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Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. Like
    SugarSkull reacted to 46w4kds in NOT LOOSING WEIGHT   
    All i can say is stick with it and I promise results will come. I felt so badly for not loosing anything pre-op and first week out of surgery, and then it did happen come the 2nd week. I am only 6weeks po-op and have lost 24lbs now, but if you read about other people's results of losing 40+ lbs in just a few weeks and say why not me? It's because we are not them. Everyone has different start out weights and age makes a difference when it comes to metabolism as well. Keep faith in knowing your turn is next, and stay off the scales. Only weigh yourself once a week and in morning is the best time.
    Good luck on your journey and know your not alone!!!

    Sent from my SM-G928T using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Like
    SugarSkull reacted to sleevedshereen in Greetings from the other side(VSG)   
    The beginning is the roughest. I don't miss it at all. I was miserable after surgery. It was really tough for me. It took me like 3 weeks before I was finally feeling normal again. One month til I was like back to myself completely i'd say. My pain was mostly from my incisions. I couldn't stand up straight and I had to hold my abdomen for a solid 3 weeks to feel support and able to do things. I drank 1-2 Protein Shakes a day, the rest was broth in a coffee mug but I mainly drank Vitamin Water zero and diet snapple to keep me going and sugar free popsicles were my treat. I have gotten so used to vitamin water zero and diet snapple that the regular ones taste sooo sweet now and I don't like them as much.
    You get stronger and stronger each day! Good luck! Walk the gas pain off. I didn't really experience that kind of pain...just literal physical pain from surgery.
    There's going to be days where you cry in regret but once recovery passes, and you start losing weight, you will be so happy!
  3. Like
    SugarSkull reacted to MAYintheD in Greetings from the other side(VSG)   
    Had surgery Tuesday 10/3 came home today 10/4. The gas pain is real guys so is the soreness and nausea, managing pain with narco hope to be off that by Friday. Everything tastes sweet, even Water, can't imagine having to start Protein Shakes tomorrow... one day at a time. Praying for everyone to have safe and effective surgery and full quick recovery.
    Also eyes are super blurry 🙃
  4. Like
    SugarSkull reacted to Angie's_Ocean in Your head never forgets....   
    Ok I'm crying on my work break. Thank you for sharing. It means a lot

  5. Like
    SugarSkull reacted to Meryline in 90+ lbs down - 6 months before and after pictures   
    Finally time for my 6 months before and after pictures.
    I have lost over 90 lbs.
    A week ago I completed a Nordic Walking half marathon.
    I have prevented a second back surgery, and life is pretty good.
    I have under 15 lbs until I have a normal BMI. I started at 42.

  6. Like
    SugarSkull reacted to naturallyzee in What If They Ask?   
    I chose not to tell anyone except the hubby and immediate family. Someone at work asked if I had the surgery. This person is obese. I don't think she was being nosey or rude. I think she just wanted information. I just said I decided to live a healthy life and left it at that. I don't think it's something I need to share with everyone.

    HW 330
    SW 292
    CW 204.2
    GW below 200

  7. Like
    SugarSkull got a reaction from insul817 in Anthem   
    I also have Anthem and was told 6 months. Then about a month to clear me for surgery. Hope you are getting somewhere, insurance is a tough business!
  8. Like
    SugarSkull reacted to sjandj715 in When to start living and stop obsessing over the scale   
    I'm 5'7" My starting weight was 214. My current weight is 149 I am three months post op! I want to encourage anyone reading this that have doubts... this surgery really really does work. Eat right and work out and the weight will come off!!! I'm so thankful

  9. Like
    SugarSkull reacted to Sheralyn2017 in How much did you lose?   
    Hi x
    Just wondering if anyone would be kind enough to share their weight loss during the first month Post Op?
    Thank you
    Sher x
  10. Like
    SugarSkull reacted to Carrie1122 in How much did you lose?   
    The first month oh geez, I think it was around 15 lbs. look for my posts I posted my my inches lost. I think the title is weight vs. inches. 6 months out from surgery I went from a size 18w pant to a 14 junior or 12/14 woman's pant size. Most 14's don't fit. In 3m period I lost 30 lbs. so basically I am averaging a 10 pound weight loss a month. It's slowed down now, and I have been stagnate but I am loosing inches.
  11. Like
    SugarSkull reacted to toby585 in First Steps   
    Well, here we go, started my appointments in order to receive RNY surgery.
    Through the hospital here, I have already gone to an informational meeting, a nutrition seminar, and my first "History and Physical" appointment. Tracking my meals has been easier than I thought, I find myself choosing better options since I have to write it down and I know my nutritionist will see it when I turn in my journal.
    Feeling very motivated right now, but I know that I tend to lose focus on things after a short period of time, so I'm always fighting against that. But at least right now, I feel like I'm on the right track. One step at a time, right?
  12. Like
    SugarSkull reacted to crocodoxie in First Steps   
    Focusing on a short period of time. That's what got me. I had 6 months of appts. The first three months, I was slamming it, doing great, losing...then the "drive" wore down, and as I got closer to surgery (next week), I also got lazy about continuing to write things down. Seriously, i hit a 70 day stride in MyFitnessPal, then went MIA... I have some invisible clock in my head that seems to go about 3 months strong --- so that will be my challenge, to keep going, but hopefully seeing results will make it worth while. I'm back on track now and losing again, whee.
    I wanted to welcome you and wish you luck on your journey. My insurance required 6 months, and while it felt like a long time at first, I was grateful, because it allowed me to make important changes. Hope you'r journey is absolutely top-notch awesome.
  13. Like
    SugarSkull reacted to FindingCarrie in So Many Questions About My Eating Habits At Work   
    I just tell people hat I don't eat that stuff anymore! Seems to suffice. I have told most people about the surgery, but not others. I was just talking to my husband the other night about how I feel like I am being deceptive to people when I don't tell them the whole truth. However, I have decided that when I tell people that I don't eat bread, Pasta, rice or sugar, I am not lying...and it is not easy! When I tell people that I don't drink caffeine anymore, it is the truth...and it is not easy. When I tell people that I get up at 4am to work out before work, and then come home and ride 10 miles on my bike, I am not lying, and...it is not easy! I am 7 months post op, and even though I have had a perfect recovery with no issues, it has not been easy! I am down 68 pounds, and still have 56 to go to my goal. I have to Celebrate that instead of worrying about what others might think, or beating myself up about not telling the whole truth. The truth is that I have changed my eating habits, and I do exercise every day. They stop asking after a while, and I have noticed that they just comment on how great I look now. If they want to speculate on whether or not I am telling the whole truth, then I say let them speculate! I know how hard I am working, and I don't need to explain it to anyone, or feel bad about not sharing all of the details. I got enough to worry about on my own without taking on their baggage. You'll be fine Redo2017! Just hang in there and let them talk! It does get easier, and you will be eating more normal very soon. You will just eat less, which aligns with telling people that you are watching your Portion Control.

  14. Like
    SugarSkull reacted to Redo2017 in So Many Questions About My Eating Habits At Work   
    I agree with you. I committed long ago to not telling because I do not want my medical and weight issues to be topic of conversation in my place of work. To me, that is inappropriate and intrusive.

  15. Like
    SugarSkull reacted to 2ndSpring in So Many Questions About My Eating Habits At Work   
    To tell or not to tell... this is such a hotly debated topic and there are valid reasons for both. In the end, do whatever makes you most comfortable and makes your life easier.
    I chose not to tell. I'm very proud of my decision to have WLS but I have low patience for BS. I love a spirited debate and don't mind a difference of opinion, but most people are uninformed about obesity and WLS and carry some serious prejudices. I don't want to hear anyone's uneducated comments, no matter how well intentioned they are - or worse, get watched like a hawk. I don't want that kind of irritation in my life.
    I told everyone that I was following a doctor supervised liquid diet for a few weeks (like medifast). It helped answer the rapid weight loss questions too.
  16. Like
    SugarSkull reacted to tahunte in Any good protein shakes ?   
    Look at Trim Healthy Mama recipes on Pinterest.

    Sent from my LGLS992 using BariatricPal mobile app

  17. Like
    SugarSkull reacted to Ready4theday in Pre-Operation Gastric Bypass   
    I've been wondering the same thing! I need to exercise during my pre-op diet, but will I have any energy to do it? I'm worried that I'll be so fatigued that I won't be able to exercise.
  18. Like
    SugarSkull got a reaction from Ready4theday in Pre-Operation Gastric Bypass   
    I realize we are making lifestyle changes, but it seems like in those first couple of weeks you won't be able to do anything since you will be concentrating on the Protein Shakes and liquid intake. Do you find that you can actually do things, walk, be productive? Or is it more resting all the time?
  19. Like
    SugarSkull reacted to BgR72 in 16 lbs lost before my pre op diet begins..   
    I got to tell you. I would have never guessed that I would lose weight before my pre op diet. The last time I lost 16lbs was nearly 3 years ago! I have been battling weight issues from just being overweight to being obese for years. When I made up my mind to enter into this bariatric program I also made up my mind to work it & relearn how to look at food. It is a process. Nutrition class was such a great wake up call & how to open my mind to change. My surgeon always reminds me to keep my weight down in my last couple of visits. It never clicked that I was free to start my own pre op diet before my actual pre op diet. My pre op diet officially starts July 3 & my surgery is July 17. So, my reason for this testimony is that you can start to cut back before your pre op diet. You can start to lose weight before your pre op diet(even if your doctor doesnt give you a number of how much weight to lose). I prayed to God for strength. I know God wants me healthy so I can live longer to be a blessing to others. I myself want to be a healthier person. If you know you could benefit from cutting back before your pre op diet ... Try it.

  20. Like
    SugarSkull reacted to ColleenErin1974 in Pre-Operation Gastric Bypass   
    I'm 2 1/2 weeks post op here. It is not easy to get in your Water and Protein every day, but you have to be vigilant about it. What I do is keep a Premier Protein shake and a bottle of water in front of me all the time. I set a timer on my phone for every 15 minutes. I have a 1 ounce shot glass I fill every 15 minutes alternating water and shake. I fill the glass and sip constantly for 15 minutes. It works, but it gets tedious.
    My Vitamins are chewable and I take them 2-3 times a day. They are easy to get down and I just wait 5 minutes after having them to sip again.
    You'll get in your own groove once you get used to it. It's hard, but feasible.
    I'm now at 2 ounces an hour and it's becoming easier every day.
    Good luck to you! Let me know how you are doing! Feel free to pm me!
  21. Like
    SugarSkull reacted to catwoman7 in How much time have you taken off work?   
    I was approved for three weeks and took it - but I probably could have gone back in 10 days to two weeks. Two weeks is a good amount.
  22. Like
    SugarSkull reacted to RedOrangeSunrise in Mainers- advice please!!   
    Life-long Maine-iac here. I agree with all of the above. We don't know some of our neighbor's names, and we're good with that, but we'd dig them out of a snowbank if needed. I wouldn't live anywhere else, but I tend to enjoy having more trees than people around. Lots of beautiful nature to be enjoyed. We also have way more than four seasons. For example, there's mud season, then what most people would consider spring, followed by construction season and summer. Oh, and prior to mud season, there's a battle of epic proportions between winter weather and warmer temperatures. Most Mainers will wear a T-shirt when it gets above 30-degrees (this is how you can tell state kids from out of state kids on any UMaine campus). You'll want a vehicle with decent tires. I've always liked a Subaru, myself. Books: there's no shortage of used book stores. We have loooong winters. Take Vitamin D! I do 5,000 units a day, year round (my doctor said if I didn't, she'd order an expensive blood test to prove I was Vitamin D deficient, I believed her). Maine people are sort of like horses in that you don't want to come on too strong or change anything too quickly, we're generally suspicious of it and of anyone we don't know (people "from away"). Shared work is something Mainers are pretty good at, that and bon-fires. We do like to burn huge piles of brush as this and bean suppers are the basis for most social gatherings around here. Oh, and we can drive on three inches of glare ice, but often struggle with turn signals and multiple lanes of traffic, be patient and for goodness sake, don't tailgate (the vast majority of Mainers take this as a personal affront, really). Best of luck to you and your family on the big move!
  23. Like
    SugarSkull reacted to Nmelo723 in UPDATE: Almost 24hrs post op   
    I got out of surgery at 11am. Woke up around 1-2 in so much pain. Had tons of back pain cause of the oxygen. My voice was raspy cause of the intubation. Stomach hard and swollen as a ball. I questioned my decision to every nurse and Dr I saw. They gave me Morphine in a machine which I press the button and it gives me morphine every 15mins. Feeling much better now. I started walking around 9pm when the anasthesia was wearing off. Was dizzy but I made It through. Finished phase 1: liquids yesterday. Today I start stage 2: Protein Shakes started peeing soon after I started walking. I was retaining all my urine after that first pee. Decided to walk more now I am a non stop pissing machine lol. Only problems I'm having now are gas pains. In which I'm taking gas x for. Having passed gas yet but hopefully I will this AM so I can go home tonight. They brought me all liquids at 8; SF Jello, water bottle, Veggie broth, green tea. 3 sips of broth and I was full. (Such an amazing feeling since I still don't believe I had the bypass done, so bittersweet)
    Now trying to figure out how to pass gas ️
    HT: 5'6"
    HW: 251lb -1/25/17
    SW: 230lb -7/19/17
    GW: 140lb

  24. Like
    SugarSkull reacted to The in Bypass Eve   
    I'm heading for the hospital in the morning. I have to admit I'm incredibly nervous. Being postponed by two weeks has shaken me and I occasionally think the worst.
    That said if things go well, and of course the odds are they will, I feel fired up and ready. The pre-op diet has been brilliant. The postponement meant I've been on it for four weeks and I've lost 30-odd pounds. I started a couple of weeks early and have never deviated and hardly craved - I think my head's in the right place.
    That said the anxiety is exhausting - I want to get to sleep, get in there and move on to the next stage of my journey.
  25. Like
    SugarSkull reacted to jess9395 in Anthem   
    Not all anthem blue cross are the same different employers or marketplace plans cover different things even if they are all anthem blue cross, and any employer or group can specifically exclude weight loss surgery or have their own pre op requirement.

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