, like me, you are fighting every day.
    I look forward to all of your comments and learning from your experiences.

  23. Like
    GradyCat got a reaction from GreenTealael in Lunch idea after gastric bypass   
    Whatever's working for you at home for dinner, make it up as a lunch to take to work.
  24. Like
    GradyCat got a reaction from qianmij in Is Breakfast The Most Important Meal of the Day?   
    Especially if you grew up in the 70's you were always told, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" and "Don't skip breakfast" and I think even Schoolhouse Rock had one about "Breakfast: Break the Fast."
    But is that really true? Do we really need 3 meals a day? What if we only ate when we were actually hungry? Maybe 1 or 2 meals a day? Dr. Robert Cewes says that we don't need Breakfast because our livers release stuff in the morning (Dawn Effect) - the stored sugar while we were inactive - your liver releases it all in the morning to get you up and moving and energized. He says if you're not hungry in the morning, don't just eat just because you think you're supposed to.
    There's a lot of theory that the food manufacturers back in the day paid heavily for advertising to convince us of certain "health facts" that really weren't health facts but opportunities to sell their sugary breakfast cereals, processed foods, etc.
    So I think we sometimes need to reexamine the science and medicine against what we have always heard or think we know from 40 years ago.

  25. Like
    GradyCat got a reaction from GreenTealael in Lunch idea after gastric bypass   
    Whatever's working for you at home for dinner, make it up as a lunch to take to work.

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