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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About livelaughsleeve

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  1. livelaughsleeve

    November sleevers here

    Here! Sleeved 11/18/2017. Starting Weight-387. Surgery Weight-357. Current Weight-295. I'll admit my diet could've been a lot better the past 2-3 months. I've since started to take my diet more seriously in regards to my macros, calorie intake and food tracking. My weight loss has picked up to about the same pace as the first few weeks post-op. I've also been going to the gym 4-5x a week now, which I'm starting to really enjoy.
  2. livelaughsleeve

    Anyone in their 20's have vsg

    I'm 29 if that still counts I'm scheduled for VSG November 18th with Dr. Illan in TJ
  3. livelaughsleeve

    November sleevers

    Me! My date is November 18th.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
