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About Vccc

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  1. Thank you guys! I haven’t been sleeved yet but how big are your portions?
  2. That’s so reassuring. They’re vegetarian thankfully. What about portions? I’m worried they’re think I don’t like the food
  3. I’m meeting my boyfriends family 6 weeks post op (around Christmas) They are southerners! What’s everyone eating? Trying to figure out what majority of people are tolerating at 6 weeks
  4. Vccc

    Pre op diet

    I needed to hear this! Thank you!
  5. Vccc

    Pre op diet

    So re assuring! I’m getting nervous, how was everyone’s experience the first few weeks? Someone said they regretted it because of the mental strain of it all and vomiting often
  6. Vccc

    Pre op diet

    Thanks everyone, I went through the packet again (so many pages with so much information!) And I found that for my doctor, he requires me to do a full liquid only diet wish me luck
  7. Hey guys, what’s everyone pre op diet looking like? I need to call the nutritionist tomorrow but the sheet was very vague.
  8. Hey team, I’m starting to prepare for this surgery I’m very nervous. What has the greatest amount of protein for the least amount of ounces/fluid? I’m going to start shopping today! Hope everyone is doing well, any advice is greatly appreciated ❤️

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