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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    CarpeDiem129 reacted to James Marusek in Best decision!   
  2. Like
    CarpeDiem129 reacted to logicwand in Best decision!   
    Lauren, I can’t thank you enough for posting this. I’m also a worrier and probably a hypochondriac. Seeing blood makes me weak and want to faint. I’m writing a letter to myself to hold and read and reread on the day of surgery to push me to go through with it. I’m so worried they’ll wheel me into the operating room and I’ll say, STOP!!! Take me out of here! I’ve made a mistake! As my surgery date approaches (Feb 28). I am constantly reminding myself how I need to do this and to not be scared. Your post has made me feel so much better!!! I will definitely read your post again on my surgery day. Sooooo glad you are doing so well and you are happy again!!

  3. Like
    CarpeDiem129 reacted to sinead in Best decision!   
    Well done with your weight loss! I was sleeved the day before you and have lost 49lbs to date. A bit slow but I’m happy! It’s a great feeling to see the weight coming off and the health benefits of same! Keep up the good work!

  4. Like
    CarpeDiem129 got a reaction from sinead in Best decision!   
    Just wanted to share my story. I havent been on here in a while, but I had my surgery on Nov. 8th of last year (2017), so I’m almost 4 months post-op now. I used to be fairly average sized, but never really thin despite being the “thinnest” in my family. Then, after having kids and and an under active thyroid, the weight kept piling on. I was always depressed about my appearance to the point that it hindered me from living a “full” life. I happened to see some photos of an old friend on Facebook who had lost a lot of weight and looked amazing so decided to send her a message to ask her how she did it. I had tried everything! She told me about her sleeve so I decided to learn more and my journey began. I’ve always been a worrier and somewhat of a hypochondriac. It took everything in me to go through with this surgery, that is not an exaggeration. I was about to back out the day before and I’m so glad I didn’t!!! I even had a small internal bleed afterwards that resulted in me passing out and getting a blood transfusion and I’m still so glad I did it. Since then, I have gone from 242lbs to 186 and I haven’t felt this confident in a long time (though I still have a way to go). This lifestyle is my new normal and I am comfortable with it. It definitely took some getting used to, but I’d never want to go back to my old ways. I still can eat mostly what I want (although I don’t eat anything fried, breaded, or drink soda). I even enjoy Starbucks (my vice!), but now I get my drink skinny and with almond milk. I don’t really crave sweets at all and even some bad foods that I used to like taste gross to me now (a good thing). Also, my resting heart rate used to be high and now it’s it isn’t. So if you’re having doubts, do that research, but go ahead and push through. You will be so glad you did! I hope I will always look back on this and say it was one of the best decisions I’ve made for myself.
  5. Like
    CarpeDiem129 got a reaction from sinead in Best decision!   
    Just wanted to share my story. I havent been on here in a while, but I had my surgery on Nov. 8th of last year (2017), so I’m almost 4 months post-op now. I used to be fairly average sized, but never really thin despite being the “thinnest” in my family. Then, after having kids and and an under active thyroid, the weight kept piling on. I was always depressed about my appearance to the point that it hindered me from living a “full” life. I happened to see some photos of an old friend on Facebook who had lost a lot of weight and looked amazing so decided to send her a message to ask her how she did it. I had tried everything! She told me about her sleeve so I decided to learn more and my journey began. I’ve always been a worrier and somewhat of a hypochondriac. It took everything in me to go through with this surgery, that is not an exaggeration. I was about to back out the day before and I’m so glad I didn’t!!! I even had a small internal bleed afterwards that resulted in me passing out and getting a blood transfusion and I’m still so glad I did it. Since then, I have gone from 242lbs to 186 and I haven’t felt this confident in a long time (though I still have a way to go). This lifestyle is my new normal and I am comfortable with it. It definitely took some getting used to, but I’d never want to go back to my old ways. I still can eat mostly what I want (although I don’t eat anything fried, breaded, or drink soda). I even enjoy Starbucks (my vice!), but now I get my drink skinny and with almond milk. I don’t really crave sweets at all and even some bad foods that I used to like taste gross to me now (a good thing). Also, my resting heart rate used to be high and now it’s it isn’t. So if you’re having doubts, do that research, but go ahead and push through. You will be so glad you did! I hope I will always look back on this and say it was one of the best decisions I’ve made for myself.
  6. Like
    CarpeDiem129 got a reaction from sinead in Best decision!   
    Just wanted to share my story. I havent been on here in a while, but I had my surgery on Nov. 8th of last year (2017), so I’m almost 4 months post-op now. I used to be fairly average sized, but never really thin despite being the “thinnest” in my family. Then, after having kids and and an under active thyroid, the weight kept piling on. I was always depressed about my appearance to the point that it hindered me from living a “full” life. I happened to see some photos of an old friend on Facebook who had lost a lot of weight and looked amazing so decided to send her a message to ask her how she did it. I had tried everything! She told me about her sleeve so I decided to learn more and my journey began. I’ve always been a worrier and somewhat of a hypochondriac. It took everything in me to go through with this surgery, that is not an exaggeration. I was about to back out the day before and I’m so glad I didn’t!!! I even had a small internal bleed afterwards that resulted in me passing out and getting a blood transfusion and I’m still so glad I did it. Since then, I have gone from 242lbs to 186 and I haven’t felt this confident in a long time (though I still have a way to go). This lifestyle is my new normal and I am comfortable with it. It definitely took some getting used to, but I’d never want to go back to my old ways. I still can eat mostly what I want (although I don’t eat anything fried, breaded, or drink soda). I even enjoy Starbucks (my vice!), but now I get my drink skinny and with almond milk. I don’t really crave sweets at all and even some bad foods that I used to like taste gross to me now (a good thing). Also, my resting heart rate used to be high and now it’s it isn’t. So if you’re having doubts, do that research, but go ahead and push through. You will be so glad you did! I hope I will always look back on this and say it was one of the best decisions I’ve made for myself.
  7. Like
    CarpeDiem129 got a reaction from nh-vsgirl in Lower belly pain 1 month post-op   
    @nh-vsgirl @fruitandveggies Thank you both! I'm wondering if it could be from Constipation? Maybe gas/indigestion. I hope I haven't developed gallstones this quickly. I had an ultrasound done pre-op and didn't have any.
  8. Like
    CarpeDiem129 reacted to fruitandveggies in Lower belly pain 1 month post-op   
    Obviously please go get that checked out! But I had that kind of pain as well and it was just gas/indigestion passing through, but it felt more constant than it was before surgery. It takes about 4-5 weeks for your innards to heal (according to my surgeon). But do get checked out, you never know!
  9. Like
    CarpeDiem129 reacted to nh-vsgirl in Lower belly pain 1 month post-op   
    I just posted about this a week or so ago, I ended up ha ing an ultra sound and found out today I have gallstones. ugg. I'm 6 mo the post op, and not in pain yet, just a weird soreness.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using BariatricPal mobile app

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    CarpeDiem129 got a reaction from dr3am3rstarz in 4 weeks post-op and constipated!   
    @dr3am3rstarz Bless your heart! I know, it's terrible. This has been my first real experience with it. I hope your meds are giving you some relief. So sorry it's been an ongoing issue for you.
  11. Like
    CarpeDiem129 reacted to qbeefabuliz85 in I’m a WARRIOR!   
    Today is surgery day and I made it! With this process, there is definitely a sense of great accomplishment despite the gas pain of course and discomfort lol....let’s remind ourselves of the reason we are doing this....to create a balanced, healthy life full of mountains we are set to climb and conquer. Cheers and blessings to everyone waiting on their surgery date and to those who have just made it to the loser’s bench!!! WE GOT THIS!! #Warrior
  12. Like
    CarpeDiem129 reacted to dr3am3rstarz in 4 weeks post-op and constipated!   
    I don't like prunes either. My doctor has me on some thing called Lactose. An undigestable sugar for me.

    sw: 334
    pre-op: 314
    cw: 213

  13. Like
    CarpeDiem129 reacted to ashrn80 in 4 weeks post-op and constipated!   
    If this has already been suggested I apologize.

    My dr told me to take 2 doses/day of Milk of Magnesia until I had gone. So I took 2 doses on Friday and went on Saturday morning. I'm only 1 week post-op but I haven't had an issue since. Good luck to you!

  14. Like
    CarpeDiem129 got a reaction from Missytee in 4 weeks post-op and constipated!   
    I took a glycerin suppository last night and finally went some. I'm going to continue on the Miralax and hopefully it regulates me. I will try the prunes! I just hate the taste of them.
  15. Like
    CarpeDiem129 reacted to Mytimenow17 in 4 weeks post-op and constipated!   
    I was very constipated on Saturday, so much that I was in pain. I took two over the counter stool softeners and helped a lot! I just have to go back to taking one every other day to keep me regulated. I got the generic brand at Walmart.< br>

  16. Like
    CarpeDiem129 reacted to Rawlinos in 4 weeks post-op and constipated!   
    I use triple leaf slimming tea to regulate me. Keeps me regular and don't forget your Water.
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    CarpeDiem129 reacted to thenewme12501 in 4 weeks post-op and constipated!   
    I used Milk of Magnesium when I hadn’t gone.

  18. Like
    CarpeDiem129 reacted to Danny Paul in 4 weeks post-op and constipated!   
    After a severe case of Constipation I eat preserved plums aka prunes. I buy them at costco. Been regular ever since.
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    CarpeDiem129 reacted to shedo82773 in 4 weeks post-op and constipated!   
    Stewed Prunes. Cover the prunes with Water, stew them until they are soft. Eat a few and drink some warm juice. You should go pretty quickly.
  20. Like
    CarpeDiem129 reacted to Mytimenow17 in FINALLY... hit my 40 pound loss mark!   
    I’ve lost 40 pounds since I started my weight loss journey 3 weeks before surgery. Have lost 26 pounds since surgery, which was 9/11/17. I knew I’d be one of those slow losers, because no matter how hard I’ve tried to lose weight, it has always been a struggle. It may be slow, and it sure isn’t easy, but I’m doing it!
  21. Like
    CarpeDiem129 got a reaction from SeaSounders♥ in any November 2017 sleevers?   
    About to head back for surgery. I almost talked myself out of it, but I'm here. Praying this is the best decision of my life!
    Prayers appreciated. Still so nervous.
  22. Like
    CarpeDiem129 reacted to dreamingsmall in When will I be able to suck in my tummy again?   
    I never even thought about sucking in my tummy so I didn't know I wasn't able to do it ? But no issues four months post I just tried lol

    Sent from my Vivo 5R using BariatricPal mobile app

  23. Like
    CarpeDiem129 got a reaction from JadeVT in Getting through Thanksgiving 2-3 weeks post op   
    Thank you ALL so much for the comments! They are so helpful!! I find I can still only eat about 1/4 cup of food at one sitting. I guess this is normal? I don't really feel "full" after, but I feel satisfied. I haven't tried meats yet. I think I'm going to have some potatoes, maybe green Beans (hopefully they go down okay), and a little pumpkin or sweet potato. I would love to try a deviled egg.
  24. Like
    CarpeDiem129 got a reaction from JadeVT in Getting through Thanksgiving 2-3 weeks post op   
    Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving!!🍁🦃
  25. Like
    CarpeDiem129 got a reaction from CamillaCallie in When will I be able to suck in my tummy again?   
    Glad to know I'm not alone!

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