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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    Bougie21 got a reaction from GBLady41 in WLS Blog - Daily Updates...Laughs, Tears, TMI!!   
    I never said it wasn't. You mentioned that you felt bypass was for people who had alot of illness if I understood your post. I just specified that I didn't have all the illnesses that most have. I don't know you but you seem so hell bent on trying to check people are put people in their places when it's not called for. My post was encouraging to everyone not for anyone to try to find something to try and make a person feel bad about it. You made a lot of comments and I'm making mind. As I said i am not knocking either and we all share a common goal which is to be smaller. I hope your journey is going well and have a Awesome week.
  2. Like
    Bougie21 got a reaction from AHappierMe in WLS Blog - Daily Updates...Laughs, Tears, TMI!!   
    Well I had the bypass on June 26th. I was only 242 and is now 222. The comment about it being for more people with illness is incorrect I feel. My ONLY issue was that I suffered from GERD.No diabetes, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, thyroid, varicose veins, etc. My Dr recommended that I had the bypass to cure the GERD which I have not suffered with anymore. I honestly feel the choice is based on you and what your Dr recommends. Everyone body heals differently so that's the tell tale side of it. I've heard issues from both bypass and sleeve patients but I wouldn't knock 1 of the other. At the end of the day you have to be happy with your choice and learn to adopt to your new digestive system and stomach. We all share a common goal so lets be encouraging about it. I'm struggling with it emotionally but this is just 5 weeks for me and im sure it will get better. I truly wish everyone many blessing on their journey and can't wait to hear how you and your husband are doing post op! !!!

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    Bougie21 got a reaction from leonelbreton in Before and After My Bariatric Surgery   
    You look amazing! Great job and you are handsome now and was before surgery!
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    Bougie21 got a reaction from erica2185 in 10 wks post rny 54 pounds down!! Starting to see s diffrence   
    You look amazing. In 10 weeks you have lost a lot. Tomorrow I will be at 6 weeks and is only 21 pounds down!
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    Bougie21 reacted to erica2185 in 10 wks post rny 54 pounds down!! Starting to see s diffrence   
    Sent from my HTC Desire 530 using BariatricPal mobile app
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    Bougie21 got a reaction from Dashofpixiedust8 in How are people affording all these plastics???   
    LOL you can adopt me and help me with my Tummy Tuck lol!!!!
  7. Like
    Bougie21 got a reaction from AHappierMe in WLS Blog - Daily Updates...Laughs, Tears, TMI!!   
    Well I had the bypass on June 26th. I was only 242 and is now 222. The comment about it being for more people with illness is incorrect I feel. My ONLY issue was that I suffered from GERD.No diabetes, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, thyroid, varicose veins, etc. My Dr recommended that I had the bypass to cure the GERD which I have not suffered with anymore. I honestly feel the choice is based on you and what your Dr recommends. Everyone body heals differently so that's the tell tale side of it. I've heard issues from both bypass and sleeve patients but I wouldn't knock 1 of the other. At the end of the day you have to be happy with your choice and learn to adopt to your new digestive system and stomach. We all share a common goal so lets be encouraging about it. I'm struggling with it emotionally but this is just 5 weeks for me and im sure it will get better. I truly wish everyone many blessing on their journey and can't wait to hear how you and your husband are doing post op! !!!

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    Bougie21 reacted to Berry78 in WLS Blog - Daily Updates...Laughs, Tears, TMI!!   
    GERD IS an illness.

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    Bougie21 got a reaction from Missy161 in Weight Loss Notice   
    Hi Everyone. This is me today in the pink skirt. In the orange dress, that was May 27th. Had surgery June 26th...20 pounds down

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    Bougie21 reacted to JohnnyCakes in WLS Blog - Daily Updates...Laughs, Tears, TMI!!   
    more scare stories! awesome!
    your experience is very peculiar, as the last support group i went to, most long-term RNYers talked about how they are able to eat a full plate of food, and that the danger of the surgery is that you can eat TOO normally after a few years. because of which, a couple were struggling with weight regain. but most were extremely happy and eager to advise us newbies.
    at least your sleeve-aganda angle is different. most sleevers talk about how they lose just as much weight as RNYers. yet you are saying RNYers get "sickly looking" whereas sleevers like you turn out just perfect! how convenient!
    please, just stop.
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    Bougie21 reacted to AHappierMe in WLS Blog - Daily Updates...Laughs, Tears, TMI!!   
    ::Deep breath:: Hello? ::tap tap:: Anyone here?
    How are you? I am fine-ish. I mean, I feel fine and I look fine but something is still holding my happiness back.
    Actually, if I am being honest, I am not fine. I am scared, anxious, worried, afraid, concerned, freaked out but dedicated to doing this surgery.
    I am scared because both of my parents have had gastric bypass surgery and have had life long effects that are most likely attributed to the surgery (vomiting, dehydration, shitting themselves to death, Constipation, Vitamin deficiency, neuropathy). I am anxious because I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder and, though treated and kept in check, my anxiety knob still gets turned to 11 when I am faced with a huge changes. I am afraid of permanently ruining my body and life through this surgery in an attempt to lose 60 pounds (the same 60 pounds I have lost and gained many, many times). I am concerned about not being able to live with the changes because I am "addicted" to fast food (not really, but I do enjoy eating all things fried and fatty, possibly more than the next person). I am freaked out because this will be the biggest change (besides having my amazingly perfect son) in my life.
    But, I am dedicated to this surgery because of so many reasons. Some of these reasons may seem petty and unimportant but - to me - they all encompass my WHY!! Oh, so cliche, but important to remember. Perhaps I should be playing some kind of slow, emotional music as I write this to make it even more dramatically sad and moving. Please think of your favorite emotion driven sound track during the below paragraph. Ready? Ok...I can wait while you think of one...
    Ok, here goes my WHY list: live for as long as I can with my son and husband, get fully healthy, look fantastic in photos from nearly every angle, stop back/side cramps whenever I stretch, remove bra extender for good, wear my wedding ring again, wear my wedding dress (size 4), wipe my butt without straining, wear high heels again, no more double chin, look sexy and beautiful, have sex again, stop taking pills (metformin, thyroid med), wear a bathing suit, look younger or at least my age (33), 'fit in' with the MILFs, wear yoga pants and not feel stupid, wear clothes that are stylish, have my outside match my inside. <end emotional music here>
    But who am I? Who is AHappierMe - that is the burning question, right? (ok, just pretend it is a burning question and not a UTI):
    Real Name: Amber
    Sex: Female
    Age: 33
    Turn Ons: extra money, exotic vacations, Italian accents <--Ooops, sorry, that went to an awkward place.
    Medical Issues: Reoccurring Pregnancy Loss (6 miscarriages), PCOS, Hypothyroidism, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Generalized Anxiety Disorder (most likely caused or influenced by the repeated pregnancy losses).
    Weight Loss Attempts: Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Low Carb / No Cab, South Beach Diet, Cabbage Diet, Fasting, Low/No/Negative Calorie, juice fast, Slim Quick, Sim Fast, Protein Shakes, measuring food constantly, trying to trick myself into think I could be anorexic (no kidding - it worked for about 4 days then I realized that I couldn't give myself an eating disorder and binged like there was no tomorrow), intermittent fasting, fad diets and diet pills.
    Highest Weight: 200 (after having son)
    Lowest Adult Weight: 122 (aged 22, when I got married)
    Current Weight: 180
    Goal Weight: 120
    Height: Too Damn short for my weight! ::Audience goes WILD:: Ok, it is 4'll.
    Lastly, my husband is currently in the process of getting the bypass done too and should have surgery in late August. I am INSANELY excited for him. He is 6'0, 350 pounds and is very much ready for this change. My consultation appointment is August 18 but I have already passed the requirement of getting the surgery. I wish time would move faster but I must wait 3 months after my husband's surgery to have mine. In the meantime, I will be updating at least daily on this same topic. I will be updating about my husband's progress and my progress through this journey.
    Here is a quote to wrap up this post: "Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end" - Robin Sharma (don't worry, I didn't know him either. Apparently he is a Canadian motivational speaker)
  12. Like
    Bougie21 reacted to chary977 in Not loosing!   
    I had my surgery 7 weeks ago and I have lost 20 pounds but it seemed like a struggle to lose that much. I lost 67 on my own before my surgery & I was happy with what I was seeing on the scale but since the surgery I will lose 2 pounds one day then maybe 1 pound two days later, after that I might go a whole week and no weight lose. I try to exercise 5-6 days a week. I walk, ride the bike, elliptical & some weight training. I try to watch my calorie & carb intake & I don't eat more than 800 calories. Why I don't have the big weight loss like others?

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    Bougie21 reacted to Sherrie Scharbrough in 4th WLS procedure coming up this week!!! No judgement!   
    My queston is this, have you had the same Surgeon with all of your WLS? Just curious. Man that is a lot of surgery's. Good Luck, I hope you both get the results that you want!!
  14. Like
    Bougie21 reacted to feliciadawn in Black Forest smoothie   
    Dawg? Really? Jesus. Actually the calorie count is more like 350 and it's a Meal Replacement for pre or post surgery when you can't eat. Get over yourself.

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    Bougie21 reacted to feliciadawn in Black Forest smoothie   
    This is a recipe I created based on a mocha I used to love when I lived in Oregon.
    1 cup frozen cherries
    2 cups milk (whatever kind you like)
    1 Tbsp cocoa powder
    1/2 cup coffee to taste (I like a strong coffee flavor) or 1 tsp instant coffee granules
    1 tsp amaretto coffee creamer or flavoring(more if you like it sweeter)
    1 scoop Protein Powder
    Blend and enjoy!
  16. Like
    Bougie21 got a reaction from Missy161 in Weight Loss Notice   
    Hi Everyone. This is me today in the pink skirt. In the orange dress, that was May 27th. Had surgery June 26th...20 pounds down

  17. Like
    Bougie21 got a reaction from Missy161 in Weight Loss Notice   
    Hi Everyone. This is me today in the pink skirt. In the orange dress, that was May 27th. Had surgery June 26th...20 pounds down

  18. Like
    Bougie21 got a reaction from Missy161 in Weight Loss Notice   
    Hi Everyone. This is me today in the pink skirt. In the orange dress, that was May 27th. Had surgery June 26th...20 pounds down

  19. Like
    Bougie21 got a reaction from Missy161 in Weight Loss Notice   
    That is amazing. CONGRATULATIONS on your weight loss. Can't wait to share with you all when I am down that much weight
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    Bougie21 got a reaction from Missy161 in Weight Loss Notice   
    Yes maybe that is what I am going through with seeing me as the overweight person for so long. I can't hold out a year without pics lol. I am hoping to get about 65 more pounds off and then i will be at my goal weight. How much more do you want to loose within a year? I pray it works out and im happy for your progress
  21. Like
    Bougie21 got a reaction from Jamocoa in Weight Loss Notice   
    Hi. Thank you for sharing. Im glad to know that its not just me. People keep telling me that after 10 pounds I should have noticed a difference but I don't. Only difference i see is my face slimming down. I guess I had 19 pounds of fat in my face lol !
  22. Like
    Bougie21 got a reaction from Missy161 in Weight Loss Notice   
    Thank you for the encouragement. I'm so ready to be where you are. I'm happy your knees have improved too. I know that's a blessing in itself!!!
  23. Like
    Bougie21 got a reaction from Jamocoa in Weight Loss Notice   
    Yesssss that is definitely me. Still wearing size 16. I was so worried about rapid weight loss but that's not the case even though I am happy that within 4 weeks I am down 19 pounds. I guess for me I am ready to be happy about the surgery because thus far I am not. I am struggling so hard emotionally and mentally about the surgery now. Seems everything is hard for me. I don't have energy however. That's a big issue for me. I'm always tired and have no energy or motivation to do anything but hopefully all this turn around.
  24. Like
    Bougie21 got a reaction from Jamocoa in Weight Loss Notice   
    Hi. Thank you for sharing. Im glad to know that its not just me. People keep telling me that after 10 pounds I should have noticed a difference but I don't. Only difference i see is my face slimming down. I guess I had 19 pounds of fat in my face lol !
  25. Like
    Bougie21 got a reaction from nomorefattypatty in Weight Loss Notice   
    CONGRATULATIONS and tell him to stop that!!! You don't look like a Booble Head. I'm ready to be where you are so I can see it. This journey has been a hard 1 thus far but it's only 4 weeks old so I guess I have to develop some patience. This is me now

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