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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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VIKING 0424 last won the day on December 20 2019

VIKING 0424 had the most liked content!

About VIKING 0424

  • Rank
    Aspiring Evangelist

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  1. VIKING 0424


    here is one of me and my daughter on a special day
  2. VIKING 0424


    i am if anyone is close i will gladly
  3. VIKING 0424


    anyone close to Washington ? im in
  4. VIKING 0424


    welcome Chelle75 i hope you find all the info you need on here if not ask the veterans most of us can help or guide you to what you seek cheers hope it all goes well
  5. VIKING 0424


    at less than one year i was at my goal weight was it easy no worth the effort hell yes
  6. VIKING 0424

    Before and After Pics

    looking great keep up the great work well worth the effort
  7. i also had surgery in Tj mexico went very smooth and still in contact with dr 3years later stayed a t a nice hotel and hospital was good as well no problems very nice and almost catered to easy easy peasey
  8. VIKING 0424

    its been a while

    Hi everyone i just wanted to check in say after three plus years maintain weight and activity level is through the roof staying very busy i will start checking in more often hope all well with all of you cheers
  9. VIKING 0424

    New to the group

    best advise i have is do the head work as well as the body you will loose weight no doubt your mind will not keep up with the body that was my biggest struggle seek people who have been through the process for advise and support and listen to you body and doctors
  10. VIKING 0424

    Anyone dating after surgery

    stay positive life does go on and think of the valuable lesson s learned it does not stop the hurt however chin up we are here if you need to vent or chat
  11. VIKING 0424


    you look great jake congrats on your success dressed up look very happy congrats man !!!!
  12. i guess i have not pissed any one off that i know of lol this should be for support on our journey my way may not work for you but it might help someone else i have not blocked any one so far
  13. VIKING 0424


    missing summer time
  14. VIKING 0424

    Before and After Pics

    amazing job you look great keep up the great work!!!!!!
  15. VIKING 0424


    You all look wonderful hope everyone is doing well just thought i would check in cheers !!!!!

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