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  1. Like
    SummerEssence got a reaction from BostonWLKC in Should I or should I not   
    Stop looking at the NEGATIVES and start looking at the POSITIVES think about the new you and relax, quit giving yourself a Headache over it. Positive thinking brings Positive things. Now go get the new you no doubting. It will all be ok and you’ll be glad you did in a few weeks and months, it’s like this if you feed it, it will grow stop feeding the NEGATIVITY!.
  2. Like
    SummerEssence got a reaction from BostonWLKC in Should I or should I not   
    Stop looking at the NEGATIVES and start looking at the POSITIVES think about the new you and relax, quit giving yourself a Headache over it. Positive thinking brings Positive things. Now go get the new you no doubting. It will all be ok and you’ll be glad you did in a few weeks and months, it’s like this if you feed it, it will grow stop feeding the NEGATIVITY!.
  3. Like
    SummerEssence got a reaction from macadamia in *** September 2018 Sleevers ***   
    Thanks so much and I know everything will go well, just ready to be ready and get this started meaning getting past the first few weeks of the surgery. Excited though! Because I'm self pay really was able to avoid a lot of stuff rather then using my insurance which required the 6 months for pre-op, ewww I said no thank you I'll pay however I wouldn't have qualified under my insurance because no Co-morbidities nor illness really except for GERD from time to time and that's only if, I eat certain things so I attempt to avoid those food all together haven't been on the Nexium the (Purple Pill) in almost 8-10 years now. So that was going to be a no go I need two I believe they said, but I've paid it in full and ready to get this party started. LOL Have a nice night
  4. Like
    SummerEssence got a reaction from macadamia in *** September 2018 Sleevers ***   
    Congrats and I pray all goes in your favor for the surgery.
    I'm September 7th and I have the Endoscopy on August 14th and other testing such as a mini physical on August 17th. praying all goes well with those because honestly I'm ready to get this Loser situation going and to feel better and healthier in my skin.
  5. Like
    SummerEssence got a reaction from elmatador in Progress update   
    I think your doing GREAT! and you know 10k steps is almost equivalent to 5 miles. Keep it up since June you go!
  6. Like
    SummerEssence got a reaction from Heather_A in I feel scared and ashamed...   
    Sariejack, I don't know if your a Christian or even a Religious person, but if your afraid don't be think positive and just before going in you can read this prayer:
    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me all the day's of my life. (Psalm 23:4) and Sign off with GOD Protect Me through this Surgery and in my Life. In Jesus Name Amen.
    Note: Change the way you think and Change Your Life. Think good thoughts you will be ok its normal to be nervous, but you WILL be ok.
  7. Like
    SummerEssence got a reaction from Orchids&Dragons in Preparing for the dead😮   
    Lol that through me too! But if your on the phone just hold your finger down on the paragraph and it will show a pop up and let you edit, or on computer click edit.

    But any who congrats on the upcoming surgery you will do great, I’m scheduled for September 7, 2018 excited. As far as the question although, I haven’t had the surgery I think you should check with your surgeon on this because everyone’s doctors are different and do different things.
  8. Like
    SummerEssence reacted to Lct8394 in I feel scared and ashamed...   
    I. Completely understand....I felt the same way. I just had the sugery 10 days ago. You will be ok and this will be done before you know it. Hang in there

  9. Like
    SummerEssence reacted to Jdesmond73 in I feel scared and ashamed...   
    I was nervous as well but honestly I was more afraid of what my Years of obesity was doing to my health. I was on blood pressure meds for 10 Years, was pre diabeti, had sleep apnea, back issues, etc. There was no doubt in my mind that my weight was going to kill me at some point. At the encouragement of my Wife, Kids and Parents, I reluctantly went through with the VSG and it was the best decision I have ever made for myself. ALL of my health issues have been reversed and I feel like a new person. I am no longer ashamed of “letting myself go” regarding weight for all those Years. The past is done and I am now living in the moment and am excited about the future. I understand what you are going through but my advice would be to try and focus on the light at the end of the tunnel. Best of luck!
  10. Like
    SummerEssence got a reaction from Heather_A in I feel scared and ashamed...   
    Sariejack, I don't know if your a Christian or even a Religious person, but if your afraid don't be think positive and just before going in you can read this prayer:
    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me all the day's of my life. (Psalm 23:4) and Sign off with GOD Protect Me through this Surgery and in my Life. In Jesus Name Amen.
    Note: Change the way you think and Change Your Life. Think good thoughts you will be ok its normal to be nervous, but you WILL be ok.
  11. Like
    SummerEssence got a reaction from Orchids&Dragons in Preparing for the dead😮   
    Lol that through me too! But if your on the phone just hold your finger down on the paragraph and it will show a pop up and let you edit, or on computer click edit.

    But any who congrats on the upcoming surgery you will do great, I’m scheduled for September 7, 2018 excited. As far as the question although, I haven’t had the surgery I think you should check with your surgeon on this because everyone’s doctors are different and do different things.
  12. Like
    SummerEssence reacted to Matt Z in Preparing for the dead😮   
    Post op, just follow your surgeon's orders. Walking is going to be pretty much the second you fully wake up from surgery until... well forever. You'll get cleared for extra things as you heal. Focus on healing first. Keep that cart firmly planted BEHIND the horse!
  13. Like
    SummerEssence got a reaction from Wanda247 in I FINALLY got my surgery date 8/29/18 Yayyy   
    I’d take 1st place in a heartbeat if I could Wanda or Marisol. Lol not sure which of you are 1st. 
  14. Thanks
    SummerEssence got a reaction from AK37 in Having my surgery today   
    Congrats! Think positive all will go well. You got this! In a few weeks you'll be doing your happy dance in the best way possible.

  15. Like
    SummerEssence got a reaction from Wanda247 in I FINALLY got my surgery date 8/29/18 Yayyy   
    I’d take 1st place in a heartbeat if I could Wanda or Marisol. Lol not sure which of you are 1st. 
  16. Like
    SummerEssence got a reaction from Frustr8 in Bump in the road...   
    Sorry to hear that, did you tryin tell them the original quote they gave you.
  17. Like
    SummerEssence got a reaction from Marisol Unda in I FINALLY got my surgery date 8/29/18 Yayyy   
    Wanda how were you able to put your doctors name on your profile I tried and it keep kicking it off after I save it.

  18. Like
    SummerEssence got a reaction from Wanda247 in I FINALLY got my surgery date 8/29/18 Yayyy   
    No nerves here, unsure why maybe because I've had a surgery before such as Breast Lift and Augmentation, so with saying that go into it as positive as possible ladies we will all be ok and get through this with no issues or complication, IN JESUS NAME..AMEN.. God Got This! Think Positive and Bring Forth Positive. One of my saying is Change the way you think and Change your Life.
  19. Like
    SummerEssence got a reaction from Wanda247 in I FINALLY got my surgery date 8/29/18 Yayyy   
    Congrat's ladies, I have mine September 7th, right behind you guys. I'm ready to a LOSER in the best way.
  20. Like
    SummerEssence got a reaction from Frustr8 in I FINALLY got my surgery date 8/29/18 Yayyy   
    I guess it must be a MAC thing because I tried it on my MAC computer and it still won't save it oh well, thanks for letting me know nonetheless.
  21. Like
    SummerEssence got a reaction from Wanda247 in I FINALLY got my surgery date 8/29/18 Yayyy   
    No nerves here, unsure why maybe because I've had a surgery before such as Breast Lift and Augmentation, so with saying that go into it as positive as possible ladies we will all be ok and get through this with no issues or complication, IN JESUS NAME..AMEN.. God Got This! Think Positive and Bring Forth Positive. One of my saying is Change the way you think and Change your Life.
  22. Like
    SummerEssence reacted to Wanda247 in I FINALLY got my surgery date 8/29/18 Yayyy   
    Me too but more excited right now. We got this!!
  23. Like
    SummerEssence got a reaction from Wanda247 in I FINALLY got my surgery date 8/29/18 Yayyy   
    No nerves here, unsure why maybe because I've had a surgery before such as Breast Lift and Augmentation, so with saying that go into it as positive as possible ladies we will all be ok and get through this with no issues or complication, IN JESUS NAME..AMEN.. God Got This! Think Positive and Bring Forth Positive. One of my saying is Change the way you think and Change your Life.
  24. Like
    SummerEssence got a reaction from Wanda247 in I FINALLY got my surgery date 8/29/18 Yayyy   
    Congrat's ladies, I have mine September 7th, right behind you guys. I'm ready to a LOSER in the best way.
  25. Like
    SummerEssence reacted to Phatch96 in Not losing anymore   
    Thanks for the support. I did the phototransformation you mentioned and it made me realize I did lose a lot. I will definitely try going back to eating how it was post-op and then prepping my meals thereafter. Thank you so much!

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