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LAP-BAND Patients
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About mamapony

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 11/07/1960

About Me

  • Biography
    Single, 47, happy and busy entrepreneur
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  1. Happy Birthday mamapony!

  2. Happy 52nd Birthday mamapony!

  3. mamapony

    Can't stop coughing! Help!!

    There are a few reasons you could be coughing. The body needs to get rid of the aggravation of the anesthesia and if not coughing hard enough to dislodge it can make it worse. Holding a pillow tight against the stomach while taking a deep breath to stimulate the coughing will help with the discomfort. Another reason could be some fluid in your lungs developing. The doctor should check for that. If a lozenge isn't helping see your Dr. The shoulder and side pain sound like gas pains from the CO2 used during surgery. Gas ex or something similar helped mine dissipate. Feel better.
  4. Well I have had the stuck feeling a few times, it varies by food. Somehow sweets NEVER get stuck, lol. Meat will, bread will, the discomfort can just be pain like an internal pinch and also I get phantom pain on the right side sometimes. If I am not chewing well due to hunger or getting something I really enjoy too much in to fast I get a tight feeling in my throat, cough and up it comes. Now I know what a bulimic feels like, the discomfort is gone but you still feel full. Scary but true. So I make sure the protein drinks and vitamins etc are taken and not lost, and work on making the chewing effort a better habit.
  5. I told only the one person that helped me recoup for a couple days till I could do it on my own. I am your same age and in Denver too. I have Dr. Kirshenbaum. Paid cash never looking back at it as anything but money well spent no matter what the outcome. I need to get down to the real me again.
  6. mamapony

    Liquid Diet

    You can eat whatever you feel like eating actually. The point of the clear diet is to jumpstart your weightloss. Your stomach will have swelling from the trauma to the tissue from surgery. The swelling will be the tightness you feel when you consume food or liquids. Heavier things could cause you to need to throw up, it isn't a regular nausea it is more like choking and needing to get it out, and I am sure you have been told that that is bad for your band. If you are very hungry try some Jello, fudgesicles, or a cup of warm tea. These will help aleviate the hunger, as will the Protein drinks. You can get some from quixstar online with 35 grams of protein and just 5 carbs. The vanilla is terrific. I am in hormone hell and having hunger issues way more than I can control, I was done on May 7, 2008. You want to lose 2 a week at most or you get too flabby too quick. See some on here dropping way too fast and know that my sister looks awful after doing that with bypass surgery. I fought getting this done for a long time, but know it is my tool I need. Plugging away at increasing exercise and hope in the next 2 weeks to control the hormone hunger then get my 2nd fill. My best help has been reading on here where I can get some shared info and incentive. Good Luck and work into soft slowly so you don't get disappointed in your weight change.
  7. mamapony

    Post poned the 2nd fill-bad choice???

    Well I had lost another 11 lbs after the 1st fill in a month. I sure was surprised, I had been traveling and eating crab, lobster, lots of it! But now I've been home since and just not changing weight. Don't have enough will power to stop grazing along through my weekends. And when my roomie is here she makes me nervous eat cuz she stresses me out. So, today I decided to add a source of maintenance to my life, Weight Watchers. I can go once a week or more often if I need to take myself to a meeting to get back in touch with who and what is most important. ME. I have to do this for my knees and my health and my life in general. Focus focus time for me.
  8. mamapony

    Post poned the 2nd fill-bad choice???

    Well I had lost another 11 lbs after the 1st fill in a month. I sure was surprised, I had been traveling and eating crab, lobster, lots of it! But now I've been home since and just not changing weight. Don't have enough will power to stop grazing along through my weekends. And when my roomie is here she makes me nervous eat cuz she stresses me out. So, today I decided to add a source of maintenance to my life, Weight Watchers. I can go once a week or more often if I need to take myself to a meeting to get back in touch with who and what is most important. ME. I have to do this for my knees and my health and my life in general. Focus focus time for me.
  9. mamapony

    July and counting...

    Got my 2nd fill coming up, and I am now down to 312 from 340, so I am doing ok but still feel I am eating too much and not excercising at all hardly. I feel sorry for myself when the pain in my knee gets so bad just standind up. I have to lose weight before I think of knee replacement, but I can't f#@ kin stand or walk half the time. I want to get motivated and if i feel good I try to do something and then the pain is so intense I am shaking. I weigh myself too often and share nothing about my surgery with anyone, I just can't. I am on my own with this and pleased to be. I will conquer this. I need to be the person I know is in me.
  10. mamapony

    July and counting...

    Got my 2nd fill coming up, and I am now down to 312 from 340, so I am doing ok but still feel I am eating too much and not excercising at all hardly. I feel sorry for myself when the pain in my knee gets so bad just standind up. I have to lose weight before I think of knee replacement, but I can't f#@ kin stand or walk half the time. I want to get motivated and if i feel good I try to do something and then the pain is so intense I am shaking. I weigh myself too often and share nothing about my surgery with anyone, I just can't. I am on my own with this and pleased to be. I will conquer this. I need to be the person I know is in me.
  11. mamapony

    any MAY Banded folks out there ???

    Hi there, I was banded May 7th, 2008 and am doing this 100% for me and on my own. Would be happy to chat and trade info to work together to keep this and us on track. My name is Kim I travel often and the water retention is annoying but does subside eventually. My BP and blood sugar have been better and I was just given the not quite diabetic now info woohoo, great now I just need to get in shape enough to get new knees. Tell me more about you? We can shore up one another as needed.
  12. mamapony

    Into June...

    Well here I am headed past the 1st month, and have had my first fill. It does restrict a lot more, and I am glad. I think I can still eat too much but am losing some so am happy. I use this site to keep me focused. I am so scattered with a lot of business decisions and need this. I have one person that knows I have a band and she is a bit jealous I think. Not my problem, I just did this for me, and I want it to work. I will try to remember the TOPS motto from when I was a teen and dieting from 147 down to 129, never made it... "I am an intelligent person, I will control my emotions and not let my emotions control me. Every time I am tempted to use food to satisfy my frustrated desires, build up my injured ego, or dull my senses I will remember, even though I over eat in private my excess poundage is there for all to see what a fool I've been." I don't want to be a fool, I want to be me. When I am lying on the bed and chatting I feel a thin sexy body, same when I am with my SO, so I know she is in there, and I need to set her free again!
  13. mamapony

    Into June...

    Well here I am headed past the 1st month, and have had my first fill. It does restrict a lot more, and I am glad. I think I can still eat too much but am losing some so am happy. I use this site to keep me focused. I am so scattered with a lot of business decisions and need this. I have one person that knows I have a band and she is a bit jealous I think. Not my problem, I just did this for me, and I want it to work. I will try to remember the TOPS motto from when I was a teen and dieting from 147 down to 129, never made it... "I am an intelligent person, I will control my emotions and not let my emotions control me. Every time I am tempted to use food to satisfy my frustrated desires, build up my injured ego, or dull my senses I will remember, even though I over eat in private my excess poundage is there for all to see what a fool I've been." I don't want to be a fool, I want to be me. When I am lying on the bed and chatting I feel a thin sexy body, same when I am with my SO, so I know she is in there, and I need to set her free again!
  14. mamapony

    Sharing that you're having surgery

    Well technically you are all telling several people. I have told just 1, the friend that I needed to help me for the day of and the day after surgery. No one else, not my kids, or any other friends. I just did it for me and want it to be me that succeeds without anyone keeping me under their diet monitor eye! I will lose it all and I will feel better, and I will walk away from my knee replacements with a great chance to be pain free, thinner, and healthier.
  15. mamapony

    Post-Surgery Check-In

    the 22nd to the 27th should be fine. I went back one the Monday after my May 7th surgery and took a business trip from the 15th to the 18th and all went very well. Good luck!

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