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  1. Like
    stacy71 reacted to TropicalBeachDoll in Fighting the Negativity   
    My sister says things like that from my past experience with weight loss dieting so that’s why she doesn’t know about me decision to have surgery. No one knows but a handful of selective people and wonderful support group

  2. Like
    stacy71 reacted to TropicalBeachDoll in Fighting the Negativity   
    Omg so funny I have a friend that was once interested in having VSG surgery until she found out that she wouldn’t qualify for it. So now she does the keto diet and every day all the time she will call me to brag about saying how much weight she’s losing how she so happy with this new diet which is great. I encourage her all the time to stay on track but don’t get me wrong sometimes I’m like shut the f**k up this is all I hear Keto for hours I try changing subject she goes right back .she will not stop talking about Keto drives me crazy and she takes pleasure doing it. Now she talks down about me having surgery.

  3. Like
    stacy71 reacted to GeminiSky in Fighting the Negativity   
    Nothing is wrong with you. She is struggling with her own issues and probably wants someone to "struggle" with. Just know this is your choice, and it's a private one if you want it to be. I would suggest telling her that you have made your decision and you are sticking with it. Me personally I would remove her from FB and other things and thank her for the "advice" but I am choosing another path.
  4. Like
    stacy71 reacted to GotProlactinoma in Cheez its, my little snack   
    I almost want to forget there is Protein in cheese! Because even those solid cheese Snacks like Parmesan crisps don’t fill me up st all. One year out, I need to stay with those solid Proteins to feel that fullness! Cheese doesn’t do it enough, sadly!
  5. Like
    stacy71 reacted to sillykitty in Cheez its, my little snack   
    Have you tried any of the dehydrated cheese products? Moon Cheese, Whisps, Sonoma Creamery? They are delicious and are just pure cheese, so more Protein and few carbs.

  6. Confused
    stacy71 reacted to apositivelife4me in Cheez its, my little snack   
    I have found that I really love a little snack now and then that is not too heavy. I bought a 36 pack box of Cheeze Its on Amazon and they are the perfect size to just give me a little bit of pleasure to my tongue. Anyone else love Cheeze It?
  7. Thanks
    stacy71 reacted to Creekimp13 in Protein first week post op?   
    I dunno if anyone wants to see this...but this is how anal my group is. LOL! We had to document everything. And we were forbidden from drinking more than one ounce every 15 minutes.
    Have to say, though....I had an insanely easy recovery. Zero nausea. I have never vomited since surgery. All food advancements went smoothly. Could be luck, or maybe this protocol is a good thing? Hell if I know:)
    (The X's are Clear Liquids like Jello, Water, tea, Decaf, Powerade zero....and the P's are Premier Protein)

  8. Like
    stacy71 reacted to TakingABreak in Appetite back with a vengance!   
    Also, its possible your diabetes would be better controlled if you did cut out the carbs. A lot of what you mentioned in your diet is carb based. If you aren't using appropriate insulin to counteract the carbs, then you'll never get it in control.
    How about eggs? Have you tried eggs? You could do omlets... I'll keep thinking about foods you could try.
  9. Like
    stacy71 reacted to TakingABreak in Appetite back with a vengance!   
    If you are hungry, its because you are eating all slider foods. They are literally sliding.... right through. You aren't maintaining any type of fullness.
    I am a type 1 diabetic, and I don't believe this ("hunger") has anything to do with insulin levels. Sure, when your blood sugar is low, your body mimics hunger, but you are saying yours aren't controlled, which says its high. Its important that you are dosing your insulin correctly. Reach out to your Endo and find out what you should be taking. Ideally, more long acting insulin.
    I hope you don't replace those bad food items. There are four common ways you can fail at this surgery:
    1. Graze.
    2. Drink your calories
    3. Eat and drink at the same time
    4. Slider foods
    You are grazing with slider foods.....
  10. Like
    stacy71 reacted to BajanSleeve in Appetite back with a vengance!   
    I find it laughable when people say the hunger is not real. I know the difference between emotional eating, binge eating and comfort eating. I feel very hungry
    I am not sure if its hormonal or connected to the diabetes. I should not be this hungry even though my glucose levels are not fully controlled they are not as bad as they used to be. I am concerned that if I increase my insulin shots that I may get hypoglycemic so I have been conservative with the amount I take
    I eat greek yogurt. I hate cottage cheese. I do eat string cheese. I really hate refried Beans. I eat nuts/almonds for Protein as well. high in calories but not in carbs.
    These were items that were left in the house prior to surgery that I ate. does not mean I will buy more to replace them
  11. Like
    stacy71 reacted to t1018ross in Appetite back with a vengance!   
    Your sleeve isn't ready for whole meats yet. Have you tried canned tuna or shredded chicken? Soft, flaky fish? With my plan, I wasn't allowed regular foods until 7 weeks. Weeks 4-6 were pureed foods only. Have you called your surgeon? You need to reach out to your team and NUT before this spirals out of control any further. I understand your disappointment. And dealing with hunger is HARD. Mine has started to come back along with old habits of wanting to snack all day. I try to find some activity to do instead of snacking when I'm not really hungry. Hope you can find a solution and get back on track!
  12. Like
    stacy71 reacted to TakingABreak in Appetite back with a vengance!   
    Clearly..... not a great attitude. I see why you are frustrated, but saying that you can't eat meat....is not indicative of whether you will succeed. There are vegetarians and vegans that have WLS and get their protein from plant based foods or soy meat.
    Have you tried other protein high foods besides meat? A few that comes to mind:
    - Greek Yogurt
    -Cottage Cheese
    -Refried Beans
    Your hunger isn't real hunger though. It's head hunger. Until you get a grip on your mind... you won't succeed. Like I mentioned in my first post. You have to find a replacement for boredom, stress, whatever makes you eat. Go for a walk, scrub the kitchen floor, dance in your underwear.

  13. Sad
    stacy71 reacted to BajanSleeve in Appetite back with a vengance!   
    Clearly...…….I will not be successful at this. Clearly, I was not ready...………..clearly $6000k down the drain...….
    2 lbs gained and its no wonder
    I am so starving hungry which has always been the problem. From day one out of the surgery I was hungry. I am so disappointed that all that I read about hunger being cut back so much because 80% of your stomach being removed has not been the case
    I will never be able to maintain 800 calories a day with this hunger
    I can eat all the crap I listed but yet my body rejects eating whole meat. I can only eat meat if its put in a blender.....….go figure. I get all my Protein quota via the protein powders which I put in my drink but that has not stemmed hunger

  14. Sad
    stacy71 reacted to BajanSleeve in Appetite back with a vengance!   
    I have appetite suppressant pills which I am going to have to start taking...….again...……..what is the point of this surgery. Sigh
  15. Like
    stacy71 reacted to TakingABreak in Appetite back with a vengance!   
    @BajanSleeve ^^^^this is exactly your problem. Do you have a diet plan that you were given by a NUT? Because almost all of those foods are excluded from my allowed foods.

    - Toast with avocado, at 5 weeks I was not allowed even whole wheat bread until 6 weeks. Even now, 5 months post op, I have only whole wheat bread sparingly.
    -2 cups of Soup is too much. Soup is a slider food, but you shouldn't eat 2 cups, just because you can. Measure out what you should be eating, which is approx. 1/2 cup at your stage.
    -A pack of popped chips. Why would you even? Chips is a no-no.
    -A Protein bar. I don't eat these because they typically have way to many carbs (hence why they are a slider food) and typically too much sugar.
    -A fiber one bar. Again, bars are not good.... and this one doesn't even have enough protein to make it worth it.
    -Short bread biscuits. You know that this isn't a good choice. I don't need to say anything further.
    - dark chocolate. Slippery slope, slippery slope. Why not just stay away from tempting foods? I didn't eat my favorites, not because I couldn't, but because it was easier thinking "I can't, what if I get sick?" than trying it and seeing that I could, and keep going.
    - Mac And cheese. There is no nutritional value for you in this. Pasta is a slider food, a bad carb, and not necessary for your nutrition at this point.

    I think if you tried eating lean protein in every meal, you wouldn't struggle with "hunger" as much. I also think you have a lot of head hunger. Therapy would be ideal, but try and focus that "hunger" into an activity. Or, you can always say to yourself, I can eat something when I've drank a full 16oz of Water. Chances are you won't be hungry by the time you drink that water.
  16. Like
    stacy71 reacted to bluebutterfly in Appetite back with a vengance!   
    Have you considered working with a therapist to address food addiction? And I don’t mean to sound insensitive. I have had to admit that I am a food addict and certain carbs and sweets are triggers for me and will take me back to a place I don’t want to go. While some are lucky and able to eat small quantities of whatever they like that will not work for me and while it’s a hard pill to swollen that’s the reality for me. I can’t eat Pasta, breads or sweets because i won’t be able to stop. I worked quite a bit with a therapist and it was extremely helpful. I hope you find what will work for you so you can have the life you desire.
  17. Like
    stacy71 reacted to ClarksvilleSleever in July Sleeve   
    Thank you both! I go in at 7am here in Mexico. The broth here is pretty good! lol
  18. Like
    stacy71 reacted to mitch22622 in July Sleeve   
    Good luck.

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  19. Like
    stacy71 reacted to chattycat in July Sleeve   
    July 5 th here! I think we have the same date?  Although I see this was posted on the sleeve forum I’m going for RNY cause of GERD.

  20. Thanks
    stacy71 reacted to nibble in July Sleeve   
    The hospital should give you a list of stuff for hospital. The list I was given includes deodorant, toothbrush/paste, Shampoo, soap (if you have a preferred brand/type), hairbrush/comb, non-skid slippers, contact/glasses case, (+ denture cups, c-pap machine if you use). Optional: own gown or pjs and robe, pillow, and really comfy clothes to go home in. Others on this site had good suggestions: lip balm, extra long phone charger cord, and one gal took a small clip-on fan as she was waay too warm and uncomfortable. Since I can't have sugar-free jello/popsicles, I am taking a few teabags - green, ginger, peppermint, and earl grey. Those were suggestions for easing nausea - ginger & peppermint. There are likely more suggestions I haven't run across yet. I will also take my pen & notebook to record pain, mood, and any other thing -- questions to ask, etc. I won't be able to remember much due to anesthesia, so jotting it down is best. I will also get a hospital visit from the nutritionist and just hope what she tells me will also be on a handout. Cool that you have your own private fridge!
  21. Like
    stacy71 reacted to Laura7 in July Sleeve   
    What’s your pre-op diet? I only ate like 650/700 calories today because I could only stomach half of the pudding (it’s like two cups) and I’m so full now that I don’t want my last shake which would probably bring me to 900 calories. I’m hoping tomorrow when I get hungrier I can eat all the pudding for that day. I ate the Soup which again was huge and I had a Protein Shake and a bar today. I had a diet Snapple and plenty of crystal light (I always drink lots of flavored water). Are there ways to eat pudding? Is there anything I can do with it? I can substitute some of them for shakes which is probably what I will do. But then that’s 3 shakes per day which is a lot of liquid. Hmm I’ll try the pudding again tomorrow. Ah! At least I’m super full.
  22. Like
    stacy71 reacted to chattycat in July Sleeve   
    I was told avoid caffeine because it can cause acid problems and can dehydrate you, but caffeine free is ok.  I think this is just while your stomach is healing and pre op so you can get the headaches behind you before the surgery?
  23. Like
    stacy71 reacted to SleeveinIL in Liver Shrinking Diet   
    I didn't have that issue, however the diet seemed to become easier for me around day 5. If you are dizzy I would give the doctor's office a call and see what they have to say about it.
  24. Haha
    stacy71 reacted to wishful.shrinking in Sliders   
    Oh I am learning so much from this site... I never knew what a slider was until literally right now haha. I’m still pre-op so..... everything’s a slider 😭😳 #allthefood
  25. Like
    stacy71 got a reaction from heatherlarae in July Sleeve   
    Same day for me also! Just received my insurance approval yesterday... UHC only took 7 day’s. 3 day countdown until my liquid diet starts.

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