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Danny Paul

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Danny Paul got a reaction from Flo-grown in The No Excuses Support Thread   
    Here is what I've been told about calories. All calories are not created equal as far as WLS patients are concerned. I was told that I needed to get 80 grams of Protein a day. In order to get that protein I need to eat foods that supply me with protein. So, a four ounce portion of salmon has approximately 185 calories give or take. I can eat 185 calories worth of potato chips but I wouldn't get the same healthy benefit I do with the salmon. The salmon will satisfy my hunger much more than the potato chips and I get get many more useful nutrients with the salmon.
    When the experts say it doesn't matter where we get our calories from, in truth it matters very much for our long term weight loss success and health benefits.
  2. Like
    Danny Paul got a reaction from Slimming Down Steve in Labs after your RNY bypass   
    I have 11 vials of blood taken by my surgeon. He checks for everything. On the other hand a family member gets two vials and her surgeon checks only for- A1c, cholesterol, Calcium, Protein, B12, Iron, Bun creation ratio and panel of Vitamins.
  3. Like
    Danny Paul got a reaction from catchthewind in No longer losing!   
    As described to me when I went through a stall, your body is adjusting to your new caloric intake. Once it figures it out you'll start to lose more weight.
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    Danny Paul got a reaction from RaeSavage in Not satisfied with Unjury   
    Once I was able to incorporate a shake into my meal plan I didn't buy the pre made stuff like premier or muscle milk. I bought chocolate flavored Matrix Protein powder put in skim milk and blended it all together using an inexpensive frother I bought on Amazon. During the warm weather while travelling I stored it in a soft sided cooler with an ice pack
  5. Like
    Danny Paul got a reaction from RobertaMSN in Foods you can no longer tolerate   
    During a group session with my bariatric surgeon someone mentioned that he was exploring new things that he could eat after surgery. The nutritionist asked him why was he exploring new things to eat when he should be learning what foods to stay away from. She said you got this surgery to get a new way of life as it pertains to your eating why are you looking to test your new stomach with foods that have harmed you in the past. She said get in your Proteins, Water and Vitamins and you'll not only lose the weight, you'll be more healthier and you'll have a better chance of maintaining the weight loss. People who experiment and try to work around their surgery have a much greater chance of weight regain. This is not what you wanted when you got the surgery.
    I tend to agree with her on many points such as getting your proteins first, hydrating (you can't go wrong drinking water) and taking Vitamin supplements. At 4 weeks out I was on pureed food going into soft foods. I stuck to the menu I was given since it was the start off point for my future eating. I was afraid of exploring foods because I knew that I would go back to my old bad eating habits very fast. I got the needed reset in my food consumption and with the weight loss and better health I see the benefits of not exploring foods as the nutritionist puts it.
    Like 2Bsmaller said, I have no plans to try these foods.
  6. Like
    Danny Paul got a reaction from Bastian in Not satisfied with Unjury   
    I found the Unjury Protein Powder to have the least taste of all of the Protein powders that I've tested. Unfortunately, it's also very expensive. I switched to Isopure which has what I term an acquired taste. As for my protein use, I only put it into a 32 ounce water bottle with crystal light I never added it to any foods. This way I get my Water in and I also get my Proteins at the same time. Some here were discussing protein waters and I figured that I could make my own cheaper. I'n two years post surgery and I now get all of my proteins from my foods and I don't use supplements any longer.
    You might like the taste of the protein powder if it is mixed with water and a sugar free flavoring.
  7. Like
    Danny Paul got a reaction from RobertaMSN in Foods you can no longer tolerate   
    During a group session with my bariatric surgeon someone mentioned that he was exploring new things that he could eat after surgery. The nutritionist asked him why was he exploring new things to eat when he should be learning what foods to stay away from. She said you got this surgery to get a new way of life as it pertains to your eating why are you looking to test your new stomach with foods that have harmed you in the past. She said get in your Proteins, Water and Vitamins and you'll not only lose the weight, you'll be more healthier and you'll have a better chance of maintaining the weight loss. People who experiment and try to work around their surgery have a much greater chance of weight regain. This is not what you wanted when you got the surgery.
    I tend to agree with her on many points such as getting your proteins first, hydrating (you can't go wrong drinking water) and taking Vitamin supplements. At 4 weeks out I was on pureed food going into soft foods. I stuck to the menu I was given since it was the start off point for my future eating. I was afraid of exploring foods because I knew that I would go back to my old bad eating habits very fast. I got the needed reset in my food consumption and with the weight loss and better health I see the benefits of not exploring foods as the nutritionist puts it.
    Like 2Bsmaller said, I have no plans to try these foods.
  8. Haha
    Danny Paul got a reaction from JRT Mom in Why Am I Always Cold ?   
    Myself and three other friends who have had WLS all experience being cold AND discomfort when sitting on hard surfaces. (Less padding in the derrier)
  9. Haha
    Danny Paul got a reaction from JRT Mom in Why Am I Always Cold ?   
    Myself and three other friends who have had WLS all experience being cold AND discomfort when sitting on hard surfaces. (Less padding in the derrier)
  10. Like
    Danny Paul got a reaction from Bastian in Gastric bypass surgery and holidays   
    At a bariatric group meeting we discussed what was termed rescue foods. These are healthy foods that we keep with us whether in the car, a purse or backpack that are readily available for satisfy a hunger pang or craving. In your case since you crave sweets a good Protein bar could be the answer. For me I portioned out 1/4 cup of nuts or shelled sunflower seeds and used them. I also use the costco brand Protein Bars. The key is to not use the rescue food as an all day snack. If you start snacking then you will in all probability start regain weight.
    As for holiday gatherings, after WLS I tend to stay away from the food and concentrate more on talking with others. I'm also minding the kids while everyone else is eating. This way no one notices that I'm not eating since they are themselves occupied with eating.
  11. Like
    Danny Paul got a reaction from Bastian in Not satisfied with Unjury   
    I found the Unjury Protein Powder to have the least taste of all of the Protein powders that I've tested. Unfortunately, it's also very expensive. I switched to Isopure which has what I term an acquired taste. As for my protein use, I only put it into a 32 ounce water bottle with crystal light I never added it to any foods. This way I get my Water in and I also get my Proteins at the same time. Some here were discussing protein waters and I figured that I could make my own cheaper. I'n two years post surgery and I now get all of my proteins from my foods and I don't use supplements any longer.
    You might like the taste of the protein powder if it is mixed with water and a sugar free flavoring.
  12. Like
    Danny Paul got a reaction from Bastian in Gastric bypass surgery and holidays   
    At a bariatric group meeting we discussed what was termed rescue foods. These are healthy foods that we keep with us whether in the car, a purse or backpack that are readily available for satisfy a hunger pang or craving. In your case since you crave sweets a good Protein bar could be the answer. For me I portioned out 1/4 cup of nuts or shelled sunflower seeds and used them. I also use the costco brand Protein Bars. The key is to not use the rescue food as an all day snack. If you start snacking then you will in all probability start regain weight.
    As for holiday gatherings, after WLS I tend to stay away from the food and concentrate more on talking with others. I'm also minding the kids while everyone else is eating. This way no one notices that I'm not eating since they are themselves occupied with eating.
  13. Like
    Danny Paul got a reaction from RobertaMSN in Foods you can no longer tolerate   
    During a group session with my bariatric surgeon someone mentioned that he was exploring new things that he could eat after surgery. The nutritionist asked him why was he exploring new things to eat when he should be learning what foods to stay away from. She said you got this surgery to get a new way of life as it pertains to your eating why are you looking to test your new stomach with foods that have harmed you in the past. She said get in your Proteins, Water and Vitamins and you'll not only lose the weight, you'll be more healthier and you'll have a better chance of maintaining the weight loss. People who experiment and try to work around their surgery have a much greater chance of weight regain. This is not what you wanted when you got the surgery.
    I tend to agree with her on many points such as getting your proteins first, hydrating (you can't go wrong drinking water) and taking Vitamin supplements. At 4 weeks out I was on pureed food going into soft foods. I stuck to the menu I was given since it was the start off point for my future eating. I was afraid of exploring foods because I knew that I would go back to my old bad eating habits very fast. I got the needed reset in my food consumption and with the weight loss and better health I see the benefits of not exploring foods as the nutritionist puts it.
    Like 2Bsmaller said, I have no plans to try these foods.
  14. Like
    Danny Paul got a reaction from AZhiker in Sister freaking out about me considering WLS   
    I used to live to eat. I now eat to live. I had my WLS at 60. With my new found health I plan on being a centurion. Do it for yourself and you'll see that you end up doing it for those you love as well. By being healthier you're able to enjoy life much more.
  15. Like
    Danny Paul got a reaction from RobertaMSN in Foods you can no longer tolerate   
    During a group session with my bariatric surgeon someone mentioned that he was exploring new things that he could eat after surgery. The nutritionist asked him why was he exploring new things to eat when he should be learning what foods to stay away from. She said you got this surgery to get a new way of life as it pertains to your eating why are you looking to test your new stomach with foods that have harmed you in the past. She said get in your Proteins, Water and Vitamins and you'll not only lose the weight, you'll be more healthier and you'll have a better chance of maintaining the weight loss. People who experiment and try to work around their surgery have a much greater chance of weight regain. This is not what you wanted when you got the surgery.
    I tend to agree with her on many points such as getting your proteins first, hydrating (you can't go wrong drinking water) and taking Vitamin supplements. At 4 weeks out I was on pureed food going into soft foods. I stuck to the menu I was given since it was the start off point for my future eating. I was afraid of exploring foods because I knew that I would go back to my old bad eating habits very fast. I got the needed reset in my food consumption and with the weight loss and better health I see the benefits of not exploring foods as the nutritionist puts it.
    Like 2Bsmaller said, I have no plans to try these foods.
  16. Like
    Danny Paul got a reaction from Healthy_life2 in Upset with Me   
    Time to redouble your efforts to lose those five pounds. Many years ago I lost a lot of weight and I let a five pound gain turn into a 10 pound gain gain then it was a 40 pound gain then before I knew it I had gained 65 pounds and it stayed with me on and off for 17 years. Then I had WLS and lost it. If I go one pound over these days I work hard to lose it and then some. I know from my past experience that any gain can get out of control if I'm not diligent. Hope you get to the place you want to be and I'm hoping you're enjoying the health benefits of weight loss. Enjoy the holidays.
  17. Like
    Danny Paul got a reaction from BrandyA in Hello   
    Welcome and you'll definitely get plenty of useful info here.
  18. Like
    Danny Paul got a reaction from BrandyA in Hello   
    Welcome and you'll definitely get plenty of useful info here.
  19. Like
    Danny Paul got a reaction from FluffyChix in How many calories a day do you eat?   
    This was asked at my recent baritaric group session and the majority of people ( me included) didn't count calories instead we strived to get in our 80 grams of Protein per day. I don't know if this something that is ingrained with this particular group but it seems to be the overwhelming sentiment.
  20. Like
    Danny Paul got a reaction from Sweetsoul in ALWAYS A FAILURE   
    Without knowing your starting weight and your current weight I'd say you're pretty successful. Maintaining a substantial weight loss for six years is an achievement in of itself. Don't be so hard on yourself.
  21. Like
    Danny Paul got a reaction from GreenTealael in Can we just be for real ???   
    I had weight loss surgery for one reason, my health. The amount of medications that I was taking to control all of my various health issues were going to affect my kidneys and liver to the point of dialysis or transplants. Today, my health has greatly improved and I appreciate the second chance in life to live it as healthy as I can. No matter the motive, if you can benefit from WLS I suggest you do so.
  22. Like
    Danny Paul got a reaction from GreenTealael in Can we just be for real ???   
    I had weight loss surgery for one reason, my health. The amount of medications that I was taking to control all of my various health issues were going to affect my kidneys and liver to the point of dialysis or transplants. Today, my health has greatly improved and I appreciate the second chance in life to live it as healthy as I can. No matter the motive, if you can benefit from WLS I suggest you do so.
  23. Like
    Danny Paul got a reaction from VIKING 0424 in Not so easy to make friends here...   
    A lot of people come and go on this site. The euphoria of the surgery coupled with the rapid weight loss makes some here avid contributors. Then life has a way of getting back to normal and the posts tend to slow down and in most cases drop altogether. I've been here for a little over two years with a little over 400 posts. I don't come here as much as I did in the past but I do drop in to see if there is something I can learn or if I can be of help to someone else. I've messaged people in the past with no response and I've posted new topics at times with no responses. I never gave it a second thought and I moved on. If you want to make friends this might be the ideal place but, if you want to get a good cross section of advice on WLS this is a great place to be. Good luck on your continued good health.
  24. Like
    Danny Paul got a reaction from Midnightsun in Crazy Question   
    Just be careful that the sugar substitute doesn't affect your stomach. Some substitutes like erythritol can cause gas and loose stools. Especially if eating too many products with it.
  25. Like
    Danny Paul got a reaction from Healthy_life2 in Peanuts and crackers??   
    As usual great advice from Fluffy. At four weeks my doctor had me start soft foods which consisted of things like scrambled eggs, yogurts, cottage cheese, etc. No where were peanuts ( a good snack later on) or crackers (a useless carb) on the eating plan.
    Congratulations on the 50lb weight loss. You should always be "concerned" about what you eat today. Why? We are given a very good jump start to a healthy life with our rapid weight loss. This will not go on forever, it will stop. The habits we acquired during this honeymoon period will stay with us as try to maintain the weight loss for the rest of our lives. As my nutritionist told me, I have a clean slate as far as what foods I will let back into my life. She said choose the foods wisely today because they will be with me for the rest of my life. Be concerned about the carbs today as they will affect your success tomorrow. Good luck and good health.

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