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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    Auroragirl4489 reacted to insta_adventurer in LAST FEW DAYS BEFORE SURGERY---AM I TOTALLY READY?   
    I overpacked as well. The reality was I only needed the following:

    Chapstick (this is super important!)
    Robe (don’t wanna show your butt to everyone like I did the first 18 hours)
    Clothes to wear home

    I had my kindle for reading and didn’t crack it open once. I don’t think I even bothered with my cell phone. I stayed pretty up on the painkillers and slept through most of my stay and if I wasn’t sleeping, I was walking the halls.
  2. Like
    Auroragirl4489 reacted to sillykitty in Confessional - Lets post our cheats/confessions/etc so others can see that we are all human   
    @Orchids&Dragons Have you seen these?
    They are supposed to taste way better then the other high Protein brands. The Cookies and Cream get especially good reviews.
  3. Like
    Auroragirl4489 reacted to MassMom in 2 days post op extreme pain   
    I had a gastric bypass on August 29. The pain was not much for the day I was in the hospital. However, that was due to my pain IV drop, which I pushed regularly. I went home on August 30 with oxycodone. When I take the pills I am ok and can move around, sleep, etc. Last night I did not take them before bed to see if I could begin to wean off them (I took Tylenol instead.). Well, I am paying the price this morning. Woke up in escruciating pain. Took meds immediately and now (20 min later) I am fine. I am hoping the pain gets less each day, but the importance of the pain meds is clear to me now. I am hoping the pain begins to lessen now that I am four days post-op.
  4. Like
    Auroragirl4489 got a reaction from Frustr8 in LAST FEW DAYS BEFORE SURGERY---AM I TOTALLY READY?   
    I packed so much and didn’t use any of them. I brought my own cozy socks but after surgery i didn’t care what they put on my feet lol. I was actually going through a hot and cold war in my room. Everyone was freezing and i was burning up but no fever. But the hospital has plenty of warm blankets to go around. I think my phone was on the charger once the entire time I was there. I didn’t want to write anything lol i slept for the most part or was walking by the time i got back i was tired again lol. Showering would all be up to you. They have a bench in the shower so it’s all up to how comfortable you are with a nurse or cna being in there with you. One thing i recommend is bringing your own heating pad. It took them forever to get me one. (High demand in a hospital). On i like my own chapstick brand not whatever they gave me at the hospital lol. I’m sure you won’t be thinking of makeup lol. At surgery check in they will ask for your insurance card and id. I wore exactly what i wore to the hospital (loose dress) home. I didn’t call anyone in the hospital but my cell and hospital phone was ringing off the HOOK lol. So when i was up for it i took a call. Sorry my answer is all over the place! Good luck on surgery and speedy recovery!!
  5. Like
    Auroragirl4489 reacted to MG1776 in 12 months ago I had my initial consult   
    Wow, how times have changed. On August 2, 2017 I had my very first appointment with Kaiser to discuss VSG. At the time, I was somewhere around 320 lbs, down 27 lbs from my highest weight of 347. I was a 44/46 waist, 3XL shirt, and moving around was a struggle after a while. Fast forward 12 months later and I am now 180 lbs, wearing a 32 waist, L shirt, and have more energy than I have had in years! I put on shorts that I used to wear and was able to fit my new body into one leg! If I can do it, anyone can. Much of the struggle is mental and requires a lifestyle change. I still enjoy myself, cheat on occassion, have a beer, etc. but I am much more mindful and aware of what goes into my body.

  6. Like
    Auroragirl4489 reacted to Geri Marie in just a quick hello   
    Hey all just wanted to update you on what’s going on lately. I reached my first goal of 175. I struggled with a loooooonnnnnngggggg stall. So I went back to the basics. Protein Shakes, yogurt, Water. Now I’ve crushed my first goal and on to the final. 150! I am at 164 and so happy. Thanks for reading.

    Hw 289
    Sw 243
    Cw 164
    Goal w 150

  7. Like
    Auroragirl4489 reacted to 336Mike in Latest updates   
    Im 39 days away from my 1 year surgiversary and couldn't be happier with my results. I was able to spend 10 days hiking/roaming in England, Ireland & Scotland in July with my oldest son. The most real comment he made to me was 3 days into the trip when we got done with several miles and were sitting in Green Park outside Buckingham Palace. He looked at me and said we never could've done this when I was fat! Ouch...but so true. So glad I decided to get healthy and live life to the fullest!
    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. Like
    Auroragirl4489 reacted to Mattymatt in Husband threatens divorce if I have surgery   
    As the millennial saying goes, you only live once. I think you need to tell your husband to get bent and go ahead with improving your life. I cannot countenance being with someone whom will be so unsupportive. It's time for you to live life for you.
  9. Haha
    Auroragirl4489 reacted to Jade5 in Husband threatens divorce if I have surgery   
    What a JERK. Not standing by his wife. He's just jealous that you might end of looking better than he does. You do what makes YOU happy!!! Do what makes YOU healthy!!! And if he doesn't like it...That's his problem. And about him calling you Fat Ass, that's horrible, what a CHILD. You should tell him that you are going to live a HAPPY and HEALTHY LIFE, with or without him....and ask him how he loves that!!!
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    Auroragirl4489 reacted to FluffyChix in Husband threatens divorce if I have surgery   
    Dang! ((hugs)) Saying prayers.
  11. Like
    Auroragirl4489 reacted to Mino_IE in Husband threatens divorce if I have surgery   
    I agree, I have a difficult husband very hard headed BUT he understands that I need this because nothing else has worked. If he is truly there for you and loves you he will support you and not discourage you from WLS, especially when you would be looking wayyyyyyy better, like hello? Maybe he’s insecure, thinks once you loose it, you will be the one leaving him!

    Sent from my iPhone
  12. Like
    Auroragirl4489 reacted to erinnmc in Husband threatens divorce if I have surgery   
    I have not had the sleeve done yet but I will tell you that if he is against you being healthier and something that might help you not be in pain than he's not right for you. He should encourage you to do anything that might help you in the long run

    Sent from my SM-S727VL using BariatricPal mobile app

  13. Like
    Auroragirl4489 reacted to sunshinetinks in Husband threatens divorce if I have surgery   
    You are an educated woman.This is your body. You are the one who is carrying this weight. It's your decision not his. Your body, your decision. I think you are a smart woman and you already know what the answer is. Best of luck .

    Sent from my Nexus 5 using BariatricPal mobile app

  14. Like
    Auroragirl4489 reacted to Sunnyday25 in Husband threatens divorce if I have surgery   
    I am so sorry that you are not feeling cared for and understood. This decision is hard enough when the world aligns in your favor, let alone when you feel like it is crashing down on you. I don't want to pretend to have the answers but therapy can really help you find what it is you need most, and help you achieve it. If you don't mind I will add you to my prayers.
  15. Sad
    Auroragirl4489 reacted to Copper5 in Husband threatens divorce if I have surgery   
    im a nurse of 41 yrs and have been approved for gastric bypass for many reasons including metabolic syndrome, failed diets, painful osteoarthritis gastric ulcers from those meds, hypercholesteremia etc etc
    ive been scheduled for my insurance approved procedure now twice first time I discussed with husband he threatened divorce and was going to start to pack his bags , I gave it a 6 month effort of strong exercise regime along with my nursing schedule have had to drop my arthritis meds due to non healing ulcers after 3 EGD's finally healed and rescheduled and although I've been exercising the very best I could have I've GAINED 4-5 pounds and my bones and body is in extreme pain...again he stated he's going to divorce me if I have the surgery
    he's 14 yrs younger exercises regularly but can't and won't understand a postmenopausal series of events leading me to my present health crisis..I don't over eat in fact I eat very healthy but liver enzymes cholesteroland glucose keep going up..( both my sisters are obese have headaches and high cholesterol..)I can't get him to attend doctors meetings or classes he just gets garbled info from his work customers of their troubles having surgery and I on the other hand have waited and watched at least seven other nurses in my own hospital department have my doctor perform their surgery w/o complications and great results
    i want a better quality of life of life and hopefully extend my life but I also love and want my husband to stay with me
    i know if issues don't resolve we'll get divorced or I'll get heavy and have heart problems develope or develop more ulcers which could end cancerous( aunt died of gastric cancer she also was a stressed out nurse died at age 60) I'm presently turning 64
    i don't know what to do I feel ugly look ugly in pain have no love life at present because of the way I feel and he keeps telling me to get off my fat @ss and just exercise more... Please someone help if you've had this occur what did you do ?
    my surgery reschedule is May8th
    thank you for listening

  16. Like
    Auroragirl4489 reacted to blizair09 in Husband threatens divorce if I have surgery   
    I'd have the surgery and tell him that he needs to do whatever he needs to do. He doesn't sound like a great person, and once you get yourself where you want to be, you can likely do better.
    Don't let him bully you. Do what is best for your health, your goals, and your happiness.
  17. Like
    Auroragirl4489 reacted to lizvirgo09 in Regrets   
    I had buyers remorse the first week as well.. the nurse case manager said it’s normal... you will get pass it as I did and I’m over 6 weeks out... we went thru a major surgery... hormonal changes... and have shocked our body.. it will get better... and every dr diet instructions are different.. I was eating yogurt before I left hospital and advanced to puréed at week 1... as directed by doctor and nutritionist... I hope it gets better for all
  18. Like
    Auroragirl4489 reacted to PPMom in Losing hair - 8 days post up   
    Seriously? I was not told anything at all about Hair loss, as long as we eat enough Protein. Perhaps your body is just adjusting to your new pouch and the hair loss will stop. I sure hope it will! All the best.
  19. Like
    Auroragirl4489 reacted to GreenTealael in SHOULD I DO IT?   
    You are scheduled, you must want to do it. My experience will not be your's however it was a simple uncomplicated surgery and uneventful recovery, although I had more pain than many write about. Smooth sailing when it comes to the VSG portion of health journey, But other medical issues haven't completely resolved themselves and there's no promise all will. quality of physical life/limitations have been improved. I'm grateful I took the risk.
  20. Like
    Auroragirl4489 reacted to leslaine in Tattoo   
    I got a swan tattoo. From ugly duckling to swan ... but I was a swan all along and didn't know it.

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

  21. Like
    Auroragirl4489 reacted to lovelyj929 in Irregular menstruation after gastric sleeve surgery   
    Hey. I am 3 weeks out from having RNY. I had a period right before surgery for 2 weeks (eek), then another period the day AFTER surgery...AND STILL ON IT! I dont know what's up with that.

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  22. Like
    Auroragirl4489 reacted to J San in What to expect??   
    Not good to hear. That sucks. Really sorry you have to endure this. Hope it subsides soon. Good Luck!!
  23. Like
    Auroragirl4489 reacted to crazymama81 in Regrets   
    Yes! I’m 4 days post and I’m like wtf did I really just do to myself. I’m weak, I’m tired, legs feel like Jello, struggling to drink, just overall a big shock to the system... :(
  24. Like
    Auroragirl4489 reacted to BostonWLKC in Regrets   
    It gets easier and better after day 5... hang in there
  25. Like
    Auroragirl4489 reacted to insta_adventurer in Regrets   
    This is a normal feeling! Most people have an emotional relationship with food. We eat when we’re sad, , when we’re bored, when we’re happy, when we’re celebrating with friends and spending time with family... and the surgery temporarily prohibits us from doing those things and from using food to cope.

    It is a struggle! But it does get better... and if it doesn’t get better, there are therapists that can help you work through it.

    I’m currently reading this book: The Emotional First Aid Kit: A Practical Guide to Life After Bariatric Surgery, Second Edition https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0054RXXS0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fp-IBb93VX555

    I’ve found it to be helpful for me in dealing with some of the emotions that come post surgery.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
